95 resultados para Prosperidade
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Um tradicional desafio das finanças públicas no Brasil ainda persiste: a taxa de investimento governamental prossegue em um patamar muito baixo, em termos históricos e comparada com a de outros países, em que pese o País tenha passado a ostentar das maiores cargas tributárias globais e também do volume total de gastos públicos entre as economias emergentes. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta análise é avaliar de que maneira reformas nas finanças públicas impactaram os indicadores e a política macroeconômica, com destaque para o crescimento potencial e investimentos fixos. No Brasil, as reformas institucionais historicamente se constituíram como reações às crises, logo, perderam ímpeto depois da virada dos século quando se atravessou o período mais longo de prosperidade econômica na América Latina puxado pelo boom das comoditties. Nem mesmo a crise financeira global levou aretomada de um ciclo de reformas no Brasil que optou por concentrar as atenções no crédito e o avalancar via endividamento público. O cenário atual passou a ser marcado pelo produto estagnado e por inflação crescente. A experiência brasileira não é animadora para os propósitos de vincular reformas institucionais, investimentos públicos e crescimento econômico.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
A AMAZÔNIA está entrando em uma era de rápidas mudanças impulsionadas pela previsão de asfaltamento de rodovias que estimularão a expansão da fronteira agrícola e de exploração madeireira. O declínio do custo de transporte tem importantes implicações para a biodiversidade, emissão de gases que contribuem para o efeito estufa e prosperidade da sociedade da Amazônia a longo prazo. Para analisar esse contexto, foi desenvolvido um modelo de simulação de desmatamento na bacia Amazônica, sensível a diferentes cenários de políticas públicas frente à expansão da infra-estrutura de transporte pela região. Resultados do modelo indicam que, dentro de um cenário pessimista, o desmatamento projetado pode eliminar, até meados deste século, 40% dos atuais 5,4 milhões de km2 de florestas da Amazônia, liberando o equivalente a 32 Pg (109 toneladas) de carbono para atmosfera. A modelagem de cenários alternativos aponta que a expansão de uma rede de áreas protegidas, efetivamente implementadas, poderia reduzir em até 1/3 as perdas florestais projetadas. Contudo, outras medidas de conservação são ainda necessárias para se manter a integridade funcional das paisagens e bacias hidrográficas amazônicas. Atuais experimentos em conservação florestal em propriedades privadas, mercados de serviços ambientais e zoneamento agro-ecológico devem ser refinados e multiplicados a fim de se buscar uma conservação extensiva.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introduction: Innovation and its processes, especially in the field of technology, are a focus of Information Science as a science of Human, as they determine the establishment of new habits, relevant socio-cultural indicators to understanding the history of cultures. Objective: This article reflects on the problematic: whether and how Information and Communication Technologies have impacted the lives of digital natives, whether the average individual is prepared to conscientiously experience the technological environment, how the current system can prepare future generations of professionals, and how the adults who grew up in the twentieth century, in an analogue society can prepare young people for a twenty-first century digital reality, widely different from theirs. Methodology: This paper was based on Literature Review. Results: As the sophistication of technology advances, society has to continually review the way it appropriates information to adjust to these changes. Conclusions: As for relevance of the methodologies that lead to innovative disruptive actions in hybrid realities such as the Brazilian one, with niches of poverty and prosperity, it is believed that it is in poor countries or countries with significant social differences such as Brazil where the need for a change of socio technocultural paradigm and innovative action urge to take place.
Blood is one of the most important and powerful elements in magical and religious symbology. As it is an essential substance for animal survival, it does not sound strange that through the ages blood has been given many significant symbolic values (both positive and negative). It can provide life, protection and prosperity in the same proportion that it can cause calamities, destruction and even death. In Opus agriculturae, a farming treatise written by Palladius (V AD), more specifically in Book I, Chapter 35, the author presents prescriptions to protect farms against scourges and climatic phenomena. He mentions some procedures in which blood is a fundamental component in the success of the prescriptions. The aim of the present article is to identify any magic power associated with these practices, their specific symbolic value, especially when related to menstrual blood and to other feminine elements with some magical or religious value. An evaluation is also made of the extent of these symbologies in the context of other practices and situations linked not only to agricultural magic, but to religion and to the ritual practices of other communities, whether in ancient times or not.
Blood is one of the most important and powerful elements in magical and religious symbology. As it is an essential substance for animal survival, it does not sound strange that through the ages blood has been given many significant symbolic values (both positive and negative). It can provide life, protection and prosperity in the same proportion that it can cause calamities, destruction and even death. In Opus agriculturae, a farming treatise written by Palladius (V AD), more specifically in Book I, Chapter 35, the author presents prescriptions to protect farms against scourges and climatic phenomena. He mentions some procedures in which blood is a fundamental component in the success of the prescriptions. The aim of the present article is to identify any magic power associated with these practices, their specific symbolic value, especially when related to menstrual blood and to other feminine elements with some magical or religious value. An evaluation is also made of the extent of these symbologies in the context of other practices and situations linked not only to agricultural magic, but to religion and to the ritual practices of other communities, whether in ancient times or not.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
The Folha Universal, newspaper produced by the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (Iurd, abbreviation in Portuguese for Universal Church of the Kingdom of God), reaches an average weekly circulation from 2.5 to 3.5 million copies. Studies indicate that the Folha Universal is not merely an institutional newspaper. It is systematically dedicated to be a source of political information to their readers, in order to publicize candidates and politicians who defend the Iurd’s proposals for the Brazilian public life. This paper describes results of an empirical study on the frames built by the Folha Universal about the social demands, economic and political governance considered as priorities to the public management by the Iurd around five themes of analysis: public safety; children and adolescents care; public health; environment; politics and economy. The results indicate that, as characteristics of the Folha Universal in the four months prior to the 2010 Brazilian elections, aspects that differ from those indicated by previous studies on the newspaper. Previously detected in the pages of Folha Universal as a mean for finding solutions to social problems, the theology of prosperity was in our sample replaced by the formulation of public policies.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE