934 resultados para Projective-planes


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We define a category of quasi-coherent sheaves of topological spaces on projective toric varieties and prove a splitting result for its algebraic K-theory, generalising earlier results for projective spaces. The splitting is expressed in terms of the number of interior lattice points of dilations of a polytope associated to the variety. The proof uses combinatorial and geometrical results on polytopal complexes. The same methods also give an elementary explicit calculation of the cohomology groups of a projective toric variety over any commutative ring.


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Planar metarnaterial Surfaces with negative reflection phase values are proposed as ground planes in a high-gain resonant cavity antenna configuration. The antenna is formed by the metarnaterial ground plane (MGP) and a superimposed metallodielectric electromagnetic band gap (MEBG) array that acts as a partially reflective surface (PRS). A single dipole positioned between the PRS and the ground IS utilised as the excitation. Ray analysis is employed to describe the functioning of the antennas and to qualitatively predict the effect of the MGP oil the antenna performance. By employing MGPs with negative reflection phase values, the planar antenna profile is reduced to subwavelength values (less than lambda/6) whilst maintaining high directivity. Full-wave simulations have been carried out with commercially available software (Microstripes (TM)). The effect of the finite PRS size on the antenna radiation performance (directivity and sidelobe level) is studied. A prototype has been fabricated and tested experimentally in order to validate the predictions.


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An investigation into customer loyalty to food retailers posed a methodological problem namely how to delve beneath the surface and access consumers' unspoken feelings, perceptions, attitudes and values. This paper explains how four different projective techniques were used to access the thoughts and feelings of 160 interviewees in order to obtain a thorough understanding of the interviewees' satisfaction with their 'main' food retailer and to characterize the relationship between the customer and retailer. A brief description of the use, analysis and examples of cartoon friends, word association, personification and mini case studies was provided in order to describe their role in the data collection process.


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Suppose X is a projective toric scheme defined over a ring R and equipped with an ample line bundle L . We prove that its K-theory has a direct summand of the form K(R)(k+1) where k = 0 is minimal such that L?(-k-1) is not acyclic. Using a combinatorial description of quasi-coherent sheaves we interpret and prove this result for a ring R which is either commutative, or else left noetherian.


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We define and prove the existence of free Banach lattices in the category of Banach lattices and contractive lattice homomorphisms, and establish some of their fundamental properties. We give much more detailed results about their structure in the case when there are only a finite number of generators, and give several Banach lattice characterizations of the number of generators being, respectively, one, finite or countable. We define a Banach lattice P to be projective if, whenever X is a Banach lattice, J is a closed ideal in X, Q : X → X/J is the quotient map, T: P → X/J is a linear lattice homomorphism and ε > 0, there exists a linear lattice homomorphism : P → X such thatT = Q º and ∥∥ ≤ (1 + ε)∥T∥. We establish the connection between projective Banach lattices and free Banach lattices, describe several families of Banach lattices that are projective and prove that some are not.


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We analyze the nature of the statistics of the work done on or by a quantum many-body system brought out of equilibrium. We show that, for the sudden quench and for an initial state that commutes with the initial Hamiltonian, it is possible to retrieve the whole nonequilibrium thermodynamics via single projective measurements of observables. We highlight, in a physically clear way, the qualitative implications for the statistics of work coming from considering processes described by operators that either commute or do not commute with the unperturbed Hamiltonian of a given system. We consider a quantum many-body system and derive an expression that allows us to give a physical interpretation, for a thermal initial state, to all of the cumulants of the work in the case of quenched operators commuting with the unperturbed Hamiltonian. In the commuting case, the observables that we need to measure have an intuitive physical meaning. Conversely, in the noncommuting case, we show that, although it is possible to operate fully within the single-measurement framework irrespectively of the size of the quench, some difficulties are faced in providing a clear-cut physical interpretation to the cumulants. This circumstance makes the study of the physics of the system nontrivial and highlights the nonintuitive phenomenology of the emergence of thermodynamics from the fully quantum microscopic description. We illustrate our ideas with the example of the Ising model in a transverse field showing the interesting behavior of the high-order statistical moments of the work distribution for a generic thermal state and linking them to the critical nature of the model itself.


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We present an algebro-geometric approach to a theorem on finite domination of chain complexes over a Laurent polynomial ring. The approach uses extension of chain complexes to sheaves on the projective line, which is governed by a K-theoretical obstruction.


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A rich model based motion vector steganalysis benefiting from both temporal and spatial correlations of motion vectors is proposed in this work. The proposed steganalysis method has a substantially superior detection accuracy than the previous methods, even the targeted ones. The improvement in detection accuracy lies in several novel approaches introduced in this work. Firstly, it is shown that there is a strong correlation, not only spatially but also temporally, among neighbouring motion vectors for longer distances. Therefore, temporal motion vector dependency along side the spatial dependency is utilized for rigorous motion vector steganalysis. Secondly, unlike the filters previously used, which were heuristically designed against a specific motion vector steganography, a diverse set of many filters which can capture aberrations introduced by various motion vector steganography methods is used. The variety and also the number of the filter kernels are substantially more than that of used in previous ones. Besides that, filters up to fifth order are employed whereas the previous methods use at most second order filters. As a result of these, the proposed system captures various decorrelations in a wide spatio-temporal range and provides a better cover model. The proposed method is tested against the most prominent motion vector steganalysis and steganography methods. To the best knowledge of the authors, the experiments section has the most comprehensive tests in motion vector steganalysis field including five stego and seven steganalysis methods. Test results show that the proposed method yields around 20% detection accuracy increase in low payloads and 5% in higher payloads.