965 resultados para Process optimization
This thesis Entitled Marine actinomycetes as source of antimicrobial compounds and as probiotics and single cell protein for application in penaeid peawn culture systems. Ocean harbours more than 80% of all life on earth and remains our greatest untapped natural resource. The study revealed the potential of marine actinomycetes as a source of antimicrobial compounds. The selected streptomycetes were found to be capable of inhibiting most of the pathogenic vibrios, whichis a major problem both in hatcheries and grow out systems. The bioactive principle can be incorporated with commercial feeds and applied as medicated diet for the control of vibrios in culture systems.The hydrolytic potential inhibitory property against pathogens and non—pathogenicity to penaeid prawns make the selected Streptomycesspp.an effective probioic in aquaculture. Since there is considerably less inhibition to the natural in pond ecosystem the microbial diversityis being maintained and thereby the water quality. Actinomycetes was found to be a good source of single cell protein as an ingredient inaquaculture feed formulations. Large amount of mycelial waste (actinomycete biomassO is produced from antibiotic industries and this nutrient rich waste can be effectively used as a protein source in aquaculture feeds.This study reveals the importance of marine actinomycetes as a source of antimicrobial compounds and as a probiotic and single cell protein for aquaculture applications.
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Einführung komplexer Softwaresysteme, die, bestehend aus einer Kombination aus parametrisierter Standardsoftware gepaart mit Wettbewerbsvorteil sichernden Individualsoftwarekomponenten, keine Software-Engineering-Projekte im klassischen Sinn mehr darstellen, sondern einer strategieorientierten Gestaltung von Geschäftsprozessen und deren Implementierung in Softwaresystemen bedürfen. Die Problemstellung einer adäquaten Abwägung zwischen TCO-optimierender Einführung und einer gleichzeitigen vollständigen Unterstützung der kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren des Unternehmens ist hierbei von besonderer Bedeutung. Der Einsatz integrierter betriebswirtschaftlicher Standardsoftware, mit den Möglichkeiten einer TCO-Senkung, jedoch ebenfalls der Gefahr eines Verlustes von Alleinstellungsmerkmalen am Markt durch Vereinheitlichungstendenzen, stellt ein in Einführungsprojekten wesentliches zu lösendes Problem dar, um Suboptima zu vermeiden. Die Verwendung von Vorgehensmodellen, die sich oftmals an klassischen Softwareentwicklungsprojekten orientieren oder vereinfachte Phasenmodelle für das Projektmanagement darstellen, bedingt eine fehlende Situationsadäquanz in den Detailsituationen der Teilprojekte eines komplexen Einführungsprojektes. Das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte generische Vorgehensmodell zur strategieorientierten und partizipativen Einführung komplexer Softwaresysteme im betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendungsbereich macht - aufgrund der besonders herausgearbeiteten Ansätze zu einer strategieorientierten Einführung, respektive Entwicklung derartiger Systeme sowie aufgrund der situationsadäquaten Vorgehensstrategien im Rahmen der Teilprojektorganisation � ein Softwareeinführungsprojekt zu einem Wettbewerbsfaktor stärkenden, strategischen Element im Unternehmen. Die in der Dissertation diskutierten Überlegungen lassen eine Vorgehensweise präferieren, die eine enge Verschmelzung des Projektes zur Organisationsoptimierung mit dem Softwareimplementierungsprozess impliziert. Eine Priorisierung der Geschäftsprozesse mit dem Ziel, zum einen bei Prozessen mit hoher wettbewerbsseitiger Priorität ein organisatorisches Suboptimum zu vermeiden und zum anderen trotzdem den organisatorischen Gestaltungs- und den Systemimplementierungsprozess schnell und ressourcenschonend durchzuführen, ist ein wesentliches Ergebnis der Ausarbeitungen. Zusätzlich führt die Ausgrenzung weiterer Prozesse vom Einführungsvorgang zunächst zu einem Produktivsystem, welches das Unternehmen in den wesentlichen Punkten abdeckt, das aber ebenso in späteren Projektschritten zu einem System erweitert werden kann, welches eine umfassende Funktionalität besitzt. Hieraus ergeben sich Möglichkeiten, strategischen Anforderungen an ein modernes Informationssystem, das die kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren eines Unternehmens konsequent unterstützen muss, gerecht zu werden und gleichzeitig ein so weit als möglich ressourcenschonendes, weil die Kostenreduktionsaspekte einer Standardlösung nutzend, Projekt durchzuführen. Ein weiterer wesentlicher Aspekt ist die situationsadäquate Modellinstanziierung, also die projektspezifische Anpassung des Vorgehensmodells sowie die situationsadäquate Wahl der Vorgehensweisen in Teilprojekten und dadurch Nutzung der Vorteile der verschiedenen Vorgehensstrategien beim konkreten Projektmanagement. Der Notwendigkeit der Entwicklung einer Projektorganisation für prototypingorientiertes Vorgehen wird in diesem Zusammenhang ebenfalls Rechnung getragen. Die Notwendigkeit der Unternehmen, sich einerseits mit starken Differenzierungspotenzialen am Markt hervorzuheben und andererseits bei ständig sinkenden Margen einer Kostenoptimierung nachzukommen, lässt auch in Zukunft das entwickelte Modell als erfolgreich erscheinen. Hinzu kommt die Tendenz zu Best-Of-Breed-Ansätzen und komponentenbasierten Systemen im Rahmen der Softwareauswahl, die eine ausgesprochen differenzierte Vorgehensweise in Projekten verstärkt notwendig machen wird. Durch die in das entwickelte Modell integrierten Prototyping-Ansätze wird der auch in Zukunft an Bedeutung gewinnenden Notwendigkeit der Anwenderintegration Rechnung getragen.
La optimización y armonización son factores clave para tener un buen desempeño en la industria química. BASF ha desarrollado un proyecto llamada acelerador. El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido la armonización y la integración de los procesos de la cadena de suministro a nivel mundial. El proceso básico de manejo de inventarios se quedó fuera del proyecto y debía ser analizado. El departamento de manejo de inventarios en BASF SE ha estado desarrollando su propia estrategia para la definición de procesos globales de manufactura. En este trabajo se presentará un informe de las fases de la formulación de la estrategia y establecer algunas pautas para la fase de implementación que está teniendo lugar en 2012 y 2013.
La creciente preocupación y concienciación de la sociedad respecto el medio ambiente, y en consecuencia la legislación y regulaciones generadas inducen a la modificación de los procesos productivos existentes en la industria química. Las configuraciones iniciales deben modificarse para conseguir una mayor integración de procesos. Para este fin se han creado y desarrollado diferentes metodologías que deben facilitar la tarea a los responsables del rediseño. El desarrollo de una metodología y herramientas complementarias es el principal objetivo de la investigación aquí presentada, especialmente centrada en el desarrollo y la aplicación de una metodología de optimización de procesos. Esta metodología de optimización se aplica sobre configuraciones de proceso existentes y pretende encontrar nuevas configuraciones viables según los objetivos de optimización fijados. La metodología tiene dos partes diferenciadas: la primera se basa en un simulador de procesos comercial y la segunda es la técnica de optimización propiamente dicha. La metodología se inicia con la elaboración de una simulación convenientemente validada que reproduzca el proceso existente, en este caso una papelera no integrada que produce papel estucado de calidad, para impresión. A continuación la técnica de optimización realiza una búsqueda dentro del dominio de los posibles resultados, en busca de los mejores resultados que satisfazcan plenamente los objetivos planteados. Dicha técnica de optimización está basada en los algoritmos genéticos como herramienta de búsqueda, junto a un subprograma basado en técnicas de programación matemática para el cálculo de resultados. Un número reducido de resultados son finalmente escogidos y utilizados para modificar la simulación existente fijando la redistribución de los flujos del proceso. Los resultados de la simulación del proceso determinan en último caso la viabilidad técnica de cada reconfiguración planteada. En el proceso de optimización, los objetivos están definidos en una función objetivo dentro de la técnica de optimización. Dicha función rige la búsqueda de resultados. La función objetivo puede ser individual o una combinación de objetivos. En el presente caso, la función persigue una minimización del consumo de agua y una minimización de la pérdida de materia prima. La optimización se realiza bajo restricciones para alcanzar este objetivo combinado en forma de una solución de compromiso. Producto de la aplicación de esta metodología se han obtenido resultados interesantes que significan una mejora del cierre de circuitos y un ahorro de materia prima, sin comprometer al mismo tiempo la operabilidad del proceso producto ni la calidad del papel.
Compreender o comportamento de compra das organizações é um importante desafio, tanto para os meios acadêmicos quanto empresariais, não apenas pela abrangência e complexidade do tema, mas também pelos volumes de negócios envolvidos entre empresas. Com o intuito de contribuir com o aprofundamento dos conhecimentos atinentes ao assunto, o presente estudo objetivou descrever as variáveis organizacionais referentes ao comportamento de compra das grandes empresas industriais associadas à Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram pesquisadas 82 organizações com mais de 500 funcionários e analisados seus comportamentos relativos à compra de itens considerados "A" de estoque e utilizados diretamente em seus processos produtivos. Buscou-se verificar a utilização da tecnologia como forma de otimização de processos, o nível de prúfissionalização dos funcionários dos departamentos, a fonnalização e centralização empregadas nas atividades de compras, as principais políticas, regras e procedimentos da área, a participação da mesma em decisões consideradas de alto nível relativas a fontes de suprimentos e a predominância de atividades estratégicas ou operacionais no funcionamento dos setores de compras. Visou-se também identificar a existência de associações entre tais aspectos e o tamanho das empresas. Verificou-se que as empresas preocupam-se com o investimento em recursos para os setores de compras, através do oferecimento de treinamentos a seus funcionários e da disponibilização de tecnologias para a otimização de rotinas. Constatou-se também que as organizações são, em geral, bastante formalizadas e centralizadas, e que o comprador dispõe de pouca autonomia. Com relação às políticas relativas a fontes de fornecimento, observou-se que a maioria das empresas pratica a terceirização de seus processos produtivos e possui relacionamentos mais estreitos com seus fornecedores, sem entretanto, limitar-se a uma base local de suprimento, pois reconhecem e adquirem insumos de acordo com as alternativas globais. Identificou-se ainda a prevalência de atividades operacionais em relação às estratégicas no funcionamento dos setores de aquisição pesquisados. Com relação ao tamanho das organizações, foi possível constatar que as maiores tendem a oferecer mais treinamentos a seus profissionais de compras, possuem mais recursos tecnológicos alocados a estes setores, mais comumente estabelecem relacionamentos de longo prazo com os fornecedores e importam componentes.
Thermal methods made heavy oil production possible in fields where primary recovery failed. Throughout the years steam injection became one of the most important alternatives to increase heavy oil recovery. There are many types of steam injection, and one of them is the cyclic steam injection, which has been used with success in several countries, including Brazil. The process involves three phases: firstly, steam is injected, inside of the producing well; secondly, the well is closed (soak period); and finally, the well is put back into production. These steps constitute one cycle. The cycle is repeated several times until economical production limit is reached. Usually, independent of reservoir type, as the number of cycles increases the cyclic injection turns less efficient. This work aims to analyze rock and reservoir property influence in the cyclic steam injection. The objective was to study the ideal number of cycles and, consequently, process optimization. Simulations were realized using the STARS simulator from the CMG group based in a proposed reservoir model. It was observed that the reservoir thickness was the most important parameter in the process performance, whilst soaking time influence was not significant
A chemical process optimization and control is strongly correlated with the quantity of information can be obtained from the system. In biotechnological processes, where the transforming agent is a cell, many variables can interfere in the process, leading to changes in the microorganism metabolism and affecting the quantity and quality of final product. Therefore, the continuously monitoring of the variables that interfere in the bioprocess, is crucial to be able to act on certain variables of the system, keeping it under desirable operational conditions and control. In general, during a fermentation process, the analysis of important parameters such as substrate, product and cells concentration, is done off-line, requiring sampling, pretreatment and analytical procedures. Therefore, this steps require a significant run time and the use of high purity chemical reagents to be done. In order to implement a real time monitoring system for a benchtop bioreactor, these study was conducted in two steps: (i) The development of a software that presents a communication interface between bioreactor and computer based on data acquisition and process variables data recording, that are pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, level, foam level, agitation frequency and the input setpoints of the operational parameters of the bioreactor control unit; (ii) The development of an analytical method using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in order to enable substrate, products and cells concentration monitoring during a fermentation process for ethanol production using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Three fermentation runs were conducted (F1, F2 and F3) that were monitored by NIRS and subsequent sampling for analytical characterization. The data obtained were used for calibration and validation, where pre-treatments combined or not with smoothing filters were applied to spectrum data. The most satisfactory results were obtained when the calibration models were constructed from real samples of culture medium removed from the fermentation assays F1, F2 and F3, showing that the analytical method based on NIRS can be used as a fast and effective method to quantify cells, substrate and products concentration what enables the implementation of insitu real time monitoring of fermentation processes
Polyester fibers are the most used fibers in the world and disperse dyes are used for dyeing these fibers. After dyeing, the colorful dyebath is discharged into effluent streams, which needs a special treatment for color removal. Surfactants interaction with dyes has been evaluated in several studies, including the textile area, specifically in the separation of dyes from textile wastewater. In this work a cationic surfactant was used in a microemulsion system for the extraction of anionic dyes (disperses dyes) from textile wastewater. These microemulsion system was composed by dodecylamonium chloride (surfactant), kerosene oil (organic phase), isoamyl alcohol (cosurfactant) and the wastewater (aqueous phase). The wastewater that results after the dyeing process is acid (pH 5). It was observed that changing the pH value to above 12.8 the extraction could be made, resulting in an aqueous phase with low color level. The Scheffé net experimental design was used for the extraction process optimization, and the obtained results were evaluated using the program "Statistica 7.0". The optimal microemulsion system was composed by 59.8wt.% of wastewater, 30.1wt.% of kerosene, 3.37wt.% of surfactant and 6.73wt.% of cosurfactant, providing extraction upper than 96%. A mix of reactive dyebath (50%) and disperse dyebath (50%) was used as aqueous phase and it presented extraction upper than 98%. The water phase after extraction process can be reused in a new dyeing, being obtained satisfactory results, according to the limits established by textile industry for a good dyeing. Tests were accomplished seeking to study the influence of salt addition and temperature. An experimental design was used for this purpose, which showed that the extraction doesn't depend on those factors. In this way, the removal of color from textile wastewater by microemulsion is a viable technique (that does not depend of external factors such as salinity and temperature), being obtained good extraction results even with in wastewater mixtures
Due to their high hardness and wear resistance, Si3N4 based ceramics are one of the most suitable cutting tool materials for machining cast iron, nickel alloys and hardened steels. However, their high degree of brittleness usually leads to inconsistent results and sudden catastrophic failures. This necessitates a process optimization when machining superalloys with Si3N4 based ceramic cutting tools. The tools are expected to withstand the heat and pressure developed when machining at higher cutting conditions because of their high hardness and melting point. This paper evaluates the performance of α-SiAlON tool in turning Ti-6Al-4V alloy at high cutting conditions, up to 250 m min-1, without coolant. Tool wear, failure modes and temperature were monitored to access the performance of the cutting tool. Test results showed that the performance of α-SiAl0N tool, in terms of tool life, at the cutting conditions investigated is relatively poor due probably to rapid notching and excessive chipping of the cutting edge. These facts are associated with adhesion and diffusion wear rate that tends to weaken the bond strength of the cutting tool.
This article summarizes the implementation of an online process management, analysis, and optimization tool at Lwarcel Celulose e Papel, within the PIMS and MES philosophy, for process indicator implementation, understanding of variables, and their cause-effect relationship in the process, as well as the achievement of operational benchmarking. The process analysis, by means of statistical tools, allied to mathematical modeling algorithms used in Wedge, makes it possible to identify the relevant information for process and quality improvement with regard to efficiency, equipment maintenance, productivity, and uniformity of the end product quality, reduction of unwanted shutdowns, and quicker resolution of process problems.
Fragile X syndrome is a cytogenetic abnormality related to chromosomal X. This syndrome is frequently associated to intellectual disability, psychological problems, as well as heart, skeletal and join alterations. Intraoral anomalies include malloclusion, ogival palate, cleft palate, presence of mesiodens, dental hypomineralization and abrasion of the occlusal surfaces and incisai edges. The study of characteristics of this syndrome is important for the dentist in order to guide dental treatment and prevention. The aim of this study is to present a myofunctional therapy protocol, evaluated by surface electromyography. A case of a 21 year-old young man who attended the Training Program in Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities, School of Dentistry of São José dos Campos/UNESP is reported. He underwent myofunctional therapy before dental treatment and the masticatory muscles were evaluated by surface electromyography. The exercises of myofunctional therapy consisted of active and passive simple movements of opening and closing the mouth, tongue protrusion and retrusion, digital manipulation and also by using an electric massager on intraoral and perioral region of the masseter, buccinator and orbicularis oris. Action potentials of the masticatory muscles decreased in almost all the muscles and values for the bite force and mandibular opening capacity increased. This study showed that brief and immediate myofunctional therapy optimized clinical practice with positive repercussion on dental care.
C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase protein whose levels are increased in many disorders. There exists, in particular, a great deal of interest in the correlation between blood serum levels and the severity of risk for cardiovascular disease. A sensitive, label-free, non-amplified and reusable electrochemical impedimetric biosensor for the detection of CRP in blood serum was developed herein based on controlled and coverage optimised antibody immobilization on standard polycrystalline gold electrodes. Charge transfer resistance changes were highly target specific, linear with log. CRP. concentration across a 0.5-50. nM range and associated with a limit of detection of 176. pM. Significantly, the detection limits are better than those of current CRP clinical methods and the assays are potentially cheap, relatively automated, reusable, multiplexed and highly portable. The generated interfaces were capable not only of comfortably quantifying CRP across a clinically relevant range of concentrations but also of doing this in whole blood serum with interfaces that were, subsequently, reusable. The importance of optimising receptor layer resistance in maximising assay sensitivity is also detailed. © 2012.
The new-generation 454 GS-FLX Titanium pyrosequencing was used to isolate microsatellite markers for the Brazilian Guanabara frog, Euparkerella brasiliensis, an Atlantic forest endemic species. Three multiplex polymerase chain reaction sets were optimized for genotyping of 11 polymorphic (di- and tetranucleotide) microsatellite markers. Genetic diversity was assessed in 21 individuals from a population (Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu, REGUA) locatedin the central region of the Rio de Janeiro State, in Brazil. The mean number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 12. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.095 to 0.905 and from 0.094 to 0.904, respectively. After using the Bonferroni correction for multiple tests, there was no evidence of linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci but deviations for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found in 4 loci. We found no evidence for allele dropouts or stuttering, but we detected the presence of null alleles at loci Eb10 and Eb36. These markers will be useful for analyses of fine-scale population structure and determination of relative effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on population genetic variability within species. © FUNPEC-RP.
In recent decades, xylanases have been used in many processing industries. This study describes the xylanase production by Penicillium glabrum using brewer's spent grain as substrate. Additionally, this is the first work that reports the purification and characterization of a xylanase using this agroindustrial waste. Optimal production was obtained when P. glabrum was grown in liquid medium in pH 5.5, at 25 °C, under stationary condition for six days. The xylanase from P. glabrum was purified to homogeneity by a rapid and inexpensive procedure, using ammonium sulfate fractionation and molecular exclusion chromatography. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed one band with estimated molecular mass of 18.36 kDa. The optimum activity was observed at 60 °C, in pH 3.0. The enzyme was very stable at 50 °C, and high pH stability was verified from pH 2.5 to 5.0. The ion Mn2+ and the reducing agents β-mercaptoethanol and DTT enhanced xylanase activity, while the ions Hg2+, Zn2+, and Cu2+ as well as the detergent SDS were strong inhibitors of the enzyme. The use of brewer's spent grain as substrate for xylanase production cannot only add value and decrease the amount of this waste but also reduce the xylanase production cost. © 2013 Adriana Knob et al.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)