999 resultados para Presença social
A presença de uma empresa internacionalmente significa também a disseminação mundial de seu Código de Conduta de Responsabilidade Social (Código de CRS). É portanto necessário um certo controle do conteúdo desses Códigos. As regras e padrões internacionais podem desempenhar este papel. O setor de gás e petróleo causa grande impacto nas comunidades em que as empresas exercem suas atividades. O mesmo se pode afirmar em relação aos seus Códigos de CRS. Este estudo examina, então, duas vertentes distintas mas convergentes. De um lado, o estudo comparativo de como os Códigos de CRS das empresas do setor de gás e petróleo tratam dos aspectos sócio-econômicos. De outro, examina-se a conformidade – ou falta de conformidade – dos Códigos de CRS com os tratados, convenções, normas e padrões internacionais. Estratégias podem então ser propostas ao setor de gás e petróleo, para a melhoria dos padrões sócio-econômicos de seus Códigos de CRS. Com isso atende-se às necessidades das comunidades envolvidas e, também, cria-se valor para as empresas do setor de gás e petróleo.
Brazilian public policy entered in the so-called new social federalism through its conditional cash transfers. States and municipalities can operate together through the nationwide platform of the Bolsa Familia Program (BFP), complementing federal actions with local innovations. The state and the city of Rio de Janeiro have created programs named, respectively, Renda Melhor (RM) and Família Carioca (FC). These programs make use of the operational structure of the BFP, which facilitates locating beneficiaries, issuing cards, synchronizing payment dates and access passwords and introducing new conditionalities. The payment system of the two programs complements the estimated permanent household income up to the poverty line established, giving more to those who have less. Similar income complementation system was subsequently adopted in the BFP and the Chilean Ingreso Ético Familiar, which also follow the principle of estimation of income used in the FC and in the RM. Instead of using the declared income, the value of the Rio cash transfers are set using the extensive collection of information obtained from the Single Registry of Social Programs (Cadastro Único): physical configuration of housing, access to public services, education and work conditions for all family members, presence of vulnerable groups, disabilities, pregnant or lactating women, children and benefits from other official transfers such as the BFP. With this multitude of assets and limitations, the permanent income of each individual is estimated. The basic benefit is defined by the poverty gap and priority is given to the poorest. These subnational programs use international benchmarks as a neutral ground between different government levels and mandates. Their poverty line is the highest of the first millennium goal of the United Nations (UN): US$ 2 per person per day adjusted for the cost of living. The other poverty line of the UN, US$ 1.25, was implicitly adopted as the national extreme poverty line in 2011. The exchange of methodologies between federal entities has happened both ways. The FC began with the 575,000 individuals living in the city of Rio de Janeiro who were on the payroll of the BFP. Its system of impact evaluation benefited from bi-monthly standardized examinations. In the educational conditionalities, the two programs reward students' progress, a potential advantage for those who most need to advance. The municipal program requires greater school attendance than that of the BFP and the presence of students’ parents at the bimonthly meetings held on Saturdays. Students must achieve a grade of 8 or improve at least 20% in each exam to receive a bi-monthly premium of R$50. In early childhood, priority is given to the poor children in the program Single Administrative Register (CadÚnico) to enroll in kindergarten, preschools and complementary activities. The state program reaches more than one million people with a payment system similar to the municipal one. Moreover, it innovates in that it transfers awards given to high school students to savings accounts. The prize increases and is paid to the student, who can withdraw up to 30% annually. The total can reach R$3,800 per low-income student. The State and the city rewarded already education professionals according to student performance, now completing the chain of demand incentives on poor students and their parents. Increased performance is higher among beneficiaries and the presence of their guardians at meetings is twice compared to non beneficiaries; The Houston program, also focuses on aligning the incentives to teachers, parents and students. In general, the plan is to explore strategic complementarities, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The objective is to stimulate, through targets and incentives, synergies between social actors (teachers, parents, students), between areas (education, assistance, work) and different levels of government. The cited programs sum their efforts and divide labor so as to multiply interactions and make a difference in the lives of the poor.
Algumas pesquisas demonstram que a presença de um parceiro social durante uma situação de risco modula a resposta ao estresse, atenuando seus efeitos negativos. Neste estudo, 8 díades de machos e 8 de fêmeas de sagüi comum (Callithrix jacchus) foram expostos a um ambiente novo, sozinhos e acompanhados de um parceiro de mesmo sexo e idade. Quando submetidos a um ambiente novo em companhia de um animal de mesmo sexo, os machos apresentaram um perfil mais filiativo enquanto as fêmeas foram mais competitivas entre si. Os resultados mostram que a resposta comportamental é sexualmente dimórfica, e que machos e fêmeas utilizam diferentes estratégias quando confrontados com situações desafiadoras no ambiente natural Abstract Some researches demonstrate that the presence of a social partner during a challenging situation modulates the stress response, decreasing its negative effects. In this study common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) males and females were exposed to a new environment, alone or in companion of a social partner of the same sex and age. When submitted to new environment in companion of a same-sex social partner males showed more affiliation whereas females performed agonistic behaviors. The results show that behavioral response is sexually dimorphic and that males and females used different strategies when facing challenging situations in natural conditions
Neste trabalho procuramos estudar o fenômeno do bruxismo, definido como o ato de apertar e/ou ranger os dentes, hábito prejudicial à região orofacial relacionado a varáveis psicossociais. O bruxismo é frequentemente associado aos aspectos emocionais, entre os mais ressaltados, a ansiedade e o estresse, podendo implicar em alterações das estruturas orofaciais, modificações funcionais e inclusive com repercussões sociais. Deste modo, torna-se relevante evidenciar que a pesquisa foi desenvolvida, visando o contexto multidisciplinar, abrangendo a Fonoaudiologia, Odontologia e Psicologia. Objetivo: verificar associação entre bruxismo, ansiedade e as principais queixas referentes à função mastigatória. Método: participaram oitenta voluntários, divididos entre grupo com bruxismo (N=40) e sem bruxismo (N=40), do sexo masculino e feminino. O diagnóstico do bruxismo foi realizado através do exame clínico. Para avaliar os níveis de ansiedade empregou-se o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço e Estado e para os aspectos psicossociais um questionário com questões estruturadas referentes às atividades diárias, focando a função mastigatória (para o grupo com bruxismo). Resultados:: Os resultados permitem evidenciar diferenças significativas entre os grupos analisados, a média e desvio padrão de ansiedade estado no grupo com bruxismo, 42,7±9,6 e sem bruxismo 38,6±8,2 (p ≤0,04) e de ansiedade traço respectivamente 44,5±11,0 e controle 40,7±9,5 (p ≤0,11). O relato dos participantes com bruxismo evidenciou como principais queixas durante a mastigação, dor na face ao mastigar, cansaço muscular na face, cefaleia ao mastigar e presença de ruídos articulares. Conclusões: Evidenciamos uma associação dos fatores emocionais como a ansiedade e o bruxismo, e como resultante os pacientes apontam que a função mastigatória encontra-se depreciada
Esta tesis trata de discutir y entender los diversos tipos de redes sociales y formas de interacción social presentes en el sistema penitenciario de Rio Grande do Norte. Nuestro problema se basa en un incremento significativo en las tasas de encarcelamiento y la prisión en Brasil y el mundo en los últimos diez años. Asimismo, la aparición del crimen organizado ya, en cierta medida, el control de las prisiones brasileñas, como el Comando Vermelho (CV) y el Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), una consecuencia directa de las terribles condiciones de las prisiones de Brasil y aumento de la violencia y el crimen en nuestro país. Para resolver el problema, se optó por utilizar las categorías de análisis de Michel Foucault (prisión y la disciplina), Pierre Bourdieu (habitus y campo), Ervirng Goffman (institución total, de interacción, de fachada y de equipo) y Mark Granovetter, Ricardo Abramovay e João Peixoto, entre otros, la nueva sociología económica (Redes, nodos y lazos) como principal apoyo. También construyó una revisión histórica de la cárcel en Brasil y Rio Grande do Norte hasta llegar al objeto. Esto, en términos de investigación cualitativa, se sumergió en el mundo de las prisiones Dr. Francisco Nogueira Fernandes, conocido como Penitenciario de Alcaçuz, ubicado en el municipio de Nísia Bosque, Rio Grande do Norte. Penitenciaría del Estado de origen, las casas de Alcaçuz seiscientos cuarenta y tres reclusos, divididos en cinco pabellones, un total de ciento cuarenta y siete células. Mediante la observación sistemática y la entrevista cualitativa s semi-estructurada como las principales fuentes de recopilación de datos, hemos tratado de explicar el universo que acabamos de analizar por las Ciencias Sociales. Nos dimos cuenta de que, para cumplir con la escena nacional, regaliz viola de manera flagrante lo que se denomina en la Constitución de 1988 y LEP (Ley de Ejecución Penal), sin tener en cuenta los derechos de los individuos a una porción de una oración con un mínimo de dignidad. Se ha demostrado que las personas que permean el universo proviene de un ambiente de la prisión, la sociabilidad violenta, sedo también tienen un habitus precario. La prisión, espacio disciplinario y un tipo específico de interacción social marcada por el control, contribuye a la profundización de habitus, pero que muestra que no es también como un espacio cerrado en absoluto, sino un lugar donde penetran las redes y dinámicas muy social. Al mismo tiempo, se encontró que más de la presencia de "grupos organizados" es el espacio en las cárceles para la interacción social y las redes sociales que pasan dentro y fuera de su espacio
Currently, we attend a reverence of concepts ahead as health, life, youth and body. In we widen amount the ideals concerned to the healthful life, to the quality of life, the longevity and joviality and the extremities of the body represented by the illness, for the virus infection, the physical deficiency and the aging. Of the historical shades of the plague, of the hunger and the war that gagged the defenseless individual and its body, in the current days we increase the search for a full and powerful life, independent of a religious imaginary to predict the epidemic curse, the threat represented for the sick people and the incarnate divine anger in the death; or of medical science presented in the spaces of the technology and the physiology, being left fragile the social and psychological dimensions of the human confined to the patient issue and, finally, the commanded urban health politics in quantitative goals of hygienic cleaning, of the medical techniques and the education citizen. For beyond these instances, emerges in our days a plural, close and biographical agreement well of the body and welfare. On the other hand, an understanding of the healthful life and well-being that more certifies the presence of something the one that clear landmarks amongst normality and the irregularity, the esteem and the destructive vice: it has a projection of healthful life measures without conceptual models of body and health under the doctor-scientific standard occidental. This thematic one will confide in way to the enclosure for spaces to the muscles and fitness exercises and the bars from the city of Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, while comprehensive interchange concerning as the individual comes dealing with the notion the body and health and, mainly, if perceiving inside of its body and its health. Amongst these two spaces of typical leisure of the modern urban phenomenon, the hedonism bodily with its muscles and salience and one another form of hedonism in the fruition of allowed drugs will be across itself in a dialogue about which social s relationships are really in game in an imaginary construction amongst an doctor-aesthetic ideal of health and the social and subjective experience in the option for a healthful life
En la travesía por nuevos caminos en la investigación académica, se nos presenta el desafío de investigar alternativas que muestran un horizonte de posibilidades concretas de una educación pautada en la dinámica de organizaciones y movimientos que participan de la lucha por un proyecto de reconocimiento social y desconstrucción de la inferioridad de los sujetos del campo. El escenario de participación de la vida de los que integran la investigación como investigados e investigador es el Territorio Sertão do Apodi, localizado en el estado de Rio Grande do Norte, cuya elección empírica fue motivada por la fuerte presencia y participación de movimientos sociales en el campo. La propuesta es investigar posibilidades y desafíos de prácticas y acciones educativas tanto dentro como fuera de la escuela que buscan reconocer y dar visibilidad a los sujetos sociales del campo en el referido Territorio. Así, será objeto de nuestra investigación el espacio de tomada de decisiones y de organización de institucionalidad territorial a través de la actuación del Colegiado del Territorio del Sertão do Apodi y de las prácticas educativas resultantes de las demandas de las acciones territoriales, tanto escolares como no escolares. La literatura en la cual sedimentamos las bases teóricas fundamentales de esta investigación es la de Axel Honneth (2001; 2003), asociada al pensamiento de Boaventura Santos (2003; 2008a), Jesse Souza (2003, 2006) y Milton Santos (2006, 2007, 2009). Vale destacar, aún, la interlocución con la narrativa de Guimarães Rosa, a través de la obra Grande Sertão: Veredas, sobrepasando todo el conjunto del texto. Con esta intención, procuramos defender que una perspectiva de educación destinada a los sujetos del campo debe pautarse en la superación de la condición de invisibilidad social, a que estos están sometidos, por medio de una postura de reconocimiento social que se afirma en el ejercicio de la democracia participativa y en la reparación de desigualdades sociales. Para esto, son muchos los desafíos y las vulnerabilidades de este proceso; y desde ahí, abriremos caminos para lograr el reconocimiento del papel de la educación y el fortalecimiento de las identidades sociales, al situar al sujeto socialmente, permitiendo que se localice en un determinado grupo social, frente a los saberes construidos en la sociedad
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The subject of study of this work is the teacher spawning of the Instituto de Educação do Pará in the decades of 1970 and 1980. It aims the enablement offered by the institute concerning the racial issue. The thesis highlights the inferior condition to which the black student is relegated and the discrimination it suffers. Our argument is to affirm the omission of the curriculum and the reference resources as far as the racial issue is concerned. Before the singularity of the Brazilian case a country with a slavish background, with serious social unbalance problems, many of them resulting from the racial segregation implemented by that slavish system , this work claims that the preparation of the teachers for dealing with this issue is crucial, since the absence of this preparation leads to the reproduction of the prejudice inside the classroom. This thesis is based on the theory of Pierre Bourdieu on the notion of habitus and symbolic power
The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to the field of human resources for health in Brazil. The assumption is that this organization not only influenced the development of this field, but but that it was also influenced by Brazilian institutions and by national political movements, through the interaction of its consultants with these movements. Four projects were selected, through which the contribution of PAHO was evaluated: the Program for the Strategic Preparation of Health Personnel (PPREPS), the Project for the Large Scale Formation of Middle and Low Level Personnel (Large Scale Project), the Project for Qualification in the Development of Human Resources in Health (CADRHU) and the Project for the Managerial Development of Basic Units of the National Health System (GERUS). To operacionalize the study, we used three basic complementary procedures: a bibliographic research, documental research and an interview. The time frame considered was from 1975, the year an agreement was signed between PAHO, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture, establishing PPREPS. It was through this program that the first PAHO team of national human resource consultants was contracted. The period between 1975 and 1999 was marked by political and social movements that changed the course of health in the country; among these was the Movement of Sanitary Reform in Brazil, which culminated in the implementation of the National Health System (SUS). This paper shows the connections of the PAHO consultants with this movement and the implications that this had for the Program of Cooperation in the Development of Human Resources of PAHO/Brazil. It also demonstrates that as the program became contaminated by national movements of health system reorganization and of democratization of Brazilian society, it proposed, in cooperation with national institutions, an organization of determinate areas of operation of these same institutions. The manuscript further reveals that, with the Large Scale Project, the human resources program determined the pedagogical and methodological option that would be the model for various other educational projects undertaken by a number of Brazilian institutions with the technical cooperation of PAHO. And finally, the repercussions and contributions of these projects, which strengthened the the field of human resources in the public health services of the country, are identified. Data analysis was based mainly on the theories of Bourdieu, Gramsci and Freire
Introduction: The frailty in the elderly is the result of a complex interplay between many social and clinical factors involved in its genesis. Although there is an understanding of its association with increased risk of adverse clinical outcomes, still it is unclear whether this syndrome can be aggravated due to lack of social support. So, the objective of this study was to analyze the association between social support and frailty syndrome in elderly community residents. Materials and methods: Observational analytical cross-sectional study, with a sample of 300 elderly living in the city of Natal-RN. Were collected informations about socialdemographic, economics and physical health data. The Social support was assessed by the status of cohabitation; marital status; contact frequency and diversity rate; received and given attendance frequency rate; and Map Minimum Relations of the Elderly. The frailty was assessed using the following criteria: unintentional weight loss, weakness, low physical activity, exhaustion and Slowness. To observe any possible associations, we performed the Pearson chi-square test, the Student t test and multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression, adopting a significance level of 5%. Results: It was observed that there were no associations of frailty with the social support variables, except for housekeeping mode (p = 0.046) of the MMRI. For the sociodemographic, economic, physical health and social support data, only age (p <0.001), sedentary lifestyle (p = 0.002) and poor perceived health (p = 0.001) were the ones that remained in the logistic regression model, with strong association for the presence of frailty. Conclusion: Among the variables related to social support, only to help with housekeeping was significantly associated with frailty. However, more studies need to be developed to characterize the social vulnerability, as well as health services need to recognize the importance of social support as an integral part of care for the elderly
How do the identities of a people build themselves? How do the geographic clippings influence the representations of some social groups, when they define themselves or when they are defined, for example, as people from Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro, Ceará, Bahia? What symbolic elements, contests and benefits are involved in these processes of identity construction? By taking the discussions about potiguar people as the theme of this research, we intend to discuss about the displacements, the impasses in their representations that usually represent him as a being who he is not, constantly seduced by the enchantments of the other, by the values that come from outside. Thus, from the Rio Grande do Norte space, we investigated, in various contexts, since the last three decades of the nineteenth century to the current days, how the space identities have been used as strategy, by various characters, in attempt to build and/or to define representations that characterize and single potiguares out, in the face of other beings of the nation
Even nowadays there is in Brasil a large number of edentulous and a precarious financial condition of most of the population. In addition, World Health Organization aims for oral health, which consists on the maintenance of a natural dentition, functional and aesthetic composed of at least 20 teeth, without need of prosthetic intervention throughout life. From this and considering the lack of researches about the permanence of edentulous spaces in the oral cavity, and also avoiding overtreatment, this research has been proposed. Thus, the aim was to evaluate the effect of different lengths of the shortened lower dental arch in the presence or absence of a removable partial denture (RPD) on masticatory function, quality of life and occurrence of temporomandibular dysfunction. To achieve this goal, we compared the masticatory efficiency (colorimetric test), the oral comfort through the analysis of the impact of oral health in quality of life (OHIP-14), the presence of temporomandibular dysfunction (RDC/TMD) and the general quality of life (WHOQOL) of patients with shortened dental arches (SDA) (n=60), which is an arch with a reduction of teeth starting posteriorly, and patients with complete dental arch (Complete DA) (n = 34). The group of patients whit SDA was divided among PPR wears (PPD + SDA) (n = 17) and non-wears (n = 43). The population of this study consisted on patients who received or looked for treatment at the clinics of the Department of Dentistry of UFRN, from clinical analysis and records. The sample was chosen by convenience. For statistical analysis, it was a database in SPSS 17.0, followed by descriptive analysis with frequencies, absolute values, tests of central tendency and variability. The statistical tests used were chi-squared and analysis of variance as well as Tukey s post test, when applicable, all with a 95% confidence level. The results shown a prevalence of TMD of 47,1% among patients using PRP and 69,8% among those who didn t, but this result wasn t statistically significant. The mean of the results of masticatory efficiency, WHOQOL and OHIP didn t show association to the presence or absence of PPR and to the lower number of occlusal units of the patients (0, 1, 2 or more occlusal). The association only occurred among the different groups of SDA and the patients with complete dental arch. Taking into account the results, it could be observed that studied patients with low posterior support using lower PRP didn t have better masticatory efficiency, general quality of life, less impacts of their oral conditions in quality of life or not even less temporomandibular dysfunction or better masticatory efficiency when compared to those who didn t use the prosthesis
Esse estudo se propôs a avaliar um método auxiliar de diagnóstico (DIAGNOdent®) na predição de cárie de dentina em dentes decíduos, através de validação histológica e de microdureza. Verificando possíveis diferenças entre os valores obtidos através do método auxiliar, além de determinar um ponto de corte para parada de remoção de tecido cariado. A amostra do estudo foi de 15 crianças que apresentaram 21 cavidades de cárie, tratadas e analisadas desde antes da realização da restauração até quando da exodontia do elemento dentário. Os espécimes foram analisados através do DIAGNOdent® antes da abertura das cavidades, após a remoção do tecido cariado e depois da reabertura das cavidades que se deu após a exodontia dos elementos dentários. Posteriormente, receberam preparo metalográfico para realização de testes de microdureza e microscopia óptica que serviram como forma de validação para as mensurações obtidas pela fluorescência a laser. Houve diferença significativa entre os valores DIAGNOdent® encontrados antes da abertura da cavidade e os demais (p < 0,0001). Havendo correlação significativa (r = 0,432 ; p = 0,019) apenas para as aferições obtidas antes da abertura das cavidades e quando do término da remoção do tecido cariado. Para a microdureza, as médias axiais foram significativamente maiores que as pulpares, existindo correlação entre a microdureza pulpar e os valores do DIAGNOdent® após a reabertura (r = - 0,472 ; p = 0,002). Valores de 15,38% para a sensibilidade, 100% para a especificidade, 100% para o valor preditivo positivo e 71,79% para o valor preditivo negativo, foram obtidos quando se utilizou um ponto de corte de 30 para fluorescência a laser, tendo como padrão-ouro a microdureza pulpar. Partindo da média dos valores de fluorescência a laser obtidos após a remoção do tecido cariado e acrescentando-se um desvio-padrão a esta, o método indicou o valor de 19 como ponto de corte para cessar a remoção de dentina. Concluiu-se que, nas condições analisadas, o método auxiliar de diagnóstico (DIAGNOdent®) é um método acurado na predição de cárie de dentina em dentes decíduos. Além disso, o método comprovou que o padrão usual de remoção de dentina garante a remoção do tecido cariado
Social behavior of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, at Pipa Beach, RN, Brazil: dynamics, sequence, breathing synchrony, and responses to dolphin watching. Social animals form groups that can range from temporary to permanent. Depending on the nature of the social relationships developed between individuals, groups present a particular social organization and the effect of these interactions shapes the activity patterns of these animals. This study investigates: (i) fission-fusion dynamics of Guiana dolphins, through the analysis of three dimensions of the social system (variation in spatial cohesion, variation in size and composition of groups), (ii) sequence, routine and behavioral stability, (iii) breathing intervals in synchronized groups and (iv) behavioral responses of the animals to dolphin watching. Systematic observations of Guiana dolphins were made from a platform located in cliffs about 25 m above sea level that surround Madeiro Bay, Pipa Beach. Sampling occurred from December 2007 to February 2009 between 0600 h and 1600 h, and the groups of Guiana dolphins were investigated according to their size (alone and group) and composition (adults, adults and juveniles, and adults and calves). According to the analysis of fission-fusion dynamics, Guiana dolphin groups frequently changed their composition, modifying their patterns of spatial grouping and cohesion every 20 minutes on average. More than 50% of the individuals maintained a distance of up to 2 m from other group members and new individuals were attracted to the group, especially during feeding, leaving it for foraging. Large groups were more unstable than small, while groups containing only adults were more stable than groups of adults and juveniles. According to the Z-score analysis to investigate the sequence and behavioral routine, lone individuals were more ! .7! ! involved in foraging and feeding, while resting was more common in groups. Foraging and feeding were more common in homogeneous groups (individuals of the same age class), while heterogeneous groups (different age classes) were often involved in socialization, displaying a broader behavioral repertoire. Foraging and resting behavior presented higher stability (continuous duration in minutes) than the other behaviors. The analysis of breathing intervals in synchronized groups showed significant differences depending on type of behavior, composition and area preference. During resting, breathing intervals were of longer duration, and groups with calves showed shorter breathing intervals than groups without calves. Lone individuals also preferred areas called corral , often used for the entrapment of fishes. The Markov chain analysis revealed behavioral changes in the presence of boats, according to the type of group composition. Groups composed of adults presented decreased resting and increased in traveling during the presence of boats. Groups of adults and juveniles showed a massive reduction of socialization, while the behavior transition probability traveling-traveling was higher in groups of adults and calves. In the presence of the boats, stability of resting was reduced by one third of its original duration and traveling more than doubled. The behavioral patterns analyzed are discussed in light of socio-ecological models concerning costs and benefits of proximity between individuals and behavioral optimization. Furthermore, significant changes in behavioral patterns indicate that Guiana dolphins, at Pipa Beach, have suffered the effects of tourism as a result of violation of rules of conduct established for the study area