990 resultados para Posterior fossa


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a existência de correlação entre a proporção da altura do ramo mandibular (AR) com a altura dentoalveolar posterior total (ADAPT) e a inclinação do plano mandibular (PM). MÉTODOS: dois examinadores avaliaram 81 telerradiografias laterais de pacientes, com idades a partir de 18 anos, do arquivo do curso de especialização em Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia da UFBA. As radiografias foram digitalizadas, os pontos marcados e as medidas obtidas através do programa Radiocef 1.0. Mediu-se a inclinação do plano mandibular para caracterizar o padrão vertical da face e dividir as radiografias em três grupos: grupo de face normal (GN), de 22º a 28º, de face curta (GC), menor que 22º, e de face longa (GL), maior que 28º. A inclinação do plano palatino serviu como critério de exclusão, sendo que valores abaixo de -2,5° ou acima de 3,5º foram excluídos. Desta forma, 46 telerradiografias laterais totalizaram a amostra. RESULTADOS: a AR diferiu entre GC e GL, porém não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para as alturas dentoalveolares posteriores. Houve baixa correlação entre a AR e a ADAPT nos grupos, no entanto, a correlação da proporção entre essas alturas com a inclinação do PM mostrou-se estatisticamente significante e negativa. CONCLUSÃO: este é um fator a ser levado em consideração na avaliação do PM, quando do diagnóstico e tratamento das displasias verticais dentofaciais.


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Estudo experimental em animais. A mitomicina C vem sendo usada como inibidor de fibroblastos, acarretando, com isso, diminuição do processo cicatricial em feridas cirúrgicas. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho visa avaliar o uso de Mitomicina C para diminuir o processo cicatricial, através de seu uso tópico com reforços posteriores injetáveis. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foi usado um modelo de feridas em dorso de ratos, com retirada circular da pele e cicatrização por segunda intenção. Foram usados 18 ratos, divididos em três grupos: controle; com uso tópico; e com reforço de mitomicina C injetável, mensalmente e por 2 meses. Após 3 meses os animais foram sacrificados e as cicatrizes retiradas cirurgicamente e submetidas a estudo histológico. RESULTADOS: Notou-se sob vários critérios que a cicatrização com o uso tópico é menos intensa, mas ao se usar o reforço injetável os parâmetros voltam a ser comparados ao do grupo controle. DISCUSSÃO: Acreditamos que a administração injetável de mitomicina C nas cicatrizes, pela sua elevada característica tóxica, acarreta destruição tecidual e neoformação cicatricial. CONCLUSÕES: A mitomicina C diminui o processo cicatricial quando usada topicamente, mas acarreta aumento da cicatrização quando nestas feridas são feitos reforços injetáveis.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of Nd:YAG (neodymium: yttrium-aluminum- garnet) laser unilateral posterior capsulotomy on visual acuity and patients' perception of difficulties with vision-related activities of daily life. METHODS: We conducted an interventional survey that included 48 patients between 40 and 80 years of age with uni- or bilateral pseudophakia, posterior capsule opacification, and visual acuity <0.30 (logMAR) in one eye who were seen at a Brazilian university hospital. All patients underwent posterior capsulotomy using an Nd:YAG laser. Before and after the intervention, patients were asked to complete a questionnaire that was developed in an exploratory study. RESULTS: Before posterior capsulotomy, the median visual acuity (logMAR) of the included patients was 0.52 (range 0.30-1.60). After posterior capsulotomy, the median visual acuity of the included patients improved to 0.10 (range 0.0-0.52). According to the subjects' perceptions, their ability to perform most of their daily life activities improved after the intervention (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: After patients underwent posterior capsulotomy with an Nd:YAG laser, a significant improvement in the visual acuity of the treated eye was observed. Additionally, subjects felt that they experienced less difficulty performing most of their vision-dependent activities of daily living.


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Objective: Postural assessment through photography is a simple method that allows the acquisition of quantitative values to define the alignment of body segments. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively assess the postural alignment of several body segments in standing through anterior, posterior, and lateral views. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 122 subjects were initially evaluated. Seven subjects were excluded from the study after cluster analysis. The final sample had 115 subjects, 75% women with a mean age of 26 + 7 years. Photographs were taken from anterior, posterior, and lateral views after placement of markers on specific anatomical points. Photographs were analyzed using free Postural Analysis Software/Software of Postural Analysis (PAS/SAPO). Quantitative values for postural analysis variables were ascertained for head, upper and lower limbs, and trunk, along with the frequency of inclinations to the left and to the right. Results: Regarding the head, 88% of the sample presented some inclination, 67% of which was to the right. There was a predominance of right inclination of the shoulder and pelvis in 68% and 43% of study subjects, respectively. Lower limbs presented mean alignment of 178 in the anterior view, and the trunk showed predominant right inclination in 66% of participants. Conclusion: Small asymmetries were observed in anterior and posterior views. This study suggests that there is no symmetry in postural alignment and that small asymmetries represent the normative standard for posture in standing. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011;34:371-380)


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Dysgraphia (agraphia) is a common feature of posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). However, detailed analyses of these spelling and writing impairments are infrequently conducted. LM is a 59-year-old woman with dysgraphia associated with PCA. She presented with a two-year history of decline in her writing and dressmaking skills. A 3D T-1-weighted MRI scan confirmed selective bi-parietal atrophy, with relative sparing of the hippocampi and other cortical regions. Analyses of LM's preserved and impaired spelling abilities indicated mild physical letter distortions and a significant spelling deficit characterised by letter substitutions, insertions, omissions, and transpositions that was systematically sensitive to word length while insensitive to real word versus nonword category, word frequency, regularity, imagery, grammatical class and ambiguity. Our findings suggest a primary graphemic buffer disorder underlies LM's spelling errors, possibly originating from disruption to the operation of a fronto-parietal network implicated in verbal working memory.


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To better understand the biochemical mechanisms underlying anisosmotic extracellular regulation in the freshwater Brachyura, we kinetically characterized the V-ATPase from the posterior gills of Dilocarcinus pagei, acclimated for 10 days to salinities up to 21%.. Specific activity was highest in fresh water (26.5 +/- 2.1 U mg(-1)), decreasing in 5 parts per thousand to 21 parts per thousand, attaining 3-fold less at 15 parts per thousand. Apparent affinities for ATP and Mg(2+) respectively increased 3.2- and 2-fold at 10 parts per thousand, suggesting expression of different isoenzymes. In a 240-h time-course study of exposure to 21%., maximum specific activity decreased 2.5- to 4-fold within 1 to 24 h while apparent affinities for ATP and Mg(2+) respectively increased by 12-fold within 24 h and 2.4-fold after 1 h, unchanged thereafter. K(I) for bafilomycin A(1) decreased 150-fold after 1 h, remaining constant up to 120 h. This is the first kinetic analysis of V-ATPase specific activity in crustacean gills during salinity acclimation. Our findings indicate active gill Cl(-) uptake by D. pagei in fresh water, and short- and long-term down-regulation of V-ATPase-driven ion uptake processes during salinity exposure, aiding in comprehension of the biochemical adaptations underpinning the establishment of the Brachyura in fresh water. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To better comprehend the structural and biochemical underpinnings of ion uptake across the gills of true freshwater crabs, we performed an ultrastructural, ultracytochemical and morphometric investigation, and kinetically characterized the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, in posterior gill lamellae of Dilocarcinus pagei. Ultrastructurally, the lamellar epithelia are markedly asymmetrical: the thick, mushroom-shaped, proximal ionocytes contain elongate mitochondria (41% cell volume) associated with numerous (approximate to 14 mu m(2) membrane per mu m(3) cytoplasm), deep invaginations that house the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, revealed ultracytochemically. Their apical surface is amplified (7.5 mu m(2) mu m(-2)) by stubby evaginations whose bases adjoin mitochondria below the subcuticular space. The apical membrane of the thin, distal ionocytes shows few evaginations (1.6 mu m(2) mu m(-2)), each surrounding a mitochondrion, abundant in the cytoplasm below the subcuticular space; basolateral invaginations and mitochondria are few. Fine basal cytoplasmic bridges project across the hemolymph space, penetrating into the thick ionocytes, suggesting ion movement between the epithelia. Microsomal Na(+), K(+)-ATPase specific activity resembles marine crabs but is approximate to 5-fold less than in species from fluctuating salinities, and freshwater shrimps, suggesting ion loss compensation by strategies other than Na(+) uptake. Enzyme apparent K(+) affinity attains 14-fold that of marine crabs, emphasizing the relevance of elevated K(+) affinity to the conquest of fresh water. Western blotting and biphasic ouabain inhibition disclose two alpha-subunit isoforms comprising distinct functional isoenzymes. While enzyme activity is not synergistically stimulated by NH(4)(+) and K(+), each increases affinity for the other, possibly assuring appropriate intracellular K(+) concentrations. These findings reveal specific structural and biochemical adaptations that may have allowed the establishment of the Brachyura in fresh water. J. Exp. Zool. 313A:508-523, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the microsurgical anatomy, branches, and anatomic relationships of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) represented in three-dimensional images. METHODS: Seventy hemispheres of 35 brain specimens were studied. They were previously injected with red silicone and fixed in 10% formalin for at least 40 days. Four of the studied specimens were frozen at -10 degrees to -15 degrees C for 14 days, and additional dissection was done with the Klingler`s fiber dissection technique at x6 to x40 magnification. Each segment of the artery was measured and photographed to obtain three-dimensional stereoscopic images. RESULTS: The PCA origin was in the interpeduncular cistern at the pontomesencephalic junction level in 23 specimens (65.7%). The PCA was divided into four segments: P1 extends from the PCA origin to its junction with the posterior communicating artery with an average length of 7.7 mm; P2 was divided into an anterior and posterior segment. The P2A segment begins at the posterior communicating artery and ends at the most lateral aspect of the cerebral peduncle, with an average length of 23.6 mm, and the P2P segment extends from the most lateral aspect of the cerebral peduncle to the posterior edge of the lateral surface of the midbrain, with an average length of 16.4 mm; P3 extends from the posterior edge of the lateral surface of the midbrain and ends at the origin of the parieto-occipital sulcus along the calcarine fissure, with an average length of 19.8 mm; and the P4 segment corresponds to the parts of the PCA that run along or inside both the parieto-occipital sulcus and the distal part of the calcarine fissure. CONCLUSIONS: To standardize the neurosurgical practice and knowledge, surgical anatomic classifications should be used uniformly and further modified according to the neurosurgical experience gathered. The PCA classification proposed intends to correlate its anatomic segments with their required microneurosurgical approaches.


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Context: GLI2 is a transcription factor downstream in Sonic Hedgehog signaling, acting early in ventral forebrain and pituitary development. GLI2 mutations were reported in patients with holoprosencephaly (HPE) and pituitary abnormalities. Objective: The aim was to report three novel frameshift/nonsense GLI2 mutations and the phenotypic variability in the three families. Setting: The study was conducted at a university hospital. Patients and Methods: The GLI2 coding region of patients with isolated GH deficiency (IGHD) or combined pituitary hormone deficiency was amplified by PCR using intronic primers and sequenced. Results: Three novel heterozygous GLI2 mutations were identified: c. 2362_2368del p. L788fsX794 (family 1), c. 2081_2084del p. L694fsX722 (family 2), and c. 1138 G > T p. E380X (family 3). All predict a truncated protein with loss of the C-terminal activator domain. The index case of family 1 had polydactyly, hypoglycemia, and seizures, and GH, TSH, prolactin, ACTH, LH, and FSH deficiencies. Her mother and seven relatives harboring the same mutation had polydactyly, including two uncles with IGHD and one cousin with GH, TSH, LH, and FSH deficiencies. In family 2, a boy had cryptorchidism, cleft lip and palate, and GH deficiency. In family 3, a girl had hypoglycemia, seizures, excessive thirst and polyuria, and GH, ACTH, TSH, and antidiuretic hormone deficiencies. Magnetic resonance imaging of four patients with GLI2 mutations and hypopituitarism showed a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and an ectopic posterior pituitary lobe without HPE. Conclusion: We describe three novel heterozygous frameshift or nonsense GLI2 mutations, predicting truncated proteins lacking the activator domain, associated with IGHD or combined pituitary hormone deficiency and ectopic posterior pituitary lobe without HPE. These phenotypes support partial penetrance, variable polydactyly, midline facial defects, and pituitary hormone deficiencies, including diabetes insipidus, conferred by heterozygous frameshift or nonsense GLI2 mutations. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: E384-E391, 2010)


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OBJECTIVE. MRI and combined ankle and posterior subtalar MR arthrography in cadavers were used to evaluate the ligaments of the posterior and lateral talar processes. Subsequent anatomic and histologic correlation was performed. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Ten cadaveric ankles were used. Routine radiography and MRI were initially performed. Ankle and posterior subtalar MR arthrography, followed by anatomic and histologic analysis, was then performed to allow better assessment of the ligaments of the lateral and posterior talar process. RESULTS. In all subjects, MR arthrography provided superior delineation of the articular and periarticular structures, as well as the ligaments. The lateral talocalcaneal and medial talocalcaneal ligaments were best seen in the axial and coronal planes, respectively. The axial plane was best for visualizing the fibulotalocalcaneal ligament, and the sagittal plane was best for evaluating the posterior talocalcaneal ligament. The anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments and the posterior tibiotalar ligament (superficial and deep portions) were best seen in the axial plane. Histologic analysis was correlated to anatomic sectioning and showed the attachment sites of these ligaments. CONCLUSION. Combined ankle and posterior subtalar MR arthrography enhances visualization of the ligaments attaching to the posterior and lateral talar processes, including the posterior, lateral, and medial talocalcaneal and fibulotalocalcaneal ligaments.


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Purpose The purpose of this report was to demonstrate the normal complex insertional anatomy of the tibialis posterior tendon (TPT) in cadavers using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with anatomic and histologic correlation. Material and methods Ten cadaveric ankles were used according to institutional guidelines. MR T1-weighted spin echo imaging was performed to demonstrate aspects of the complex anatomic distal insertions of the TPT in cadaveric specimens. Findings on MR imaging were correlated with those derived from anatomic and histologic study. Reults Generally, the TPT revealed a low signal in all MR images, except near the level of the medial malleolus, where the TPT suddenly changed direction and ""magic angle"" artifact could be observed. In five out of ten specimens (50%), a type I accessory navicular bone was found in the TPT. In all cases with a type I accessory navicular bone, the TPT had an altered signal in this area. Axial and coronal planes on MR imaging were the best in identifying the distal insertions of the TPT. A normal division of the TPT was observed just proximal to the insertion into the navicular bone in five specimens (100%) occurring at a maximum proximal distance from its attachment to the navicular bone of approximately 1.5 to 2 cm. In the other five specimens, in which a type I accessory navicular bone was present, the TPT directly inserted into the accessory bone and a slip less than 1.5 mm in thickness could be observed attaching to the medial aspect of the navicular bone (100%). Anatomic inspection confirmed the sites of the distal insertions of the components of the TPT. Conclusion MR imaging enabled detailed analysis of the complex distal insertions of the TPT as well as a better understanding of those features of its insertion that can simulate a lesion.


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Aim Chagas` disease is an endemic parasitosis found in Latin America. The disease affects different organs, such as heart, oesophagus, colon and rectum. Megacolon is the most frequent long-term complication, caused by damage to the myoenteric and submucous plexus, ultimately leading to a functional barrier to the faeces. Patients with severe constipation are managed surgically. The study aimed to analyse the 10-year minimum functional outcome after rectosigmoidectomy with posterior end-to-side anastomosis (RPESA). Method A total of 21 of 46 patients were available for follow up. Patients underwent clinical, radiological and manometric evaluation, and the results were compared with preoperative parameters. Results Of the 21 patients evaluated, 81% (17) were female, with a mean age of 60.6 years. Good function was achieved in all patients, with significant improvement in defaecatory frequency (P < 0.0001), usage of enemas (P < 0.0001) and patient satisfaction. Barium enema also showed resolution of the colonic and rectal dilatation in 19 cases evaluated postoperatively. Conclusion Minimal 10-year follow up of RPESA showed excellent functional results, with no recurrence of constipation.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of oral azithromycin in patients with posterior blepharitis. Methods: Twenty-six eyes of 13 patients with posterior blepharitis diagnosed by a qualified ophthalmologist were enrolled in this study. Patients were instructed to use oral azithromycin 500 mg per day for 3 days in 3 cycles with 7-day intervals. Subjective clinical outcomes were graded and scored 1 day before and 30 days after the end of the treatment (53 days after initiating the treatment) based on severity scores of: (1) eyelid debris; (2) eyelid telangiectasia; (3) swelling of the eyelid margin; (4) redness of the eyelid margin; and (5) ocular mucus secretion. For the assessment of global efficacy, patients were asked by the investigator to rate the subjective symptoms (eyelid itching, ocular itching, eyelid hyperemia, ocular hyperemia, ocular mucus secretion, photophobia, foreign body sensation, and dry eye sensation) on a scale of 0 (no symptoms) to 5 (severe symptoms). Break-up time, Schirmer I test, corneal fluorescein staining score, and rose bengal staining score were also performed in all patients. Results: All clinical outcomes scoring showed statistically significant improvement after oral azithromycin, except for eyelid swelling. Average subjective symptom grading improved statistically after treatment with oral azithromycin, except for eyelid hyperemia, photophobia, and foreign body sensation. Average tear film break-up time values showed statistically significant improvement after the treatment with oral azithromycin. No statistically significant improvement was observed on average values of Schirmer I test, corneal fluorescein staining score, and rose bengal staining score. Conclusions: The combination of multiple clinical parameters shown in this study supports the clinical efficacy of pulsed oral azithromycin therapy for the management of posterior blepharitis.


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Objective: To describe the anatomy of the sphenopalatine foramen (SPF) region and possible anatomical variations. Study Design: Prospective study accomplished from September, 2006, to January, 2007. Methods: The sphenopalatine foramen (SPF) of 61 cadavers were carefully dissected. Presence of the ethmoidal crest, location of sphenopalatine and accessory foramens, and the number of arterial branches emerging through foramens were observed. Data were analyzed in relation to gender, racial group, and symmetry of the cadaver. Prediction of the presence of accessory foramen was evaluated. Results: Mixed race cadavers prevailed in 122 nasal fossae dissected (75% males). Ethmoidal crest was present in 100% of the cadavers, being anterior to the SPF in 98.4% of the cases. The most frequent SPF location was the transition of the middle and superior meatus (86.9%). Mean distance from the SPF and accessory foramen to anterior nasal spine was 6.6 cm and 6.7 cm, respectively. Accessory foramen was present in 9.83% of the cases. A single arterial stem emerged through the SPF in 67.2% of the cases, and 100% through accessory foramens. The prevalence analyses showed no differences that were statistically significant (P > 0.05) between gender and racial group. The symmetry analyses showed a strong conformity (P < 0.01) between nasal fossae in relation to the SPF location. There was no statistically significant conformity between nasal fossae and accessory foramen (P = 0.53). None of the variables of interest presents any statistically significant (P > 0.05) association with the presence of the accessory foramen. Conclusions: There are anatomical variations in the lateral nose wall that should be considered for successful endoscopic surgical treatment of severe epistaxis.