969 resultados para Post-Crisis Argentina
Las clases medias en Argentina se han caracterizado, sobre todo desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, por ser un sector social dinámico, por su optimismo en cuanto al progreso y por las amplias posibilidades de ascenso social que les brindaba la situación económica del país, posibilidades que el peronismo extendió luego a las clases trabajadoras. Durante los primeros años de la década del noventa, el país logró estabilizarse económicamente dejando atrás el fantasma hiperinflacionario, permitiendo un notable, si bien breve, crecimiento económico. La Convertibilidad permitió a gran parte de la población acceder a nuevos patrones de consumo; los shoppings y los barrios cerrados comenzaron a formar parte del paisaje urbano. A consecuencia se produce una mutación en las condiciones de vida y en los hábitos de consumo, sobre todo de los sectores medios. Al correr la década se advierten los costos del modelo neoliberal: el aumento veloz e inédito del desempleo, la caída en los ingresos de la mayoría de los trabajadores, el aumento de la pobreza y la marginalidad. En definitiva, la estructura social del país se vio modificada y sus efectos fueron sentidos por la gran mayoría de la población, aunque de diferente manera y en diferentes momentos. Los más afectados fueron los sectores de menores ingresos, pero en gran medida también aquellos ubicados en los sectores medio-bajo de la estructura social, que en su mayoría pasaron a conformar una nueva categoría social: los nuevos pobres. La investigación indaga acerca del impacto de la crisis económica en la subjetividad de los jóvenes de clase media, en particular en su visión acerca del país y en sus perspectivas a futuro. Al mismo tiempo, intenta delinear las nuevas prácticas, creencias y valores que adquieren las clases medias post-crisis, que debieron adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias, y en muchos casos modificar sus hábitos de vida y patrones de consumo. Algunos hallazgos permitan afirmar que las transformaciones que ha sufrido el país en lo social y económico han sido tan profundas que impactaron en el imaginario e identidad social de los sectores medios: se desmoronan las tradicionales perspectivas de ascenso social, se desarrollan nuevas estrategias de consumo; el optimismo se revierte a consecuencia del futuro incierto, mientras que la educación parece ser uno de los pocos valores que se niegan a relegar
Of the Southeast Asian countries most badly affected by the 1997 financial crisis, Malaysia and Thailand remain the most unsettled by its political fallout. Their present political situations are not akin to 'politics as usual'. Instead, they capture the unpredicted outcomes of post-crisis struggles to reorganize structures of economic and political power. Comparing the situations in Malaysia and Thailand, this paper focuses on their differing state and civil society engagements with neoliberalism. It is suggested that the post-crisis contestations, sometimes tied to pre-crisis conflicts in political economy, left something of a stalemate: neither neoliberalism nor the social movements satisfactorily fulfilled their agendas in either country.
The global financial crisis, which started in the summer of 2007 and deepened in the aftermath of the Lehman failure in September 2008, has led to a virtual collapse in economic activity and increased financial volatility worldwide. For the developing countries, the main channel of transmission has been a drop in external transactions, such as trade, financial and capital flows, and remittances. The emerging economies in the southern and eastern Mediterranean have also faced declining economic activity, although there seems to be considerable variation in the relative magnitude and timing. Most of these economies have shown a delayed but more lasting response to the crisis, driven mostly by their close trade and investment ties with the EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. This book explores the fiscal, monetary and financial effects of the crisis in the region and provides an in-depth analysis of the fiscal, monetary and banking policies in the post-crisis era, the viability of their exit strategies and the future of reforms in the region. These analyses not only provide a comprehensive comparison between the countries but also provide a solid basis for assessing future economic and financial developments and reforms in the region.
En Argentina, desde comienzos de la década de los noventa, puntualmente a partir de la Ley de Empleo de 1991, se articularía una red de políticas sociales de atención al desempleo que cabe analizar en términos de workfare. En este proceso sería fundamental la introducción de una serie de nuevos conceptos, con los que diagnosticar el problema del desempleo y prefigurar su tratamiento. Uno de estos conceptos ha sido el de "empleabilidad". El término empleabilidad está relacionado con distintos contextos de emergencia: el debate sobre la cuestión social en Inglaterra a comienzos del siglo XX, el debate estadístico de medición del empleo en Estados Unidos en la post-crisis del '30, el desarrollo de los tests psicométricos entre los cincuenta y los sesenta, la proliferación de políticas de lucha contra la pobreza en la década del setenta y la reforma más reciente de los Estados de Bienestar. En este trabajo nos proponemos dar cuenta de estos contextos y de los sentidos que en ellos adquiere la cuestión de la empleabilidad. Luego, brevemente, nos referiremos a los sentidos del concepto en el caso de los programas sociales actuales en Argentina
En Argentina, desde comienzos de la década de los noventa, puntualmente a partir de la Ley de Empleo de 1991, se articularía una red de políticas sociales de atención al desempleo que cabe analizar en términos de workfare. En este proceso sería fundamental la introducción de una serie de nuevos conceptos, con los que diagnosticar el problema del desempleo y prefigurar su tratamiento. Uno de estos conceptos ha sido el de "empleabilidad". El término empleabilidad está relacionado con distintos contextos de emergencia: el debate sobre la cuestión social en Inglaterra a comienzos del siglo XX, el debate estadístico de medición del empleo en Estados Unidos en la post-crisis del '30, el desarrollo de los tests psicométricos entre los cincuenta y los sesenta, la proliferación de políticas de lucha contra la pobreza en la década del setenta y la reforma más reciente de los Estados de Bienestar. En este trabajo nos proponemos dar cuenta de estos contextos y de los sentidos que en ellos adquiere la cuestión de la empleabilidad. Luego, brevemente, nos referiremos a los sentidos del concepto en el caso de los programas sociales actuales en Argentina
In a paper on the effects of the global financial crisis in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), the author reacts to a paper of Åslund (2011) published in the same issue of Eurasian Geography and Economics on the influence of exchange rate policies on the region’s recovery. The author argues that post-crisis corrections in current account deficits in CEE countries do not in themselves signal a return to steady economic growth. Disagreeing with Åslund over the role of loose monetary policy in fostering the region’s economic problems, he outlines a number of competitiveness problems that remain to be addressed in the 10 new EU member states of CEE, along with improvements in framework conditions supporting future macroeconomic growth.
This study looks at the impact of the recent financial crisis on the short-term performance of European acquisitions. We use institutional theory and transaction cost economic theory to study whether bidders derive lower or higher returns from acquisitions announced after 2008. We investigate shareholders’ stock price reaction to 2245 deals which occurred during 2004–12 across 22 European Union countries. Our results from both univariate and multivariate analysis show that the deals announced in the post-crisis period, corresponding to the period of economic recession, generate higher returns to shareholders as compared to acquisitions announced in the pre-crisis period. We also test the relevance of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), that is, the Eurozone, to this value accrual during the recessionary period. We observe that non-EMU transactions obtain significantly higher gains vis-à-vis EMU transactions in the post-crisis years. Overall, announcement returns of European acquisitions have been affected by the financial crisis and the global recession; and companies that target countries with different currency regimes are likely to generate better returns from their acquisitions.
This paper addresses the condition of domestic work in Argentina, in a perspective that draws from the literature on care work. In this approach, domestic work can be interpreted as one of the mercantile forms in which care work is socially organized, due to the persistence of the traditional sexual division of labor and the weakness of public policies. From these considerations, I develop a quantitative study on the levels of informality, precarity, and wage inequality that characterize domestic work in that country. Thereafter, I discuss the main measures adopted by the Argentine government since 2003, with the goal of reducing legal discrimination of domestic workers and promoting their formalization. On this basis, the paper highlights the advances in the recognition of domestic workers’ labor rights, while emphasizing how social and cultural restraints still permeate labor relations in this sector.
El desarrollo de este estudio de caso, tiene como objetivo analizar la consolidación de Argentina como un posible escenario de crimen organizado en América Latina. Para ello se analizarán los factores que han permitido la proliferación de dicho fenómeno, haciendo énfasis en que la capacidad de establecer redes, trascienden el ordenamiento estatal y permiten que se desarrolle de manera autónoma en diferentes regiones del planeta. Además se tratarán temas fundamentales que permiten dar cuenta de cómo ha sido la construcción de los pilares que conforman la sociedad argentina en el contexto de una sociedad criminal, convirtiéndose en una amenaza directa para el funcionamiento del sistema internacional.
RESUMO: Relevância e Objectivos: O objectivo deste estudo consistiu em verificar a eficácia e segurança de uma técnica de higiene brônquica – Active Cycle breathing technique (ACBT), na remoção de secreções e desinsuflação em crianças asmáticas. É uma técnica recente, que ainda não foi estudada nesta população. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por um total de 14 crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e 18 anos, com o diagnóstico de asma. Foi dividida em dois grupos: grupo de controlo, constituído por asmáticos estáveis e grupo experimental constituído por asmáticos pós-crise. Ambos receberam o mesmo tratamento, que consistiu numa única sessão de ACBT. Realizaram um exame da função respiratória (variáveis FEV1, PEF, MEF75%, RV e FRC) antes e após a aplicação da técnica. Mediu-se a Saturação de O2 antes, a meio e no fim da aplicação da técnica. Por último, pesaram-se as secreções recolhidas durante a sessão de tratamento. Resultados: Como resultados, quando omparamos o antes e após aplicação do ACBT, obtivemos diferenças significativas no RV (p <0,05) e FRC (p <0,05); muito significativa na Sa02 (p <0,01) e peso de secreções, nos asmáticos pós crise. Ocorreu uma melhoria significativa da saturação (p <0,05) em asmáticos estáveis, não havendo secreções. Não houve efeitos adversos nem broncoespasmo em ambos os grupos.Conclusão: O ACBT é uma técnica que promove a remoção de secreções e diminuição da insuflação na população de asmáticos.--------------------ABSTRACT:Relevance and Goals: the goal of this study was to verify the efficiency and security of a bronchial hygienic technique - Active Cycle Breathing Technique (ACBT) – in the obstruction and insufflation of asthmatic children. This is a new technique that has not yet been studied in this population. Procedures: The subjects were 14 children aged between 6 and 18 years old with asthma diagnosis. They were divided in two groups: the control group with stable asthmatics and the experimental group with post-crisis asthmatics. Both received the same treatment that was a single session of ACBT. They made a lung function test before and after the application of the technique (variables FEV1, PEF, MEF75%, RV and FRC). The level of O2 saturation was measured before, during and after the procedure. In the end, the secretions collected during the treatment were weighted. Results: We observed a significant difference on RV (p ˂0,05), FRC (p ˂0,05), Sa02 (p ˂0,01) and in the weight of the secretions in the post-crisis asthmatics after ACBT. There was a significant improvement of saturation (p ˂0,05) only in the stable asthmatics. There were no adverse effects or bronchospasm in both groups.
The recent financial crisis has drawn the attention of researchers and regulators to the importance of liquidity for stock market stability and efficiency. The ability of market-makers and investors to provide liquidity is constrained by the willingness of financial institutions to supply funding capital. This paper sheds light on the liquidity linkages between the Central Bank, Monetary Financial Institutions and market-makers as crucial elements to the well-functioning of markets. Results suggest the existence of causality between credit conditions and stock market liquidity for the Eurozone between 2003 and 2015. Similar evidence is found for the UK during the post-crisis period. Keywords: stock
The Financial Leverage of Large Portuguese Firms in the European Context This paper studies the leverage, cost of debt servicing ability and structure of debt maturity of large Portuguese firms, over the pre-crisis (2006-2009) and post-crisis (2010-2013) periods through a comparative analysis with other European peers. We document that large Portuguese firms have been reducing their leverage since the end of 2009. We find that this decrease in leverage is not a consequence higher Equity levels but rather a result of asset’s downsizing. We also document that Portuguese firms are still more leveraged than their European peers, even though this difference has decreased over time. High corporate debt levels are transversal across industries.
This study presents an empirical investigation of the determinants of net interest margins and spreads in the Russian and Japanese banking sectors with a particular focus on commercial banks. Net interest mar-gins and spreads serve as indicators of financial intermediation efficiency. This paper employed a bank-level unbalanced panel dataset prolonging from 2005 to 2014. My main empirical results show that bank characteristics explain the most of the variation in not only net interest margins but also in spreads. Capi-talization, liquidity risk, inflation, economic growth, private and government debt are important determi-nants of margin in Russia. In Japan to the contrary loan and deposit market concentration along with bank size do predominate. Common significant variables in both countries are the substitution effect, cost effi-ciency and profitability. Turning to net interest spreads, micro- and macro-specific variables are the main significant drivers in Russia. I reach the conclusion that there are no significant determinants of net interest spreads in Japan within the original selection of variables, but operating efficiency and deposits to total funding seem to prevail. In both countries, there are solid differences in the net interest margins as well as spreads once the pre- and the post-crisis periods are considered.
The objective of this paper is to identify the political conditions that are most likely to be conducive to the development of social investment policies. It starts from the view put forward by theorists of welfare retrenchment that in the current context of permanent austerity, policy is likely to be dominated by retrenchment and implemented in a way that allows governments to minimise the risk of electoral punishment (blame avoidance). It is argued that this view is inconsistent with developments observed in several European countries, were some welfare state expansion has taken place mostly in the fields of childcare and active labour market policy. An alternative model is put forward, that emphasises the notion of "affordable credit claiming". It is argued that even under strong budgetary pressures, governments maintain a preference for policies that allow them to claim credit for their actions. Since the traditional redistributive policies tend to be off the menu for cost reasons, governments have tended to favour investments in childcare and active labour market policy as credit claiming tools. Policies developed in this way while they have a social investment flavour, tend to be rather limited in the extent to which they genuinely improve prospects of disadvantaged people by investing in their human capital. A more ambitious strategy of social investment sees unlikely to develop on the basis of affordable credit claiming. The paper starts by presenting the theoretical argument, which is then illustrated with examples taken from European countries both in the pre-crisis and in the post-crisis years.