980 resultados para Plant-soil relationships.


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As áreas com plantios florestais estão constantemente em expansão, e a interferência das plantas daninhas alteram o crescimento e desenvolvimento de plantas de eucalipto, pois estas competem por água, nutrientes, espaço e luz. Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a seletividade do herbicida saflufenacil, aplicado com e sem óleo mineral Dash, em plantas de Eucalyptus urograndis, em diferentes locais de aplicação (planta, solo e solo + planta). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, constituído de um fatorial 3 x 11, sendo três locais de aplicação do herbicida na planta e 11doses do herbicida saflufenacil combinadas ou não com o adjuvante Dash. Cada parcela constou de um vaso com uma planta. Os tratamentos usados foram: 0, 25, 25+Dash (0,5% v/v), 50, 50+Dash (0,5% v/v), 75, 100, 125, 150, 175 e 200 g i.a. ha-1 . Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de fitointoxicação durante 56 dias após aplicação (DAA). Avaliouse, ainda, a altura, o diâmetro de caule e a biomassa seca das plantas. Todas as doses testadas de saflufenacil sem adjuvante mostraram-se seletivas às plantas de E. urograndis, independentemente do local de aplicação. A adição de Dash aos tratamentos proporcionou injúrias severas às plantas nas avaliações iniciais, quando aplicado sobre as plantas, com a recuperação total destas no fim do ensaio, aos 56 DAA. A aplicação do herbicida em mistura com adjuvante somente no solo não causou intoxicação às plantas de eucalipto.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Oggetto della ricerca è il tema dello spazio delle centrali idroelettriche costruite nella prima metà del Novecento dagli architetti Giovanni Muzio e Piero Portaluppi. L’individuazione del tema sorge dalla volontà di indagare quali siano stati gli sviluppi dal punto di vista architettonico all’interno di un genere così specifico durante un periodo di tempo in cui gli stili architettonici e le tendenze hanno subito stravolgimenti ed evoluzioni che ancora oggi trovano una difficile connotazione e definizione precisa. L’analisi dell’architettura delle centrali idroelettriche, effettuata ripercorrendo le principali vicende del settore idroelettrico dalla fine del secolo scorso al secondo dopoguerra, oltre a considerare il rapporto con il contesto territoriale e culturale del nostro Paese vuole prendere in considerazione anche il particolare rapporto che in più casi si è venuto a creare tra committenti e progettisti. Compito della tesi è rileggere un settore poco indagato finora e capire se vi sia stata effettivamente una evoluzione architettonica dal punto di vista tipologico o se la centrale sia stata sempre affrontata come semplice esercizio di “vestizione” di un involucro precostituito da precise esigenze tecniche. La ricerca infatti si pone come obiettivo lo studio delle centrali non solo dal punto di vista tipologico e spaziale dei suoi principali elementi, ma si pone come obiettivo anche lo studio della loro distribuzione nel sito in cui sono sorte, distribuzione che spesso ha portato alla formazione di una sorta di vera e propria “città elettrica”, in cui la composizione dei vari elementi segue una logica compositiva ben precisa. Dal punto di vista del contributo originale la ricerca vuole proporre una serie di riflessioni ed elaborati inerenti alcune centrali non ancora indagate. Nel caso specifico di Portaluppi l’apporto originale consiste nell’aver portato alla luce notizie inerenti centrali che sono sempre state poste in secondo piano rispetto le ben più note e studiate centrali della Val d’Ossola. Nel caso invece di Muzio il contributo consiste in una analisi approfondita e in una comparazione di documenti che di solito sono sempre stati pubblicati come semplice apparato iconografico, ma che messi a confronto danno una lettura di quelle che sono state le fasi e le elaborazioni progettuali apportate dall’autore. Il tema della ricerca è stato affrontato poi attraverso una lettura delle fonti dirette relative agli scritti degli autori, con una contemporanea lettura di testi, articoli e interventi tratti dalle riviste appartenenti al periodo in esame per comprendere al meglio il panorama culturale e architettonico che hanno fatto da scenario alle esperienze di entrambe le figure oggetto di studio. Infine la ricerca si è concentrata sull’analisi di alcune opere in particolare - due centrali idroelettriche per ciascun autore oggetto della tesi - scelte perché considerate rappresentative sia per impianto spaziale e tipologico, sia per le scelte compositive e stilistiche adottate. La lettura dei manufatti architettonici scelti è stata condotta con l’analisi di copie di elaborati grafici originali, foto d’epoca e altri documenti reperiti grazie ad una ricerca condotta in vari archivi. Le centrali scelte nell’ambito delle esperienze maturate da Muzio e Portaluppi sono state individuate per rappresentare il quadro relativo allo sviluppo e alla ricerca di un nuovo linguaggio formale da adottare nell’ambito dell’architettura di questi manufatti. Per entrambi i protagonisti oggetto della ricerca sono state individuate due centrali in grado di dare una visione il più possibile completa dell’evoluzione della tematica delle centrali idroelettriche all’interno della loro esperienza, prendendo in considerazione soprattutto gli aspetti legati all’evoluzione del loro linguaggio compositivo e stilistico. L’individuazione delle centrali da analizzare è stata dettata prendendo in considerazione alcuni fattori come il tipo di impianto, le relazioni e confronto con il contesto geografico e naturale e le soluzioni adottate.


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Zur Untersuchung der speziesspezifischen Transformationsprozesse des Quecksilbers in der Umwelt wurden erstmalig Mikrokosmosexperimente unter Verwendung von isotopenangereicherten Verbindungen durchgeführt. Es wurden naturrelevante Bedingungen simuliert, um eine spätere Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse auf den biogeochemischen Kreislauf des Quecksilbers zu gewährleisten. Die aufgebauten Mikrokosmen bestanden aus Boden/Pflanzen/Luft-Kompartimenten. Der Boden der Mikrokosmen wurde mit isotopenangereicherten Quecksilberspezies dotiert. Durch die Verwendung von isotopenangereicherten Verbindungen, verbunden mit gleichzeitiger ICP/MS-Detektion, konnten auftretende Transformationsprozesse beobachtet werden. Die Messung der Quecksilberspezies erfolgte mittels GC-ICP/MS nach vorheriger Derivatisierung mit Natriumtetraethylborat und Anreicherung per 'purge and trap'.Die Massenspuren der einzelnen Quecksilberisotope wurden für alle Quecksilberspezies gemessen und daraus dann für jede Spezies die Isotopenverhältnisse gebildet. Bei einer Änderung des Isotopenverhältnisses kann von einer Speziestransformation ausgegangen werden.Aus den Mikrokosmosexperimenten, denen Methylquecksilber als angereicherte Isotopenverbindung zugegeben wurde, konnte gefolgert werden, dass Methylquecksilber im Boden zunächst zu anorganischem Quecksilber demethyliert wurde. Im Anschluss daran erfolgte eine Reduktion zu elementarem Quecksilber. Dieses gebildete elementare Quecksilber verflüchtigte sich nahezu vollständig (ca. 90-100%) vom Boden in die Atmosphäre.Bei der Zugabe von anorganischem Quecksilber als angereicherte Isotopenverbindung in den Boden wurde vorwiegend eine Reduktion zu elementarem Quecksilber beobachtet, das dann in die Atmosphäre emittiert. Es konnte aber auch eine geringe Methylierung (ca. 5%) zu Methylquecksilber beobachtet werden. Daraus kann gefolgert werden, dass die methylierten Quecksilberverbindungen eine wesentliche Rolle im natürlichen Kreislauf des Quecksilbers spielen.Parallel zu den Mikrokosmosexperimenten wurden Feldversuche in einem flussnahen Feuchtgebiet, aus dem auch der Boden für die Mikrokosmosexperimente entnommen worden war, durchgeführt. In den Feldversuchen wurden Quecksilberkonzentrationen und der Quecksilberfluss zwischen dem Boden und der Atmosphäre mit Hilfe von Flusskammerexperimenten bestimmt. Es konnten mit Hilfe von Mikrokosmen, die natürliche Verhältnisse simulieren sollten, und mit Hilfe verschieden angereicherter Isotopenspikes erstmals Speziestransformationen des Quecksilbers direkt beobachtet werden. Die GC-ICP/MS-Methode ermöglichte eine eindeutige Identifikation von Edukt und Produkt der jeweiligen Umwandlung. Allerdings wurde die Untersuchung eingeschränkt durch die irreversiblen biologischen Veränderungen in den eingesetzten Mikrokosmen nach über einer Woche und durch die Notwendigkeit, vergleichsweise hohe Konzentrationen der Spikes einzusetzen, um eine statistisch signifikante Auswertung der Veränderung der Isotopenverhältnisse zu erreichen. Somit sind Mikrokosmosexperimente nur eingeschränkt für Untersuchungen des Quecksilberverhaltens geeignet.Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es aber gelungen, die Mikrokosmenexperimente unter Verwendung von isotopenangereicherten Verbindungen und der GC-ICP/MS-Methode als leistungsstarkes Verfahren zur Beobachtung von Speziestransformationsprozessen des Quecksilbers zu etablieren.


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In the present study, we report the results of comprehensive amino acid (AA) analyses of four Indian lakes from different climate regimes. We focus on the investigation of sediment cores retrieved from the lakes but data of modern sediment as well as vascular plant, soil, and suspended particulate matter samples from individual lakes are also presented. Commonly used degradation and organic matter source indices are tested for their applicability to the lake sediments, and we discuss potential reasons for possible limitations. A principal component analysis including the monomeric AA composition of organic matter of all analysed samples indicates that differences in organic matter sources and the environmental properties of the individual lakes are responsible for the major variability in monomeric AA distribution of the different samples. However, the PCA also gives a factor that most probably separates the samples according to their state of organic matter degradation. Using the factor loadings of the individual AA monomers, we calculate a lake sediment degradation index (LI) that might be applicable to other palaeo-lake investigations.


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The Tibetan highlands host the largest alpine grassland ecosystems worldwide, bearing soils that store substantial stocks of carbon (C) that are very sensitive to land use changes. This study focuses on the cycling of photoassimilated C within a Kobresia pygmaea pasture, the dominating ecosystems on the Tibetan highlands. We investigated short-term effects of grazing cessation and the role of the characteristic Kobresia root turf on C fluxes and belowground C turnover. By combining eddy-covariance measurements with 13CO2 pulse labeling we applied a powerful new approach to measure absolute fluxes of assimilates within and between various pools of the plant-soil-atmosphere system. The roots and soil each store roughly 50% of the overall C in the system (76 Mg C/ha), with only a minor contribution from shoots, which is also expressed in the root:shoot ratio of 90. During June and July the pasture acted as a weak C sink with a strong uptake of approximately 2 g C/m**2/ in the first half of July. The root turf was the main compartment for the turnover of photoassimilates, with a subset of highly dynamic roots (mean residence time 20 days), and plays a key role for the C cycling and C storage in this ecosystem. The short-term grazing cessation only affected aboveground biomass but not ecosystem scale C exchange or assimilate allocation into roots and soil.


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1 The herbivorous bug Heteropsylla cubana Crawford (Homoptera: Psyllidae) is a pest of the cattle fodder crop Leucaena (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). The interaction between the psyllid and three varieties of its Leucaena host plant was investigated in relation to the apparent resistance of some Leucaena varieties (Leucaena leucocephala, Leucaena pallida and their hybrids) to attack. 2 Field trials demonstrated that adult psyllids distinguished among the different varieties of Leucaena over a distance, and were attracted to L. leucocephala in significantly higher numbers than to L. pallida or to the hybrid. Pesticide treatment increased the attractiveness of Leucaena plants, even of those deemed to be psyllid resistant. Numbers of psyllid eggs and nymphs, sampled in the field, reflect the arrival rates of adults at the three plant varieties. 3 Wavelength reflectance data of the three Leucaena varieties were not significantly different from one another, suggesting that psyllids cannot discriminate among the three plants using brightness or wavelength cues. There was a differential release of caryophyllene among the three varieties. Release of caryophyllene in L. leucocephala and the hybrid appeared to be influenced by environmental conditions. 4 Experiments demonstrated that caryophyllene (at least on its own) did not influence the behaviour of leucaena psyllids in relation to leucaena plants. 5 The results suggest that host plant volatiles cannot be dismissed as significant in the interaction between the leucaena psyllid and its Leucaena host plants. Further avenues for investigation are recommended and these are related to novel ways of understanding resistance in insect plant inter-relationships.


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Rhizosphere enhanced biodegradation of organic pollutants has been reported frequently and a stimulatory role for specific components of rhizodeposits postulated. As rhizodeposit composition is a function of plant species and soil type, we compared the effect of Lolium perenne and Trifolium pratense grown in two different soils (a sandy silt loam: pH 4, 2.8% OC, no previous 2,4-D exposure and a silt loam: pH 6.5, 4.3% OC, previous 2,4-D exposure) on the mineralization of the herbicide 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid). We investigated the relationship of mineralization kinetics to dehydrogenase activity, most probable number of 2,4-D degraders (MPN2,4-D) and 2,4-D degrader composition (using sequence analysis of the gene encoding alpha-ketoglutarate/2,4-D dioxygenase (tfdA)). There were significant (P < 0.01) plant-soil interaction effects on MPN2,4-D and 2,4-D mineralization kinetics (e.g. T pratense rhizodeposits enhanced the maximum mineralization rate by 30% in the acid sandy silt loam soil, but not in the neutral silt loam soil). Differences in mineralization kinetics could not be ascribed to 2,4-D degrader composition as both soils had tfdA sequences which clustered with tfdAs representative of two distinct classes of 2,4-D degrader: canonical R. eutropha JMP134-like and oligotrophic alpha-proteobacterial-like. Other explanations for the differential rhizodeposit effect between soils and plants (e.g. nutrient competition effects) are discussed. Our findings stress that complexity of soil-plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere make the occurrence and extent of rhizosphere-enhanced xenobiotic degradation difficult to predict.


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Morphological, anatomical and physiological plant and leaf traits of A. distorta, an endemic species of the Central Apennines on the Majella Massif, growing at 2,675 m a.s.l, were analyzed. The length of the phenological cycle starts immediately after the snowmelt at the end of May, lasting 128 ± 10 days. The low A. distorta height  (Hmax= 64 ± 4 mm) and total leaf area (TLA= 38 ± 9 cm2) associated to a high leaf mass area (LMA =11.8±0.6 mg cm−2) and a relatively high leaf tissue density (LTD = 124.6±14.3 mg cm−3) seem to be adaptive traits to the stress factors of the environment where it grows. From a physiological point of view, the high A. distorta photosynthetic rates (PN =19.6 ± 2.3 µmol m−2 s−1) and total chlorophyll content (Chla+b = 0.88 ± 0.13 mg g−1) in July are justified by the favorable temperature. PN decreases by 87% in September at the beginning of plant senescence. Photosynthesis and leaf respiration (RD) variations allow A. distorta to maintain a positive carbon balance during the growing season becoming indicative of the efficiency of plant carbon use. The results could be an important tool for conservation programmes of the A. distorta wild populations.


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Members of the oomycete cause extensive losses in agriculture and widespread degradation in natural plant communities, being responsible for the death of thousands of trees every year. Two of the representative species are Phytophthora infestans, which causes late blight of potato, and Phytophthora cinnamomi, which causes chestnut ink disease, responsible for losses on sweet chestnut production in Europe. Genome sequencing efforts have been focused on the study of three species: P. infestans, P. sojae and P. ramorum. Phytophthora infestans has been developed as the model specie for the genus, possessing excellent genetic and genomics resources including genetic maps, BAC libraries, and EST sequences. Our research team is trying to sequence the genome of P. cinnamomi in order to gain a better understanding of this oomycete, to study changes in plant-pathogen relationships including those resulting from climate change and trying to decrease the pathogen’s impact on crops and plants in natural ecosystems worldwide. We present here a preliminary report of partially sequenced genomic DNA from P. cinnamomi encoding putative protein-coding sequences and tRNAs. Database analysis reveals the presence of genes conserved in oomycetes.


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Background Plant-soil interaction is central to human food production and ecosystem function. Thus, it is essential to not only understand, but also to develop predictive mathematical models which can be used to assess how climate and soil management practices will affect these interactions. Scope In this paper we review the current developments in structural and chemical imaging of rhizosphere processes within the context of multiscale mathematical image based modeling. We outline areas that need more research and areas which would benefit from more detailed understanding. Conclusions We conclude that the combination of structural and chemical imaging with modeling is an incredibly powerful tool which is fundamental for understanding how plant roots interact with soil. We emphasize the need for more researchers to be attracted to this area that is so fertile for future discoveries. Finally, model building must go hand in hand with experiments. In particular, there is a real need to integrate rhizosphere structural and chemical imaging with modeling for better understanding of the rhizosphere processes leading to models which explicitly account for pore scale processes.