981 resultados para Pier Antonio Novelli
En primer lloc, aquest llibre conté una traducció i transcripció de la Topografia Mèdica de Vic, d'Antoni Millet, de 1798. Aquesta transcripció es completa amb una investigació analítica i detallada del context cultural en què sorgiren les primeres topografies mèdiques al nostre país.El present document suposa el redescobriment d'una figura rellevant de la medicina catalana, Antoni Millet, de qui també es recull una segona obra entorn a una epidèmia que afectà la ciutat de Ripoll l'any 1790.
La denominada cultura argárica ha sido desde siempre uno de los focos más atractivos de la Prehistoria peninsular. El libro que tenemos entre las manos aporta un grano de arena más al conocimiento de esta cultura, pero atendiendo a uno de los grupos geográficamente más periféricos, lo que complementa los trabajos que desde mucho tiempo atrás se vienen realizando en diversos puntos del SE peninsular, área nuclear de este fenómeno.
En la historiografía de la investigación sobre la cultura ibérica, el poblado de San Antonio el Pobre (Calaceite) va indeleblemente unido a las intervenciones del Institut d¿Estudis Catalans (IEC) y a la figura de Pere Bosch Gimpera, sin duda el prehistoriador español de mayor prestigio hasta el final de la guerra civil. Sin embargo, es significativo que dicho conocimiento se deba más a trabajos aislados y a la recuperación de sus diarios de excavación realizada por Francisca Pallarés Salvador en 1958, que a la publicación de una serie de monografías que recogiera sus trabajos en el área entre 1914 y 1923.
Many reports have been written concerning investigations of concrete sealants. The primary concern of most investigators is the protection of bridge decks from de-icing chemicals which cause surface scaling and, when allowed to permeate to reinforcing steel, result in deep spalling and general concrete deterioration. The problem of protecting abutments and pier tops from salt solutions entails a significantly different approach than the problem of protecting bridge decks. The epoxy resins become eligible as a protective material since one need not be concerned with slipperiness or its abrasive characteristics. Protection with linseed oil at regular intervals would prove bothersome because of the inaccessibility of pier tops after the deck is placed. The primary purpose of this investigation was to evaluate various commercial products in terms of their ability to prevent concrete scaling of bridge abutments and pier tops which are subject to salt water deterioration.
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a freqüência de híbridos de cruzamento entre tangerina 'Cravo' (Citrus reticulata Blanco) e laranja 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), o uso de marcadores morfológicos e moleculares (RAPD) na identificação precoce de plantas zigóticas, e a variabilidade dos híbridos. A porcentagem de híbridos foi maior na população germinada em placas de Petri (19,4%). Verificou-se que quanto maior a competição entre os "seedlings" por espaço e nutrientes, menor a freqüência de plantas híbridas. A identificação dos híbridos não foi possível apenas com o uso de marcadores morfológicos. A análise morfológica dos híbridos revelou elevada variabilidade.
Promesas cumplidas. Compte rendu de: Antonio Ortuño: La Señora Roja. Páginas de Espuma, Madrid, 2010
Un aspecto realmente sorprendente y fascinante, el cual hasta ahora no se ha prestado demasiada atención, es el poder de las imágenes en el famosísimo y reputado libro de Don Antonio Agustín, los Dialogos de Medallas, publicado en Tarragona por Felipe Mey en el año 15872. Las imágenes que ilustran este libro fueron las responsables de una serie de fenómenos de gran importancia en la génesis de esta edición. El primero de ellos fue la dilatada espera de la edición a causa de la recepción de los grabados. El segundo hace referencia a la misma ordenación de las imágenes, ya que mientras muchos libros de numismática las organizan atendiendo a sucronología, a sus medidas o al material en el que están labradas, las imágenes del libro de Agustín se organizan teniendo en cuenta el texto, hecho que provoca que estos iconos tengan un fuerte carácter didascálico. En tercer lugar, hay que resaltar la pertinaz voluntad y los probados esfuerzos de Agustín para conseguir unas imágenes de calidad en Roma, puesto que los talleres gráficos españoles dejaban mucho que desear en esta época. Y por último, cabe subrayar que su muerte en Tarragona en mayo de 1586, interrumpió el proceso del grabado de las monedas, hecho que motivo que solamente estuvieran ilustrados los dos primeros diálogos de su libro. Pero antes de entrar en la valoración de estos fenómenos veamos unos breves prologomenos.
Nos encontramos en un momento de transformación estructural de la sociedad. Mientras desde elpoder se lleva a cabo una transición hacia un lugar que nos ha traído a un contexto de crisis, desdela calle se plantean transiciones hacia nuevas fórmulas de relacionarse, de hacer política, de trabajar,de pensar la economía.La literatura no puede ser ajena a este contexto, como tampoco lo ha sido en otros momentos en losque el pueblo trataba de generar cambios profundos en la sociedad. En este momento esespecialmente interesante preguntarse por el compromiso del autor en la literatura.
Two portable Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems (made by Texas Instruments and HiTAG) were developed and tested for bridge scour monitoring by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Iowa (UI). Both systems consist of three similar components: 1) a passive cylindrical transponder of 2.2 cm in length (derived from transmitter/responder); 2) a low frequency reader (~134.2 kHz frequency); and 3) an antenna (of rectangular or hexagonal loop). The Texas Instruments system can only read one smart particle per time, while the HiTAG system was successfully modified here at UI by adding the anti-collision feature. The HiTAG system was equipped with four antennas and could simultaneously detect 1,000s of smart particles located in a close proximity. A computer code was written in C++ at the UI for the HiTAG system to allow simultaneous, multiple readouts of smart particles under different flow conditions. The code is written for the Windows XP operational system which has a user-friendly windows interface that provides detailed information regarding the smart particle that includes: identification number, location (orientation in x,y,z), and the instance the particle was detected.. These systems were examined within the context of this innovative research in order to identify the best suited RFID system for performing autonomous bridge scour monitoring. A comprehensive laboratory study that included 142 experimental runs and limited field testing was performed to test the code and determine the performance of each system in terms of transponder orientation, transponder housing material, maximum antenna-transponder detection distance, minimum inter-particle distance and antenna sweep angle. The two RFID systems capabilities to predict scour depth were also examined using pier models. The findings can be summarized as follows: 1) The first system (Texas Instruments) read one smart particle per time, and its effective read range was about 3ft (~1m). The second system (HiTAG) had similar detection ranges but permitted the addition of an anti-collision system to facilitate the simultaneous identification of multiple smart particles (transponders placed into marbles). Therefore, it was sought that the HiTAG system, with the anti-collision feature (or a system with similar features), would be preferable when compared to a single-read-out system for bridge scour monitoring, as the former could provide repetitive readings at multiple locations, which could help in predicting the scour-hole bathymetry along with maximum scour depth. 2) The HiTAG system provided reliable measures of the scour depth (z-direction) and the locations of the smart particles on the x-y plane within a distance of about 3ft (~1m) from the 4 antennas. A Multiplexer HTM4-I allowed the simultaneous use of four antennas for the HiTAG system. The four Hexagonal Loop antennas permitted the complete identification of the smart particles in an x, y, z orthogonal system as function of time. The HiTAG system can be also used to measure the rate of sediment movement (in kg/s or tones/hr). 3) The maximum detection distance of the antenna did not change significantly for the buried particles compared to the particles tested in the air. Thus, the low frequency RFID systems (~134.2 kHz) are appropriate for monitoring bridge scour because their waves can penetrate water and sand bodies without significant loss of their signal strength. 4) The pier model experiments in a flume with first RFID system showed that the system was able to successfully predict the maximum scour depth when the system was used with a single particle in the vicinity of pier model where scour-hole was expected. The pier model experiments with the second RFID system, performed in a sandbox, showed that system was able to successfully predict the maximum scour depth when two scour balls were used in the vicinity of the pier model where scour-hole was developed. 5) The preliminary field experiments with the second RFID system, at the Raccoon River, IA near the Railroad Bridge (located upstream of 360th street Bridge, near Booneville), showed that the RFID technology is transferable to the field. A practical method would be developed for facilitating the placement of the smart particles within the river bed. This method needs to be straightforward for the Department of Transportation (DOT) and county road working crews so it can be easily implemented at different locations. 6) Since the inception of this project, further research showed that there is significant progress in RFID technology. This includes the availability of waterproof RFID systems with passive or active transponders of detection ranges up to 60 ft (~20 m) within the water–sediment column. These systems do have anti-collision and can facilitate up to 8 powerful antennas which can significantly increase the detection range. Such systems need to be further considered and modified for performing automatic bridge scour monitoring. The knowledge gained from the two systems, including the software, needs to be adapted to the new systems.