278 resultados para Physiographic compartmentalization


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The lifetime success and performance characteristics of communally reared offspring of wild native Burrishoole (native), ranched native (ranched) and non-native (non-native) Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from the adjacent Owenmore River were compared. Non-native year parr showed a substantial downstream migration, which was not shown by native and ranched parr. This appears to have been an active migration rather than competitive displacement and may reflect an adaptation to environmental or physiographic conditions within the Owenmore River catchment where the main nursery habitat is downstream of the spawning area. There were no differences between native and ranched in smolt output or adult return. Both of these measures, however, were significantly lower for the non-native group. A greater proportion of the non-native Atlantic salmon was taken in the coastal drift nets compared to the return to the Burrishoole system, probably as a result of the greater size of the non-native fish. The overall lifetime success of the non-native group, from fertilized egg to returning adult, was some 35% of native and ranched. The ranched group showed a significantly greater male parr maturity, a greater proportion of 1+ year smolts, and differences in sex ratio and timing of freshwater entry of returning adults compared to native, which may have fitness implications under specific conditions.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), one of the first cytokines to be discovered, has recently been localized to the Leydig cells in adult rat testes. In the following study, the response of MIF to Leydig cell ablation by the Leydig cell-specific toxin ethane dimethane sulfonate (EDS) was examined in adult male rats. Testicular MIF mRNA and protein in testicular interstitial fluid measured by ELISA and western blot were only marginally reduced by EDS treatment, in spite of the fact that the Leydig cells were completely destroyed within 7 days. Immunohistochemistry using an affinity-purified anti-mouse MIF antibody localized MIF exclusively to the Leydig cells in control testes. At 7 days post-EDS treatment, there were no MIF immunopositive Leydig cells in the interstitium, although distinct MIF immunostaining was observed in the seminiferous tubules, principally in Sertoli cells and residual cytoplasm, and some spermatogonia. A few peritubular and perivascular cells were also labelled at this time, which possibly represented mesenchymal Leydig cell precursors. At 14 and 21 days, Sertoli cell MIF immunoreactivity was observed in only a few tubule cross-sections, while some peritubular and perivascular mesenchymal cells and the re-populating immature Leydig cells were intensely labeled. At 28 days after EDS-treatment, the MIF immunostaining pattern was identical to that of untreated and control testes. The switch in the compartmentalization of MIF protein at 7 days after EDS-treatment was confirmed by western blot analysis of interstitial tissue and seminiferous tubules separated by mechanical dissection. These data establish that Leydig cell-depleted testes continue to produce MIF, and suggest the existence of a mechanism of compensatory cytokine production involving the Sertoli cells. This represents the first demonstration of a hitherto unsuspected pattern of cellular interaction between the Leydig cells and the seminiferous tubules which is consistent with an essential role for MIF in male testicular function.


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A north/south discontinuity along the northeastern coast of North America in the genetic structure of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) was detected using a suite of 13 microsatellite loci assessed using spatial analyses. Population genetic data laid over existing data on physiographic changes and sea-surface temperatures were used to reconstruct the Pleistocene distribution of this species. A postglacial northern-edge colonization model best explains the relative genetic homogeneity of the northern region compared to the southern region centred in the Gulf of Maine. Population genetic analyses identified significant structure (range of standardized theta 0-0.02) but no significant evidence for isolation by distance. The novel application of spatial genetic analyses to a marine species allowed us to interpret these results by providing a greater insight into the evolutionary factors responsible for shaping the genetic structure of this species throughout is natural range.


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Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, largely as a result of defective production of cardioprotective nitric oxide and a concomitant rise in oxidative stress. Dietary interventions that could reverse this trend would be extremely beneficial. Here we investigated whether dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 PUFA) supplementation positively affected platelet nitroso-redox imbalance.
We randomized hypertensive T2DM patients (T2DM HT; n = 22) and age-and-sex matched hypertensive study participants without diabetes (HT alone; n = 23) in a double-blind, crossover fashion to receive 8 weeks of n-3 PUFAs (1.8 g eicosapentaenoic acid and 1.5 g docosahexaenoic acid) or identical olive oil capsules (placebo), with an intervening 8-week washout period. Platelet nitrite and superoxide were measured and compared before and after treatment; 8-isoprostane was determined by ELISA and subcellular compartmentalization of the NAD(P)H oxidase subunit p47-phox examined by Western blotting.
The n-3 PUFA supplementation reduced 8-isoprostane and superoxide levels in platelets from T2DM HT, but not HT alone, participants, without effect on nitrite production. This coincided with a significant decrease in p47-phox membrane localization and a similar reduction in superoxide to that achieved with apocynin. At baseline, a subcohort of T2DM HT and HT alone participants showed evidence of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-derived superoxide production, indicating defective enzymatic activity. This was reversed significantly in T2DM HT participants after treatment, demonstrating improved NOS function.
Our finding that n-3 PUFAs diminish platelet superoxide production in T2DM HT patients in vivo suggests a therapeutic role for these agents in reducing the vascular-derived oxidative stress associated with diabetes.


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Chinese hamster V79 fibroblasts were irradiated in the gas explosion apparatus and the chemical repair rates of the oxygen-dependent free radical precursors of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) and lethal lesions measured using filter elution (pH 9.6) and a clonogenic assay. Depletion of cellular GSH levels, from 4.16 fmol/cell to 0.05 fmol/cell, by treatment with buthionine sulphoximine (50 mumol dm-3; 18 h), led to sensitization as regards DNA dsb induction and cell killing. This was evident at all time settings but was particularly pronounced when the oxygen shot was given 1 ms after the irradiation pulse. A detailed analysis of the chemical repair kinetics showed that depletion of GSH led to a reduction in the first-order rate constant for dsb precursors from 385 s-1 to 144 s-1, and for lethal lesion precursors from 533 s-1 to 165 s-1. This is generally consistent with the role of GSH in the repair-fixation model of radiation damage at the critical DNA lesions. However, the reduction in chemical repair rate was not proportional to the severe thiol depletion (down to almost-equal-to 1% for GSH) and a residual repair capacity remained (almost-equal-to 30%). This was found not to be due to compartmentalization of residual GSH in the nucleus, as the repair rate for dsb precursors in isolated nuclei, washed virtually free of GSH, was identical to that found in GSH-depleted cells (144 s-1), also the OER remained substantially above unity. This suggests that other reducing agents may have a role to play in the chemical repair of oxygen-dependent damage. One possible candidate is the significant level of protein sulphydryls present in isolated nuclei.


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A reconnaissance of 23 paddy fields, from three Bangladesh districts, encompassing a total of 230 soil and rice plant samples was conducted to identify the extent to which trace element characteristics in soils and irrigation waters are reflected by the harvested rice crop. Field sites were located on two soil physiographic units with distinctly different As soil baseline and groundwater concentrations. For arsenic (As), both straw and grain trends closely fitted patterns observed for the soils and water. Grain concentration characteristics for selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni), however, were markedly different. Regressions of shoot and grain As against grain Se, Zn, and Ni were highly significant (P <0.001), exhibiting a pronounced decline in grain trace-nutrient quality with increasing As content. To validate this further, a pot experiment cultivar screening trial, involving commonly cultivated high yielding variety (HYV) rice grown alongside two U.S. rice varieties characterized as being As tolerant and susceptible, was conducted on an As-amended uniform soil. Findings from the trial confirmed that As perturbed grain metal(loid) balances, resulting in severe yield reductions in addition to constraining the levels of Se, Zn, and Ni in the grain.


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Synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence (S-XRF) was utilized to locate arsenic (As) in polished (white) and unpolished (brown) rice grains from the United States, China, and Bangladesh. In white rice As was generally dispersed throughout the grain, the bulk of which constitutes the endosperm. In brown rice As was found to be preferentially localized at the surface, in the region corresponding to the pericarp and aleurone layer. Copper, iron, manganese, and zinc localization followed that of arsenic in brown rice, while the location for cadmium and nickel was distinctly different, showing relatively even distribution throughout the endosperm. The localization of As in the outer grain of brown rice was confirmed by laser ablation ICP-MS. Arsenic speciation of all grains using spatially resolved X-ray absorption near edge structure (micro-XANES) and bulk extraction followed by anion exchange HPLC-ICP-MS revealed the presence of mainly inorganic As and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). However, the two techniques indicated different proportions of inorganic:organic As species. A wider survey of whole grain speciation of white (n=39) and brown (n=45) rice samples from numerous sources (field collected, supermarket survey, and pot trials) showed that brown rice had a higher proportion of inorganic arsenic present than white rice. Furthermore, the percentage of DMA present in the grain increased along with total grain arsenic.


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Global climate changes during the Quaternary reveal much about broader evolutionary effects of environmental change. Detailed regional studies reveal how evolutionary lineages and novel communities and ecosystems, emerge through glacial bottlenecks or from refugia. There have been significant advances in benthic imaging and dating, particularly with respect to the movements of the British (Scottish) and Irish ice sheets and associated changes in sea level during and after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Ireland has been isolated as an island for approximately twice as long as Britain with no evidence of any substantial, enduring land bridge between these islands after ca 15 kya. Recent biogeographical studies show that Britain's mammal community is akin to those of southern parts of Scandinavia, The Netherlands and Belgium, but the much lower mammal species richness of Ireland is unique and needs explanation. Here, we consider physiographic, archaeological, phylogeographical i.e. molecular genetic, and biological evidence comprising ecological, behavioural and morphological data, to review how mammal species recolonized western Europe after the LGM with emphasis on Britain and, in particular, Ireland. We focus on why these close neighbours had such different mammal fauna in the early Holocene, the stability of ecosystems after LGM subject to climate change and later species introductions.

There is general concordance of archaeological and molecular genetic evidence where data allow some insight into history after the LGM. Phylogeography reveals the process of recolonization, e.g. with respect to source of colonizers and anthropogenic influence, whilst archaeological data reveal timing more precisely through carbon dating and stratigraphy. More representative samples and improved calibration of the ‘molecular clock’ will lead to further insights with regards to the influence of successive glaciations. Species showing greatest morphological, behavioural and ecological divergence in Ireland in comparison to Britain and continental Europe, were also those which arrived in Ireland very early in the Holocene either with or without the assistance of people. Cold tolerant mammal species recolonized quickly after LGM but disappeared, potentially as a result of a short period of rapid warming. Other early arrivals were less cold tolerant and succumbed to the colder conditions during the Younger Dryas or shortly after the start of the Holocene (11.5 kya), or the area of suitable habitat was insufficient to sustain a viable population especially in larger species. Late Pleistocene mammals in Ireland were restricted to those able to colonize up to ca 15 kya, probably originating from adjacent areas of unglaciated Britain and land now below sea level, to the south and west (of Ireland). These few, early colonizers retain genetic diversity which dates from before the LGM. Late Pleistocene Ireland, therefore, had a much depleted complement of mammal species in comparison to Britain.

Mammal species, colonising predominantly from southeast and east Europe occupied west Europe only as far as Britain between ca 15 and 8 kya, were excluded from Ireland by the Irish and Celtic Seas. Smaller species in particular failed to colonise Ireland. Britain being isolated as an island from ca. 8 kya has similar species richness and composition to adjacent lowland areas of northwest continental Europe and its mammals almost all show strongest genetic affinity to populations in neighbouring continental Europe with a few retaining genotypes associated with earlier, western lineages.

The role of people in the deliberate introduction of mammal species and distinct genotypes is much more significant with regards to Ireland than Britain reflecting the larger species richness of the latter and its more enduring land link with continental Europe. The prime motivation of early people in moving mammals was likely to be resource driven but also potentially cultural; as elsewhere, people exploring uninhabited places introduced species for food and the materials they required to survive. It is possible that the process of introduction of mammals to Ireland commenced during the Mesolithic and accelerated with Neolithic people. Irish populations of these long established, introduced species show some unique genetic variation whilst retaining traces of their origins principally from Britain but in some cases, Scandinavia and Iberia. It is of particular interest that they may retain genetic forms now absent from their source populations. Further species introductions, during the Bronze and late Iron Ages, and Viking and Norman invasions, follow the same pattern but lack the time for genetic divergence from their source populations. Accidental introductions of commensal species show considerable genetic diversity based on numerous translocations along the eastern Atlantic coastline. More recent accidental and deliberate introductions are characterised by a lack of genetic diversity other than that explicable by more than one introduction.

The substantial advances in understanding the postglacial origins and genetic diversity of British and Irish mammals, the role of early people in species translocations, and determination of species that are more recently introduced, should inform policy decisions with regards to species and genetic conservation. Conservation should prioritise early, naturally recolonizing species and those brought in by early people reflecting their long association with these islands. These early arrivals in Britain and Ireland and associated islands show genetic diversity that may be of value in mitigating anthropogenic climate change across Europe. In contrast, more recent introductions are likely to disturb ecosystems greatly, lead to loss of diversity and should be controlled. This challenge is more severe in Ireland where the number and proportion of invasive species from the 19th century to the present has been greater than in Britain.


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Devido às actividades antropogénicas várias substâncias químicas têm sido introduzidas no meio ambiente em concentrações que de outro modo não ocorreriam de forma tão elevada naturalmente. Assim, o conhecimento acerca das características de um químico, tais como, o potencial para se acumular em diferentes níveis tróficos, a sua mobilidade dentro do ecossistema, a toxicidade específica e a bioacumulação, é fundamental para compreender os seus efeitos nos ecossistemas. Esta tese investiga a influência de especiação, na biodisponibilidade do cádmio (Cd) para o isópode Porcellio dilatatus, incluindo os efeitos de especiação do metal: (i) na assimilação do Cd, (ii) no modo como o Cd se distribui internamente no organismo, e (iii) como a sobrevivência e a reprodução são afectadas em isópodes terrestres. Num primeiro ensaio laboratorial avaliou-se a importância da transferência trófica na assimilação do Cd em P. dilatatus. Para tal analisou-se a eficiência de assimilação (EA) do Cd em isópodes, adicionado superficialmente ao alimento (alface) na forma de Cd(NO3)2 e contaminando o meio de crescimento da alface. A hipótese era de que a alface contaminada biologicamente através do cultivo em meio hidropónico contaminado teria uma maior proporção de complexos com proteína ou conjugado na forma de Cd (ex. Cd cisteína). A EA de Cd foi maior entre os isópodes que foram alimentados com o sal (71%, SE = 7%), do que entre os isópodes que se alimentaram de alface contaminada biologicamente (52%, SE = 5%), demonstrando-se assim num teste laboratorial que é provável que a especiação do Cd influencie a taxa de assimilação e acumulação do Cd. Na experiência alimentar que se seguiu, estudou-se em detalhe a especiação do metal comparando as EA do Cd conjugado com cisteína (Cd(Cys)2) e na forma de Cd(NO3)2, com os quais se contaminou gelatina com alface. A utilização de Cd-cisteína, proporcionou uma forma experimental para explorar a biodisponibilidade do Cd complexado dentro do tecido biológico. Como esperado, a EA de Cd em isópodes alimentados com nitrato de Cd (64%, SE = 5%) foi maior do que no caso de isópodes alimentados com o conjugado de cisteína (20%, SE = 3%). De seguida estudou-se a distribuição subcelular das espécies de Cd assimilado através de um processo de fraccionamento. Supunha-se que as diferenças de especiação de Cd reflectiria diferentes estratégias de compartimentalização, com consequências ao nível da detoxificação, armazenamento celular e distribuição subcelular do metal. O “sequestro” na forma de metal biologicamente detoxificado (BDM = proteínas estáveis ao calor - HSP e grânulos ricos em metal - RMG) foi maior nos isópodes alimentados com Cd(NO3)2, sugerindo que são mais eficientes na detoxificação de Cd (22%) do que quando alimentados com Cd(Cys)2 (15%). Foi também demonstrado que os isópodes alimentados com Cd(Cys)2 possuíam níveis de armazenamento de Cd superior nas fracções sensíveis ao metal (MSF = organelos e proteínas desnaturadas pelo calor - HDP) consideradas fracções potencialmente vulneráveis e afectando os isópodes em termos de toxicidade. As diferentes distribuições internas que se seguiram à assimilação e detoxificação das diferentes espécies de Cd foram finalmente avaliadas em termos da sobrevivência e reprodução dos isópodes. O tratamento com Cd(Cys)2 teve maior mortalidade, provavelmente devido à maior disponibilidade de Cd ingerido com implicações ao nível dos processos fisiológicos. Os isópodes alimentados com Cd(NO3)2 armazenaram o Cd nos MRG, como estratégia de detoxificação, sendo mais eficientes a detoxificar o Cd ainda que aumentando a concentração total do metal que se tornou menos tóxico para o isópode. Desta forma, o Cd nos grânulos não estava disponível para os processos fisiológicos e deixou de ser tóxico. Isso poderia estar relacionado com a resistência e tolerância aos metais devido à capacidade dos isópodes compartimentalizarem o Cd no hepatopâncreas, que actua como um mecanismo de detoxificação e contribui para a tolerância a altos níveis de cádmio. Em termos de parâmetros reprodutivos, observou-se uma redução de gestações e duração da gestação na presença de ambas as espécies de metal, mas no caso do Cd(Cys)2 as gravidezes não se concluíram. O número de jovens produzido por fêmeas alimentadas com Cd(NO3)2 foi menor do que no controlo, mas os pesos dos juvenis foram superiores. Finalmente sugere-se assim que esta abordagem seja considerada em estudos do movimento trófico de metais nas cadeias alimentares dado que se espera que a especiação de metais implique diferentes fluxos, dentro de uma dada cadeia trófica.


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In the past few years a new generation of multifunctional nanoparticles (NPs) has been proposed for biomedical applications, whose structure is more complex than the structure of their predecessor monofunctional counterparts. The development of these novel NPs aims at enabling or improving the performance in imaging, diagnosis and therapeutic applications. The structure of such NPs comprises several components exhibiting various functionalities that enable the nanoparticles to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, such as active targeting of certain cells or compartmentalization, imaging and delivery of active drugs. This thesis presents two types of bimodal bio-imaging probes and describes their physical and chemical properties, namely their texture, structure, and 1H dynamics and relaxometry, in order to evaluate their potential as MRI contrast agents. The photoluminescence properties of these probes are studied, aiming at assessing their interest as optical contrast agents. These materials combine the properties of the trivalent lanthanide (Ln3+) complexes and nanoparticles, offering an excellent solution for bimodal imaging. The designed T1- type contrast agent are SiO2@APS/DTPA:Gd:Ln or SiO2@APS/PMN:Gd:Ln (Ln= Eu or Tb) systems, bearing the active magnetic center (Gd3+) and the optically-active ions (Eu3+ and Tb3+) on the surface of silica NPs. Concerning the relaxometry properties, moderate r1 increases and significant r2 increases are observed in the NPs presence, especially at high magnetic fields, due to susceptibility effects on r2. The Eu3+ ions reside in a single low-symmetry site, and the photoluminescence emission is not influenced by the simultaneous presence of Gd3+ and Eu3+. The presence of Tb3+, rather than Eu3+ ion, further increases r1 but decreases r2. The uptake of these NPs by living cells is fast and results in an intensity increase in the T1-weighted MRI images. The optical features of the NPs in cellular pellets are also studied and confirm the potential of these new nanoprobes as bimodal imaging agents. This thesis further reports on a T2 contrast agent consisting of core-shell NPs with a silica shell surrounding an iron oxide core. The thickness of this silica shell has a significant impact on the r2 and r2* relaxivities, and a tentative model is proposed to explain this finding. The cell viability and the mitochondrial dehydrogenase expression given by the microglial cells are also evaluated.


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The present work has as objective to contribute for the elucidation of the mechanism associated with Pb detoxification, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism. The deletion of GTT1 or GTT2 genes, coding for functional glutathione transferases (GST) enzymes in S. cerevisiae, caused an increased susceptibility to high Pb concentrations (500-1000 μmol L(-1)). These results suggest that the formation of glutathione-Pb conjugate (GS-Pb), dependent of GSTs, is important in Pb detoxification. The involvement of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) vacuolar transporters, belonging to class C subfamily (ABCC) in vacuolar compartmentalization of Pb, was evaluated. For this purpose, mutant strains disrupted in YCF1, VMR1, YBT1 or BPT 1 genes were used. All mutants tested, without vacuolar ABCC transporters, presented an increased sensitivity to 500-1000 μmol L(-1) Pb comparative to wild-type strain. Taken together, the obtained results suggest that Pb detoxification, by vacuolar compartmentalization, can occur as a result of the concerted action of GSTs and vacuolar ABCC transporters. Pb is conjugated with glutathione, catalysed by glutathione transferases and followed to the transport of GS-Pb conjugate to the vacuole by ABCC transporters.


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O chumbo é um importante poluente ambiental. A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae constitui um modelo útil para o estudo dos efeitos tóxicos do chumbo. O conhecimento dos mecanismos de defesa e resistência à presença de metais pesados poderá ser útil em tecnologias de proteção ambiental, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento de novas metodologias para a biorremediação de metais pesados. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto do Pb na capacidade proliferativa, na integridade membranar e na produção intracelular de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), na estirpe laboratorial da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 (estirpe selvagem, WT). Foi também estudado o papel das mitocôndrias, como fonte de ROS induzida por Pb, e o envolvimento da H+-ATPase vacuolar (V-ATPase) e de transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC (de ATP-binding cassette) na defesa contra a toxicidade do Pb. O estudo cinético do impacto de duas concentrações de Pb na viabilidade das leveduras (avaliado através de um ensaio clonogénico), na integridade da membrana celular (determinada com iodeto de propídio) e na produção intracelular de ROS (o anião superóxido foi detetado com dihidroetídio e o peróxido de hidrogénio com 2’,7’- diclorodihidrofluoresceína), revelou uma perda progressiva da capacidade proliferativa (53 e 17% de células viáveis, após a exposição durante 3h a 250 ou 1000 µmol/l de chumbo, respetivamente), coincidente com a acumulação intracelular de anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio, na ausência de perda da integridade membranar. A importância das mitocôndrias na produção de ROS, induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo usando um mutante deficiente respiratório desprovido de ADN mitocondrial (ƿ0). Quando comparado com a respetiva estirpe parental, o mutante ƿ0 apresentou uma maior resistência ao Pb e uma menor produção de ROS induzida por Pb. A exposição das células da estirpe BY4741 a 250 e 1000 µmol/l de chumbo originou a formação de 49 e 58% de células deficientes respiratórias, respetivamente. A função da V-ATPase, na desintoxicação de chumbo, foi avaliada utilizando mutantes com uma estrutura vacuolar normal mas defetivos em subunidades da VATPase (vma1Δ, vma2Δ, vma3Δ e vph1Δ). Comparativamente às células da estirpe WT, todos os mutantes testados, sem V-ATPase funcional, apresentaram uma maior suscetibilidade ao Pb. O papel dos transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC, na defesa contra a toxicidade induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo utilizando mutantes sem os transportadores Ycf1p ou Vmr1p. Os resultados preliminares mostraram que quando comparadas com as células da estirpe WT, as células das estirpes ycf1Δ ou vmr1Δ não apresentavam uma maior perda da viabilidade. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar, em células expostas a chumbo, foi visualizada utilizando a estirpe Vma2p-GFP. O tratamento das células com Pb originou a fusão dos vacúolos de tamanho médio num único vacúolo de grande dimensão. Em conclusão, os estudos desenvolvidos no presente trabalho, utilizando a estirpe laboratorial BY4741, mostraram que a perda da capacidade proliferativa das leveduras, induzida pelo chumbo, pode ser atribuída à acumulação intracelular do anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio. As mitocôndrias parecem ser uma das principais fontes de ROS induzido por Pb e, simultaneamente, um dos principais alvos da sua toxicidade. Em S. cerevisiae, o vacúolo desempenha um papel importante na desintoxicação do Pb. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar após exposição ao chumbo poderá ser a consequência da acumulação de Pb no vacúolo. Enquanto os transportadores da superfamília ABC parecem não estar envolvidos na sequestração vacuolar de Pb, é necessária a presença, num estado funcional, da V-ATPase para que ocorra a compartimentação do Pb. Muito provavelmente, a compartimentação do Pb no vacúolo previne a sua acumulação no citosol e o desencadear dos respetivos efeitos tóxicos.


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Com o presente trabalho pretende-se avaliar a segurança de um elemento estrutural de um edifício antigo (tradicional) da baixa da Porto edificado nos finais do última quartel do século XVIII. Após uma pequena introdução onde será exposta a estrutura do trabalho, capítulo a capítulo, será feita uma explanação histórica sobre o meio urbano onde o edifício está construído, os métodos construtivos adotados desde 1755 até aos nossos dias, passando pelo historial do próprio edificado. Passar-se-á de seguida à análise do edifício, apresentando evidências do que eventualmente terá sido construído de base até aos dias de hoje. Será feita uma apresentação dos elementos construtivos que compõe actualmente o edificio, apresentando evidências do estado de cada um, ou seja, será feita um levantamento das patologias evidentes e visíveis a olho nu, recorrendo a métodos expeditos de análise. Também será feito um levantamento dimensional da volumetria , planimétria do edifício e da compartimentação, registando as dimensões dos elementos estruturais e arquitectónicos relevantes para a realização dos respectivos projectos. Posteriormente passar-se-á para uma exposição dos diversos tipos de ensaios, começando pela apresentação dos métodos disponíveis atualmente para a caracterização física e mecânica dos materiais, seguida da realização dos ensaios, recolha de dados no edificado e proposta de definição dos materiais. Após a recolha de todos estes elementos, estão reunidas as condições para se passar a uma análise estrutural, onde para estes objectivos, serão aplicados os mais avançados programas de cálculo estrutural existentes na actualidade, suportados em metodologias que analisam não só o elemento mas também a sua interação com os que lhe servem de fronteira acabando-se num todo que é o edifício. Pretende-se com este estudo estrutural avaliar a segurança de uma parte significativa e representativa do edifico baseado na regulamentação em vigor. A parte a analisar representa o pavimento aplicado na construção. Finalizar-se-á com a apresentação das conclusões, propondo eventuais ações futuras.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to play important roles in both brain development and the regulation of adult neural cell functions. However, a systematic analysis of brain miRNA functions has been hindered by a lack of comprehensive information regarding the distribution of miRNAs in neuronal versus glial cells. To address this issue, we performed microarray analyses of miRNA expression in the four principal cell types of the CNS (neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia) using primary cultures from postnatal d 1 rat cortex. These analyses revealed that neural miRNA expression is highly cell-type specific, with 116 of the 351 miRNAs examined being differentially expressed fivefold or more across the four cell types. We also demonstrate that individual neuron-enriched or neuron-diminished RNAs had a significant impact on the specification of neuronal phenotype: overexpression of the neuron-enriched miRNAs miR-376a and miR-434 increased the differentiation of neural stem cells into neurons, whereas the opposite effect was observed for the glia-enriched miRNAs miR-223, miR-146a, miR-19, and miR-32. In addition, glia-enriched miRNAs were shown to inhibit aberrant glial expression of neuronal proteins and phenotypes, as exemplified by miR-146a, which inhibited neuroligin 1-dependent synaptogenesis. This study identifies new nervous system functions of specific miRNAs, reveals the global extent to which the brain may use differential miRNA expression to regulate neural cell-type-specific phenotypes, and provides an important data resource that defines the compartmentalization of brain miRNAs across different cell types.


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Cerebral metabolism is compartmentalized between neurons and glia. Although glial glycolysis is thought to largely sustain the energetic requirements of neurotransmission while oxidative metabolism takes place mainly in neurons, this hypothesis is matter of debate. The compartmentalization of cerebral metabolic fluxes can be determined by (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy upon infusion of (13)C-enriched compounds, especially glucose. Rats under light α-chloralose anesthesia were infused with [1,6-(13)C]glucose and (13)C enrichment in the brain metabolites was measured by (13)C NMR spectroscopy with high sensitivity and spectral resolution at 14.1 T. This allowed determining (13)C enrichment curves of amino acid carbons with high reproducibility and to reliably estimate cerebral metabolic fluxes (mean error of 8%). We further found that TCA cycle intermediates are not required for flux determination in mathematical models of brain metabolism. Neuronal tricarboxylic acid cycle rate (V(TCA)) and neurotransmission rate (V(NT)) were 0.45 ± 0.01 and 0.11 ± 0.01 μmol/g/min, respectively. Glial V(TCA) was found to be 38 ± 3% of total cerebral oxidative metabolism, accounting for more than half of neuronal oxidative metabolism. Furthermore, glial anaplerotic pyruvate carboxylation rate (V(PC)) was 0.069 ± 0.004 μmol/g/min, i.e., 25 ± 1% of the glial TCA cycle rate. These results support a role of glial cells as active partners of neurons during synaptic transmission beyond glycolytic metabolism.