938 resultados para Periodontite Crônica


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Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory condition primarily caused by bacteria in dental biofilm, which interact with the host, thus determining the nature of the resulting disease. Despite the wide knowledge about the pathogenesis of these diseases, the exact composition of the T cell profile during the active phase of the disease (Th1, Th2 or Th17) remains unknown. This study aimed to evaluate by immunohistochemical expression, the presence of the markers (IL-17, IL-23 and RORγt), involved in Th17 response in clinically healthy gingiva cases (n = 32), biofilm-induced gingivitis (n = 30), chronic periodontitis (n = 32) and aggressive periodontitis (n = 25), in order to analyze if the expression and/or distribution of these molecules in lymphocytes and macrophages, present in the inflammatory infiltrate of periodontal tissue, influences the tissue destruction observed in these diseases. The morphological analysis of cases was performed which assessed the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate in mild, moderate and intense. For each case, in the area with the most representative immunostaining, 5 fields were chosen and analyzed, both for the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate as for the quantity of immunostained cells, based on predetermined scores: score 0 (absence of inflammatory infiltrate/immunostaining), score 1 (the infiltrate/immunostaining covered less than 25% of the field area), score 2 (the infiltrate/immunostaining occupied between 25 and 50%) and score 3 (infiltrate/immunostaining present in over 50% of the field area). From this, a median was generated representing each case. The intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate correlated with the disease progression, in other words, it was crescent from clinically healthy gingiva to aggressive periodontitis (P <0.001). It was detected the presence of IL-17, IL-23 and RORγt in most of the evaluated cases and the number of immunostained cells correlated with the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate (P <0.001) and with the clinical parameters analyzed (P <0.001), showing a positive correlation, mainly moderate. Aggressive periodontitis showed a higher percentage of immunostaining for all markers in relation to other clinical conditions assessed, suggesting a possible association of these markers with the progression of this disease, in which the higher the loss of periodontal support, the greater the amount of inflammatory infiltrate and larger the number of immunostained cells.


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Objective: Understand the effect of chronic alcohol on the progression of periodontitis induced in Fischer-344 rats. Methods: For the study, 22 Fischer-344 rats, two months old were used, divided into groups: alcohol (n=8), ligature (n=7) and control (n=7). On the first day, the animals in the alcohol group were exposed to ingestion of a water solution containing 20% alcohol (size/size), up to day 90. After thirty days from the beginning of the experiment, the animals in the alcohol group and the ligature group were submitted to the placement of a silk thread around the right maxillary second molar. Nothing was performed on the left side, serving as control. All the groups were submitted to euthanasia 60 days after ligature placement. To assess the destruction of periodontitis, a radiographic exam was used to measure the destruction of bone height. Results: The results of the study showed that on the side in which periodontitis was induced, the group that ingested alcohol suffered an increase in destruction, with statistical differences when compared with the ligature and control groups and increased bone destruction in the ligature group when compared to control. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that chronic alcohol consumption by Fischer-344 rats led to greater progression of induced periodontitis.


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The present study evaluated the influence of non-surgical periodontal treatment on the levels of C- reactive protein (hsCRP) in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) in pretransplant. We conducted a controlled and randomized trial to evaluate the periodontal condition and plasma concentrations of hsCRP, albumin and transferrin in 56 dialysis patients divided into two groups: experimental and control. The study was conducted at the dental clinic of Family and Community Health s Unit (USFC), located in Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), from December 2010 to November 2011. Severe periodontitis was the type of periodontal disease more common, affecting 78.6% of patients. Periodontal conditions, evaluated through the means of probing depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding index and plaque index, proved to be uniform for both groups at the initial examination. There were no differences in levels of inflammatory markers between the two groups. The analysis of the concentrations of hsCRP allowed classifying study participants as at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. After completion of periodontal treatment in the experimental group, there was a statistically significant reduction of the mean of all periodontal parameters assessed; however this improvement of periodontal health was not accompanied by changes in the levels of hsCRP, albumin and transferrin in the evaluation time. Given this, the periodontal treatment did not promote the reduction of systemic inflammatory burden and risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with CRF


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introdução: A artrite reumatoide é uma doença inflamatória, crónica, de etiologia e patogénese ainda desconhecida, caraterizada pelo envolvimento preferencial da membrana sinovial das articulação, pelo desenvolvimento de erosões ósseas e progressiva destruição articular (Fonseca et al., 2002). A periodontite é uma doença infeciosa e crónica caraterizada por perda irreversível dos tecidos de suporte periodontais e de osso alveolar (Ziebolz et al., 2002). Liubomorova (1964) foi o primeiro autor a descrever os possíveis mecanismos inflamatórios comuns de ambas as doenças, assistindo-se, nos últimos anos, a um aumento de evidência científica relativa a uma possível associação entre a periodontite e a artrite reumatoide. Objetivo: A presente revisão de literatura teve como objetivo analisar a evidência científica disponível relativa a uma possível associação entre a periodontite e a artrite reumatoide, atentando-se em particular à prevalência e severidade da periodontite em pacientes com artrite reumatoide. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica na base de dados PubMed, priorizando-se revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises, estudos coorte e caso-controlo. Foram apenas incluídos estudos disponíveis em inglês e publicados entre 2010 a 2016. Resultados: Onze estudos compreenderam os critérios para integrar esta revisão. A grande maioria verificou que pacientes com artrite reumatoide são mais suscetíveis a manifestar periodontite e a apresentar piores parâmetros periodontais, quando comparados com indivíduos saudáveis.


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Resumen: El valor estético de la Crónica de tres reyes siempre ha sido puesto en entredicho a raíz de su estilo neutro que contrasta con el de otras obras del género, como ser las crónicas de Alfonso X y las de Pero López de Ayala. El presente trabajo se encarga de estudiar los procedimientos narrativos a través de los cuales algunos de sus personajes son confi gurados en función de asignar a la trama de los acontecimientos un determinado sentido político que se distancia de otras versiones de los hechos que circulaban en el período, como por ejemplo la "Historia hasta 1288 dialogada".


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Resumen: La realidad manuscrita del texto medieval implica asumir la problemática en torno al concepto de texto con el que habrá de trabajar el editor al pretender establecer el texto crítico de una obra determinada. Las diferentes concepciones en torno a dicha ontología textual influyen en el tipo particular de trabajo ecdótico que se pretenda realizar. El artículo pretende, a partir del caso de la edición de la Crónica de Sancho IV, proponer un modelo de edición que contemple las variantes que la obra fue manifestando a lo largo de su tradición con el objetivo de dar cuenta de la naturaleza mutable del texto medieval en función de su intencionalidad política.


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En este volumen XVIII del Anuario Argentino de Derecho Canónico se publica la crónica que refleja la actividad académica de la Facultad de Derecho Canónico “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo” durante el año 2012, tal como se ha hecho en forma ininterrumpida desde el volumen II de 1995. El ciclo lectivo comenzó con una misa concelebrada por profesores y alumnos en la sede del edificio “Santa María” del campus universitario de Puerto Madero. A continuación, en el salón de usos múltiples del edificio Santa María, se llevó a cabo la tradicional lectio brevis que estuvo a cargo del Pbro. dr. Ariel David Busso, quien se refirió a “El derecho y el tiempo”.


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El artículo intenta estudiar, tanto en el Poema de Alfonso Onceno como en la Gran Crónica de Alfonso XI, cómo el dispositivo discursivo legendario se utiliza con un fin propagandístico de la figura del rey, pues se destina principalmente a exaltarlo no sólo en cuanto a su triunfo en la sumisión de los nobles levantiscos sino también a su éxito en las campañas militares contra los musulmanes.