1000 resultados para Pedagogia dialógica e pedagogia histórico crítica


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The present work aims to draw some reflections on the role of art in integral education, particularly of art as a school subject. The paper focuses on the contribution of art to the development the individual and the higher psychological functions. The arguments presented here are based on the studies on art made by Lev Vygotsky and Georg Lukács and also on the educational studies made by Dermeval Saviani. We expect to contribute to the defense of the necessity of an integral education in which art, integrated with science and philosophy, opposes itself to the predominantly fetishistic and unilateral character of the activities that constitutes the life in the contemporary capitalist society.


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This article aims at reflecting on organization of pedagogical work in multigrade classes in order to contribute to facing core problems in countryside education and public school in general. We place historically and question school grading and then discuss teaching planning (horizontally and vertically); students' grouping (establishing the difference between group and grouping) and the necessary grouping for promoting learning. We seek to provide elements that evoke analyses of graded classroom standardization. We point out that in both multigrade and graded classes there are possibilities and limits for pedagogical practice. In this regard, we invite teachers to operate towards overcoming these limits by optimizing the concrete possibilities they find, mainly those regarding multigrade classes, which are the focus of our attention in this article.


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This paper approaches the relation between school education and psychic development in the light of cultural-historical theory and critical-historical pedagogy, discussing the triad form-content-receiver of teaching in the context of early childhood education. Considering the goal of developing the bases of theoretical thinking in children, the paper analyses role-play as leading activity in preschool and explores the contributions of child literature, highlighting the importance of providing access to artistic works which depict reality in an imaginative form as multisided and in permanent movement.


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This study aimed to understand environmental education in the training of teachers of one pedagogy course at a public university in the state of São Paulo. To answer this question, an exploratory research was conducted, in which a study field, by the techniques of semistructured interviews and documentary analysis, provided the data for analysis. Important to highlight theoretical and methodological foundations of Historical-Dialectical Materialism and Historical-Critical Pedagogy that guided the study. With the results analyzed, we say that environmental education in the studied pedagogy course is minimal and, when it appears, enhances conservation and care with the environment perspectives, without considering the causes of environmental degradation: the way to produce life in capitalist society. In this sense, it is necessary for a consistent formation of the teacher in environmental education to advance the knowledge of this field directly related to education. For the inclusion of environmental education in school education, it is necessary that their knowledge to be considered in education, especially in the training of teachers. Therefore, the data collected and analyzed in this study may contribute to the formation of teachers to understand that environmental education in their training has not been established with the importance and the quality that the social and environmental problems require, with no place along the undergraduation, a condition that needs to be changed to teacher develop a transformative environmental educational practice at school


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The acceleration of economic and scientific development caused by the production system and mechanistic science, have created new power structures and new political and social problems, including environmental ones, consolidating a period of widespread crisis in different spheres of society. In this context, reflection about the major causes of environmental problems is necessary in the field of environmental education. Therefore, considering that the current environmental crisis is directly related to the mode and the devices of production of the capitalist system, initiatives on environmental education should reflect, from a historical and dialectical process, on what is advocated by capitalist society. Considering the various theoretical-practical concepts and approaches in environmental education, the principles of Critical Environmental Education can provide conditions to confront the structural crisis that we are facing, through the educational process. It is a political process of reflection and critical appropriation of knowledge, attitudes, values and behaviors that aims to contribute to build a sustainable society from the social and environmental points of view. We intend to articulate it through the theoretical formulations of Historical-Critical Pedagogy with the purpose of presenting a reflection that may contribute to a pedagogic response to environmental issues, especially regarding the formation of teachers who develop projects in schools. Thus, this present study intends to highlight the contributions of the philosophy of praxis in the formation of environmental educators, grounded in theoretical aspects of Critical Environmental Education.


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Chega uma idade dos filhos em que surge a pergunta que os pais tanto temem: Mãe/Pai, de onde eu vim? Imagine tal questão para um aluno com deficiência visual? Com base nesse questionamento e nos princípios da didática multissensorial, foi confeccionado um material abordando o tema fecundação humana. O presente trabalho relata como esse material foi construído, detalhando passo a passo sua confecção, além de propor uma metodologia, baseada na pedagogia histórico-crítica, para a utilização desse material. Cabe destacar que trata-se de uma sugestão de metodologia, ficando a critério de cada professor utilizá-la ou não, com as adaptações necessárias a sua turma.


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This article considers the scholastic knowledge as the expression of the most developed forms of knowledge in face of the actual development stage of the mathematics. Thus, it supports that the relation between the scholastic mathematics and the mathematics produced in different social contexts, comprises a relation between the most developed (scholastic knowledge) facing the least developed (knowledge acquired from diverse social contexts). For this reason, this work comprises some specificities of the socialhistorical development of the mathematics and the implications decurrent from this, in relation to the cultural aspect for teaching mathematics.


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A sociedade brasileira é confrontada com um verdadeiro mercado religioso, onde os bens simbólicos da salvação podem ser garantidos por meio de contribuições financeiras. A prática do dízimo faz parte deste debate e busca na leitura da Bíblia fundamentação teológica. Diversos textos bíblicos apresentam a questão do dízimo, revelando que não existe uma forma única de se lidar com o dízimo na Bíblia. Deuteronômio 14,22-29 é o ponto de partida da presente pesquisa, revelando uma prática do dízimo que busca fortalecer a liberdade e identidade do povo de Israel sustentada pela fé em Javé. A prática do dízimo em Deuteronômio é um ato comunitário dos camponeses que acontece a partir do poder local. O camponês come o dízimo que ele produziu. A cada três anos o camponês deposita o dízimo no portão da vila-cidade. Este dízimo será comido por grupos empobrecidos. Em Deuteronômio 14,22-29, a prática do dízimo é expressão da organização comunitária dos camponeses que se opõem à cobrança do dízimo como tributo. Em Deuteronômio 14,22-29, a prática do dízimo é expressão da organização comunitária para preservar a liberdade e garantir a autonomia dos camponeses.(AU)


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A sociedade brasileira é confrontada com um verdadeiro mercado religioso, onde os bens simbólicos da salvação podem ser garantidos por meio de contribuições financeiras. A prática do dízimo faz parte deste debate e busca na leitura da Bíblia fundamentação teológica. Diversos textos bíblicos apresentam a questão do dízimo, revelando que não existe uma forma única de se lidar com o dízimo na Bíblia. Deuteronômio 14,22-29 é o ponto de partida da presente pesquisa, revelando uma prática do dízimo que busca fortalecer a liberdade e identidade do povo de Israel sustentada pela fé em Javé. A prática do dízimo em Deuteronômio é um ato comunitário dos camponeses que acontece a partir do poder local. O camponês come o dízimo que ele produziu. A cada três anos o camponês deposita o dízimo no portão da vila-cidade. Este dízimo será comido por grupos empobrecidos. Em Deuteronômio 14,22-29, a prática do dízimo é expressão da organização comunitária dos camponeses que se opõem à cobrança do dízimo como tributo. Em Deuteronômio 14,22-29, a prática do dízimo é expressão da organização comunitária para preservar a liberdade e garantir a autonomia dos camponeses.(AU)