618 resultados para Parents’ behaviours


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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is an important disease of childhood with farreaching effects on the child and family. Splinting is a major treatment modality used by occupational therapists for children with JIA. Parents play a central role in whether, when and how splints are used with their children on a daily basis. This paper describes a qualitative research project, which was undertaken to evaluate an occupational therapy service for children with JIA whose treatment had involved splinting. Using semi-structured interviews, the study investigated five mothers' perceptions of the effectiveness of splinting for their children. The interviews revealed five major points. First, the informants generally believed the splinting to be effective. Secondly, the children involved generally resisted wearing splints because they were physically uncomfortable and made them feel different to other children. Thirdly, the mothers used a variety of strategies to ensure that their children wore the splints. Fourthly, the perception of having a positive and supportive relationship with the therapist enhanced the mothers' ability to adhere to splinting. Lastly, the mothers' grief at having a child with JIA influenced their ability to understand and attend to information about specific interventions such as splinting. Practical responses to these findings are outlined.


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Can the parent of a child with autism or Asperger Syndrome ever really comprehend the experiences of their child? As a greater number of cases are identified and more is understood about these conditions, autism and Asperger Syndrome seem to be increasingly commonly understood terms. Despite the clear definitions provided by diagnostic criteria for the conditions (e.g., American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994), it often remains difficult for professionals, parents and other carers, particularly those who are newcomers to this field, to truly understand the complexities of these conditions with respect to the day-to-day influences upon the affected individual.


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The way an employee behaves in his work can be influenced by the organisational and professional commitment. Nurses are professionals who are guided by organisational and professional goals and values. Among nurses, professional commitment may be an important antecedent of organisational citizenship behaviours. The study shows how organisational and professional commitment is related with nurses’ organisational citizenship behaviours. Data from a sample of 420 nurses working in two hospitals --- the Hospital of St. Marcos, Braga and the Hospital Centre of Alto Ave, Guimarães and Fafe units were collected. The main findings are as follows: (a) organisational commitment and professional commitment contribute to the explanation of nurses’ organisational citizenship behaviours, (b) affective organisational commitment, continuance organisational commitment --- personal sacrifice, affective professional commitment and continuance professional commitment explain 28.6% of variance of organisational citizenship behaviours. © 2013 Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave (IPCA). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.


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Não se avança amaldiçoando o passado! Gastam-se muitas energias em atribuir a responsabolidade dos infortúnios das nossas incompetências aos antepassados e aos políticos do passado. Nota-se isto até hoje em Goa e em Portugal. As democracias e a tolerância política são ainda muito jovens! Em Santa Comba Dão há quem admire o seu "filho" Salazar, e isto causa muita irritação nos pretensos defensores da liberdade política! Em Goa, um delegado da Fundação Oriente diz numa entrevista que os protestos de uns 70 "ex-combatentes" da liberdade não contam muito. Esquece-se que na democracia eleitoral até 1 voto conta! São reacções sintomáticas de democracia ainda mal digerida.


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OBJECTIVE: To explore whether parents' engagement in shift work affects the sleep habits of their adolescent children who attend school in two shifts. METHODS: The data were drawn from an extensive survey of sleep and daytime functioning of adolescents attending school one week in the morning and the other in the afternoon. The participants were 1,386 elementary and high school students (11-18 years old) whose parents were both employed. The data were analyzed using MANOVA, with parents' work schedule, adolescents' gender and type of school as between-subject factors. RESULTS: Parents' working schedule significantly affected the sleep patterns of high school adolescents. When attending school in the morning, adolescents whose parents were both day workers woke up somewhat later than adolescents with one shiftworking parent. In addition, they slept longer than adolescents whose parents were both shift workers. On weekends, adolescents whose parents both worked during the day went to bed earlier than adolescents whose parents were both shiftworkers. They also had smaller bedtime delay on weekends with respect to both morning and afternoon shifts than adolescents for whom one or both parents worked shifts. A significant interaction between parents' working schedule, adolescents' gender and type of school was found for sleep extension on weekends after afternoon shift school. CONCLUSIONS: Parental involvement in shift work has negative effects on the sleep of high school adolescents. It contributes to earlier wake-up time and shorter sleep in a week when adolescents attend school in the morning, as well as to greater bedtime irregularity.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Intervenção Precoce


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As preocupações de professores, pais e educadores em geral relativamente ao comportamento escolar dos alunos têm-se acentuado consideravelmente nas últimas duas décadas. Algumas das razões em que assentam tais preocupações ateem-se ao aumento significativo do número de alunos que apresentam comportamento escolar desviante, à gravidade desses mesmos comportamentos e ao seu aparecimento em populações escolares cada vez mais jovens. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo que, numa perspectiva descritiva e exploratória, pretendeu conhecer a opinião de professores sobre os problemas de comportamento na sala de aula. Concebeu-se, a partir de um primeiro levantamento, algumas situações de desvio em classe, submetendo-as, depois, ao julgamento de professores do 3º ciclo de escolas secundárias de Ponta Delgada, Açores. Pretendeu-se, assim, conhecer as situações de desvio a que esses professores atribuíam maior gravidade, os factores que acreditavam constituir agentes facilitadores da indisciplina na sala de aula e os tipos de intervenções que consideravam mais eficazes na resolução dessas situações. Na opinião dos professores inquiridos: a) as situações mais graves são as que contêm um elemento de agressividade, especialmente se o mesmo é direccionado para o professor; b) a personalidade do aluno é a principal causa das situações de disrupção; c) a prevenção e a superação de situações de indisciplina na sala de aula passa, em primeiro lugar, por uma intervenção focalizada no aluno.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the sociocultural aspects involved in the decision-making process of vaccination in upper-class and highly educated families.METHODS A qualitative approach based on in-depth interviews with 15 couples from the city of Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, falling into three categories: vaccinators, late or selective vaccinators, and nonvaccinators. The interpretation of produced empirical material was performed through content analysis.RESULTS The study showed diverse and particular aspects surrounding the three groups’ decisions whether to vaccinate their children. The vaccinators’ decision to vaccinate their children was spontaneous and raised no questions. Most late or selective vaccinators experienced a wide range of situations that were instrumental in the decision to delay or not apply certain vaccines. The nonvaccinator’s decision-making process expressed a broader context of both criticism of hegemonic obstetric practices in Brazil and access to information transmitted via social networks and the internet. The data showed that the problematization of vaccines (culminating in the decision to not vaccinate their children) occurred in the context of humanized birth, was protagonized by women and was greatly influenced by health information from the internet.CONCLUSIONS Sociocultural aspects of the singular Brazilian context and the contemporary society were involved in the decision-making on children’s vaccination. Understanding this process can provide a real basis for a deeper reflection on health and immunization practices in Brazil in light of the new contexts and challenges of the world today.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialidade Intervenção Precoce


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A presente dissertação/trabalho de projeto pretende ser um contributo para uma abordagem científica de um problema que nos últimos anos ganhou dimensão e contornos diferentes, tornando-se um dos polos das preocupações dos professores, chegando mesmo a extravasar a escola, alargando-se aos variados setores da sociedade. O estudo teve como objetivo geral conhecer as representações dos vários atores educativos sobre a indisciplina na sala de aula, e no ambiente escolar, do 3º ciclo na escola em estudo. Ao analisar as relações interpessoais, pretende-se também compreender a relação entre os comportamentos de disciplina e as práticas pedagógicas dos professores. O planeamento da investigação foi feito de acordo com os conceitos e perspetivas recolhidas de autores de referência, com os documentos legais e enquadradores do problema e com as pesquisas já realizadas neste domínio. Optou-se por uma metodologia com um tratamento misto de natureza quantitativa/qualitativa desenvolvida através do método de estudo de caso. A pesquisa realizou-se por meio de inquéritos por questionário aos professores que lecionam o 3º ciclo, percecionando- se através das relações entre as variáveis um quadro da realidade da escola em estudo. Privilegiou-se igualmente a compreensão dos comportamentos tidos como indisciplinados, partindo da própria perceção dos sujeitos envolvidos, através das entrevistas semi-diretivas aos diretores de turma do 3º ciclo, coordenador dos assistentes operacionais, presidente da associação de pais e à diretora da escola. O estudo realizado permite reconhecer as dificuldades na relação pedagógica professor/aluno; o desrespeito pela autoridade do professor; a ineficácia das medidas preventivas; a ineficiência das medidas sancionatórias aplicadas; ausência da autoridade paternal; bem como a falta de estratégias convergentes por parte dos professores no controlo das causas da indisciplina. O estudo termina com a elaboração de um plano operacional de intervenção que tem como finalidade diminuir a indisciplina na sala de aula na escola X.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática