963 resultados para Pacto autobiográfico


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Entrevista sobre la calidad de la Formación Profesional realizada a José Luis Gil, secretario de CCOO (Comisiones Obreras) en Castilla-La Mancha. Se habla del nivel de la FP en esta región, de las organizaciones sindicales, de la relación entre los centros educativos y las empresas y del Pacto por el Desarrollo y la Competitividad en Castilla-La Mancha.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Se comentan las palabras del presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, José María Barreda, sobre la puesta en marcha del Plan de Lectura en dicha región. Se reclama un pacto social en el que se impliquen instituciones, sindicatos, empresarios y representantes de asociaciones de alumnos y de padres. Se pretende fomentar la lectura como fuente de conocimiento y de placer.


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Autores del art??culo: Miembros de MenorcaEdu21.


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América Latina ha sido la región más “privilegiada“ por sus recursos naturales, por ello ha captado grandes inversiones manteniendo durante años un modelo económico extractivista deficiente. La sustentabilidad en el tiempo de este tipo de desarrollo ha incrementado la insuficiencia del rol del Estado. Los conflictos socioambientales están posicionándose de forma relevante en los procesos de desarrollo así como en las agendas globales. Los conflictos se caracterizan por la diversidad en su complejidad de actores, intereses, etc. El incremento desmedido de la violencia dentro de estos ha llevado a ser un ámbito importante dentro de todos los países en el mundo. El propósito de esta investigación es analizar un caso de conflicto en el Ecuador como es el de la Parroquia de Pacto. Ya que es importante determinar las causas de los conflictos dentro de la sociedad, y conocer como el Estado ha manejado o evitado estos problemas. Es necesario examinar los impactos que tienen las actividades extractivistas dentro de las áreas sociales y ambientales, con la finalidad de dar una solución para evitar tantos enfrentamientos.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo indagar en los diferentes procesos de producción y de operación que son ejecutados por la planta productora de Productos “San José”, como también por las unidades paneleras pertenecientes a la Corporación Loma de Santa Teresita de Pacto, en la elaboración de la panela granulada orgánica. Para instituir una mayor profundidad en la investigación, se realizaron entrevistas, encuestas e investigaciones de campo sobre el manejo de los procedimientos de las unidades paneleras de la Asociación, con el objetivo de recopilar la información necesaria que permita esclarecer los diferentes cuestionamientos sobre como se encuentra el entorno y el manejo de las plantas procesadoras a lo referente a su cadena de producción como de igual manera al personal que se desempeñan en cada una de ellas. Para instaurar una mayor comprensión del estudio, éste se encuentra comprendido en seis apéndices que esclarecen el cuestionamiento sobre el tema de investigación. En el primer capítulo se hizo una breve introducción sobre la panela y la empresa Productos San José Cía. Ltda., para luego establecer la problematización de la investigación, los objetivos generales, la metodología que será aplicada y el porqué de la indagación; el segundo capítulo hace referencia al marco teórico y conceptual que servirán de base y de guía para la ejecución de la investigación. El tercer capítulo comprende la identificación del producto, estructura del mercado, la demanda y oferta de la panela granulada, así como la proporción de demanda insatisfecha que denota la aceptación del producto. En el capítulo cuarto se habla de la empresa y su organización en general, su misión, visión, principios y valores empresariales, sin olvidar a la Corporación Loma de Santa Teresita de Pacto. El quinto apartado habla sobre la localización, capacidad, extensión e infraestructura de PROSANJO y COLSPA, así como la determinación de la materia prima, la descripción de los procesos como además de la maquinaria y equipos que son utilizados; se hará referencia sobre la formulación del plan para el mejoramiento de las Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura como también sobre Manipulación de Alimentos. Finalmente, se establecen resultados por medio de indicadores de producción; se da a considerar los beneficios atribuidos con la implementación de las BPM, para concluir con la conformación del plan de mejoramiento y las recomendaciones a la Asociación para la viabilidad del proyecto.


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The discussion about corporate obligations toward the various stakeholders began in the postindustrial era and developed to culminate in the creation of rules, regulations, programs and projects focusing on the dissemination and promotion of what we know today as corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this context, satisfying this new demand and adopting social policies emerge as a determining factor in defining organizational strategies. Nevertheless, some questions are raised when we examine the subject, such as: To what extent should organizations intervene in society? Is the decision for the organizations to adopt a socially responsible attitude really linked to promoting social well being, or is it only a commercial strategy? How does social marketing relate to CSR projects? The study herein, based on the concept and understanding of CSR theories, stakeholders and social marketing, has sought to find evidence of this relationship, in the light of the Global Compact (GC). It was decided to use the multi-case study methodology, considering the possibility of explaining the reasons why the decisions were taken, how they were implemented and what was the outcome. Interviews, supported by previously prepared scripts, were held with CSR managers, employees from other areas of the organizations, and specialists on the subject. Complementary research studies were made in various sources, such as the website of companies under analysis, their sustainability reports, and the GC websites in Brazil and the United Nations (UN). The results obtained show that the organizations have worked increasingly with CSR projects, but the efforts have not been focused. Special mention is given to the programs that create major impact on the company¿s image and reputation, such as projects competing for prizes and participating in the formation of rankings or socially responsible organizations. From the view of Carroll¿s Pyramid (1991) for CSR, it is found that the projects are predominantly focusing on ethical and philanthropic issues. The driving power of the GC, action based on learning, dialogue and partnership, is not to be found. This factor contributes to the statement that social marketing tools are used to build an ethical and socially responsible image, in detriment to effective action by the organizations to meet the social requirements of their stakeholders. The social marketing has as an objective to transform the way a specific public sees a social question and promotes behavior changes, but what has been seen is the use of marketing tools exclusively to promote the company's image.


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Resumo não disponível.


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Jornal da Globo News, apresentado por Leilane Neubarth


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Since minetics The economics and political promotion along the necessity of flexibility in states actions admited actors partipction and social controlo on process of construction in local development. The Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento à Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) by this framework consists suprass the specific points about contry world in order to embrace territorial dimension of development, focalizing actions that estimulate co-operative pratices among local agents. This work proposal intends to identify advances and regression of PRONAF Infra-estrutura (Framework) by one territorial pact organization considering its administration about mechamisms on advantage conmflicts between distinct actor and their ables to atimulates a construction of new relationships between governors and population. Undderstanding PRONAF action like a process that come from its instrumental proportion surpass looking for substantial elements constructionm on intervention of local development considering administration mechamisms in São Paulo do Potengi (RN) city-council-starting by Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Rural as well changes of institutional arrangement with território da Borborema erection. Throngh documental studies, bibliography researches and interviews we indenttfy an articulante power of Territorial pact partnerships like one of these political process and its sector character as their limits


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The thesis has as object of study the autobiographical memmorials. The general objective is to describe the history of the memmorial as an academic tradition of higher education in Brazil. Considered a hybrid genre, memmorials are known for focusing on life stories from a scientific perspective. The investigation revolves around three intertwined branches: History of Education, educational practices and language usages, which allow us to conduct a dialogue with multiple theoretical-methodological references with a view to supporting our analyses. The corpus used for the analysis was made up of 40 autobiographical memmorials, distributed as follows: 16 academic memmorials, dated from 1935 to 1970; 07 academic memmorials, dated from 1980 to 2007; and 17 formation memmorials, dated from 1995 to 2000. In this corpus, we also included official documents, which relate to legislation contained in edicts, resolutions, ordinances, regulations, which we used with a view to: 1) getting to know and understanding the big picture of higher education regulation in Brazil and the aspects related to the higher education teaching career; 2) investigating the text of memmorials in the light of the injunctive discourse characteristic of the edicts and resolutions in which they were based. The analysis of the memmorial supported by the legislation which regulates it allowed us to reconstitute the image of the professor throughout 80 years in the Brazilian public university. For this purpose, the study was conducted in the theoretical-methodological perspective of the (auto)biographical research in Education and of the sociolinguistic studies on discourse genres and discursive traditions. The investigations reveal the memmorial as an academic genre in which the professor's academic-professional history and the history of the higher education teaching career in Brazil intertwine. Anchored in the Bakhtinian perspective on discourse genres, according to which the memmorials evolve and become more complex as their contexts of usage also evolve and become more complex themselves, the results of our analyses allowed us to correlate genre changes to the sociohistorical context and to its usage as an educational practice in the university, in the decades under study. Therefore, the analyses showed that these self-writings: go from latent subjectivity to pure objectivity from the 1930s to 1960s; they show total annulment of the subject from the 1960s to the 1970s; they reappear in the 1980s, having Professor Magda Soares' memmorial as perspective; they expand and diversify from the 1990s onwards, taking on a formative role and a perspective of future as well. So far as language usages are concerned, we investigated the relationship of the subject with the language, especifically the manifestation of alterity on the discursive tissue of the memmorials. In this branch, the analyses pointed to the influence of the authoritative discourse on the formation of the professor and of the injunction and reinventing discourses on the authorship process. Therefore, the autobiographical memmorial reveals itself as a specific expression of the Brazilian academy's cultural sphere and allows us to confirm the hypothesis that each memorial tackles a singular-plural situation, by presenting a dialectical articulation between private and public, according to the institutional structures, in which and with which the professor has already formed him/herself and with which he/she dialogues