97 resultados para POPS
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde das Bindungsverhalten von Annexin A1 und Annexin A2t an festkörperunterstützte Lipidmembranen aus POPC und POPS untersucht. Für beide Proteine konnte mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenzmikroskopie gezeigt werden, dass irreversible Bindung nur in Anwesenheit von POPS auftritt. Durch rasterkraftmikroskopische Aufnahmen konnte die laterale Organisation der Annexine auf der Lipidmembran dargestellt werden. Beide Proteine lagern sich in Form lateraler Aggregate (zweidimensionale Domänen) auf der Oberfläche an, außerdem ist der Belegungsgrad und die Größe der Domänen von der Membranzusammensetzung und der Calciumkonzentration abhängig. Mit zunehmendem POPS-Gehalt und Calciumkonzentration steigt der Belegungsgrad an und der mittlere Domänenradius wird kleiner. Diese Ergebnisse konnten in Verbindung mit detaillierten Bindungsstudien des Annexins A1 mit der Quarzmikrowaage verwendet werden, um ein Bindungsmodell auf Basis einer heterogenen Oberfläche zu entwickeln. Auf einer POPC-reichen Matrix findet reversible Adsorption statt und auf POPS-reichen Domänen irreversible Adsorption. Durch die Anpassung von dynamischen Monte Carlo-Simulationen basierend auf einer zweidimensionalen zufälligen sequentiellen Adsorption konnten Erkenntnisse über die Membranstruktur und die kinetischen Ratenkonstanten in Abhängigkeit von der Calciumkonzentration und der Inkubationszeit des Proteins gewonnen werden. Die irreversible Bindung ist in allen Calciumkonzentrationsbereichen schneller als die reversible. Außerdem zeigt die irreversible Adsorption eine deutlich stärkere Abhängigkeit von der Calciumkonzentration. Ein kleinerer Belegungsgrad bei niedrigen Ca2+-Gehalten ist hauptsächlich durch die Abnahme der verfügbaren Bindungsplätze auf der Oberfläche zu erklären. Die gute Übereinstimmung der aus den Monte Carlo-Simulationen erhaltenen Domänenstrukturen mit den rasterkraftmikroskopischen Aufnahmen und die Tatsache, dass sich die simulierten Resonanzfrequenzverläufe problemlos an die experimentellen Kurven aus den QCM-Messungen anpassen ließen, zeigt die gute Anwendbarkeit des entwickelten Simulationsprogramms auf die Adsorption von Annexin A1. Die Extraktion der kinetischen Parameter aus dem zweidimensionalen RSA-Modell ist mit Sicherheit einem einfachen Langmuir-Ansatz überlegen. Bei einem Langmuir-Modell erfolgt eine integrale Erfassung einer einzelnen makroskopischen Geschwindigkeitskonstante, während durch das RSA-Modell eine differenzierte Betrachtung des reversiblen und irreversiblen Bindungsprozesses möglich ist. Zusätzlich lassen sich mikroskopische Informationen über die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit gewinnen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde das thermotrope Phasenverhalten von festkörperunterstützten Phospholipidbilayern untersucht. Dazu wurden mikrostrukturierte, frei stehende Membranstreifen präpariert und mit Hilfe der bildgebenden Ellipsometrie untersucht. Dadurch konnten die temperaturabhängigen Verläufe der Schichtdicke und der lateralen Membranausdehnung parallel beobachtet werden. Die ermittelten Phasenübergangstemperaturen von DMPC, diC15PC und DPPC lagen 2 - 3 °C oberhalb der Literaturwerte für vesikuläre Systeme. Außerdem wurde eine deutliche Verringerung der Kooperativität der Phasenumwandlung gefunden, was auf einen großen Einfluss des Substrats bei den festkörperunterstützten Lipidmembranen schließen lässt. Zusätzlich wurde ein nicht systematischer Zusammenhang der Ergebnisse von der Oberflächenpräparation gefunden, der es unabdingbar macht, bei Untersuchungen von festkörperunterstützten Substraten einen internen Standard einzuführen. Bei der Analyse des thermotropen Phasenübergangsverhaltens von DMPC/Cholesterol - Gemischen wurde daher die individuelle Adressierbarkeit der strukturierten Lipidmembranen ausgenutzt und ein Lipidstreifen aus reinem DMPC als Standard verwendet. Auf diese Weise konnte gezeigt werden, dass das für Phospholipide typische Phasenübergangsverhalten ab 30 mol% Cholesterol in der Membran nicht mehr vorhanden ist. Dies ist auf die Bildung einer nur durch höhere Sterole induzierten fluiden Phase mit hoch geordneten Acylketten zurückzuführen. Abschließend konnte durch die Zugabe von Ethanol zu einer mikrostrukturierten DMPC-Membran die Bildung eines interdigitierten Bilayers nachgewiesen werden. Die bildgebende Ellipsometrie ist eine sehr gute Methode zur Untersuchung festkörperunterstützter Lipidmembranen, da sie über ein sehr gutes vertikales und ein ausreichendes laterales Auflösungsvermögen besitzt. Sie ist darin zwar einem Rasterkraftmikroskop noch unterlegen, besitzt dafür aber eine einfachere Handhabung beim Umgang mit Flüssigkeiten und in der Temperierung, eine schnellere Bildgebung und ist als optische Methode nicht-invasiv.
In previous work, Alpine glaciers have been identified as a secondary source of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). However, detailed understanding of the processes organic chemicals undergo in a glacial system was missing. Here, we present results from a chemical fate model describing deposition and incorporation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) into an Alpine glacier (Fiescherhorn, Switzerland) and an Arctic glacier (Lomonosovfonna, Norway). To understand PCB fate and dynamics, we investigate the interaction of deposition, sorption to ice and particles in the atmosphere and within the glacier, revolatilization, diffusion and degradation, and discuss the effects of these processes on the fate of individual PCB congeners. The model is able to reproduce measured absolute concentrations in the two glaciers for most PCB congeners. While the model generally predicts concentration profiles peaking in the 1970s, in the measurements, this behavior can only be seen for higher-chlorinated PCB congeners on Fiescherhorn glacier. We suspect seasonal melt processes are disturbing the concentration profiles of the lower-chlorinated PCB congeners. While a lower-chlorinated PCB congener is mainly deposited by dry deposition and almost completely revolatilized after deposition, a higher-chlorinated PCB congener is predominantly transferred to the glacier surface by wet deposition and then is incorporated into the glacier ice. The incorporated amounts of PCBs are higher on the Alpine glacier than on the Arctic glacier due to the higher precipitation rate and aerosol particle concentration on the former. Future studies should include the effects of seasonal melt processes, calculate the quantities of PCBs incorporated into the entire glacier surface, and estimate the quantity of chemicals released from glaciers to determine the importance of glaciers as a secondary source of organic chemicals to remote aquatic ecosystems.
Direct democracy plays a prominent role in the explanation of institutional trust. To date, however, empirical findings on the effects of direct democracy remain inconclusive. In this article, we argue that this inconclusiveness can be partly ascribed to the diverse effects direct democracy has on individuals. In other words, direct democracy influences institutional trust, but how and to what degree depends on individuals’ personality traits. Running hierarchical analyses of unique survey data from a random sample of eligible Swiss voters, we document three findings: First, we show that the number of ballot measures is not directly associated with institutional trust. Second, we demonstrate that the Big Five personality traits affect the propensity to trust. Third, some of these traits also alter the relationship between direct democracy and institutional trust, suggesting that certain personality types are more likely to be sensitive to popular votes than others and that not everyone is equally likely to respond to political stimuli, even in highly democratic environments.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are brominated flame retardants (BFRs) that have been widely produced and used as flame retardants since the 1970’s in many consumer products such as carpet and drape linings, plastics used in electronics, computer and television casings and polyurethane foam used in chairs, sofas and mattresses. PBDEs are persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which, by definition, are toxic in nature, persistent in the environment and accumulative in living organisms. Animal studies have found PBDEs to cause health defects such as fetal malformations, delayed onset of puberty, decreased sperm count, behavioral changes, permanent learning and memory impairment, endocrine disruption, as well as cancer at high doses. Recent research involving humans reported that elevated breast milk PBDEs levels in their mothers are associated with cryptorchidism (absence of one or both testes from the scrotum) in newborn boys and adverse birth outcomes as well as elevated serum PBDE levels in mothers are associated with low sperm count in young men. There are three commonly manufactured PBDE commercial mixtures: Penta-, Octa-, and Deca-BDEs. Two of them (Octa- and Penta-BDEs) have been banned by the European Union and are being voluntarily phased out in the United States. However, Deca continues to be manufactured, used, and imported in the United States. This MPH thesis consists of a literature review of peer reviewed scientific articles concerned with PBDEs in the environment and in humans, as well as a discussion concerning different routes of exposure to PBDEs and their blood, milk and tissue levels as surrogates for body burdens in North Americans and in people from other countries. Results of this literature review shows PBDE levels in human blood, milk and tissues are higher in North Americans than people from other countries worldwide. To date, the highest level of PBDEs was found in a toddler’s blood in a California study. Despite the fact that PBDEs are associated with adverse health effects, and highest levels of PBDEs in North Americans, Deca-BDE is still manufactured, used and imported in the United States. There is an urgent need of new federal regulatory policy to ban completely the production, importation and use of all commercial mixtures of PBDEs.^
It is largely unknown if and how persistent organic pollutants (POPs) affect the transfer of maternal hormones to eggs. This occurs despite an increasing number of studies relating environmental conditions experienced by female birds at the time of egg formation to maternal hormonal effects. Here we report the concentrations of maternal testosterone, 17beta-estradiol and major classes of POPs (organochlorines, brominated flame retardants and metabolically-derived products) in the yolk of unincubated, third-laid eggs of the glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus), a top-predator in the Arctic marine environment. Controlled for seasonal and local variation, positive correlations were found between the concentrations of certain POPs and testosterone. Contaminant-related changes in the relative concentrations of testosterone and 17beta-estradiol were also observed. In addition, yolk steroid concentrations were associated with contaminant profiles describing the proportions of different POPs present in the yolk. Eggs from nests in which two sibling eggs hatched or failed to hatch differed in POP profiles and in the relative concentrations of testosterone and 17beta-estradiol. Although the results of this correlative study need to be interpreted with caution, they suggest that contaminant-related changes in yolk steroids may occur, possibly affecting offspring performance over and above toxic effects brought about by POPs in eggs.
Behavioural field observations are increasingly being used in ecotoxicological research to identify potential adverse effects of exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs). We investigated thermal conditions inside the nest and parental behaviour of glaucous gulls, Larus hyperboreus, breeding in the Norwegian Arctic in relation to the concentrations of major classes of POPs (organochlorines, brominated flame retardants and metabolically derived products) accumulated in their blood. Most notably, nest temperature was negatively correlated with the concentrations of the sum of DDT, sum of PCB and several quantitatively minor POP classes within the incubating parent. To investigate the relationship between incubation ability and parental POP exposure further, we experimentally increased the costs of incubation by artificially increasing the clutch size from two to four eggs. Clutch enlargement was followed by a decrease in nest temperature, but this drop in temperature was not associated with POP concentrations within the incubating parent. However, males, which had higher POP concentrations and lower white blood cell counts than females, seemed less able to maintain nest temperature. There was virtually no evidence to suggest that the sum of PCB or DDT were associated with changes in the time a bird spent incubating. However, there was some indication that nest site attendance by nonincubating males was negatively related to the sum of DDT, suggesting that nest protection may have been compromised. The results suggest that adverse effects of parental POP exposure may occur through suboptimal thermal conditions for embryo development and possibly increased egg predation risk.
Los éteres de difenil polibromados (PBDEs), son un grupo de compuestos químicos industriales que pertenecen a la familia de los retardantes de llama bromados (BFRs) y comprenden 209 congéneres en función del número de bromos asociados y su posición. Estas sustancias son agregadas a los polímeros presentes en las placas electrónicas, computadoras, televisores, automóviles y aeronaves, entre otros, para inhibir o retardar el inicio y propagación del fuego. El congénere BDE-209 es uno de los PBDEs más utilizado. Su importancia reside en que son agregados a múltiples plásticos, de los cuales se liberan fácilmente, causando efectos negativos en el ambiente y en la salud humana. Su producción está regulada por la Convención de Estocolmo por ser contaminantes orgánicos persistentes (POPs por sus siglas en inlgés). El caracol manzana, Pomacea canaliculata, (Caenogastrópodo de la familia Ampullariidae) ha sido propuesto como un bioindicador de POPs. En este trabajo se expuso a dicha especie a la exposición a corto plazo del congénere BDE-209, en tres concentraciones diferentes (400 (C1), 4700 (C2) y 8300 (C3) μg g-1 de lípido) durante 42 días. Durante dicho tiempo todos los animales sobrevivieron al tratamiento. Se registró un aumento, no significativo, en la frecuencia de las cópulas en el tratamiento C3. El porcentaje de huevos embrionados entre tratamientos no arrojó diferencias significativas para ninguna de las concentraciones ensayadas. Sin embrago el registro de puestas mostró una disminución significativa para la concentración C2. Para esta última concentración se observó una alteración en la coloración de los huevos, cuyos valores fueron registrados empleando un espectroradiómetro. No se observaron diferencias entre los tratamientos a nivel histológico. Los resultados del presente trabajo son alentadores para explorar eventuales mecanismos de detoxificación que protejan a Pomacea canaliculata del BDE-209.
A selection of PBDE congeners was analyzed in pooled blubber samples of pilot whale (Globicephala melas), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) and Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), covering a time period of more than 20 years (1986-2009). The analytes were extracted and cleaned-up using open column extraction and multi-layer silica gel column chromatography, and the analysis was performed on a GC-MS system operating in the NCI mode. The highest PBDE levels were found in the toothed whale species pilot whale and white-sided dolphin, and the lowest levels in fin whales and ringed seals. One-sided analyses of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey comparisons of means were applied to test for differences between years and sampling areas. Due to inter-year sampling variability, only general comparisons of PBDE concentrations between different sampling areas could be made. Differences in PBDE concentrations between three sampling periods, from 1986 to 2007, were evaluated in samples of pilot whales, ringed seals, white-sided dolphins and hooded seals. The highest PBDE levels were found in samples from the late 1990s or beginning of 2000, possibly reflecting the increase in the global production of technical PBDE mixtures in the 1990s. The levels of BDE #153 and #154 increased relative to the total PBDE concentration in some of the species in recent years, which may indicate an increased relative exposure to higher brominated congeners. In order to assess the effect of measures taken in legally binding international agreements, it is important to continuously monitor POPs such as PBDEs in sub-Arctic and Arctic environments.
The Baltic Sea is a semi-enclosed sea with a steady salinity gradient (3 per mil-30 per mil). Organisms have adapted to such low salinities, but are suspected to be more susceptible to stress. Within the frame of the integrated environmental monitoring BONUS + project "BEAST" the applicability of immune responses of the blue mussel was investigated in Danish coastal waters. The sampling sites were characterised by a salinity range (11-19 per mil) and different mixtures of contaminants (metals, PAHs and POPs), according to chemical analysis of mussel tissues. Variation partitioning (redundancy analysis) was applied to decompose salinity and contamination effects. The results indicated that cellular immune responses (total and differential haemocyte count, phagocytic activity and apoptosis) were mainly influenced by contaminants, whereas humoral factors (haemolytic activity) were mainly impacted by salinity. Hence, cellular immune functions may be suitable as biomarkers in monitoring programmes for the Baltic Sea and other geographic regions with salinity variances of the studied range.
Concentrations of POPs in Great skua eggs from Shetland are among the highest in North Atlantic seabirds, with up to 11,600 µg/kg (ww) DDE and up to 17,900 µg/kg ww SumPCB. Concentrations of legacy POPs were significantly lower in 2008 than 1980. Decreases were greatest for least persistent compounds. Median SumPBDEs increased from 99 µg/kg ww in 1980 to 173 µg/kg ww in 2008. There were changes in Great skua breeding season diet, with more adult Herring and Mackerel and less Sandeel. These changes increase exposure to POPs, since Herring and Mackerel accumulate more POPs than Sandeels. In both years, eggs with higher d15N had higher POP concentrations. In 1980, birds feeding more on demersal discard fish from trawl fisheries and less on Sandeels, had higher POP levels in eggs. In 2008, individuals feeding more on Herring and Mackerel, and less on discards, had higher POP levels in eggs.
The main objective of this study was to investigate possible temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury in eggs of herring gulls (Larus argentatus), black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), common guillemots (Uria aalge) and Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in Northern Norway. Eggs were collected in 1983, 1993 and 2003. Egg concentrations of POPs (PCB congeners IUPAC numbers: CB-28, 74, 66, 101, 99, 110, 149, 118, 153, 105, 141, 138, 187, 128, 156, 157, 180, 170, 194, 206, HCB, alph-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH, oxychlordane, trans-chlordane, cis-chlordane, trans-nonachlor, cis-nonachlor, p,p'-DDE, o,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDT) and mercury were quantified. Generally, POP levels decreased between 1983 and 2003 in all species. No significant temporal trend in mercury levels was found between 1983 and 2003.
Hair sampled from 96 East Greenland polar bears (Ursus maritimus) over the periods 1892-1927 and 1988-2009 was analyzed for cortisol as a proxy to investigate temporal patterns of environmental stress. Cortisol concentration was independent of sex and age, and was found at significantly higher (p<0.001) concentrations in historical hair samples (1892-1927; n = 8) relative to recent ones (1988-2009; n = 88). In addition, there was a linear time trend in cortisol concentration of the recent samples (p< 0.01), with an annual decrease of 2.7%. The recent hair samples were also analyzed for major bioaccumulative, persistent organic pollutants (POPs). There were no obvious POP related time trends or correlations between hair cortisol and hair POP concentrations. Thus, polar bear hair appears to be a relatively poor indicator of the animal's general POP load in adipose tissue. However, further investigations are warranted to explore the reasons for the temporal decrease found in the bears' hair cortisol levels.