982 resultados para PERSONAL COMPUTERS
In less than a decade, personal computers have become part of our daily lives. Many of us come into contact with computers every day, whether at work, school or home. As useful as the new technologies are, they also have a darker side. By making computers part of our daily lives, we run the risk of allowing thieves, swindlers, and all kinds of deviants directly into our homes. Armed with a personal computer, a modem and just a little knowledge, a thief can easily access confidential information, such as details of bank accounts and credit cards. This book helps people avoid harm at the hands of Internet criminals. It offers a tour of the more dangerous parts of the Internet, as the author explains who the predators are, their motivations, how they operate and how to protect against them. In less than a decade, personal computers have become part of our daily lives. Many of us come into contact with computers every day, whether at work, school or home. As useful as the new technologies are, they also have a darker side. By making computers part of our daily lives, we run the risk of allowing thieves, swindlers, and all kinds of deviants directly into our homes. Armed with a personal computer, a modem and just a little knowledge, a thief can easily access confidential information, such as details of bank accounts and credit cards. This book is intended to help people avoid harm at the hands of Internet criminals. It offers a tour of the more dangerous parts of the Internet, as the author explains who the predators are, their motivations, how they operate and how to protect against them. Behind the doors of our own homes, we assume we are safe from predators, con artists, and other criminals wishing us harm. But the proliferation of personal computers and the growth of the Internet have invited these unsavory types right into our family rooms. With a little psychological knowledge a con man can start to manipulate us in different ways. A terrorist can recruit new members and raise money over the Internet. Identity thieves can gather personal information and exploit it for criminal purposes. Spammers can wreak havoc on businesses and individuals. Here, an expert helps readers recognize the signs of a would-be criminal in their midst. Focusing on the perpetrators, the author provides information about how they operate, why they do it, what they hope to do, and how to protect yourself from becoming a victim.
Bahsen Ismailova-Isufova, Ridvan Isufov - In this paper it is described the birth and the growth during the last 50 years of the idea for the systematization of definitions and theorems based on the activities which can be done with them. Also there are methods to include the personal computers in this activity and to continue the research of the role for extending the heuristics abilities of students.
A szerzők cikkükben a számítástechnikai hulladékokkal foglalkoznak, számítástechnikai eszközök alatt a számítógép konfigurációk összetevőit értik, tehát számítógépeket (asztali, hordozható, terminál stb.), és perifériáit (monitor, nyomtató, cd-író stb.), valamint ezek alkatrészeit és kiegészítőit (chipek, mechanikus részek, festékkazetták stb.). A rendszeres használat környezeti hatásait csak abból a szempontból vizsgálták, hogy ennek során bizonyos alkatrészek, kellékek (kiemelten a nyomtatók festékkazettái) a gépnél nagyobb gyakorisággal cserélődnek, s válhatnak hulladékká. A fő fókusz a számítástechnikai eszközök élettartamának vége, s ebből a szempontból kulcsfogalom a használt személyi számítógép kategória. _____ In their article, the authors discuss the issue of computer waste; under the category of information technology devices they understand the components of computer configurations, that is computers (desktop, portable, terminal etc.) and their peripheries (monitor, printer, CD writer, etc), and also the components and supplements of these (chips, mechanical parts, toner cartridges, etc.). The environmental impact of regular use was examined only from one aspect: during regular use certain components and accessories (especially the toner cartridges of printers) are more often changed and become waste. The main focus is the end of the life time of computer devices, and from this point of view used personal computers are a key concept.
3D geographic information system (GIS) is data and computation intensive in nature. Internet users are usually equipped with low-end personal computers and network connections of limited bandwidth. Data reduction and performance optimization techniques are of critical importance in quality of service (QoS) management for online 3D GIS. In this research, QoS management issues regarding distributed 3D GIS presentation were studied to develop 3D TerraFly, an interactive 3D GIS that supports high quality online terrain visualization and navigation. ^ To tackle the QoS management challenges, multi-resolution rendering model, adaptive level of detail (LOD) control and mesh simplification algorithms were proposed to effectively reduce the terrain model complexity. The rendering model is adaptively decomposed into sub-regions of up-to-three detail levels according to viewing distance and other dynamic quality measurements. The mesh simplification algorithm was designed as a hybrid algorithm that combines edge straightening and quad-tree compression to reduce the mesh complexity by removing geometrically redundant vertices. The main advantage of this mesh simplification algorithm is that grid mesh can be directly processed in parallel without triangulation overhead. Algorithms facilitating remote accessing and distributed processing of volumetric GIS data, such as data replication, directory service, request scheduling, predictive data retrieving and caching were also proposed. ^ A prototype of the proposed 3D TerraFly implemented in this research demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed QoS management framework in handling interactive online 3D GIS. The system implementation details and future directions of this research are also addressed in this thesis. ^
Effective interaction with personal computers is a basic requirement for many of the functions that are performed in our daily lives. With the rapid emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web, computers have become one of the premier means of communication in our society. Unfortunately, these advances have not become equally accessible to physically handicapped individuals. In reality, a significant number of individuals with severe motor disabilities, due to a variety of causes such as Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Amyothrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), etc., may not be able to utilize the computer mouse as a vital input device for computer interaction. The purpose of this research was to further develop and improve an existing alternative input device for computer cursor control to be used by individuals with severe motor disabilities. This thesis describes the development and the underlying principle for a practical hands-off human-computer interface based on Electromyogram (EMG) signals and Eye Gaze Tracking (EGT) technology compatible with the Microsoft Windows operating system (OS). Results of the software developed in this thesis show a significant improvement in the performance and usability of the EMG/EGT cursor control HCI.
Il termine pervasive computing incarna l’idea di andare oltre il paradigma dei personal computers: è l’idea che qualsiasi device possa essere tecnologizzato ed interconnesso con un network distribuito, costituendo un nuovo modello di interazione uomo-macchina. All’interno di questo paradigma gioca un ruolo fondamentale il concetto di context-awareness, che fa riferimento all’idea che i computer possano raccogliere dati dall’ambiente circostante e reagire in maniera intelligente e proattiva basandosi su di essi. Un sistema siffatto necessita da un lato di una infrastruttura per la raccolta dei dati dall’ambiente, dall'altro di un supporto per la componente intelligente e reattiva. In tale scenario, questa tesi ha l'obiettivo di progettare e realizzare una libreria per l'interfacciamento di un sistema distribuito di sensori Java-based con l’interprete tuProlog, un sistema Prolog leggero e configurabile, scritto anch'esso in Java ma disponibile per una pluralità di piattaforme, in modo da porre le basi per la costruzione di sistemi context-aware in questo ambiente.
Der Zugang zu Datenbanken über die universelle Abfragesprache SQL stellt für Nicht-Spezialisten eine große Herausforderung dar. Als eine benutzerfreundliche Alternative wurden daher seit den 1970er-Jahren unterschiedliche visuelle Abfragesprachen (Visual Query Languages, kurz VQLs) für klassische PCs erforscht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, eine generische VQL zu entwickeln und zu erproben, die eine gestenbasierte Exploration von Datenbanken auf Schema- und Instanzdatenebene für mobile Endgeräte, insbesondere Tablets, ermöglicht. Dafür werden verschiedene Darstellungsformen, Abfragestrategien und visuelle Hints für Fremdschlüsselbeziehungen untersucht, die den Benutzer bei der Navigation durch die Daten unterstützen. Im Rahmen einer Anforderungsanalyse erwies sich die Visualisierung der Daten und Beziehungen mittels einer platzsparenden geschachtelten NF2-Darstellung als besonders vorteilhaft. Zur Steuerung der Datenbankexploration wird eine geeignete Gestensprache, bestehend aus Stroke-, Multitouch- und Mid-Air-Gesten, vorgestellt. Das Gesamtkonzept aus Darstellung und Gestensteuerung wurde anhand des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten GBXT-Prototyps auf seine reale Umsetzbarkeit hin, als plattformunabhängige Single-Page-Application für verschiedene mobile Endgeräte mittels JavaScript und HTML5/CSS3 untersucht.
É crescente a utilização dos dispositivos móveis com ecrãs maiores e melhores, mais memória, maiores capacidades multimédia e métodos mais refinados para introduzir dados. Dispositivos que integram comunicações, acesso à internet e diversos tipos de sensores possibilitarão, seguramente, abordagens inovadoras e criativas em atividades pedagógicas, em contraste com as utilizações atuais nos computadores pessoais. A análise das aplicações que atualmente integram os módulos do Moodle nos dispositivos móveis mostra que existe ainda um longo caminho a percorrer. As aplicações existentes têm, quase na sua totalidade, como objetivo adaptar o interface aos dispositivos móveis, o que é apenas o primeiro passo no sentido de aproveitar todas as potencialidades destes dispositivos. É, pois, possível imaginar um futuro próximo, onde as potencialidades dos dispositivos móveis darão origem a aplicações com um enorme potencial de aprendizagem, que advém do facto de os estudantes encontrarem conexões entre as suas vidas e a sua educação, através da realização de atividades em contexto no dispositivo móvel, sempre omnipresente. Com este trabalho de investigação e desenvolvimento pretende-se: a) avaliar o estado da arte do mobile learning, na área dos Learning Management System (LMS); b) refletir sobre as funcionalidades que deve oferecer uma aplicação para dispositivos móveis, com enfoque no sistema operativo Android, que permita a gestão e atualização dos fóruns e ficheiros do Moodle; c) conceber e produzir a referida aplicação, de acordo com as especificações consideradas relevantes; d) avaliar o seu impacto educativo e funcional. É demonstrado neste estudo que o recurso a dispositivos móveis potencia a aprendizagem baseada em LMS (Learning Management System), identificando-se as vantagens da sua utilização. São também apresentadas as funcionalidades da aplicação Mais(f), desenvolvida no âmbito da investigação, a avaliação da mesma pelos participantes no estudo, bem como as perspectivas futuras de utilização da aplicação Mais(f).
As exigências da sociedade atual obrigam a mudanças tecnológicas cada vez mais rápidas e constantes para satisfazer as necessidades empresariais, especialmente no que concerne à transmissão de informações de forma cada vez mais rápidas, mas sempre mantendo um elevado padrão de qualidade de conteúdos, bem como níveis de segurança elevados para impedir que os mesmos sejam corrompidos. Desde o aparecimento da Internet que a informação circula de forma cada vez mais veloz, em maiores quantidades e alcança cada vez mais pessoas. No entanto, nem todas as pessoas têm acesso a conteúdos de qualidade, sendo nesse ponto que o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho terá importância na respectiva área. O portveb.com é um website que pretende colmatar uma carência de conteúdos de qualidade para especialistas web designers, programadores e optimizadores de motores de busca. A importância do trabalho desenvolvido deve-se à escassez de websites da referida temática, sendo uma oportunidade para explorar a utilização de soluções técnicas como o Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Javacript, PHP, MYSQL e desenvolver um website cuja funcionalidade não esteja só restrita a computadores pessoais, mas também a plataformas móveis. O desenvolvimento do website portveb.com demonstrou que a utilização das soluções técnicas já referidas foram a melhor opção do que concerne à obtenção de resultados, por assentar em plataformas onde não foi necessário elaborar um design de raíz, sendo que a interacção com bases de dados como PHP e MySQL tornaram o website mais dinâmico. A realização deste trabalho possibilitou ainda a descoberta de potencialidades do website para soluções técnicas futuras que se destinam a aumentar a partilha de conhecimento entre os utilizadores de forma mais prática e eficiente.
"August 1990."
This paper presents an initiative for monitoring the competence acquisition by a team of students with different backgrounds facing the experience of being working by projects and in a project. These students are graduated bachelor engineering are inexperienced in the project management field and they play this course on a time-shared manner along with other activities. The goal of this experience is to increase the competence levels acquired by using an structured web based portfolio tool helping to reinforce how relevant different project management approaches can result for final products and how important it becomes to maintain the integration along the project. Monitoring is carried out by means of have a look on how the work is being done and measuring different technical parameters per participant. The use of this information could make possible to bring additional information to the students involved in terms of their individual competencies and the identification of new opportunities of personal improvement. These capabilities are strongly requested by companies in their daily work as well as they can be very convenient too for students when they try to organize their PhD work.
This work consists on the design and implementation of a complete monitored security system. Two computers make up the basic system: one computer is the transmitter and the other is the receiver. Both computers interconnect by modems. Depending on the status of the input sensors (magnetic contacts, motion detectors and others) the transmitter detects an alarm condition and sends a detailed report of the event via modem to the receiver computer.
Acknowledgements The authors thank the children, their parents and school staff, who participated in this research, and who so willingly gave us their time, help and support. They also thank Steven Knox and Alan Clelland for their work on programming the mobile phone application. Additional thanks to DynaVox Inc. for supplying the Vmax communication devices to run our system on and Sensory Software Ltd for supplying us with their AAC software. This research was supported by the Research Council UKs Digittal Economy Programme and EPSRC (Grant numbers EP/F067151/1, EP/F066880/1, EP/E011764/1, EP/H022376/1, and EP/H022570 /1).
Since the implementation of the Programa Conectar Igualdad (PCI) (Connecting Equality Program) in 2010 in Argentina, numerous Social Science specialists started to research how massive ICT introduction in schools would radically affect teaching and learning processes, knowledge building and youth behaviour. Nevertheless, there is still not much empirical evidence showing the ways in which these technologies are appropriated. This situation discloses the need of placing research questions locally situated with regard to those potential changes. What existing access methods does PCI encounter? And how does its implementation participate in the design of personal and family heterogeneous trajectories of ICTs appropriation? How do the students themselves perceive the infl uence of PCI on their own technologic abilities and competence? How do knowledge and aptitudes associated to new digital media articulate with the knowledge manners promoted by the school format and institutionalism? How does the massive introduction of netbooks affect the interaction among different school actors (students-teachers)? What happens in other sociability and socialization spaces, such as the house and cybercafé?