983 resultados para PD-1


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La transplantation de sang de cordon ombilical (TSCO) constitue un traitement de choix pour une multitude de pathologies hématologiques malignes et non malignes chez l’enfant et dans certains cas l’adulte. La TSCO est associée à certaines complications, dont une reconstitution immunitaire plus lente et une incidence élevée d’infections opportunistes, notamment celles reliées au cytomégalovirus (CMV) et au virus varicella-zoster (VZV). Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à la caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire spécifique au CMV et au VZV. Nos résultats ont démontré que la reconstitution de l’immunité cellulaire ne requiert ni un statut séropositif pré-transplantation ni le développement de la maladie. De plus, des reconstitutions spontanées ont été détectées chez certains patients séronégatifs vis-à-vis du CMV ou du VZV. Outre le fait qu’elle se manifeste surtout à partir de 6 mois post-transplantation, ladite reconstitution mérite le qualificatif de « protectrice » en termes de réactivations virales et du développement de signes cliniques lorsqu’une fréquence de 150 cellules produisant l’IFN-γ/million est dépassée. Toutefois, moins de 5% des patients développent une réponse T anti-VZV et anti-CMV au cours 100 premiers jours suivant la TSCO. Il est donc possible que les lymphocytes CD8+ T provenant du SCO, comparativement à leurs homologues provenant de la moelle osseuse (MO), présentent un défaut de fonctionnalité, communément appelé « épuisement clonal ». La caractérisation du répertoire de récepteurs inhibiteurs exprimés par les cellules T CD8+ suivant la TSCO ou la transplantation de moelle osseuse (TMO) a révélé une augmentation significative de la fréquence des cellules exprimant PD-1 tôt suivant la transplantation. Cette population, caractérisée majoritairement par un phénotype effecteur-mémoire (EM), démontre une perte significative de la capacité proliférative et exprime moins d'IFN-γ, d'IL-2, de TNF-α et de CD107a. Une meilleure caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire après TSCO permettrait, d'une part de sélectionner des biomarqueurs en vue d’une meilleure gestion des patients à risques de développer des infections virales et/ou de rechuter, et d'autre part d'améliorer leur pronostic.


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La transplantation de sang de cordon ombilical (TSCO) constitue un traitement de choix pour une multitude de pathologies hématologiques malignes et non malignes chez l’enfant et dans certains cas l’adulte. La TSCO est associée à certaines complications, dont une reconstitution immunitaire plus lente et une incidence élevée d’infections opportunistes, notamment celles reliées au cytomégalovirus (CMV) et au virus varicella-zoster (VZV). Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à la caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire spécifique au CMV et au VZV. Nos résultats ont démontré que la reconstitution de l’immunité cellulaire ne requiert ni un statut séropositif pré-transplantation ni le développement de la maladie. De plus, des reconstitutions spontanées ont été détectées chez certains patients séronégatifs vis-à-vis du CMV ou du VZV. Outre le fait qu’elle se manifeste surtout à partir de 6 mois post-transplantation, ladite reconstitution mérite le qualificatif de « protectrice » en termes de réactivations virales et du développement de signes cliniques lorsqu’une fréquence de 150 cellules produisant l’IFN-γ/million est dépassée. Toutefois, moins de 5% des patients développent une réponse T anti-VZV et anti-CMV au cours 100 premiers jours suivant la TSCO. Il est donc possible que les lymphocytes CD8+ T provenant du SCO, comparativement à leurs homologues provenant de la moelle osseuse (MO), présentent un défaut de fonctionnalité, communément appelé « épuisement clonal ». La caractérisation du répertoire de récepteurs inhibiteurs exprimés par les cellules T CD8+ suivant la TSCO ou la transplantation de moelle osseuse (TMO) a révélé une augmentation significative de la fréquence des cellules exprimant PD-1 tôt suivant la transplantation. Cette population, caractérisée majoritairement par un phénotype effecteur-mémoire (EM), démontre une perte significative de la capacité proliférative et exprime moins d'IFN-γ, d'IL-2, de TNF-α et de CD107a. Une meilleure caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire après TSCO permettrait, d'une part de sélectionner des biomarqueurs en vue d’une meilleure gestion des patients à risques de développer des infections virales et/ou de rechuter, et d'autre part d'améliorer leur pronostic.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Sugar esters are substances which possess surfactant, antifungical and bactericidal actions and can be obtained through two renewable sources of raw materials: sugars and vegetable oils. Their excellent biodegradability, allied to lhe fact that they are non toxic, insipid, inodorous, biocompatible, no-ionic, digestible and because they can resist to adverse conditions of temperature, pH and salinity, explain lhe crescent use of these substances in several sections of lhe industry. The objective of this thesis was to synthesize and characterize surfactants and polymers containing sugar branched in their structures, through enzymatic transesterification of vinyl esters and sugars, using alkaline protease from Bacillus subtilis as catalyst, in organic medium (DMF).Three types of sugars were used: L-arabinose, D-glucose and sucrose and two types of vinyl esters: vinyl laurate and vinyl adipate. Aiming to reach high conversions from substrates to products for a possible future large scale industrial production, a serie of variables was optimized, through Design of Experiments (DOE), using Response Surface Methodology (RSM).The investigated variables were: (1) enzyme concentration; (2) molar reason of substrates; (3) water/solvent rale; (4) temperature and (5) time. We obtained six distinct sugar esters: 5-0-lauroyl L-arabinose, 6-0-lauroyl D-glucose, 1'-O-lauroyl sucrose, 5-0-vinyladipoyl L-arabinose, 6-0-vinyladipoyl D-glucose and 1 '-O-vinyladipoyl sucrose, being lhe last three polymerizable. The progress of lhe reaction was monitored by HPLC analysis, through lhe decrease of sugar concentration in comparison to lhe blank. Qualitative analysis by TLC confirmed lhe formation of lhe products. In lhe purification step, two methodologies were adopted: (1) chromatographic column and (2) extraction with hot acetone. The acylation position and lhe chemical structure were determined by 13C-RMN. The polymerization of lhe three vinyl sugar esters was possible, through chemical catalysis, using H2O2 and K2S2O8 as initiators, at 60°C, for 24 hours. IR spectra of lhe monomers and respective polymers were compared revealing lhe disappearance of lhe vinyl group in lhe polymer spectra. The molar weights of lhe polymers were determined by GPC and presented lhe following results: poly (5-0-vinyladipoyl L-arabinose): Mw = 7.2 X 104; PD = 2.48; poly (6-0-vinyladipoyl D-glucose): Mw = 2.7 X 103; PD = 1.75 and poly (1'-O-vinyladipoyl sucrose): Mw = 4.2 X 104; PD = 6.57. The six sugar esters were submitted to superficial tension tests for determination of the critical micelle concentrations (CMC), which varied from 122 to 167 ppm. Finally, a study of applicability of these sugar esters, as lubricants for completion fluids of petroleum wells was' accomplished through comparative analysis of lhe efficiency of these sugar esters, in relation to three commercial lubricants. The products synthesized in this thesis presented equivalent or superior action to lhe tested commercial products


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Noble metal ion substituted CeO(2) in the form of Ce(0.98)M(0.02)O(2-delta) solid solution (where M = Pt, Pd, Cu) are the new generation catalysts with applications in three-way exhaust catalysis. While adsorption of CO on noble metals ions is well-known, adsorption of CO on noble metal ions has not been studied because creating exclusive ionic sites has been difficult. Using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) we have shown that CO gets adsorbed on the noble metal Pt(2+), Pd(2+), Cu(2+) ionic sites in the respective compounds, and the net energy of the overall system decreases. Adsorption of CO on metal ions is also confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).


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Electrochemical deposition of Pd on conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) coated carbon paper electrode results in the formation of a stable dendritic film of Pd. In the absence of the PEDOT under-layer, Pd deposition is smooth and non-dendritic. Both Pd-PEDOT/C and Pd/C electrodes are studied for electrooxidation of 1,2-propanediol (PD) in an alkaline electrolyte. Owing to enhanced surface area and surface defects on dendritic Pd, the Pd-PEDOT/C electrode exhibits greater catalytic activity than the Pd/C electrode. Cyclic voltammetry studies suggest that peak current density increases with an increase in concentrations of PD and NaOH in the electrolyte. Repetitive cyclic voltammetry and amperometry studies indicate that Pd-PEDOT/C electrode possesses a high electrochemical stability with greater catalytic activity than Pd/C electrode toward electrooxidation of PD. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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报道标题化合物的合成、鉴定和单晶结构.晶体中含有数量相同的两种独立的阳离子,互为对映异构体,而且这两种八面体构型阳离子的畸变程度各不相同.晶胞中还存在三种独立的阴离子.不同阳离子中的四个平面型 Phen 配体之间通过π-π相互作用发生联系,形成四聚单元,每两个四聚单元又通过与平面共轭型的阴离子之间的π-π相互作用而相连,形成一种特殊的、准一维的链状结构.


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The X-ray crystal structure of [Pd(eta(3)-allyl)(dppn)]BF4 . CH2Cl2 (1) where dppn = 1,8-bis(diphenylphosphino)naphthalene is reported. Comparison of the conformation of the ligand in 1 with that in the free state shows that there is a relief of strain on complexation analogous to the relief of strain observed upon protonation of proton sponge.


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Hydrogen is detected using a Pd/n-InP Schottky diode in which the elongated, very thin Pd electrode is of greater resistance than the underlying semiconductor substrate. Four-probe measurements of the device resistance, as a function of hydrogen concentration, are made by contacting only the Pd electrode, with a sensitivity of 1 ppm being achieved. On hydrogen exposure the device resistance drops from an initial high value, characteristic of the Pd electrode alone, to a lower value due to a hydrogen-induced lowering of the Schottky barrier that opens up the InP substrate as a parallel current carrying channel.


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Green oil, which leads to the deactivation of the catalysts used for the selective hydrogenation of acetylene, has long been observed but its formation mechanism is not fully understood. In this work, the formation of 1,3-butadiene, known to be the precursor of green oil, on both Pd(111) and Pd(211) surfaces is examined using density functional theory calculations. The pathways containing C-2 + C-2 coupling reactions as well as the corresponding hydrogenation reactions are studied in detail. Three pathways for 1,3-butadiene production, namely coupling plus hydrogenation and further hydrogenation, hydrogenation plus coupling plus hydrogenation, and a two step hydrogenation followed by coupling, are determined. By comparing the effective barriers, we identify the favored pathway on both surfaces. A general understanding toward the deactivation process of the industrial catalysts is also provided. In addition, the effects of the formation of subsurface carbon atoms as well as the Ag alloying on the 1,3-butadiene formation on Pd-based catalysts are also investigated and compared with experimental results.


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X-ray crystal structure shows that 3,5-dimethyl-1-(2-nitrophenyl)-1H-pyrazole (DNP) belongs to the rare class of helically twisted synthetic organic molecules. Hydrogenation of DNP gives 2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)phenylamine (L) which on methylation yields [2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)phenyl]dimethylamine (L'). Two Pd(II) complexes, PdLCl2 (1) and PdL'Cl-2 (2), are synthesized and characterized by NMR. X-ray crystallography reveals that 1 and 2 are unprecedented square planar complexes which possess well discernible helical twists. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Addition of 1,4-dithiols to dichloromethane solutions of [PtCl2(P-P)] (P-P = (PPh3)2, Ph2P(CH2)3PPh2, Phd2P(CH2)4PPh2; 1,4-dithiols = HS(CH2)4SH, (−)DIOSH2 (2,3-O-isopropylidene-1,4-dithiol-l-threitol), BINASH2 (1,1′-dinaphthalene-2,2′-dithiol)) in the presence of NEt3 yielded the mononuclear complexes [Pt(1,4-dithiolato)(P-P)]. Related palladium(II) complexes [Pd(dithiolato)(P-P)] (P-P=Ph2P(CH2)3PPh2, Ph2P(CH2)4PPh2; dithiolato = −S(CH2)4S−, (−)-DIOS) were prepared by the same method. The structure of [Pt((−)DIOS)(PPh3)2] and [Pd(S(CH2)4S)(Ph2P(CH2)3PPh2)] complexes was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. Pt—dithiolato—SnC12 systems are active in the hydroformylation of styrene. At 100 atm and 125°C [Pt(dithiolate)(P-P)]/SnCl2 (Pt:Sn = 20) systems provided aldehyde conversion up to 80%.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)