913 resultados para Open-bite


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OBJECTIVE: The influence of asthma, its severity levels and onset time on malocclusion occurrence were investigated. METHODS: The sample was composed by 176 children/adolescents, of both genders, aged 3 to 15 years, that were divided in two groups. The asthma group (AG) enrolled 88 children/adolescents that were seen at the Breathe Londrina Program. The asthma-free group (AFG) enrolled 88 preschool and school children recruited in 2 public schools. Malocclusion diagnosis was made according to WHO criteria (OMS, 1999). RESULTS: A higher prevalence in malocclusions in asthmatic patients in mixed dentition was observed when compared to controls (p<0.05). On the other hand, these results were not observed for deciduous (p>0.05) and permanent dentition (p>0.05). A significant association was seen between asthma onset time and marked maxillary overjet (p<0.05), and open bite (p<0.05) in the mixed dentition, being both conditions more common among those that have presented the symptoms of asthma prior to 12 months of age. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that the early manifestation of asthma at first year of life can cause dentofacial changes. Therefore, the prompt diagnostic of the illness, as well as the establishment of a proper therapy could improve the symptoms and chronic complications of asthma and also reduce its impact on craniofacial development.


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La sindrome di Noonan (SN) è una patologia a trasmissione autosomica dominante caratterizzata da bassa statura, difetti cardiaci congeniti, dismorfia facciale. In letteratura sono stati pubblicati pochi case reports riguardanti le condizioni orali-facciali in pazienti affetti da SN. Obiettivo. Individuare patologie di pertinenza ortopedico-ortodontica caratteristiche della sindrome utilizzando un campione di pazienti con diagnosi di SN. Metodi. Un gruppo di 10 pazienti affetti da SN è stato sottoposto a esame obiettivo extraorale ed intraorale, ortopantomografia, teleradiografia latero-laterale, impronte delle arcate dentarie. Le misurazioni sulle TLL sono state effettuate sulla base dell'analisi MBT; i valori palatali provengono dai modelli di studio dell’arcata superiore. È stata utilizzato il test t-Student per mettere a confronto il gruppo di studio e il gruppo di controllo riguardo le misure cefalometriche e i valori palatali. Risultati. Nel gruppo di studio sono state rilevate anomalie di numero (un dente deciduo soprannumerario e una agenesia di un dente permanente). Il test t-Student rivela differenze statisticamente significative per 7 variabili cefalometriche su 13 e per 2 variabili palatali. Conclusioni. Basandosi su questo studio è possibile concludere che i pazienti con SN mostrano II classe scheletrica di tipo mandibolare, crescita iperdivergente, tendenza al morso aperto scheletrico, palatoversione degli incisivi superiori, palato stretto. Questi risultati possono fornire informazioni utili sia per la diagnosi di SN sia per la pianificazione del corretto trattamento ortodontico.


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El caso presentado nos plantea una situación de desorden fun- cional (limitación de la función articular), en apertura y laterali- dad, asociado a dolor intenso orofacial. La hipoplasia condílea unilateral se manifiesta como asimetría esqueletal con desplazamiento notable del mentón hacia el lado derecho, y mordida abierta anterior. Previamente se exponen conceptos básicos de crecimiento con- dilar e hipoplasia condilar.


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O aumento ou a diminuição do processo dentoalveolar dos primeiros molares superiores e inferiores tem sido relacionado na literatura com problemas verticais (mordidas abertas ou mordidas profundas). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a altura dentoalveolar dos primeiros molares permanentes na oclusão normal e em pacientes com mordida aberta. A amostra foi constituída por 60 telerradiografias em norma lateral divididas em dois grupos....


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A reabsorção condilar interna no adolescente (RCIA) é uma doença progressiva que afeta a articulação temporomandibular (ATM) e que pode resultar em maloclusão, deformidade facial, disfunção de ATM e dor. O aparecimento desta doença ocorre entre os 10 e os 15 anos, sendo mais freqüente em adolescentes do sexo feminino. Esses pacientes apresentam sinais clínicos característicos como: ângulo do plano oclusal e do plano mandibular aumentados, retrusão progressiva da mandíbula e maloclusão Classe II, com ou sem mordida aberta. Nos exames de imagem (tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética), observa-se reabsorção interna dos côndilos e deslocamento dos discos articulares da ATM. Tendo em vista a dificuldade em determinar a causa da RCIA e a importância em eliminar a dor e melhorar a função mastigatória, este estudo se propôs a avaliar as alterações promovidas no posicionamento mandibular, a sintomatologia dolorosa e a estabilidade do tratamento da RCIA, utilizando o protocolo de tratamento (Dr. Larry M. Wolford) em pacientes adolescentes submetidos a cirurgia de reposicionamento do disco articular e cirurgia ortognática, realizadas no mesmo ato cirúrgico. Neste estudo retrospectivo, foram avaliadas as telerradiografias laterais adquiridas na avaliação inicial (T1), pré-cirúrgica (T2), pós-cirúrgica imediata (T3) e de maior acompanhamento, com pelo menos um ano pós-cirurgia (T4) e questionários de dor e função mandibular de uma amostra de 24 pacientes com maloclusão de Classe II (20 do sexo feminino e 4 do sexo masculino) diagnosticados com RCIA, os quais foram submetidos ao protocolo de tratamento composto pela cirurgia de reposicionamento do disco articular da ATM concomitantemente à cirurgia ortognática. O protocolo de tratamento utilizado mostrou-se bastante positivo, uma vez que a estabilidade foi adquirida e uma melhora significativa nos níveis de dor e função mandibular foram atingidos. O tratamento dos pacientes diagnosticados com RCIA, através do protocolo de tratamento proposto, é um procedimento estável e atua diretamente em um ganho na redução da dor.


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Este trabalho avaliou a eficiência mastigatória na maloclusão do tipo Mordida Aberta Anterior por meio do Me-mastig, dispositivo que pode ser utilizado no sentido de se mensurar a eficiência da mastigação, prometendo ser uma alternativa prática, rápida e eficiente para o exame da mastigação. O grupo experimental compôs-se de 106 crianças na faixa etária dos 07 aos 11 anos, divididos em 2 grupos, da seguinte forma: (A) Grupo de Mordida Aberta Anterior, contendo 51 crianças e (B) Grupo Controle, com trespasse vertical normal contendo 55 crianças. Procurou-se avaliar a eficiência mastigatória das crianças dos dois grupos e comparar os resultados, que mostraram que a mastigação do grupo mordida aberta anterior foi menos eficiente quando comparada à do grupo controle; fato que se pode explicar pelas características faciais dos indivíduos portadores da maloclusão estudada e também características da própria maloclusão de mordida aberta anterior. Conclusões, a mordida aberta anterior é responsável por uma diminuição significativa da a Eficiência Mastigatória e o dispositivo Me-mastig se mostrou um método eficaz, de fácil utilização e não dispendioso que pode ser usado na clínica diária para se medir ou avaliar a Eficiência Mastigatória.


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A Amelogénese Imperfeita é uma anomalia hereditária que interfere no desenvolvimento do esmalte, pode variar em seu grau de intensidade, podendo afetar o esmalte tanto na sua qualidade, quanto na sua quantidade e em ambas as dentições. Existem pelo menos catorze subtipos diferentes de amelogénese imperfeita, sendo as do tipo hipoplásico, hipomaturado, hipocalcificado e hipoplásico ou hipomaturado com taurodontia segundo o seu fenótipo e quinze subtipos, segundo o seu modo de transmissão. Segundo a literatura, os pacientes com amelogénese imperfeita, independentemente do subtipo presente, apresentam complicações orais semelhantes: estética dentária comprometida, sensibilidade dentária e diminuição da dimensão vertical de oclusão. O tratamento destes pacientes assume um papel relevante, na medida em que requer cuidados especiais, já que esta doença acarreta, por norma, problemas psicológicos e interfere com o autoestima do individuo. É notória, atualmente, uma oferta variada de opções reabilitadoras ao dispor do Médico Dentista, que ajudarão o mesmo a restabelecer a estética e função. Os tratamentos são variados e por vezes complexos, podem ser desenvolvidos de forma conservadora ou invasiva. Contudo, a escolha do melhor tratamento será consequência da gravidade da patologia e de fatores inerentes ao próprio paciente. Neste estudo, abordamos as facetas, como uma alternativa reabilitadora, que com o avanço e melhorias na área da Dentisteria Estética, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à adesão à dentina, parecem ser uma opção credível. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação é demonstrar e elucidar a reabilitação dos defeitos associados a esta doença com a utilização de facetas diretas e indiretas. Foram efetuadas pesquisas e consulta de livros, monografias, dissertações, artigos em base de dados como o Pubmed/Medline, para que conseguíssemos realizar uma discussão sobre o mesmo tema e desta forma encontrar uma adequada resposta a todas as nossas inquietações sobre esta questão.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación cráneo cervical en pacientes clases I, II y III esqueletal entre 9 y 18 años de edad, mediante radiografías cefálicas laterales de un centro radiológico de la ciudad de Cuenca, utilizando el análisis cráneo cervical propuesto por Rocabado. Materiales y métodos: Fueron analizadas 161 radiografías cefálicas laterales digitales, de ambos sexos, con edad promedio de 12.3 años (DE± 2.4). Se incluyeron radiografías de individuos con dentición mixta y permanente, sin tratamiento ortodóncico y en donde se observe hasta la sexta vértebra cervical. Fueron excluidas las radiografías de pacientes con mordida abierta, traumatismos maxilofaciales y radiografías de mala calidad. Las telerradiografías fueron analizadas mediante el programa cefalométrico Nemoceph NX, donde se determinó el patrón esqueletal mediante los ángulos SNA, SNB, ANB y APDI. La evaluación de la postura cervical, se realizó mediante el análisis cráneo cervical propuesto por Rocabado. Se obtuvo el índice de concordancia (ICC=0.94). Mediante estadística descriptiva se analizaron las relaciones entre variables usando la prueba de Chi cuadrado y T de Student. Resultados: Se encontró mayor rotación posterior de cráneo en clase I y II esqueletal, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto al ángulo cráneo vertebral entre hombres y mujeres en individuos clase II esqueletal. Las mujeres presentaron mayor rotación posterior de cráneo a diferencia de los hombres. (p=0.004). En clase III se encontró una relación normal. El espacio suboccipital en las tres clases esqueletales se presento con normalidad. No se encontró diferencia significativa respecto a la edad. Conclusiones: La relación cráneo cervical se presenta con una tendencia a la rotación posterior de cráneo, influida fuertemente por el sexo del individuo. El espacio suboccipital es normal en clase I y II esqueletal y con tendencia al aumento en clase III.


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Salivary gland proteins of Culicoides spp. have been suggested to be among the main allergens inducing IgE-mediated insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH), an allergic dermatitis of the horse. The aim of our study was to identify, produce and characterize IgE-binding salivary gland proteins of Culicoides nubeculosus relevant for IBH by phage surface display technology. A cDNA library constructed with mRNA derived from C. nubeculosus salivary glands was displayed on the surface of filamentous phage M13 and enriched for clones binding serum IgE of IBH-affected horses. Ten cDNA inserts encoding putative salivary gland allergens were isolated and termed Cul n 2 to Cul n 11. However, nine cDNA sequences coded for truncated proteins as determined by database searches. The cDNA sequences were amplified by PCR, subcloned into high level expression vectors and expressed as hexahistidine-tagged fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. Preliminary ELISA results obtained with these fusions confirmed the specific binding to serum IgE of affected horses. Therefore, the putative complete open reading frames derived from BLAST analyses were isolated by RACE-PCR and subcloned into expression vectors. The full length proteins expressed in Escherichia coli showed molecular masses in the range of 15.5-68.7 kDa in SDS-PAGE in good agreement with the masses calculated from the predicted protein sequences. Western blot analyses of all recombinant allergens with a serum pool of IBH-affected horses showed their ability to specifically bind serum IgE of sensitized horses, and ELISA determinations yielded individual horse recognition patterns with a frequency of sensitization ranging from 13 to 57%, depending on the allergen tested. The in vivo relevance of eight of the recombinant allergens was demonstrated in intradermal skin testing. For the two characterized allergens Cul n 6 and Cul n 11, sensitized horses were not available for intradermal tests. Control horses without clinical signs of IBH did not develop any relevant immediate hypersensitivity reactions to the recombinant allergens. The major contribution of this study was to provide a repertoire of recombinant salivary gland allergens repertoire from C. nubeculosus potentially involved in the pathogenesis of IBH as a starting basis for the development of a component-resolved serologic diagnosis of IBH and, perhaps, for the development of single horse tailored specific immunotherapy depending on their component-resolved sensitization patterns.


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This Commentary summarises the main reasons why the ECB can no longer delay launching a massive bond-buying programme, also including sovereigns of eurozone member countries, and why such interventions will indeed be effective in raising inflation, thus restoring the ECB’s credibility and spurring economic activity. A credible programme must continue either until an explicit inflation target has been achieved or the ECB balance sheet has reached the €2 trillion target already announced by the ECB’s Governing Council. Regardless of how such interventions will be undertaken, they will reduce interest-rate spreads between eurozone markets, but it is nevertheless important that the ECB designs its operations so as to avoid any implication of direct support or deficit financing facilitation for the eurozone’s most indebted countries. Finally, some kind of guarantee against first losses by the ECB on its sovereign bonds may be appropriate, while entrusting open market operations to each national central bank for their own sovereigns could threaten the very survival of monetary union.


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The aim was to evaluate the relationship between orofacial function, dentofacial morphology, and bite force in young subjects. Three hundred and sixteen subjects were divided according to dentition stage (early, intermediate, and late mixed and permanent dentition). Orofacial function was screened using the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening (NOT-S). Orthodontic treatment need, bite force, lateral and frontal craniofacial dimensions and presence of sleep bruxism were also assessed. The results were submitted to descriptive statistics, normality and correlation tests, analysis of variance, and multiple linear regression to test the relationship between NOT-S scores and the studied independent variables. The variance of NOT-S scores between groups was not significant. The evaluation of the variables that significantly contributed to NOT-S scores variation showed that age and presence of bruxism related to higher NOT-S total scores, while the increase in overbite measurement and presence of closed lip posture related to lower scores. Bite force did not show a significant relationship with scores of orofacial dysfunction. No significant correlations between craniofacial dimensions and NOT-S scores were observed. Age and sleep bruxism were related to higher NOT-S scores, while the increase in overbite measurement and closed lip posture contributed to lower scores of orofacial dysfunction.


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PURPOSE: To compare intraocular pressure (IOP) rise in normal individuals and primary open-angle glaucoma patients and the safety and efficacy of ibopamine eye drops in different concentrations as a provocative test for glaucoma. METHODS: Glaucoma patients underwent (same eye) the ibopamine provocative test with two concentrations, 1% and 2%, in a random sequence at least 3 weeks apart, but not more than 3 months. The normal individuals were randomly submitted to one of the concentrations of ibopamine (1% and 2%). The test was considered positive if there was an IOP rise greater than 3 or 4 mmHg at 30 or 45 minutes to test which subset of the test has the best sensitivity (Se)/specificity (Sp). RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in any of the IOP measurements, comparing 1% with 2% ibopamine. The IOP was significantly higher at 30 and 45 minutes with both concentrations (p<0.001). The best sensitivity/specificity ratio was achieved with the cutoff point set as greater than 3 mmHg at 45 minutes with 2% ibopamine (area under the ROC curve: 0.864, Se: 84.6%; Sp:73.3%). All patients described a slight burning after ibopamine's instillation. CONCLUSION: 2% ibopamine is recommended as a provocative test for glaucoma. Because both concentrations have similar ability to rise IOP, 1% ibopamine may be used to treat ocular hypotony.


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The signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) may contribute to reduce bite force and muscular activity. The aims of this study were to compare bite force in complete denture wearers with TMD (TMD group) and without TMD (healthy group).The TMD group consisted of 9 individuals, who had worn a maxillary and a mandibular complete removable denture for more than 10 years. The healthy group consisted of 9 participants who wore dentures and had satisfactory interocclusal and maxillomandibular relationship. Helkimo Index was used to analyze the dysfunction level. Maximum bite force was measured using a digital dynamometer with capacity of 100 kgf and adapted to oral conditions.The TMD group presented smaller mean bite force values than the healthy group, though without statistical significance (p>0.05). This outcome suggests that the TMD signs and symptoms and the structural conditions of the dentures did not affect the maximal bite force of complete denture wearers.


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PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the systemic drugs thalidomide, dapsone, colchicine, and pentoxifylline in the treatment of severe manifestations of RAS. METHODS: An open, 4-year clinical trial was carried out for 21 consecutive patients with severe RAS. Initially, patients were given a 2-week course of prednisone to bring them to a baseline status. Simultaneously, one of the four test drugs was assigned to each patient to be taken for a period of 6 months. During the course of the trial, patients were switched to one of the other three drugs whenever side effects or a lack of satisfactory results occurred, and the 6-month limit of the treatment was then reset. RESULTS: The most efficient and best-tolerated drug was thalidomide, which was administered to a total of eight patients and resulted in complete remission in seven (87.5%). Dapsone was prescribed for a total of nine patients, of whom eight (89%) showed improvement in their symptoms, while five showed complete remission. Colchicine was administered to a total of ten patients, with benefits observed in nine (90%), of whom four showed complete remission. Pentoxyfilline was administered to a total of five patients, with benefits observed in three (60%), of whom one patient showed complete remission. CONCLUSION: The therapeutic methods used in this trial provided significant symptom relief. Patients experienced relapses of the lesions; however, this occurred after withdrawal of their medication during the follow-up period.


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The generation of bradykinin (BK; Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg) in blood and kallidin (Lys-BK) in tissues by the action of the kallikrein-kinin system has received little attention in non-mammalian vertebrates. In mammals, kallidin can be generated by the coronary endothelium and myocytes in response to ischemia, mediating cardioprotective events. The plasma of birds lacks two key components of the kallikrein-kinin system: the low molecular weight kininogen and a prekallikrein activator analogous to mammalian factor XII, but treatment with bovine plasma kallikrein generates ornitho-kinin [Thr6,Leu8]-BK. The possible cardioprotective effect of ornitho-kinin infusion was investigated in an anesthetized, open-chest chicken model of acute coronary occlusion. A branch of the left main coronary artery was reversibly ligated to produce ischemia followed by reperfusion, after which the degree of myocardial necrosis (infarct size as a percent of area at risk) was assessed by tetrazolium staining. The iv injection of a low dose of ornitho-kinin (4 µg/kg) reduced mean arterial pressure from 88 ± 12 to 42 ± 7 mmHg and increased heart rate from 335 ± 38 to 402 ± 45 bpm (N = 5). The size of the infarct was reduced by pretreatment with ornitho-kinin (500 µg/kg infused over a period of 5 min) from 35 ± 3 to 10 ± 2% of the area at risk. These results suggest that the physiological role of the kallikrein-kinin system is preserved in this animal model in spite of the absence of two key components, i.e., low molecular weight kininogen and factor XII.