268 resultados para Opérateur de Schrödinger


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Part I

Solutions of Schrödinger’s equation for system of two particles bound in various stationary one-dimensional potential wells and repelling each other with a Coulomb force are obtained by the method of finite differences. The general properties of such systems are worked out in detail for the case of two electrons in an infinite square well. For small well widths (1-10 a.u.) the energy levels lie above those of the noninteresting particle model by as much as a factor of 4, although excitation energies are only half again as great. The analytical form of the solutions is obtained and it is shown that every eigenstate is doubly degenerate due to the “pathological” nature of the one-dimensional Coulomb potential. This degeneracy is verified numerically by the finite-difference method. The properties of the square-well system are compared with those of the free-electron and hard-sphere models; perturbation and variational treatments are also carried out using the hard-sphere Hamiltonian as a zeroth-order approximation. The lowest several finite-difference eigenvalues converge from below with decreasing mesh size to energies below those of the “best” linear variational function consisting of hard-sphere eigenfunctions. The finite-difference solutions in general yield expectation values and matrix elements as accurate as those obtained using the “best” variational function.

The system of two electrons in a parabolic well is also treated by finite differences. In this system it is possible to separate the center-of-mass motion and hence to effect a considerable numerical simplification. It is shown that the pathological one-dimensional Coulomb potential gives rise to doubly degenerate eigenstates for the parabolic well in exactly the same manner as for the infinite square well.

Part II

A general method of treating inelastic collisions quantum mechanically is developed and applied to several one-dimensional models. The formalism is first developed for nonreactive “vibrational” excitations of a bound system by an incident free particle. It is then extended to treat simple exchange reactions of the form A + BC →AB + C. The method consists essentially of finding a set of linearly independent solutions of the Schrödinger equation such that each solution of the set satisfies a distinct, yet arbitrary boundary condition specified in the asymptotic region. These linearly independent solutions are then combined to form a total scattering wavefunction having the correct asymptotic form. The method of finite differences is used to determine the linearly independent functions.

The theory is applied to the impulsive collision of a free particle with a particle bound in (1) an infinite square well and (2) a parabolic well. Calculated transition probabilities agree well with previously obtained values.

Several models for the exchange reaction involving three identical particles are also treated: (1) infinite-square-well potential surface, in which all three particles interact as hard spheres and each two-particle subsystem (i.e. BC and AB) is bound by an attractive infinite-square-well potential; (2) truncated parabolic potential surface, in which the two-particle subsystems are bound by a harmonic oscillator potential which becomes infinite for interparticle separations greater than a certain value; (3) parabolic (untruncated) surface. Although there are no published values with which to compare our reaction probabilities, several independent checks on internal consistency indicate that the results are reliable.


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Faz-se uma revisão do problema da dimensionalidade do espaço entendido como um problema de Física, enfatizando que algumas leis físicas dependem fortemente deste parâmetro topológico do espaço. Discute-se o que já foi feito tanto no caso da equação de Schrödinger quanto na de Dirac. A situação na literatura é bastante controversa e, no caso específico da equação de Dirac em D dimensões, não se encontra nenhum trabalho na literatura científica que leve em conta o potencial de intera coulombiana corretamente generalizado quando o número de dimensões espaciais é maior do que três. Discute-se, portanto, o átomo de hidrogênio relativístico em D dimensões. Novos resultados numéricos para os níveis de energia e para as funções de onda são apresentados e discutidos. Em particular, considera-se a possibilidade de existência de átomos estáveis em espaços com dimensionalidade 6= 3.


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Two general, numerically exact, quantum mechanical methods have been developed for the calculation of energy transfer in molecular collisions. The methods do not treat electronic transitions because of the exchange symmetry of the electrons. All interactions between the atoms in the system are written as potential energies.

The first method is a matrix generalization of the invariant imbedding procedure, 17, 20 adapted for multi-channel collision processes. The second method is based on a direct integration of the matrix Schrödinger equation, with a re-orthogonalization transform applied during the integration.

Both methods have been applied to a collinear collision model for two diatoms, interacting via a repulsive exponential potential. Two major studies were performed. The first was to determine the energy dependence of the transition probabilities for an H2 on the H2 model system. Transitions are possible between translational energy and vibrational energy, and from vibrational modes of one H2 to the other H2. The second study was to determine the variation of vibrational energy transfer probability with differences in natural frequency of two diatoms similar to N2.

Comparisons were made to previous approximate analytical solutions of this same problem. For translational to vibrational energy transfer, the previous approximations were not adequate. For vibrational to vibrational energy transfer of one vibrational quantum, the approximations were quite good.


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Esta dissertação pretende abordar alguns conceitos fundamentais da clínica psicanalítica a partir da escrita de um caso clínico de um sujeito na adolescência, que foi atendido pela mesma analista em dois serviços da rede pública de um município do interior do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Neste contexto, a investigação do conceito de sujeito do inconsciente fez-se atrelada ao tempo da adolescência, ao considerar-se que nesta realiza-se a reinscrição do campo do Outro, através da reedição do Estádio do Espelho e do Complexo de Édipo. Destaca-se, neste percurso, a partir das descobertas de Freud, o valor da transferência no trabalho de uma análise, tomando-a como operador central da clínica e, com as contribuições de Lacan, pode-se apontar que o manejo desta pelo analista só é possível por meio do desejo do analista. No exercício da clínica, verifica-se que nem todos os casos levam o analista à escrita. Esta pode indicar que, a partir dos restos da transferência, o analista é impelido a aventurar-se na escrito de um caso clínico. Esta discussão permite indicar que é possível escutar o sujeito em diferentes espaços de trabalho, sejam estes públicos ou privados, desde que haja um analista que faça operar o dispositivo analítico, ao sustentar, a contar do saber do inconsciente, a construção singular de cada sujeito.


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Neste trabalho é apresentado um simulador MATLAB para sistemas ópticos WDM amplificados baseado na solução das equações não lineares de Schrödinger acopladas, pelo método de Fourier de passo alternado. Este simulador permite o estudo da propagação de pulsos em fibras ópticas, considerando dispersão cromática, efeitos não lineares como automodulação de fase e modulação de fase cruzada e atenuação, prevendo também o emprego de amplificadores ópticos a fibra dopada com Érbio (EDFAs). Através de simulações numéricas, foi explorada a técnica de otimização do posicionamento de um EDFA ao longo de um enlace óptico, sem repetidores, que objetiva a redução dos custos de implantação de sistemas ópticos, seja pela diminuição da potência do transmissor ou pela relaxação da exigência de sensibilidade do receptor. Além disto, pode favorecer um aumento na capacidade do sistema, através do aumento do alcance ou da taxa de transmissão. A concordância dos resultados obtidos com os disponíveis na literatura confirmam a validade da técnica, bem como a versatilidade e robustez do simulador desenvolvido.


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A possibilidade da existência de átomos de hidrogênio estáveis em dimensões superiores a três é abordada. O problema da dimensionalidade é visto como um problema de Física, no qual relacionam-se algumas leis físicas com a dimensão espacial. A base da análise deste trabalho faz uso das equações de Schrödinger (não relativística) e de Dirac (relativística). Nos dois casos, utiliza-se a generalização tanto do setor cinemático bem como o setor de interação coulombiana para variar o parâmetro topológico dimensão. Para o caso não relativístico, os auto-valores de energia e as auto-funções são obtidas através do método numérico de Numerov. Embora existam soluções em espaços com dimensões superiores, os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho indicam que a natureza deve, de alguma maneira, se manifestar em um espaço tridimensional.


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In this paper we compare different approaches to calculating the charge density in the 2DEG layer of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. The methods used are (i) analytical theory implemented in MATLAB, (ii) finite-element analysis using semiconductor TCAD software that implements only the Poisson and continuity equations, and (iii) 1D software that solves the Poisson and Schrödinger equations self-consistently. By using the 1D Poisson-Schrödinger solver, we highlight the consequences of neglecting the Schrödinger equation. We conclude that the TCAD simulator predicts with a reasonable level of accuracy the electron density in the 2DEG layer for both a conventional HEMT structure and one featuring an extra GaN cap layer. In addition, while the sheet charge density is not significantly affected by including Schrödinger, its confinement in the channel is found to be modified. © 2012 IEEE.


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Graphene is emerging as a viable alternative to conventional optoelectronic, plasmonic and nanophotonic materials. The interaction of light with charge carriers creates an out-of-equilibrium distribution, which relaxes on an ultrafast timescale to a hot Fermi-Dirac distribution, that subsequently cools emitting phonons. Although the slower relaxation mechanisms have been extensively investigated, the initial stages still pose a challenge. Experimentally, they defy the resolution of most pump-probe setups, due to the extremely fast sub-100 fs carrier dynamics. Theoretically, massless Dirac fermions represent a novel many-body problem, fundamentally different from Schrödinger fermions. Here we combine pump-probe spectroscopy with a microscopic theory to investigate electron-electron interactions during the early stages of relaxation. We identify the mechanisms controlling the ultrafast dynamics, in particular the role of collinear scattering. This gives rise to Auger processes, including charge multiplication, which is key in photovoltage generation and photodetectors.


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利用Landau Lifshitz方程 ,研究了具有非均匀交换各向异性的半无限大铁磁体的非线性表面自旋波理论。导出了部分钉扎纯交换铁磁介质的磁化强度所满足的边界条件和非线性表面自旋波的色散关系 ,并获得了自旋波振幅沿z方向驻波的一维非线性Schr dinger方程和包络振幅沿平面传播的二维非线性Schr dinger方程 ,结果表明铁磁体磁化强度的包络振幅随时空变化的性质是由二维非线性Schr dinger方程决定的。因此预言铁磁介质的表面非线性激发应是二维孤波的形式。对于弱非线性表面自旋波 ,对非线性Schr dinger方程存在孤子形式解的可能性作了讨论 .


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In this work by employing numerical three-dimensional simulations we study the electrical performance and short channel behavior of several multi-gate transistors based on advanced SOI technology. These include FinFETs, triple-gate and gate-all-around nanowire FETs with different channel material, namely Si, Ge, and III-V compound semiconductors, all most promising candidates for future nanoscale CMOS technologies. Also, a new type of transistor called “junctionless nanowire transistor” is presented and extensive simulations are carried out to study its electrical characteristics and compare with the conventional inversion- and accumulation-mode transistors. We study the influence of device properties such as different channel material and orientation, dimensions, and doping concentration as well as quantum effects on the performance of multi-gate SOI transistors. For the modeled n-channel nanowire devices we found that at very small cross sections the nanowires with silicon channel are more immune to short channel effects. Interestingly, the mobility of the channel material is not as significant in determining the device performance in ultrashort channels as other material properties such as the dielectric constant and the effective mass. Better electrostatic control is achieved in materials with smaller dielectric constant and smaller source-to-drain tunneling currents are observed in channels with higher transport effective mass. This explains our results on Si-based devices. In addition to using the commercial TCAD software (Silvaco and Synopsys TCAD), we have developed a three-dimensional Schrödinger-Poisson solver based on the non-equilibrium Green’s functions formalism and in the framework of effective mass approximation. This allows studying the influence of quantum effects on electrical performance of ultra-scaled devices. We have implemented different mode-space methodologies in our 3D quantum-mechanical simulator and moreover introduced a new method to deal with discontinuities in the device structures which is much faster than the coupled-mode-space approach.


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In this thesis I theoretically study quantum states of ultracold atoms. The majority of the Chapters focus on engineering specific quantum states of single atoms with high fidelity in experimentally realistic systems. In the sixth Chapter, I investigate the stability and dynamics of new multidimensional solitonic states that can be created in inhomogeneous atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In Chapter three I present two papers in which I demonstrate how the coherent tunnelling by adiabatic passage (CTAP) process can be implemented in an experimentally realistic atom chip system, to coherently transfer the centre-of-mass of a single atom between two spatially distinct magnetic waveguides. In these works I also utilise GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) computing which offers a significant performance increase in the numerical simulation of the Schrödinger equation. In Chapter four I investigate the CTAP process for a linear arrangement of radio frequency traps where the centre-of-mass of both, single atoms and clouds of interacting atoms, can be coherently controlled. In Chapter five I present a theoretical study of adiabatic radio frequency potentials where I use Floquet theory to more accurately model situations where frequencies are close and/or field amplitudes are large. I also show how one can create highly versatile 2D adiabatic radio frequency potentials using multiple radio frequency fields with arbitrary field orientation and demonstrate their utility by simulating the creation of ring vortex solitons. In the sixth Chapter I discuss the stability and dynamics of a family of multidimensional solitonic states created in harmonically confined Bose-Einstein condensates. I demonstrate that these solitonic states have interesting dynamical instabilities, where a continuous collapse and revival of the initial state occurs. Through Bogoliubov analysis, I determine the modes responsible for the observed instabilities of each solitonic state and also extract information related to the time at which instability can be observed.


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This PhD covers the development of planar inversion-mode and junctionless Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As metal-oxidesemiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). An implant activation anneal was developed for the formation of the source and drain (S/D) of the inversionmode MOSFET. Fabricated inversion-mode devices were used as test vehicles to investigate the impact of forming gas annealing (FGA) on device performance. Following FGA, the devices exhibited a subthreshold swing (SS) of 150mV/dec., an ION/IOFF of 104 and the transconductance, drive current and peak effective mobility increased by 29%, 25% and 15%, respectively. An alternative technique, based on the fitting of the measured full-gate capacitance vs gate voltage using a selfconsistent Poisson-Schrödinger solver, was developed to extract the trap energy profile across the full In0.53Ga0.47As bandgap and beyond. A multi-frequency inversion-charge pumping approach was proposed to (1) study the traps located at energy levels aligned with the In0.53Ga0.47As conduction band and (2) separate the trapped charge and mobile charge contributions. The analysis revealed an effective mobility (μeff) peaking at ~2850cm2/V.s for an inversion-charge density (Ninv) = 7*1011cm2 and rapidly decreasing to ~600cm2/V.s for Ninv = 1*1013 cm2, consistent with a μeff limited by surface roughness scattering. Atomic force microscopy measurements confirmed a large surface roughness of 1.95±0.28nm on the In0.53Ga0.47As channel caused by the S/D activation anneal. In order to circumvent the issue relative to S/D formation, a junctionless In0.53Ga0.47As device was developed. A digital etch was used to thin the In0.53Ga0.47As channel and investigate the impact of channel thickness (tInGaAs) on device performance. Scaling of the SS with tInGaAs was observed for tInGaAs going from 24 to 16nm, yielding a SS of 115mV/dec. for tInGaAs = 16nm. Flat-band μeff values of 2130 and 1975cm2/V.s were extracted on devices with tInGaAs of 24 and 20nm, respectively


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We study the generation of supercontinua in air-silica microstructured fibers by both nanosecond and femtosecond pulse excitation. In the nanosecond experiments, a 300-nm broadband visible continuum was generated in a 1.8-m length of fiber pumped at 532 nm by 0.8-ns pulses from a frequency-doubled passively Q-switched Nd:YAG microchip laser. At this wavelength, the dominant mode excited under the conditions of continuum generation is the LP 11 mode, and, with nanosecond pumping, self-phase modulation is negligible and the continuum generation is dominated by the interplay of Raman and parametric effects. The spectral extent of the continuum is well explained by calculations of the parametric gain curves for four-wave mixing about the zero-dispersion wavelength of the LP11 mode. In the femtosecond experiments, an 800-nm broad-band visible and near-infrared continuum has been generated in a 1-m length of fiber pumped at 780 nm by 100-fs pulses from a Kerr-lens model-locked Ti:sapphire laser. At this wavelength, excitation and continuum generation occur in the LP01 mode, and the spectral width of the observed continuum is shown to be consistent with the phase-matching bandwidth for parametric processes calculated for this fiber mode. In addition, numerical simulations based on an extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation were used to model supercontinuum generation in the femtosecond regime, with the simulation results reproducing the major features of the experimentally observed spectrum. © 2002 Optical Society of America.


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The compression properties of octave-spanning supercontinuum spectra generated in photonic crystal fibers are studied using stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation simulations. The conditions under which sub-5 fs pulses can be obtained after compression are identified. © 2004 Optical Society of America.