941 resultados para Observational studies
Introduction: The inadequate reporting of cross-sectional studies, as in the case of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, could cause problems in the synthesis of new evidence and lead to errors in the formulation of public policies. Objective: To evaluate the reporting quality of the articles regarding metabolic syndrome prevalence in Peruvian adults using the STROBE recommendations. Methods: We conducted a thorough literature search with the terms "Metabolic Syndrome", "Sindrome Metabolico" and "Peru" in MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, LIPECS and BVS-Peru until December 2014. We selected those who were populationbased observational studies with randomized sampling that reported prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adults aged 18 or more of both sexes. Information was analysed through the STROBE score per item and recommendation. Results: Seventeen articles were included in this study. All articles met the recommendations related to the report of the study’s rationale, design, and provision of summary measures. The recommendations with the lowest scores were those related to the sensitivity analysis (8%, n= 1/17), participant flowchart (18%, n= 3/17), missing data analysis (24%, n= 4/17), and number of participants in each study phase (24%, n= 4/17). Conclusion: Cross-sectional studies regarding the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in peruvian adults have an inadequate reporting on the methods and results sections. We identified a clear need to improve the quality of such studies.
Introduction: The inadequate reporting of cross-sectional studies, as in the case of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, could cause problems in the synthesis of new evidence and lead to errors in the formulation of public policies. Objective: To evaluate the reporting quality of the articles regarding metabolic syndrome prevalence in Peruvian adults using the STROBE recommendations. Methods: We conducted a thorough literature search with the terms "Metabolic Syndrome", "Sindrome Metabolico" and "Peru" in MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, LIPECS and BVS-Peru until December 2014. We selected those who were population-based observational studies with randomized sampling that reported prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adults aged 18 or more of both sexes. Information was analysed through the STROBE score per item and recommendation. Results: Seventeen articles were included in this study. All articles met the recommendations related to the report of the study’s rationale, design, and provision of summary measures. The recommendations with the lowest scores were those related to the sensitivity analysis (8%, n= 1/17), participant flowchart (18%, n= 3/17), missing data analysis (24%, n= 4/17), and number of participants in each study phase (24%, n= 4/17). Conclusion: Cross-sectional studies regarding the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in peruvian adults have an inadequate reporting on the methods and results sections. We identified a clear need to improve the quality of such studies.
Although the safety of applying omentum to the female breast for total breast reconstruction is controversial, it has recently been used to treat certain mammary disorders as well. A systematic review was therefore conducted to analyze and establish the suitability and safety of applying omentum to the breast. Covereing the interval from January 1984 to December 2013, we performed searches in MEDLINE, Embase, SciELO, and Google-Scholar for original articles describing the applicability of greater omentum to the breast and its clinical complications. Sixty observational articles with 985 women were chosen. The main clinical indications were total breast reconstruction after mastectomy due to breast cancer (45 studies), radiation damage (23 studies), and congenital Poland syndrome (4 studies). Altogether, 273 complications were identified among the 985 women treated. The most frequent was flap necrosis (26.74 %). The most serious was injury to the digestive system (1.10 %). There was a 35.48 % incidence of local breast cancer recurrence in eight observational studies on oncological risk. Seven of the eight included only women with advanced cancer. One of these studies reported the incidence and relapse time predominantly according to the primary tumor size. Although the oncological risk remains unclear, there was a high volume of complications that affected the digestive system. These findings suggest that omentum has well established applicability, but only for total breast reconstruction of huge defects, where muscular/myocutaneous or perforator flaps may be unsuitable.
The acquisition of Portuguese by two Brazilian children (aged 2;0 -5;0) is discussed in an attempt to describe and explain the first relative clauses produced in naturalistic, observational studies, according to the framework of generative syntax theory. The results show that at around 3;0: a) the child starts to deal with relative clauses as modifiers of N; b) cleft sentences appear before relative clauses, and c) the first relatives confirm the prevalence of the vernacular strategy of relativization in Brazilian Portuguese identified by other studies based on adult data.
No processo celular de obtenção de energia, são gerados compostos chamados espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) que, em excesso, podem causar danos celulares. Estresse oxidativo resulta do desequilíbrio no estado de óxido-redução a favor da oxidação. Dos mecanismos de defesa antioxidante, participam enzimas endógenas e algumas vitaminas e minerais. A vitamina E encontra-se no plasma e na partícula de LDL, protegendo lipídeos da oxidação. Estudos observacionais relataram associação inversa entre ingestão de vitamina E e risco cardiometabólico (RCM). Entretanto, ensaios clínicos não comprovaram a eficácia de sua suplementação nos desfechos cardiometabólicos. A vitamina C participa do sistema de regeneração da vitamina E, mantendo o potencial antioxidante plasmático. Dados sobre os benefícios de sua suplementação na redução do risco cardiometabólico são inconclusivos. A atividade antioxidante dos carotenoides é responsável, em parte, por seu papel protetor contra doenças cardiovasculares e cânceres. A suplementação desse nutriente também não trouxe resultados consistentes no que se refere à redução do RCM. A participação do zinco e do selênio na defesa antioxidante vem sendo estudada mais recentemente, mas a sua suplementação em indivíduos com níveis séricos normais e ingestão adequada na dieta desses minerais não parece ser necessária. De um modo geral, há muita controvérsia sobre o papel desses micronutrientes no RCM. Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem que o consumo de substâncias antioxidantes provenientes da dieta ou dietas ricas em frutas e hortaliças diminui o RCM. Mais estudos são necessários antes de se recomendar o uso de antioxidantes isolados na forma de suplementos para tal finalidade.
Revisar e sintetizar as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a relação entre o consumo alimentar e dislipidemia em pacientes infectados pelo HIV em terapia antirretroviral combinada de alta atividade (TARV). Desenvolveu-se uma revisão sistemática de literatura. Foram pesquisados estudos originais e duas categorias de exposição dietética foram revisadas: consumo de energia e nutriente ou consumo de uma dieta teste. Foi feita síntese narrativa dos estudos selecionados. Os achados foram sintetizados segundo a categoria de desfecho metabólico (efeito sobre colesterol total e LDL-c, efeito sobre HDL-c e efeito sobre triglicérides). Vinte estudos originais foram incluídos na revisão, sendo 13 ensaios clínicos e 7 estudos epidemiológicos observacionais. A suplementação com ácido graxo ω-3 resultou em significativa redução nos níveis séricos de triglicérides. Observou-se evidência insuficiente acerca da efetividade de intervenções dietéticas na prevenção e controle das dislipidemias em pacientes infectados pelo HIV em uso de TARV.
Recent spectroscopic and morphological observational studies of galaxies around NGC 1399 in the Fornax Cluster have discovered several ultracompact dwarf galaxies with intrinsic sizes of similar to 100 pc and absolute B-band magnitudes ranging from -13 to -11 mag. In order to elucidate the origin of these enigmatic objects, we perform numerical simulations on the dynamical evolution of nucleated dwarf galaxies orbiting NGC 1399 and suffering from its strong tidal gravitational field. Adopting a plausible scaling relation for dwarf galaxies, we find that the outer stellar components of a nucleated dwarf are totally removed. This is due to them being tidally stripped over the course of several passages past the central region of NGC 1399. The nucleus, however, manages to survive. We also find that the size and luminosity of the remnant are similar to those observed for ultracompact dwarf galaxies, if the simulated precursor nucleated dwarf has a mass of similar to 10(8) M.. These results suggest that ultracompact dwarf galaxies could have previously been more luminous dwarf spheroidal or elliptical galaxies with rather compact nuclei.
Objective To determine the costs and benefits of interventions for maternal and newborn health to assess the appropriateness of current strategies and guide future plans to attain the millennium development goals. Design Cost effectiveness analysis. Setting Two regions classified by the World Health Organization according to their epidemiological grouping: Afr-E, those countries in sub-Saharan Africa with very high adult and high child mortality, and Sear-D, comprising countries in South East Asia with high adult and high child mortality. Data sources Effectiveness data from several sources, including trials, observational studies, and expert opinion. For resource inputs, quantifies came from WHO guidelines, literature, and expert opinion, and prices from the WHO choosing interventions that are cost effective database. Main outcome measures Cost per disability adjusted life year (DALY) averted in year 2000 international dollars. Results The most cost effective mix of interventions was similar in Afr-E and Sear-D. These were the community based newborn care package, followed by antenatal care (tetanus toxoid, screening for pre-eclampsia, screening and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria and syphilis); skilled attendance at birth, offering first level maternal and neonatal care around childbirth; and emergency obstetric and neonatal care around and after birth. Screening and treatment of maternal syphilis, community based management of neonatal pneumonia, and steroids given during the antenatal period were relatively less cost effective in Sear-D. Scaling up all of the included interventions to 95% coverage would halve neonatal and maternal deaths. Conclusion Preventive interventions at the community level for newborn babies and at the primary care level for mothers and newborn babies are extremely cost effective, but the millennium development goals for maternal and child health will not be achieved without universal access to clinical services as well.
Purpose of review Hyperglycemia is frequent in patients with cerebrovascular disease. This review article aims to summarize the recent evidence from observational studies that examined the adverse cerebrovascular effects of dysglycemic states as well as interventional studies assessing intensive management strategies for hyperglycemia. Recent findings In recent years, diabetes, prediabetic states and insulin resistance and their association with cerebrovascular disease were an important focus of research. The cerebrovascular consequences of these metabolic abnormalities were found to extend beyond ischemic stroke to covert brain infarcts, other structural brain changes and to cognitive impairment with and without dementia. Interventional studies did not reveal that more intensive management of chronic hyperglycemia and of hyperglycemia in the setting of acute stroke improves outcome. There is clear evidence, however, that the overall management of multiple risk factors and behavior modification in patients with dysglycemia may reduce the burden of cerebrovascular disease. Summary Observational studies reveal the growing burden and adverse cerebrovascular effects of dysglycemic states. Currently available interventional studies assessing more intensive strategies for the management of hyperglycemia did not prove, however, to be effective. We discuss the current evidence, pathophysiological considerations and management implications.
Most patients with chronic kidney disease experience abnormalities in serum calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, and vitamin D metabolism. These can lead to vascular calcification (VC), which has been associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease and mortality. Although hyperphosphatemia is believed to be a risk factor for mortality and VC, no randomized trial was ever designed to demonstrate that lowering phosphate reduces mortality. Nonetheless, binders have been used extensively, and the preponderance of evidence shows that sevelamer slows the development of VC whereas calcium salts do not. Four studies have demonstrated a slower progression of VC with sevelamer than with calcium-containing binders, although a fifth study showed nonsuperiority. Conversely, the results on mortality with sevelamer have been variable, and data on calcium-based binders are nonexistent. Improved survival with sevelamer was demonstrated in a small randomized clinical trial, whereas a larger randomized trial failed to show a benefit. In addition, preclinical models of renal failure and preliminary clinical data on hemodialysis patients suggest a potential benefit for bone with sevelamer. Meanwhile, several randomized and observational studies suggested no improvement in bone density and fracture rate, and a few noted an increase in total and cardiovascular mortality in the general population given calcium supplements. Although additional studies are needed, there are at least indications that sevelamer may improve vascular and bone health and, perhaps, mortality in hemodialysis patients, whereas data on calcium-based binders are lacking. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: S31-S40, 2010. doi: 10.2215/CJN.05880809
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery has long been adopted as the treatment of choice for patients with left main (LM) coronary obstructions. In the past, randomised trials and observational studies have shown an advantage in survival of CABG against medical treatment. Recent studies comparing CABG with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) suggested that angioplasty may play a role as an alternative choice. However, well designed randomised trials to evaluate the relative merits of both therapeutic approaches are lacking. In this article, we review the current scientific evidences and outline issues that currently still need to be addressed in comparing CABG versus PCI for the treatment of LM disease.
Numerous studies have now established that there is a strong association between small solute clearance and improved outcomes in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Preservation of both renal and peritoneal clearances is therefore of paramount importance, although very few trials have satisfactorily addressed this critical issue. Observational studies have suggested that the groups most at risk of loss of residual renal function are women, non-whites, diabetic patients, patients with congestive cardiac failure, patients who experience frequent episodes of peritonitis and, possibly, patients treated with automated PD (APD). There have been no controlled trials of renoprotective therapies in PD patients, but reasonable strategies for preventing renal functional decline include avoidance of nephrotoxins and infection, maintenance of adequate blood pressure, abstinence from smoking and possibly administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and/or calcium channel blockers. In contrast, peritoneal small solute removal can be maximized by augmenting fill volume, increasing exchange frequency and using either long-dwell continuous ambulatory PD (CAPD) or short-dwell (APD) therapies to suit individual patients' transport characteristics. Tidal PD may additionally increase solute clearance, although studies have reported conflicting findings. Preservation of membrane function may be achieved by minimizing episodes of peritonitis and avoiding hypertonic glucose exchanges. Newer peritoneal dialysates, such as icodextrin, amino acids, bicarbonate-buffered solutions and aldehyde-poor fluids, are more biocompatible in experimental models of PD, but their long-term clinical safety and efficacy have not yet been established by clinical trials. Moreover, no trials have demonstrated an independent effect of peritoneal clearance on patient outcomes. Further studies determining the relative value of renal and peritoneal clearances are therefore urgently required in order to optimize dialytic adequacy for PD patients.
Objective. Outcome assessment in clinical trials using the Western Ontario and McMaster University (WOMAC 3.0) Osteoarthritis Index is traditionally achieved through self-administration of the Index. However, in other areas of clinical measurement, telephone administration has been shown to be a reliable method of acquiring data that are both accurate and complete. To address this issue in knee osteoarthritis (OA), we conducted a comparative study of telephone administration by interviewer of WOMAC LK3.0 versus onsite self-completion at the hospital. Methods. Fifty consenting patients with knee OA were randomized to complete the WOMAC LK3.0 Index by telephone interview one day, followed by onsite completion the following day, or vice versa. Neither patients nor interviewers had access to any prior scores. Results. The mean age of the 50 patients was 66.3 years (range 44-82); 34 (68%) were female and 16 (32%) male. There was excellent agreement between the mean office and telephone scores, with mean differences for the WOMAC LK3.0 pain, stiffness, and function subscale scores and total score of 0.09, 0.12, 0.78, and 0.98, respectively. These differences were well within the respective protocol defined equivalence criteria of +/- 1.7, +/- 0.9, +/- 6.4, and +/- 9.1, and represented differences from office scores of 0.9, 2.6, 2.4, and 2.2%, respectively. Conclusion. The use of telephone interviews for the WOMAC LK3.0 Index is a valid method of obtaining OA outcome measurements. These observations have important implications for designing data acquisition strategies for future OA clinical trials and for longterm observational studies.
Purpose. Health promotion policy frameworks, recent theorizing, and research all emphasize understanding and mobilizing environmental influences to change particular health-related behaviors in specific settings. The workplace is a key environmental setting. The Checklist of Health Promotion Environments at Worksites (CHEW) was designed as a direct observation instrument to assess characteristics of worksite environments that are known to influence health-related behaviors. Methods. The CHEW is a 112-item checklist of workplace environment features hypothesized to be associated, both positively and negatively, with physical activity, healthy eating, alcohol consumption, and smoking. The three environmental domains assessed are (1) physical characteristics of the worksite, (2) features of the information environment, and (3) characteristics of the immediate neighborhood around the workplace. The conceptual rationale and development studies for the CHEW are described, and data from observational studies of 20 worksites are reported. Results. The data on CHEW-derived environmental attributes showed generally good reliability and identified meaningful sets of variables that plausibly may influence health-related behaviors. With the exception of one information environment attribute, intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.80 to 1.00. Descriptive statistics on selected physical and information environment characteristics indicated that vending machines, showers, bulletin boards, and signs prohibiting smoking were common across worksites. Bicycle racks, visible stairways, and signs related to alcohol consumption, nutrition, and health. promotion were relatively uncommon. Conclusions. These findings illustrate the types of data on environmental attributes that can be derived, their relevance for program planning, and how they can characterize variability across worksites. The CHEW is a promising observational measure that has the potential to assess environmental influences on health behaviors and to evaluate workplace health promotion programs.
Contexto: a bronquiolite aguda é a principal patologia a afectar a criança nos primeiros 2 anos de vida, a fisioterapia respiratória é uma intervenção terapêutica utilizada com a intenção de melhorar o curso desta doença mantendo-se a incerteza sobre a sua eficácia. Objectivo: determinar a eficácia e segurança da fisioterapia respiratória em crianças com menos de 2 anos com bronquiolite aguda. Fontes de Informação: Medline (1966 a Agosto 2010), EMBASE(1990 a Agosto 2010), Pedro e Lilacs (1982 a Agosto 2010). Outra fonte de informação incluiu a bibliografia dos estudos obtidos. Selecção de estudos: estudos experimentais comparando a fisioterapia respiratória com cuidados habituais, em crianças com menos de 2 anos e bronquiolite aguda, em ventilação espontânea, em qualquer contexto. Estudos pré-experimentais ou observacionais com os mesmos participantes e intervenções foram admitidos complementarmente aos experimentais. Extracção de dados e análise: um investigador extraiu os dados dos artigos obtidos e avaliou o risco de viés. A eficácia e segurança da fisioterapia respiratória foram determinadas pelos seguintes outcomes: duração do internamento hospitalar ou do evento, variação de scores de severidade clínica, saturação periférica e suplementação de oxigénio, recidivas, recurso a antibióticos e efeitos deletérios ou deterioração clínica reportada. Síntese de dados: 6 estudos experimentais foram admitidos. As suas amostras provinham de criança internadas em hospital. As técnicas de fisioterapia respiratória foram comparadas com cuidados habituais. Nenhum estudo evidenciou melhoria dos outcomes de interesse na comparação entre grupos, excepto avaliações de curta duração da saturação periférica de oxigénio e scores de severidade clínica. 1 estudo reportou uma percentagem significativamente maior no grupo submetido a fisioterapia respiratória de crianças que vomitaram, tiveram uma desestabilização respiratória transitória, e na percepção de stress da criança pelos cuidadores. São relatadas ainda fracturas costais a causa de fisioterapia respiratória. Limitações: o risco de viés era alto em 2 estudos, baixo num estudo e indeterminado nos restantes. Conclusões: aparentemente a fisioterapia respiratória não é eficaz e pode produzir efeitos deletérios importantes, mas a evidência é pobre, carecendo de novos estudos.