64 resultados para OVERDENTURE
OBJECTIVES This clinical study measured the dimensional changes of existing lower complete dentures due to the integration of a prefabricated implant bar. Additionally, the impact of this dimensional change on patient satisfaction and oral function was analyzed. METHODS Twenty edentulous patients (10 men/10 women; aged 65.9 ± 11.8 years) received two interforaminal implants. Subsequent to surgery, a chair side adapted, prefabricated bar (SFI Bar(®), C+M, Biel, Switzerland) was inserted, and the matrix was polymerized into the existing lower denture. The change of the denture's lingual dimension was recorded by means of a bicolored, silicone denture duplicate that was sectioned in the oro-vestibular direction in the regions of the symphysis (S) and the implants (I-left, I-right). On the sections, the dimensional increase was measured using a light microscope. Six months after bar insertion, patients answered a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS All dentures exhibited increased lingual volume, more extensively at S than at I (P = 0.001). At S, the median diagonal size of the denture was doubled (+4.33 mm), and at I, the median increase was 50% (I-left/-right = +2.66/+2.62 mm). The original denture size influenced the volume increase (P = 0.024): smaller dentures led to a larger increase. The amount of denture increase did not have negative impact on either self-perceived oral function or patient satisfaction. Approximately, 95% of the patients were satisfied with the treatment results. CONCLUSIONS The lingual size of a lower denture was enlarged by the integration of a prefabricated bar without any negative side effects. Thus, this attachment system is suitable to convert an existing full denture into an implant-supported overdenture.
BACKGROUND Implant-overdentures supported by rigid bars provide stability in the edentulous atrophic mandible. However, fractures of solder joints and matrices, and loosening of screws and matrices were observed with soldered gold bars (G-bars). Computer-aided designed/computer-assisted manufactured (CAD/CAM) titanium bars (Ti-bars) may reduce technical complications due to enhanced material quality. PURPOSE To compare prosthetic-technical maintenance service of mandibular implant-overdentures supported by CAD/CAM Ti-bar and soldered G-bar. MATERIALS AND METHODS Edentulous patients were consecutively admitted for implant-prosthodontic treatment with a maxillary complete denture and a mandibular implant-overdenture connected to a rigid G-bar or Ti-bar. Maintenance service and problems with the implant-retention device complex and the prosthesis were recorded during minimally 3-4 years. Annual peri-implant crestal bone level changes (ΔBIC) were radiographically assessed. RESULTS Data of 213 edentulous patients (mean age 68 ± 10 years), who had received a total of 477 tapered implants, were available. Ti-bar and G-bar comprised 101 and 112 patients with 231 and 246 implants, respectively. Ti-bar mostly exhibited distal bar extensions (96%) compared to 34% of G-bar (p < .001). Fracture rate of bars extensions (4.7% vs 14.8%, p < .001) and matrices (1% vs 13%, p < .001) was lower for Ti-bar. Matrices activation was required 2.4× less often in Ti-bar. ΔBIC remained stable for both groups. CONCLUSIONS Implant overdentures supported by soldered gold bars or milled CAD/CAM Ti-bars are a successful treatment modality but require regular maintenance service. These short-term observations support the hypothesis that CAD/CAM Ti-bars reduce technical complications. Fracture location indicated that the titanium thickness around the screw-access hole should be increased.
Con el advenimiento de los implantes y con ellos la opción de las sobredentaduras, la pasividad comienza a jugar un papel fundamental para darle mejor pronóstico a la rehabilitación y prolongar la vida útil de los implantes. Dentro de este análisis es que se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente portador de prótesis completa superior e inferior, tratado dentro del marco de la Carrera de Especialista en Prostodoncia de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. El tratamiento propuesto al paciente fue: dos implantes en el maxilar inferior con una sobredentadura retenida por pilares esféricos y cuatro implantes superiores con una sobredentadura retenida por una barra, la cual feruliza los implantes. La barra superior fue colada seccionada en cuatro partes, unidas en boca y luego soldadas mediante tecnología láser. De esta forma se busca obtener pasividad para evitar aflojamiento de tornillos de fijación, fractura de tornillos o implantes, reabsorción de los tejidos óseo perimplantarios o pérdida de la oseointegración de los implantes.
O uso dos magnetos em prótese parcial removível é uma alternativa viável para eliminar a estrutura metálica que pode interferir na estética sem perder retenção e estabilidade. Os magnetos podem ser recomendados para pacientes com perda de tecido periodontal, desde que eles diminuam a transmissão de forças ao dente remanescente. O objetivo deste relato de caso clínico foi apresentar uma alternativa de tratamento protético para dentes pilares comprometidos periodontalmente e descrever as vantagens e desvantagens do uso dos magnetos em prótese parcial removível sobre os pontos de vista funcionais, biológicos e estéticos.