880 resultados para Next-Generation Internet


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Le tecniche di next generation sequencing costituiscono un potente strumento per diverse applicazioni, soprattutto da quando i loro costi sono iniziati a calare e la qualità dei loro dati a migliorare. Una delle applicazioni del sequencing è certamente la metagenomica, ovvero l'analisi di microorganismi entro un dato ambiente, come per esempio quello dell'intestino. In quest'ambito il sequencing ha permesso di campionare specie batteriche a cui non si riusciva ad accedere con le tradizionali tecniche di coltura. Lo studio delle popolazioni batteriche intestinali è molto importante in quanto queste risultano alterate come effetto ma anche causa di numerose malattie, come quelle metaboliche (obesità, diabete di tipo 2, etc.). In questo lavoro siamo partiti da dati di next generation sequencing del microbiota intestinale di 5 animali (16S rRNA sequencing) [Jeraldo et al.]. Abbiamo applicato algoritmi ottimizzati (UCLUST) per clusterizzare le sequenze generate in OTU (Operational Taxonomic Units), che corrispondono a cluster di specie batteriche ad un determinato livello tassonomico. Abbiamo poi applicato la teoria ecologica a master equation sviluppata da [Volkov et al.] per descrivere la distribuzione dell'abbondanza relativa delle specie (RSA) per i nostri campioni. La RSA è uno strumento ormai validato per lo studio della biodiversità dei sistemi ecologici e mostra una transizione da un andamento a logserie ad uno a lognormale passando da piccole comunità locali isolate a più grandi metacomunità costituite da più comunità locali che possono in qualche modo interagire. Abbiamo mostrato come le OTU di popolazioni batteriche intestinali costituiscono un sistema ecologico che segue queste stesse regole se ottenuto usando diverse soglie di similarità nella procedura di clustering. Ci aspettiamo quindi che questo risultato possa essere sfruttato per la comprensione della dinamica delle popolazioni batteriche e quindi di come queste variano in presenza di particolari malattie.


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The present study is focused on the development of new VIII group metal on CeO2 – ZrO2 (CZO) catalyst to be used in reforming reaction for syngas production. The catalyst are tested in the oxyreforming process, extensively studied by Barbera [44] in a new multistep process configuration, with intermediate H2 membrane separation, that can be carried out at lower temperature (750°C) with respect the reforming processes (900 – 1000°C). In spite of the milder temperatures, the oxy-reforming conditions (S/C = 0.7; O2/C = 0.21) remain critical regarding the deactivation problems mainly deriving from thermal sintering and carbon formation phenomena. The combination of the high thermal stability characterizing the ZrO2, with the CeO2 redox properties, allows the formation of stable mixed oxide system with high oxygen mobility. This feature can be exploited in order to contrast the carbon deposition on the active metal surface through the oxidation of the carbon by means of the mobile oxygen atoms available at the surface of the CZO support. Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 is the phase claimed to have the highest oxygen mobility but its formation is difficult through classical synthesis (co-precipitation), hence a water-in-oil microemulsion method is, widely studied and characterized. Two methods (IWI and bulk) for the insertion of the active metal (Rh, Ru, Ni) are followed and their effects, mainly related to the metal stability and dispersion on the support, are discussed, correlating the characterization with the catalytic activity. Different parameters (calcination and reduction temperatures) are tuned to obtain the best catalytic system both in terms of activity and stability. Interesting results are obtained with impregnated and bulk catalysts, the latter representing a new class of catalysts. The best catalysts are also tested in a low temperature (350 – 500°C) steam reforming process and preliminary tests with H2 membrane separation have been also carried out.


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In chronic myeloid leukemia and Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients resistant to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), BCR-ABL kinase domain mutation status is an essential component of the therapeutic decision algorithm. The recent development of Ultra-Deep Sequencing approach (UDS) has opened the way to a more accurate characterization of the mutant clones surviving TKIs conjugating assay sensitivity and throughput. We decided to set-up and validated an UDS-based for BCR-ABL KD mutation screening in order to i) resolve qualitatively and quantitatively the complexity and the clonal structure of mutated populations surviving TKIs, ii) study the dynamic of expansion of mutated clones in relation to TKIs therapy, iii) assess whether UDS may allow more sensitive detection of emerging clones, harboring critical 2GTKIs-resistant mutations predicting for an impending relapse, earlier than SS. UDS was performed on a Roche GS Junior instrument, according to an amplicon sequencing design and protocol set up and validated in the framework of the IRON-II (Interlaboratory Robustness of Next-Generation Sequencing) International consortium.Samples from CML and Ph+ ALL patients who had developed resistance to one or multiple TKIs and collected at regular time-points during treatment were selected for this study. Our results indicate the technical feasibility, accuracy and robustness of our UDS-based BCR-ABL KD mutation screening approach. UDS was found to provide a more accurate picture of BCR-ABL KD mutation status, both in terms of presence/absence of mutations and in terms of clonal complexity and showed that BCR-ABL KD mutations detected by SS are only the “tip of iceberg”. In addition UDS may reliably pick 2GTKIs-resistant mutations earlier than SS in a significantly greater proportion of patients.The enhanced sensitivity as well as the possibility to identify low level mutations point the UDS-based approach as an ideal alternative to conventional sequencing for BCR-ABL KD mutation screening in TKIs-resistant Ph+ leukemia patients


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Pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a molecularly heterogeneous disease that arises from genetic alterations in pathways that regulate self-renewal and myeloid differentiation. While the majority of patients carry recurrent chromosomal translocations, almost 20% of childhood AML do not show any recognizable cytogenetic alteration and are defined as cytogenetically normal (CN)-AML. CN-AML patients have always showed a great variability in response to therapy and overall outcome, underlining the presence of unknown genetic changes, not detectable by conventional analyses, but relevant for pathogenesis, and outcome of AML. The development of novel genome-wide techniques such as next-generation sequencing, have tremendously improved our ability to interrogate the cancer genome. Based on this background, the aim of this research study was to investigate the mutational landscape of pediatric CN-AML patients negative for all the currently known somatic mutations reported in AML through whole-transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq). RNA-seq performed on diagnostic leukemic blasts from 19 pediatric CN-AML cases revealed a considerable incidence of cryptic chromosomal rearrangements, with the identification of 21 putative fusion genes. Several of the fusion genes that were identified in this study are recurrent and might have a prognostic and/or therapeutic relevance. A paradigm of that is the CBFA2T3-GLIS2 fusion, which has been demonstrated to be a common alteration in pediatric CN-AML, predicting poor outcome. Important findings have been also obtained in the identification of novel therapeutic targets. On one side, the identification of NUP98-JARID1A fusion suggests the use of disulfiram; on the other, here we describe alteration-activating tyrosine kinases, providing functional data supporting the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors to specifically inhibit leukemia cells. This study provides new insights in the knowledge of genetic alterations underlying pediatric AML, defines novel prognostic markers and putative therapeutic targets, and prospectively ensures a correct risk stratification and risk-adapted therapy also for the “all-neg” AML subgroup.


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I sottotipi H1N1, H1N2 e H3N2 di influenza A virus sono largamente diffusi nella popolazione suina di tutto il mondo. Nel presente lavoro è stato sviluppato un protocollo di sequenziamento di c.d. nuova generazione, su piattaforma Ion Torrent PGM, idoneo per l’analisi di tutti i virus influenzali suini (SIV). Per valutare l’evoluzione molecolare dei SIV italiani, sono stati sequenziati ed analizzati mediante analisi genomica e filogenetica un totale di sessantadue ceppi di SIV appartenenti ai sottotipi H1N1, H1N2 e H3N2, isolati in Italia dal 1998 al 2014. Sono stati evidenziati in sei campioni due fenomeni di riassortimento: tutti i SIV H1N2 esaminati presentavano una neuraminidasi di derivazione umana, diversa da quella dei SIV H1N2 circolanti in Europa, inoltre l’emoagglutinina (HA) di due isolati H1N2 era originata dal riassortimento con un SIV H1N1 avian-like. L’analisi molecolare dell’HA ha permesso di rivelare un’inserzione di due amminoacidi in quattro SIV H1N1 pandemici e una delezione di due aminoacidi in quattro SIV H1N2, entrambe a livello del sito di legame con il recettore cellulare. E’ stata inoltre evidenziata un’elevata omologia di un SIV H1N1 con ceppi europei isolati negli anni ’80, suggerendo la possibile origine vaccinale di questo virus. E’ stato possibile, in aggiunta, applicare il nuovo protocollo sviluppato per sequenziare un virus influenzale aviare altamente patogeno trasmesso all’uomo, direttamente da campione biologico. La diversità genetica nei SIV esaminati in questo studio conferma l’importanza di un continuo monitoraggio della costellazione genomica dei virus influenzali nella popolazione suina.


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Il mercato video ludico è stato, ed è tuttora uno dei settori più redditizi e innovativi del mercato globale. L’evoluzione tecnologica ha permesso lo sviluppo di device e piattaforme da gioco sempre più performanti e in grado di soddisfare le esigenze dei consumatori. Con le nuove prospettive di gioco ci si sofferma a riflettere su quale sarà l’evoluzione del business dell’intrattenimento interattivo. In questo elaborato andremo a vedere come si sta evolvendo il mercato dei videogiochi, quali sono i nuovi scenari competitivi che si sono affiancati a questo settore, quali sono i segmenti che stanno avendo una crescita considerevole negli ultimi 10 anni, e cercheremo di capire come cambierà il “gameplay” da salotto, quindi quali saranno le prospettive future delle console da gioco.


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Molecular genetic testing is commonly used to confirm clinical diagnoses of inherited urea cycle disorders (UCDs); however, conventional mutation screenings encompassing only the coding regions of genes may not detect disease-causing mutations occurring in regulatory elements and introns. Microarray-based target enrichment and next-generation sequencing now allow more-comprehensive genetic screening. We applied this approach to UCDs and combined it with the use of DNA bar codes for more cost-effective, parallel analyses of multiple samples.


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Epilepsies have a highly heterogeneous background with a strong genetic contribution. The variety of unspecific and overlapping syndromic and nonsyndromic phenotypes often hampers a clear clinical diagnosis and prevents straightforward genetic testing. Knowing the genetic basis of a patient's epilepsy can be valuable not only for diagnosis but also for guiding treatment and estimating recurrence risks.


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Successful leadership in the conservation community depends upon leaders with a vision who can engage collaborators in a transaction to create something of enduring value. Ideally, results are achieved in a win-win fashion with other stakeholders. However, a good leader must employ a broader range of tools.


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Background Tissue microarray (TMA) technology revolutionized the investigation of potential biomarkers from paraffin-embedded tissues. However, conventional TMA construction is laborious, time-consuming and imprecise. Next-generation tissue microarrays (ngTMA) combine histological expertise with digital pathology and automated tissue microarraying. The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of ngTMA for the investigation of biomarkers within the tumor microenvironment (tumor center and invasion front) of six tumor types, using CD3, CD8 and CD45RO as an example. Methods Ten cases each of malignant melanoma, lung, breast, gastric, prostate and colorectal cancers were reviewed. The most representative H&E slide was scanned and uploaded onto a digital slide management platform. Slides were viewed and seven TMA annotations of 1 mm in diameter were placed directly onto the digital slide. Different colors were used to identify the exact regions in normal tissue (n = 1), tumor center (n = 2), tumor front (n = 2), and tumor microenvironment at invasion front (n = 2) for subsequent punching. Donor blocks were loaded into an automated tissue microarrayer. Images of the donor block were superimposed with annotated digital slides. Exact annotated regions were punched out of each donor block and transferred into a TMA block. 420 tissue cores created two ngTMA blocks. H&E staining and immunohistochemistry for CD3, CD8 and CD45RO were performed. Results All 60 slides were scanned automatically (total time < 10 hours), uploaded and viewed. Annotation time was 1 hour. The 60 donor blocks were loaded into the tissue microarrayer, simultaneously. Alignment of donor block images and digital slides was possible in less than 2 minutes/case. Automated punching of tissue cores and transfer took 12 seconds/core. Total ngTMA construction time was 1.4 hours. Stains for H&E and CD3, CD8 and CD45RO highlighted the precision with which ngTMA could capture regions of tumor-stroma interaction of each cancer and the T-lymphocytic immune reaction within the tumor microenvironment. Conclusion Based on a manual selection criteria, ngTMA is able to precisely capture histological zones or cell types of interest in a precise and accurate way, aiding the pathological study of the tumor microenvironment. This approach would be advantageous for visualizing proteins, DNA, mRNA and microRNAs in specific cell types using in situ hybridization techniques.


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Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a valuable tool for the detection and quantification of HIV-1 variants in vivo. However, these technologies require detailed characterization and control of artificially induced errors to be applicable for accurate haplotype reconstruction. To investigate the occurrence of substitutions, insertions, and deletions at the individual steps of RT-PCR and NGS, 454 pyrosequencing was performed on amplified and non-amplified HIV-1 genomes. Artificial recombination was explored by mixing five different HIV-1 clonal strains (5-virus-mix) and applying different RT-PCR conditions followed by 454 pyrosequencing. Error rates ranged from 0.04-0.66% and were similar in amplified and non-amplified samples. Discrepancies were observed between forward and reverse reads, indicating that most errors were introduced during the pyrosequencing step. Using the 5-virus-mix, non-optimized, standard RT-PCR conditions introduced artificial recombinants in a fraction of at least 30% of the reads that subsequently led to an underestimation of true haplotype frequencies. We minimized the fraction of recombinants down to 0.9-2.6% by optimized, artifact-reducing RT-PCR conditions. This approach enabled correct haplotype reconstruction and frequency estimations consistent with reference data obtained by single genome amplification. RT-PCR conditions are crucial for correct frequency estimation and analysis of haplotypes in heterogeneous virus populations. We developed an RT-PCR procedure to generate NGS data useful for reliable haplotype reconstruction and quantification.