991 resultados para Nano-meter scale


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Probe-based scanning microscopes, such as the STM and the AFM, are used to obtain the topographical and electronic structure maps of material surfaces, and to modify their morphologies on nanoscopic scales. They have generated new areas of research in condensed matter physics and materials science. We will review some examples from the fields of experimental nano-mechanics, nano-electronics and nano-magnetism. These now form the basis of the emerging field of Nano-technology. A parallel development has been brought about in the field of Computational Nano-science, using quantum-mechanical techniques and computer-based numerical modelling, such as the Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation method. We will report on the simulation of nucleation and growth of nano-phase films on supporting substrates. Furthermore, a theoretical modelling of the formation of STM images of metallic clusters on metallic substrates will also be discussed within the non-equilibrium Keldysh Green function method to study the effects of coherent tunnelling through different atomic orbitals in a tip-sample geometry.


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Organic aerogels were synthesized by sol–gel polymerization of resorcinol (R) with formaldehyde (F) catalyzed by sodium carbonate (C) followed by vacuum drying. The influence of the resorcinol/sodium carbonate ratio (R/C) on the porous structure of the resultant aerogels was investigated. The nitrogen adsorption–desorption measurements show that the aerogels possess a well developed porous structure and mesoporosity was found to increase with increasing the R/C ratio. Carbon aerogels were obtained by carbonization of RF aerogels. The carbonization temperature impacts the microstructure of the aerogels by pore transformations during carbonization probably due to the formation of micropores and shrinkage of the gel structure. The results showed that a temperature of 1073 Kis more effective in the development of the pore structure of the gel. Activated carbon aerogels were obtained from the CO2 activation of carbon aerogels. Activation results in an increase in the number of both micropores and mesopores, indicative of pore creation in the structure of the carbon. Activation at higher temperatures results in a higher degree of burn off and increases the pore volume and the surface area remarkably without change of the basic porous structure, pore size, and pore size distribution.


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Previous studies have established that some of the wear damage seen on cast CoCrMo joint surface is caused by entrained third-body hard particles. In this study, wet-cell micro-indentation and nano-scratch tests have been carried out with the direct aim of simulating wear damage induced by single abrasive particles entrained between the surfaces of cast CoCrMo hip implants. In situ electrochemical current noise measurements were uniquely performed to detect and study the wear-induced corrosion as well as the repassivation kinetics under the micro-/nano-scale tribological process. A mathematical model has been explored for the CoCrMo repassivation kinetics after surface oxide film rupture. Greater insights into the nature of the CoCrMo micro-/nano-scale wear-corrosion mechanisms and deformation processes are determined, including the identification of slip band formation, matrix/carbide deformation, nanocrystalline structure formation and strain-induced phase transformation. The electrochemical current noise provides evidence of instantaneous transient corrosion activity at the wearing surface resulting from partial oxide rupturing and stripping, concurrent with the indent/scratch.


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In this paper, a multi-level wordline driver scheme is presented to improve SRAM read and write stability while lowering power consumption during hold operation. The proposed circuit applies a shaped wordline voltage pulse during read mode and a boosted wordline pulse during write mode. During read, the applied shaped pulse is tuned at nominal voltage for short period of time, whereas for the remaining access time, the wordline voltage is reduced to a lower level. This pulse results in improved read noise margin without any degradation in access time which is explained by examining the dynamic and nonlinear behavior of the SRAM cell. Furthermore, during hold mode, the wordline voltage starts from a negative value and reaches zero voltage, resulting in a lower leakage current compared to conventional SRAM. Our simulations using TSMC 65nm process show that the proposed wordline driver results in 2X improvement in static read noise margin while the write margin is improved by 3X. In addition, the total leakage of the proposed SRAM is reduced by 10% while the total power is improved by 12% in the worst case scenario of a single SRAM cell. The total area penalty is 10% for a 128Kb standard SRAM array.


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In this paper, a multi-level wordline driver scheme is presented to improve 6T-SRAM read and write stability. The proposed wordline driver generates a shaped pulse during the read mode and a boosted wordline during the write mode. During read, the shaped pulse is tuned at nominal voltage for a short period of time, whereas for the remaining access time, the wordline voltage is reduced to save the power consumption of the cell. This shaped wordline pulse results in improved read noise margin without any degradation in access time for small wordline load. The improvement is explained by examining the dynamic and nonlinear behavior of the SRAM cell. Furthermore, during the hold mode, for a short time (depending on the size of boosting capacitance), wordline voltage becomes negative and charges up to zero after a specific time that results in a lower leakage current compared to conventional SRAM. The proposed technique results in at least 2× improvement in read noise margin while it improves write margin by 3× for lower supply voltages than 0.7 V. The leakage power for the proposed SRAM is reduced by 2% while the total power is improved by 3% in the worst case scenario for an SRAM array. The main advantage of the proposed wordline driver is the improvement of dynamic noise margin with less than 2.5% penalty in area. TSMC 65 nm technology models are used for simulations.


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The effects of nano-scale and micro-scale zerovalent iron (nZVI and mZVI) particles on general (dehydrogenase and hydrolase) and specific (ammonia oxidation potential, AOP) activities mediated by the microbial community in an uncontaminated soil were examined. nZVI (diameter 12.5 nm; 10 mg gÿ1 soil)apparently inhibited AOP and nZVI and mZVI apparently stimulated dehydrogenase activity but had minimal influence on hydrolase activity. Sterile experiments revealed that the apparent inhibition of AOP could not be interpreted as such due to the confounding action of the particles, whereas, the nZVIenhanced dehydrogenase activity could represent the genuine response of a stimulated microbial population or an artifact of ZVI reactivity. Overall, there was no evidence for negative effects of nZVI or mZVI on the processes studied. When examining the impact of redox active particles such as ZVI on microbial oxidation–reduction reactions, potential confounding effects of the test particles on assay conditions should be considered.


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The contribution of nano-scale particles observed using Atom Probe Tomography in an increase of yield strength of conventional and advanced HSLA steels was studied. The advanced HSLA steel showed higher yield strength than conventional HSLA steel. There were two types of carbides, which primarily contribute to an increase in yield strength of conventional HSLA steel: (i) coarse TiC with average size of 25±5nm and (ii) fine TiC with average radius of 3±1.2nm. The presence of two types of carbides was found in the microstructure of advanced HSLA steel: (i)
nano-scale Ti0.98Mo0.02C0.6 carbides with average radius of 2.2±0.5nm, and (ii) C19Cr7Mo24 particles with an average radius of 1.5±0.3nm. The contribution of precipitation hardening in the yield strength of advanced HSLA steel due to the nano-scale particles was 174MPa, while this value in the conventional HSLA steel was 128MPa.


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In the present study, nano- and macro-scale characterisations on the mechanical properties of bovine cortical bones have been performed by using nanoindentation and conventional compressive tests. Nanoindentation results showed that the elastic modulus for the osteons and the interstitial lamellae in the longitude direction were 24.7 ± 2.5 GPa and 30.1 ± 2.4 GPa. As it’s difficult to distinguish osteons from interstitial lamellae in the transverse direction, the average elastic modulus for cortical bovine bone in the transverse direction was 19.8 ± 1.6 GPa. Significant differences were found in the modulus values between different microstructures of bone tissue and in different testing direction. It was found that the elastic modulus of bone bovine material in nano-level was higher than that in macro-level. The elastic modulus and
ultimate stress of large bone samples were 12.5 ± 1.9 GPa and 195 ± 19 MPa respectively from the compression test.


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The effect of composition and processing schedule on the microstructure of C-Mn-Si-Mo-(Al)-(Nb) steels containing nano-bainite was studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom probe tomography (APT). The major phase formed in all steels was nano-bainite. However, the steels with lower carbon and alloying addition content subjected to TMP had better mechanical properties than high alloyed steel after isothermal treatment. The presence of ferrite in the microstructure can improve not only ductility but lead to the formation of retained austenite with optimum chemical stability.


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The detection and control of the temperature variation at the nano-scale level of thermo-mechanical materials during a compression process have been challenging issues. In this paper, an empirical method is proposed to predict the temperature at the nano-scale level during the solid-state phase transition phenomenon in NiTi shape memory alloys. Isothermal data was used as a reference to determine the temperature change at different loading rates. The temperature of the phase transformed zone underneath the tip increased by _3 to 40 _C as the loading rate increased. The temperature approached a constant with further increase in indentation depth. A few layers of graphene were used to enhance the cooling process at different loading rates. Due to the presence of graphene layers the temperature beneath the tip decreased by a further _3 to 10 _C depending on the loading rate. Compared with highly polished NiTi, deeper indentation depths were also observed during the solidstate phase transition, especially at the rate dependent zones. Larger superelastic deformations confirmed that the latent heat transfer through the deposited graphene layers allowed a larger phase transition volume and, therefore, more stress relaxation and penetration depth.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi propone uno studio approfondito di proprietà morfologiche e di trasporto di carica di film sottili di SiOxNy amorfi (a-SiOxNy) e nanocristallini (nc-SiOxNy), che trovano importanti applicazioni in celle fotovoltaiche ad eterogiunzione in silicio, ad alta efficienza. Lo studio è condotto mediante caratterizzazione elettrica e morfologica attraverso tecniche di microscopia a forza atomica (AFM). Sono stati studiati campioni di a-SiOxNy cresciuti con tecnica PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition), in cui è stata variata unicamente la distanza tra gli elettrodi durante la deposizione. Sono stati inoltre studiati campioni di nc-SiOxNy, cresciuti con PECVD con una differente percentuale di N2O come gas precursore e un differente tempo di annealing. In entrambi i casi si tratta di un materiale innovativo, le cui proprietà fisiche di base, nonostante le numerose applicazioni, sono ancora poco studiate. L'analisi morfologica, condotta mediante AFM e successiva analisi statistica delle immagini, ha permesso di determinare alcune proprietà morfologiche dei campioni. L’analisi statistica delle immagini è stata validata, dimostrandosi stabile e consistente per lo studio di queste strutture. Lo studio delle proprietà di trasporto è stato condotto mediante acquisizione di mappe di corrente con tecnica conductive-AFM. In questo modo si è ottenuta una mappa di conducibilità locale nanometrica, che permette di comprendere come avviene il trasporto nel materiale. L'analisi di questo materiale mediante tecniche AFM ha permesso di evidenziare che l'annealing produce nei materiali nanocristallini sia un clustering della struttura, sia un significativo aumento della conducibilità locale del materiale. Inoltre la distanza tra gli elettrodi in fase di deposizione ha un leggero effetto sulle dimensioni dei grani. È da notare inoltre che su questi campioni si sono osservate variazioni locali della conducibilità alla nanoscala. L’analisi delle proprietà dei materiali alla nanoscala ha contribuito alla comprensione più approfondita della morfologia e dei meccanismi di trasporto elettronico.