995 resultados para NGL Högskolan Dalarna


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In 2003 the first distance teacher education started at Dalarna University in a small scale compared with today when a large part of the teacher education is distributed as distance education. From this point of view it seems important to ask the question: How can you become a successful distance student? This paper is based on a case study. Data were collected from earlier research reports, study registers and a group interview. The most important parameters appeared to be motivation, situation in life, discipline and experiences from earlier studies and/or work experience and good relations to other students and the university teachers.


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This paper seeks to answer the research question "How does the flipped classroom affect students’ learning strategies?" In e-learning research, several studies have focused on how students and teachers perceive the flipped classroom approach. In general, these studies have reported pleasing results. Nonetheless, few, if any, studies have attempted to find out the potential effects of the flipped classroom approach on how students learn. This study was based on two cases: 1) a business modelling course and 2) a research methodology course. In both cases, participating students were from information systems courses at Dalarna University in Sweden. Recorded lectures replaced regular lectures. The recorded lectures were followed by seminars that focused on the learning content of each lecture in various ways. Three weeks after the final seminar, we arranged for two focus group interviews to take place in each course, with 8 to 10 students participating in each group. We asked open questions on how the students thought they had been affected and more dedicated questions that were generated from a literature study on the effects of flipped classroom courses. These questions dealt with issues about mobility, the potential for repeating lectures, formative feedback, the role of seminars, responsibility, empowerment, lectures before seminars, and any problems encountered. Our results show that, in general, students thought differently about learning after the courses in relation to more traditional approaches, especially regarding the need to be more active. Most students enjoyed the mobility aspect and the accessibility of recorded lectures, although a few claimed it demanded a more disciplined attitude. Most students also expressed a feeling of increased activity and responsibility when participating in seminars. Some even felt empowered because they could influence seminar content. The length of and possibility to navigate in recorded lectures was also considered important. The arrangement of the seminar rooms should promote face-to-face discussions. Finally, the types of questions and tasks were found to affect the outcomes of the seminars. The overall conclusion with regard to students’ learning strategies is that to be an active, responsible, empowered, and critical student you have to be an informed student with possibilities and mandate to influence how, where and when to learn and be able to receive continuous feedback during the learning process. Flipped classroom can support such learning.


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Delineation of commuting regions has always been based on statistical units, often municipalities or wards. However, using these units has certain disadvantages as their land areas differ considerably. Much information is lost in the larger spatial base units and distortions in self-containment values, the main criterion in rule-based delineation procedures, occur. Alternatively, one can start from relatively small standard size units such as hexagons. In this way, much greater detail in spatial patterns is obtained. In this paper, regions are built by means of intrazonal maximization (Intramax) on the basis of hexagons. The use of geoprocessing tools, specifically developed for the processing ofcommuting data, speeds up processing time considerably. The results of the Intramax analysis are evaluated with travel-to-work area constraints, and comparisons are made with commuting fields, accessibility to employment, commuting flow density and network commuting flow size. From selected steps in the regionalization process, a hierarchy of nested commuting regions emerges, revealing the complexity of commuting patterns.


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I denna rapport beskrivs idéerna bakom Högskolan Dalarnas prisbelönta bibliotek i Falun. Planerings- och byggprocessen beskrivs och det färdiga resultatet utvärderas, samt de erfarenheter som har gjorts delas.


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This report describes the ideas and vision behind Dalarna University's award-winning library in Falun. A description of the planning and construction processes and an evaluation of the final outcome are presented together with experiences and observations drawn from the project.


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Det amerikanska subjektets rekonstruktion: en studie av prisbelönad amerikansk skönlitterär prosa från 1990-talet


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Unplanned hospital readmissions increase health and medical care costs and indicate lower the lower quality of the healthcare services. Hence, predicting patients at risk to be readmitted is of interest. Using administrative data of patients being treated in the medical centers and hospitals in the Dalarna County, Sweden, during 2008 – 2016 two risk prediction models of hospital readmission are built. The first model relies on the logistic regression (LR) approach, predicts correctly 2,648 out of 3,392 observed readmission in the test dataset, reaching a c-statistics of 0.69. The second model is built using random forests (RF) algorithm; correctly predicts 2,183 readmission (out of 3,366) and 13,198 non-readmission events (out of 18,982). The discriminating ability of the best performing RF model (c-statistic 0.60) is comparable to that of the logistic model. Although the discriminating ability of both LR and RF risk prediction models is relatively modest, still these models are capable to identify patients running high risk of hospital readmission. These patients can then be targeted with specific interventions, in order to prevent the readmission, improve patients’ quality of life and reduce health and medical care costs.


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There is a shortage of nurses leading to challenges in recruitment in Sweden and many other countries. Especially for less populated regions recruitment can be chal-lenging. Nurses often face difficulties with work-life balance (WLB). This study aims to identify the importance of WLB opportunities and support that make a work-place attractive from the perspective of nursing students studying in Dalarna. A questionnaire was distributed via email to 525 students enrolled in the nursing bach-elor program at Dalarna University. They were asked to rate the importance of 15 sub questions regarding WLB opportunities and support. These sub questions were asked in order to analyze the importance of 15 components regarding WLB oppor-tunities and support. 196 students (37 percent) answered the questionnaire. Three WLB components, working from home, childcare and rooms for breastfeeding, were found to be not important to nursing students studying in Dalarna. This was reason-able due to the profession of nursing and the WLB support provided by the Swedish government. Cultural factors, such as the organization being positive towards using WLB opportunities and support, were more important than structural factors, such as the possibility to work part-time. Moreover, to have a manager that is supportive towards using WLB opportunities and support was found to be the most important factor and having workplace practical support such as childcare was found least im-portant. Furthermore, contrary to the expected results, no statistical significance was found on the influence on the importance of all combined relevant WLB opportuni-ties and support by the sociodemographic variables; gender, semester of studies, age, having children, months of work experience and work experience in the healthcare sector. However, nine individual components were found to be influ-enced by one or more sociodemographic variables. Therefore, some recommenda-tions on how to target specific groups of individuals were made. However, the con-clusion of the study is that, regardless of the sociodemographic variables and gov-ernmental support, organizations should offer new nurses opportunities and support to gain a balance between work and life, especially in terms of cultural factors.


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Today, large public investments are being made with the aim of creating and developing cooperation between businesses in inter-organizational networks. Such initiatives are commonly denoted cluster initiatives and their underlying purpose are to spur innovation and regional growth. Much research has been conducted in this field, but relatively few studies have examined the process of cluster initiatives. By following the case of a regional cluster project within the tourism industry in the region of Dalarna, Sweden, the objective of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of the formation and development process of cluster initiatives. The investigation has been conducted by examining two main themes; the internal relationships within the cluster initiative and the relationships between the cluster initiative and its external stakeholders, such as funding agencies, regional government and local businesses. The analysis is based on a legitimacy perspective and indicates that the coordinating body of the cluster initiative, the hub, principally deals with a legitimation process. What occurs within the cluster initiative, between the members themselves and between the members and the hub, is legitimation. This also applies to external relationships, between the hub and its external stakeholders. A prerequisite for the realization of its mission is that the hub obtain and sustain legitimacy; legitimacy for itself, for the other members, for the idea, for the different activities and for the industry as such.


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Tio deltagare fick lyssna på två musikaliska verk varefter de, fritt formulerande, fick besvara frågor avseende de två verken. Upphovsmannen till verken intervjuades för att få fram intentionerna bakom verken och även bakgrunden till dem. Syftet var att, i en fallstudie, undersöka relationen mellan musikintention och musikreception. De huvudsakliga resultaten var att huruvida låtskrivaren/musikerns intentioner gick fram till åhöraren berodde på flertalet variabler. Vad gällde en låts handling var lättillgängligheten betydande. Ju mer komplex och okonventionell låt desto mindre sannolikhet att handlingen gick fram. Gällande upplevelser, känslor och associationer var låtens stämning, struktur och generella uttryck av stor vikt.


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Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att beskriva de psykosociala och existentiella behov som kan uppstå hos kvinnor med bröstcancer samt i hur stor utsträckning bröstcancerpatienter upplever att dessa behov tillgodoses i vården. Dessutom var syftet att få en uppfattning om betydelsen av komplementär och alternativ medicin för bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnor. De vetenskapliga artiklar (n=25) som ingick i studien söktes datoriserat samt manuellt och en kvalitetsgranskning gjordes av litteraturen utifrån olika bedömningsformulär. Resultaten visar att de behov som uppstod hos kvinnorna med bröstcancer var behov av stöd, behov av information samt behov av kontinuitet i sjukvården. Majoriteten av kvinnorna upplevde att det psykosociala och existentiella stödet i sjukvården samt den information de fick hade stora brister. Detta ansågs i stor utsträckning bero på en bristfällig kontinuitet. De komplementär- och alternativmedicinska behandlingarna visade sig vara mycket betydelsefulla då de i stor utsträckning tillgodosåg de psykosociala och existentiella behoven hos bröstcancerpatienterna. Behandlingarna minskade psykiska symtom som oro, ångest och depression avsevärt hos kvinnorna samt hjälpte dem att hantera och bearbeta känslor förknippade med cancerdiagnosen och nå ett accepterande av sin sjukdom. Kontinuiteten upplevdes dock ibland som bristfällig även inom den komplementär- och alternativmedicinska vården.


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Syftet med studien var att belysa vilka faktorer i patientundervisningen som kan påverka resultatet av egenvård för patienter med diabetes typ 2 samt att kartlägga gruppundervisningens betydelse och dess innehåll. Studien baseras på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar daterade från år 1991 och fram till år 2003. Litteraturen har sökts manuellt och via databaserna PubMed, SweMed och Elsevier. Sökorden som använts i olika kombinationer var: education, diabetes type 2, support, obesity, self- management, changes lifestyle, factors affecting, empowerment, diabetes nurse, nurse, individually, group, diabetes typ 2, stöd, sjuksköterska, undervisning och egenvård. Urvalet av de vetenskapliga artiklarna gjordes med tanke på litteraturstudiens syfte och frågeställningar. Resultatet visade att undervisningen bör vara en ständigt pågående process. Kontinuitet, hänsyn, tillgänglighet och stöd av hela diabetesteamet under en längre tid är viktiga faktorer i behandlingen. Andra viktiga faktorer som kan påverka resultatet av egenvård är patientens självkänsla, motivation och upplevd ensamhet. Det är viktigt att undervisarens förhållningssätt varieras och anpassas efter patientens individuella resurser och behov. Undervisningsprogram som innehåller både grupp- och individuell undervisning i kombination med teoretisk- och praktisk undervisning har en positiv betydelse för patientens egenvård. Diskussioner och sociala aktiviteter i grupp, visade sig ha en god inverkan på patientens livsstilsförändringar.


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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vårdpersonalens kunskap och attityder till personer med hiv/aids samt hur omvårdnaden av dessa patienter påverkades.Datainsamlingsmetoden var datoriserad och manuell sökning. Kravet på de artiklar som studerades var att de skulle ha vetenskapligt värde, vara skrivna på svenska och engelska samt vara publicerade 1997 eller senare. Totalt studerades 19 kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar för att belysa detta ämne. För att kunna bedöma kvaliteten i artiklarna användes två olika granskningsmallar. Studien visade att vårdpersonal överlag har goda kunskaper om hiv/aids beträffande högriskgrupper, sjukdomsförlopp, överföringsmetoder samt betydelse av skyddsåtgärder. Kunskap om hiv och aids spelade en avgörande roll i vårdandet av patienten och dennes anhöriga, samt för att kunna skydda sig själv i den nära vården med patienten. Attityder som var vanligt förekommande hos vårdpersonalen var rädsla, osäkerhet, ovillighet att vårda, samt avsaknad av empati i mötet med hiv/aids patienter. I vår studie framkom vidare att vård av aids sjuka patienter var en bidragande orsak till stress och utbrändhet hos vårdpersonal och påverkande därmed omvårdnadshandlingarna negativt.