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Este trabalho examina o papel dos alimentos industrializados no acesso às gorduras. Ele analisa os determinantes socioeconâmicos da quantidade e do tipo de gordura disponível para consumo pelas famílias paulistanas, presentes nos alimentos industrializados. Essa análise envolveu uma amostra de 576 famílias no município de São Paulo, cujos dados foram coletados no período de 2008 a dezembro de 20 10, selecionada após alguns critérios excludentes. A fonte dos dados é a Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares da FIPE, que está em andamento desde 2008, atualizada através da ponderação do Índice de Custo de Vida da FIPE. Baseado em métodos analíticos de estatística descritiva (média, desvio-padrão, mediana), testes t de student, e métodos econométricos de regressão múltipla, alguns resultados foram encontrados. Os fatores associados aos gastos com alimentos industrializados foram renda, tamanho da família, idade e grau de instrução do chefe. Em relação à gordura total identificou-se como fatores associados renda, tamanho da família, idade do chefe, a presença de crianças na família e a proporção do gasto com alimentação com derivados de leite e derivados de carne.


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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar cefalometricamente, o espaço e po-sicionamento das coroas dos segundos e terceiros molares superiores permanentes não erupcionados na região da tuberosidade maxilar durante a distalização dos pri-meiros molares superiores, além de verificar a correlação entre estas duas variáveis. A amostra foi constituída de 38 telerradiografias em norma lateral direita, obtidas de 19 pacientes, jovens brasileiros, leucodermas e melanodermas, sendo 6 do sexo masculino e 13 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 9 anos 5 meses 13 dias. A metodologia constou inicialmente da divisão dos tempos (T1) inicial, e após a distali-zação do primeiro molar superior permanente em (T2) por um período médio de 10 meses e 23 dias. Para avaliação do espaço e angulação das coroas existente utili-zou-se uma Linha referencial intracraniana (Linha M) sendo esta demarcada, a partir de dois pontos, o ponto SE localizado na sutura esfenoetmoidal, e o ponto Pt locali-zado na parte anterior da fossa pterigopalatina. Esta linha referencial foi transferida até o ponto F, (Linha M ) ponto este localizado na região mais posterio-inferior da tuberosidade maxilar. O espaço avaliado compreendeu entre a Linha M , até a face distal do primeiro molar superior permanente. Na análise estatística usou-se o teste t (Teste t Student) , e na correlação entre espaço e angulação foi utilizado o coefi-ciente de correlação de Pearson. Concluímos que o espaço correspondente entre a distal dos primeiros molares superiores permanentes e extremidade da tuberosidade maxilar, na fase inicial e após a movimentação distal, não é suficiente para a erup-ção dos segundos e terceiros molares superiores permanentes. A angulação das coroas na fase inicial e após a movimentação distal posicionam-se com angulações mais para distal. Quanto à correlação das angulações das coroas dos segundos e terceiros molares superiores permanentes e o espaço para erupção verificamos que quanto maior a angulação das coroas para distal, menor os espaços oferecidos para a erupção.(AU)


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The aim of this work is to propose a methodology to evaluate the performance of students at Unicamp [São Paulo State University at Campinas] from admission to graduation. The sample consists of all students enrolled in Unicamp from 1997 to 2000, and the population corresponds to the universe of students throughout the existence of the university. The available database was gathered from socio-cultural questionnaires applied by the University Commission on College Entrance Examination at the time of enrollment for the examination (vestibular) and from academic information provided by the Unicamp Academic Studies Board. A methodology is proposed based on the relative gain variable suggested by Dachs and Maia (2006). This new methodology is based on the diversity measures proposed by Rao (1982) and on the use of U-statistics. Homogeneity tests have been proposed to assess whether there is a difference in performance among students from different groups.


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Swine production represents an important segment of Brazilian economy, and the possibility of increasing production is eminent mainly if considered the low pork consumption when compared to other meat and the consumption of other countries. The increasing need in the international market demands show that in a near future the commercial barriers will be based on welfare, in the protection of the environment as well as in the worker's legislation. Little knowledge is available in the subject of worker's standards in the environmental agents in rural activities as well as the air quality under Brazilian conditions. The objectives of this research were to apply the main used standards related to noise and gases and to estimate occupational risk using measurements of noise level, hydrogen sulfide, methane and oxygen in swine housing, in piglet's nursery and finishing. The results showed that the continuous noise level were below the one found in the standards, however there were observed differences (P < 0.05) in relation to the noise level measured in piglet's nursing cages and in semi-slatted floor. The respective concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and methane were less than 1 ppm and less than 0,1% by volume, which was lower than the recommended limits in NR-15, CIGR and ACGIH. The oxygen level was 21% in average.


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Soil waterlogging and the subsequent reduction in the amount of oxygen available for the respiration of the root system selected, along the evolutive process, plants able to thrive in seasonally or permanently flooded areas. In neotropical plants there are many types of adaptations to flooding. In this paper we present the results of the work carried out with seeds and seedlings of C brasiliense subjected to hypoxia during germination and early development. C brasiliense seeds are not photoblastic and survive up to three months burried in a water saturated substrate, but germination only takes place in well-drained soils. Soil waterlogging does not inhibit seedling growth and there are no apparent morphological changes of the aerial part of flooded plants. New and aerated roots that make plant survival possible replace old and spoiled roots. In contrast to many typical species of flood-prone areas where growth is inhibited by oxygen stress. C. brasiliense seedlings seem to be well adapted to their waterlogged environment. Seed dispersion, the absence of photoblastic response as well as seed and seedling capacity of surviving and growing in waterlogged soils contribute to the wide geographic distribution of C. brasiliense always associated with areas subjected to soil waterlogging.


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INTRODUCTION: Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH), defined as elevated concentrations of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) despite normal levels of thyroid hormones, is highly prevalent in Brazil, especially among women and the elderly. Although an increasing number of studies have related SCH to an increased risk of coronary artery disease and mortality, there have been no randomized clinical trials verifying the benefit of levothyroxine treatment in reducing these risks, and the treatment remains controversial. OBJECTIVE: This consensus, sponsored by the Thyroid Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism and developed by Brazilian experts with extensive clinical experience with thyroid diseases, presents these recommendations based on evidence for the clinical management of SCH patients in Brazil. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After structuring the clinical questions, the search for evidence in the literature was initially performed in the MedLine-PubMed database and later in the Embase and SciELO - Lilacs databases. The strength of evidence was evaluated according to the Oxford classification system and established based on the experimental design used, considering the best available evidence for each question and the Brazilian experience. RESULTS: The topics covered included SCH definition and diagnosis, natural history, clinical significance, treatment and pregnancy, and the consensus issued 29 recommendations for the clinical management of adult patients with SCH. CONCLUSION: Treatment with levothyroxine was recommended for all patients with persistent SCH with serum TSH values > 10 mU/L and for certain patient subgroups.


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The authors present the analysis of 27 computed tomography scans (CT) of 18 children which were divided in three groups according to clinical and tomographic criteria. Group 1 was characterized mainly by epilepsy and calcifications. Group 2 was characterized by intracranial hypertension and several tomographic aspects: edema, cysts and nodules were seen in three patients; hydrocephaly and calcifications were seen in two patients and CT was normal in one patient. Group 3 had patients with epilepsy or headache and variable tomographic patterns. The results are discussed based on the available literature.


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We prospectively follow up 80 mentally healthy women at menacme age, with chronic epilepsy and had had least one seizure in the month preceding the study. We selected 59 patients from whom we were able to observe at least three regular menstrual cycles with seizures. We defined regular, irregular cycle, perimenstrual and ovulation period. According to our concepts we have got 19, 30 and 6 patients with respectively severe, moderate and mild exacerbation of perimenstrual seizures. Using our definitions 6, 20 and 17 patients showed severe, moderate and mild accentuation of seizures during ovulation, while 15 patients showed no ovulatory accentuation. Our attention was drawn to the great number of perimenstrual and ovulatory exacerbation of seizures, according to our criteria. From 55 patients with perimenstrual accentuation of seizures 44 (74.54%) showed exacerbation during the ovulatory period. In our opinion, these data speak out in favor of the hormonal theory to explain these occurrences. We discuss these data based on the avaiable literature. We think the strogen peak is probably the main cause of the increased frequency of epileptic seizures during the ovulation period. New studies, documenting objectively the ovulation and seizures are mandatory to clarify the relationship of these aspects of the female endocrine reproductive physiology in epileptics.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física