876 resultados para Multicultural teams


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Tras un repaso a los enfoques investigadores (psicolingüístico, sociocultural) en la interpretación de conferencias y en la interpretación en los servicios públicos (ISP), el presente trabajo analiza distintos paradigmas didácticos (paradigma socioconstructivista) en la búsqueda de una propuesta pedagógica para las aulas multiculturales de la ISP, partiendo del modelo de análisis del “Perfil Lingüístico” de los estudiantes. El presente trabajo desarrolla dicho modelo y lo lleva a cabo en un trabajo de campo, abriendo una nueva vía en la investigación de una pedagogía para la ISP.


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O trabalho que agora se apresenta é fruto, antes de mais, de uma relação especial com Timor. Não necessariamente pela dimensão histórica das várias presenças naquele território mas, e acima de tudo, pela relação pessoal e afectiva com alguns dos responsáveis políticos e religiosos daquele jovem país. Um convite, formulado em 2007 por Xanana Gusmão, levou-nos a calcorrear todo o território num curto espaço de três semanas, corria o Verão de 2008. O objectivo era a análise, no terreno, da viabilidade da instalação de um poder local num país recentemente tornado independente. Timor, fruto da sua história e, muito em especial, das características antropológicas do seu povo, é uma nação assumidamente multicultural. Das origens ancestrais das suas comunidades, dos reinos dispersos que pulverizam o pequeno território, das suas lideranças e dos vários dilectos, associados à longa e marcante presença portuguesa, bem como outras ocupações de países estrangeiros, com destaque para a Indonésia, resulta um caldo cultural, a todos os níveis peculiar. Aqui e acolá ouvimos o povo, entrevistámos e reunimos com os 432 chefes de suco existentes no país, entrevistámos chefes de aldeia e anciãos, reunimos com políticos, sacerdotes, professores e jornalistas. Interpretámos, ou tentámos interpretar, as condicionantes e os cuidados que se devem observar na preparação do quadro jurídico para reger a municipalidade em Timor: as suas vertentes electivas, funcionais, financeiras e fiscalizadoras. Revistámos a História de Timor e passámos por Cabo Verde, país de referência internacional ao nível da sua gestão pública, muito em especial a autárquica. Fizemos, também, óbvia referência à história do poder local em Portugal. Das consultas, do muito que observámos e estudámos, resulta um desinteressado contributo para a implementação do poder local em Timor, com as conclusões que incorporam alertas e sugestões.


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This study, now on presentation, comes as a result of a special relationship established with East Timor. Not necessarily through the several historical presences in that territory but, above all, through the emotional and personal relationships with some of the political and religious leaders of this young country. An invitation, made in 2007 by Xanana Gusmão, led us throughout the whole territory in a short time of three weeks, running the summer of 2008. Its purpose was the analysis, on the ground, of the possibility of installing local administration in a country which had recently became independent. Timor, as a result of its history, but mostly of the anthropological characteristics of its people, is an openly multicultural nation. The ancestral origins of their communities, its scattered kingdoms that spray along such a small territory, its leaders and many dialects, associated with the long portuguese presence, as well as other occupations made by foreign countries, especially Indonesia, became a cultural melting pot truly unique. Here and there we heard the people and interviewed and met the 432 local elected leaders of the country. We interviewed village elders and meet with politicians, priests, teachers and journalists. We have interpreted, or tried to, the actual conditions and cautions that must be observed in preparing the legal framework to govern the municipality in East Timor: its elective, functional, financial and oversight aspects. We have reviewed Timor’s history and took Cape Verde’s example as an international reference on its public administration, mostly its local authorities. We made also the obvious reference to the portuguese local government’s history. From search, and much of the observed and studied, remains a selfless contribution to the implementation of local government in East Timor, with alerts that incorporate conclusions and suggestions.


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As sociedades de hoje são cada vez mais, culturalmente diversificadas. Portugal não é excepção, verificando-se este fenómeno no quotidiano. Consequência deste facto assiste-se a um aumento significativo de mulheres a viver o processo da maternidade em contexto multicultural e migratório. A maternidade não é imune à pressão de diversos factores que estão subjacentes a um processo migratório. É enquadrado neste paradigma que este estudo envereda a sua pesquisa, pretendendo compreender de que modo a mulher imigrante vivencia a sua gravidez, parto e puerpério em situação de adaptação/aculturação. De modo a dar resposta ao pretendido com o estudo, dirigiu-se o mesmo para a metodologia qualitativa. É um estudo descritivo, exploratório e transversal. Optou-se como instrumentos de colheita de dados, pela entrevista semi-estruturada associada à observação participante. Foram entrevistadas no seu domicílio, vinte mulheres imigrantes que tinham sido mães recentemente em Portugal. Os dados foram analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Concluiu-se que as práticas de cuidados relativas à maternidade, encetadas na intimidade da família são grandemente influenciadas pelos saberes culturais originais, embora sofrendo algumas alterações em contexto de imigração, fruto da interferência da cultura de acolhimento. O suporte social informal na ajuda da consolidação do papel materno tem um peso mais expressivo, do que o suporte social formal, nomeadamente, dos profissionais de saúde.


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In this paper we present a novel approach to assigning roles to robots in a team of physical heterogeneous robots. Its members compete for these roles and get rewards for them. The rewards are used to determine each agent’s preferences and which agents are better adapted to the environment. These aspects are included in the decision making process. Agent interactions are modelled using the concept of an ecosystem in which each robot is a species, resulting in emergent behaviour of the whole set of agents. One of the most important features of this approach is its high adaptability. Unlike some other learning techniques, this approach does not need to start a whole exploitation process when the environment changes. All this is exemplified by means of experiments run on a simulator. In addition, the algorithm developed was applied as applied to several teams of robots in order to analyse the impact of heterogeneity in these systems


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Canadian healthcare is changing. Over the course of the past decade, the Health Care in Canada Survey (HCIC) has annually measured the reactions of the public and professional stakeholders to many of these change forces. In HCIC 2008, for the first time, the public's perception of their health status and all stakeholders' views of the burden and effective management of chronic diseases were sought. Overall, Canadians perceive themselves as healthy, with 84% of adults reporting good-to-excellent health. However, good health decreased with age as the occurrence of chronic illness rose, from 12% in the age group 18-24 to 65% for the population =65 years. More than 70% of all stakeholders were strongly or somewhat supportive of the implementation of coordinated care, or disease management programs, to improve the care of patients with chronic illnesses. Concordant support was also expressed for key disease management components, including coordinated interventions to improve home, community and self-care; increased wellness promotion; and increased use of clinical measurements and feedback to all stakeholders. However, there were also important areas of non-concordance. For example, the public and doctors consistently expressed less support than other stakeholders for the value of team care, including the use of non-physician professionals to provide patient care; increased patient involvement in decision-making; and the use of electronic health records to facilitate communication. The actual participation in disease management programs averaged 34% for professionals and 25% for the public. We conclude that chronic diseases are common, age-related and burdensome in Canada. Disease management or coordinated intervention often delivered by teams is also relatively common, despite its less-than-universal acceptance by all stakeholders. Further insights are needed, particularly into the variable perceptions of the value and efficacy of team-delivered healthcare and its important components.


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En las últimas décadas ha incrementado considerablemente el contacto y la heterogeneidad de lenguas, culturas e identidades. La movilidad humana se ha convertido en una de las características estructurales de nuestras sociedades (Bauman, 1998) y la pluralización de las formas de vida (Berger y Luckman, 1997) en una de sus más destacadas consecuencias. El estudio que presentamos tiene el objetivo de explorar la función de la lengua en relación a la construcción narrativa de la identidad. Para ello se presentan diez historias de vida según la adaptación de la entrevista elaborada por Dan P. McAdams (2006). El análisis de los datos empíricos se ha realizado mediante el programa informático Atlas.ti (Muñoz, 2005). Se concluye que básicamente la lengua ejerce, en los sujetos entrevistados, tres funciones que responden a tres necesidades. Por un lado está la lengua familiar, identitaria o materna. Por otro, la lengua de intercomunicación sociolaboral que permite la comunicación en el trabajo o en los distintos escenarios socioculturales y, finalmente, la lengua de interconexión global, actualmente el inglés, presente en Internet y en los escenarios internacionales


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Des équipes mobiles de psychiatrie ont été développées dans les trois âges pour répondre aux besoins de personnes qui devraient bénéficier d'une évaluation ou de soins spécialisés, lorsque ceux-ci doivent avoir lieu à domicile. Pour arriver à ce but, les équipes tissent de forts liens de partenariat dans le réseau, que ce soit avec les proches ou avec les professionnels impliqués. Les principes généraux d'intervention sont semblables entre les âges : une population cible définie, une intervention à domicile au bénéfice également des proches et des soins de proximité, des équipes pluridisciplinaires avec une charge de cas limitée pour garantir leur disponibilité. Les spécificités de chaque âge seront analysées. Mobile teams have been developed for the three ages to meet the needs of people who should receive--but do not access to--a psychiatric assessment or to specialized care. To achieve this goal, the teams built a strong partnership within the social network, both with relatives and professionals involved. The general principles of intervention are similar between the ages: a focused target population, assertive outreach which benefits also relatives and carers, multidisciplinary teams with a limited caseload to ensure availability. The specificities of each age will be analyzed


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Many researchers have identified the therapeutic alliance (TA) as the main factor that predicts psychotherapeutic success regardless the type of approach or treatment. In a multicultural setting, the construction of the therapeutic alliance is accompanied by elements that specially influence the flow of the interaction. Some examples of these elements are language, cultural beliefs, and traditions. For Hispanic-American clients in Lausanne (Switzerland), this encounter could take place in a dyadic setting, in the presence of a therapist who speaks Spanish and shares or not the client's culture of origin. On the other hand, it can take place in a triadic setting, in the presence of a therapist who does not speak Spanish and an interpreter that serves as a communication bridge. This present project has the purpose of studying the TA between different health professionals and the Hispanic- American clients who are assisted with and without an interpreter in Lausanne's health system. My goal is to study this relationship in the clients' context (many of them are clandestine) and based on their perception and subjective experience through a quantitative and qualitative complementary methodology. Because this project is in progress, this communication will focus on presenting the population's socio-demographic characteristics, the research questionings, methodology, and preliminary results.This project can enhance our knowledge about relationships between two cultures in a therapeutic encounter (psychological/psychiatric or medical). At the same time, it can bring us a better understanding about the migration movements of Hispanic-Americans in Switzerland.


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O estudo busca problematizar as contradições, os limites e as possibilidades contidos no discurso referente à pluralidade cultural, no contexto dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, referentes ao 3º e 4º ciclos, para práticas docentes na perspectiva da valorização da diversidade cultural e do desafio a estereótipos a ela relacionados. Em um primeiro momento, discutem-se abordagens em educação para a pluralidade cultural e as concepções de "identidade nacional" e "pluralidade identitária" nelas apoiadas. Em um segundo momento, articulam-se as considerações teóricas à análise da proposta curricular em pauta. Argumenta-se que o avanço de propostas curriculares nessa linha passa pela desconstrução e reconstrução das concepções discutidas, à luz de um projeto de valorização da cidadania multicultural e participativa em sociedades plurais.


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L'article s'inicia relflexionant sobre la concepció actual de la familia i de com les seves activitats socioeducatives poden potenciar el desenvolupament de la convivència i la promoció de l'acceptació de la diferència. Continuem presentant a les famílies multiculturals que s'han format a partir de l'adopció i de l'acolliment i analitzant alguns dels grans interrogants que plantejen aquestes pràctiques socioeducatives per a que aquestes famílies puguin atendre a les necessitats dels nens i nenes i formin ciutadans i ciutadanes capaços de conviure en una societat plural. Per últim, obrim alguns aspectes a la discussió.