951 resultados para Motorcycle Operators.


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Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs are increasingly seen as a threat to communities around the world. They are a visible threat as a recognizable symbol of deviance and violence. This book discusses the social context within which Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs and groups have emerged and the implication of labelling these groups as deviant and outlaw. There is no doubt that members of these clubs have been involved in serious criminal activity and this book explores whether gang and organised crime theory can effectively explain their criminal activities. Importantly, the book also assesses policing and political responses to the clubs' activities. It argues that there is an increasing need for national and international cooperation on the part of law enforcement agencies with various levels of government as well as the private sector. Importantly, the book offers suggestions for the best responses to the crimes committed by members of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.


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The provision of effective training of supervisors and operators is essential if sugar factories are to operate profitably and in an environmentally sustainable and safe manner. The benefits of having supervisor and operator staff with a high level of operational skills are reduced stoppages, increased recovery, improved sugar quality, reduced damage to equipment, and reduced OH&S and environmental impacts. Training of new operators and supervisors in factories has traditionally relied on on-the-job training of the new or inexperienced staff by experienced supervisors and operators, supplemented by courses conducted by contractors such as Sugar Research Institute (SRI). However there is clearly a need for staff to be able to undertake training at any time, drawing on the content of online courses as required. An improved methodology for the training of factory supervisors and operators has been developed by QUT on behalf of a syndicate of mills. The new methodology provides ‘at factory’ learning via self-paced modules. Importantly, the training resources for each module are designed to support the training programs within sugar factories, thereby establishing a benchmark for training across the sugar industry. The modules include notes, training guides and session plans, guidelines for walkthrough tours of the stations, learning activities, resources such as videos, animations, job aids and competency assessments. The materials are available on the web for registered users in Australian Mills and many activities are best undertaken online. Apart from a few interactive online resources, the materials for each module can also be downloaded. The acronym SOTrain (Supervisor and Operator Training) has been applied to the new training program.


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Motorcyclists were involved in 6.4% of all police-reported crashes and 12.5% of all fatal crashes in Queensland during 2004-2011. Of these crashes, 43% were single-vehicle (SV) and 57% were multi-vehicle (MV). The overall reduction in motorcycle crashes in this period masked different trends: single-vehicle crashes increased while MV motorcycle crashes decreased. However, little research has been undertaken to understand the similarities and differences between SV and MV motorcycle crashes in Queensland and the factors underlying these diverging trends. The descriptive analyses and regression model developed here confirm international research findings regarding the greater role of road infrastructure factors in SV crashes. In particular, road geometric factors such as horizontal and vertical alignment and road surface factors such as sealed/unsealed and wet/dry were more important in SV than MV crashes.


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Motorcycle Rickshaws (MRs) are an informal paratransit mode in Pakistan. They are locally manufactured and very popular but there are concerns about their crash involvement and overall safety. The first study of the current PhD program revealed that rickshaws (both MRs and auto-rickshaws) were involved in 51,992 road crashes attended by emergency ambulances in Punjab province, Pakistan between 2011-2013. This study aims to examine the road safety behaviours and practices of Motorcycle Rickshaw Drivers (MRDs) that may be contributing to these crashes. MRDs were observed at 12 major signalised intersections in Lahore. Vehicle characteristics and driver behaviours were recorded using a paper-based survey between 9am-7pm for a full week in May 2015. Of the 500 MRDs observed, about 23.4% appeared to be younger than the minimum driver licensing age of 18 years. More than half (52.6%) of the MRDs entered on the red light and 17.4% crossed when the signal was turning from yellow to green or red. MR traffic conflicts were observed in 62.8% of cases and one crash and 15 near-miss crashes were witnessed. Additionally, about half of MRs were overloaded, no MRD wore a helmet, and 3.8% were using a mobile phone while driving. This study provides the first scientific evidence to substantiate public concerns regarding the safety of MRs. It demonstrates that about a quarter of MRDs are underage,almost half of MRs are overloaded and more than half disobey traffic signals. This research could inform authorities to manage MR related transport and road safety issues.


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A complete list of homogeneous operators in the Cowen-Douglas class B-n(D) is given. This classification is obtained from an explicit realization of all the homogeneous Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles on the unit disc under the action of the universal covering group of the bi-holomorphic automorphism group of the unit disc.


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Some properties of the eigenvalues of the integral operator Kgt defined as Kτf(x) = ∫0τK(x − y) f (y) dy were studied by [1.], 554–566), with some assumptions on the kernel K(x). In this paper the eigenfunctions of the operator Kτ are shown to be continuous functions of τ under certain circumstances. Also, the results of Vittal Rao and the continuity of eigenfunctions are shown to hold for a larger class of kernels.


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Unary operators are functions of a single variable. Realization of quaternary unary operators (QUOs) using quaternary multiplexer (QMUX) is presented in this paper. QUOs are divided into eight groups on the basis of the number of change overs in the output for an input sequence of 0, 1, 2, 3. This grouping reduces the hardware required to realize them. QMUX with two, three, and four input lines are proposed for the realization of QUOs belonging to the eight groups. A systematic procedure for the selection of QMUX and the implementation of the QUOs are given. The QMUXs are designed using CMOS ICs. The hardware required for their implementation is also discussed.


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Para-Bose commutation relations are related to the SL(2,R) Lie algebra. The irreducible representation [script D]alpha of the para-Bose system is obtained as the direct sum Dbeta[direct-sum]Dbeta+1/2 of the representations of the SL(2,R) Lie algebra. The position and momentum eigenstates are then obtained in this representation [script D]alpha, using the matrix mechanical method. The orthogonality, completeness, and the overlap of these eigenstates are derived. The momentum eigenstates are also derived using the wave mechanical method by specifying the domain of the definition of the momentum operator in addition to giving it a formal differential expression. By a careful consideration in this manner we find that the two apparently different solutions obtained by Ohnuki and Kamefuchi in this context are actually unitarily equivalent. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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Aggressive driving has been shown to be related to increased crash risk for car driving. However, less is known about aggressive behaviour and motorcycle riding and whether there are differences in on-road aggression as a function of vehicle type. If such differences exist, these could relate to differences in perceptions of relative vulnerability associated with characteristics of the type of vehicle such as level of protection and performance. Specifically, the relative lack of protection offered by motorcycles may cause riders to feel more vulnerable and therefore to be less aggressive when they are riding compared to when they are driving. This study examined differences in self-reported aggression as a function of two vehicle types: passenger cars and motorcycles. Respondents (n = 247) were all motorcyclists who also drove a car. Results were that scores for the composite driving aggression scale were significantly higher than on the composite riding aggression scale. Regression analyses identified different patterns of predictors for driving aggression from those for riding aggression. Safety attitudes followed by thrill seeking tendencies were the strongest predictors for driving aggression, with more positive safety attitudes being protective while greater thrill seeking was associated with greater self-reported aggressive driving behaviour. For riding aggression, thrill seeking was the strongest predictor (positive relationship), followed by self-rated skill, such that higher self rated skill was protective against riding aggression. Participants who scored at the 85th percentile or above for the aggressive driving and aggressive riding indices had significantly higher scores on thrill seeking, greater intentions to engage in future risk taking, and lower safety attitude scores than other participants. In addition participants with the highest aggressive driving scores also had higher levels of self-reported past traffic offences than other participants. Collectively, these findings suggest that people are less likely to act aggressively when riding a motorcycle than when driving a car, and that those who are the most aggressive drivers are different from those who are the most aggressive riders. However, aggressive riders and drivers appear to present a risk to themselves and others on road. Importantly, the underlying influences for aggressive riding or driving that were identified in this study may be amenable to education and training interventions.


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Some continuity and differentiability properties of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of finite section normal integral operators are proved. These are the extension of corresponding results for symmetric operators ([4.], 554–566; K. B. Athreya and R. Vittal Rao, to appear; [10.], 463–471.


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The Kac-Akhiezer formula for finite section normal Wiener-Hopf integral operators is proved. This is an extension of the corresponding result for symmetric operator [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].


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The energy, position, and momentum eigenstates of a para-Bose oscillator system were considered in paper I. Here we consider the Bargmann or the analytic function description of the para-Bose system. This brings in, in a natural way, the coherent states ||z;alpha> defined as the eigenstates of the annihilation operator ?. The transformation functions relating this description to the energy, position, and momentum eigenstates are explicitly obtained. Possible resolution of the identity operator using coherent states is examined. A particular resolution contains two integrals, one containing the diagonal basis ||z;alpha><−z;alpha||. We briefly consider the normal and antinormal ordering of the operators and their diagonal and discrete diagonal coherent state approximations. The problem of constructing states with a minimum value of the product of the position and momentum uncertainties and the possible alpha dependence of this minimum value is considered. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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A composition operator is a linear operator between spaces of analytic or harmonic functions on the unit disk, which precomposes a function with a fixed self-map of the disk. A fundamental problem is to relate properties of a composition operator to the function-theoretic properties of the self-map. During the recent decades these operators have been very actively studied in connection with various function spaces. The study of composition operators lies in the intersection of two central fields of mathematical analysis; function theory and operator theory. This thesis consists of four research articles and an overview. In the first three articles the weak compactness of composition operators is studied on certain vector-valued function spaces. A vector-valued function takes its values in some complex Banach space. In the first and third article sufficient conditions are given for a composition operator to be weakly compact on different versions of vector-valued BMOA spaces. In the second article characterizations are given for the weak compactness of a composition operator on harmonic Hardy spaces and spaces of Cauchy transforms, provided the functions take values in a reflexive Banach space. Composition operators are also considered on certain weak versions of the above function spaces. In addition, the relationship of different vector-valued function spaces is analyzed. In the fourth article weighted composition operators are studied on the scalar-valued BMOA space and its subspace VMOA. A weighted composition operator is obtained by first applying a composition operator and then a pointwise multiplier. A complete characterization is given for the boundedness and compactness of a weighted composition operator on BMOA and VMOA. Moreover, the essential norm of a weighted composition operator on VMOA is estimated. These results generalize many previously known results about composition operators and pointwise multipliers on these spaces.


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The monograph dissertation deals with kernel integral operators and their mapping properties on Euclidean domains. The associated kernels are weakly singular and examples of such are given by Green functions of certain elliptic partial differential equations. It is well known that mapping properties of the corresponding Green operators can be used to deduce a priori estimates for the solutions of these equations. In the dissertation, natural size- and cancellation conditions are quantified for kernels defined in domains. These kernels induce integral operators which are then composed with any partial differential operator of prescribed order, depending on the size of the kernel. The main object of study in this dissertation being the boundedness properties of such compositions, the main result is the characterization of their Lp-boundedness on suitably regular domains. In case the aforementioned kernels are defined in the whole Euclidean space, their partial derivatives of prescribed order turn out to be so called standard kernels that arise in connection with singular integral operators. The Lp-boundedness of singular integrals is characterized by the T1 theorem, which is originally due to David and Journé and was published in 1984 (Ann. of Math. 120). The main result in the dissertation can be interpreted as a T1 theorem for weakly singular integral operators. The dissertation deals also with special convolution type weakly singular integral operators that are defined on Euclidean spaces.