280 resultados para Morphing, classificazione
Il presente lavoro è inserito nel contesto di applicazioni che riguardano la pianificazione e gestione delle emergenze umanitarie. Gli aspetti che si sono voluti mettere in evidenza sono due. Da un lato l'importanza di conoscere le potenzialità dei dati che si hanno di fronte per poterli sfruttare al meglio. Dall'altro l'esigenza di creare prodotti che siano facilmente consultabili da parte dell'utente utilizzando due diverse tecniche per comprenderne le peculiarità. Gli strumenti che hanno permesso il presente studio sono stati tre: i principi del telerilevamento, il GIS e l'analisi di Change Detection.
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quindi quello di ricercare e archiviare tutti i dati sperimentali di correnti ioniche umane ventricolari presenti in letteratura fino ad oggi, per costruire uno strumento di facile utilizzo per chiunque abbia la necessità di sviluppare o validare modelli matematici di potenziale d’azione. Partendo da una fase iniziale di ricerca vera e propria degli articoli in letteratura, utilizzando il motore di ricerca PubMed come strumento principale, sono stati estratti e archiviati tutti i dati di interesse, divisi per tipo di corrente, memorizzando le informazioni principali in un foglio di lavoro e salvando i dati sia come immagini che come vettori, per consentirne in futuro una rapida consultazione e un facile utilizzo.
Questo elaborato scritto tratta la classificazione e la modellizzazione della fisica delle galassie. La prima parte illustra la classificazione morfologica delle galassie. Descrivo la classificazione di Hubble perché è la prima in ordine cronologico, la più semplice e la più importante. In seguito espongo le modifiche introdotte da Sandage e De Vaucouleurs. In particolare cerco di giustificare l’importanza delle classificazioni morfologiche come punto di partenza per una comprensione e una modellizzazione della fisica delle galassie. Nella seconda parte mi concentro sulle caratteristiche fotometriche e cinematiche interne relative a due particolari tipi di galassie: le Ellittiche e le Spirali. Approfondisco due argomenti in particolare: i profili di brillanza delle Ellittiche per quanto riguarda le caratteristiche fotometriche delle Ellittiche e le curve di rotazione delle Spirali, per le caratteristiche cinematiche delle Spirali. Questi due argomenti sono stati scelti perché il primo fornisce un modello analitico per descrivere la luminosità delle Ellittiche e il secondo permette di rappresentare, sempre tramite una modellizzazione, la cinematica delle Spirali, in particolar modo del loro disco.
Valutazione della fattibilità dell’alterazione di immagini contenenti il volto di un individuo con il fine di ingannare sistemi automatici per la verifica dell’identità del possessore di un documento elettronico.
Il presente lavoro di tesi si pone nell'ambito dell'analisi dati attraverso un metodo (QDanet_PRO), elaborato dal Prof. Remondini in collaborazine coi Dott. Levi e Malagoli, basato sull'analisi discriminate a coppie e sulla Teoria dei Network, che ha come obiettivo la classificazione di dati contenuti in dataset dove il numero di campioni è molto ridotto rispetto al numero di variabili. Attraverso questo studio si vogliono identificare delle signature, ovvero un'insieme ridotto di variabili che siano in grado di classificare correttamente i campioni in base al comportamento delle variabili stesse. L'elaborazione dei diversi dataset avviene attraverso diverse fasi; si comincia con una un'analisi discriminante a coppie per identificare le performance di ogni coppia di variabili per poi passare alla ricerca delle coppie più performanti attraverso un processo che combina la Teoria dei Network con la Cross Validation. Una volta ottenuta la signature si conclude l'elaborazione con una validazione per avere un'analisi quantitativa del successo o meno del metodo.
L'Hopital's Rule is discussed in the cvase of an irreversible isothermal expansion.
This paper presents the design of a bat-like micro aerial vehicle with actuated morphing wings. NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs) acting as artificial biceps and triceps muscles are used for mimicking the morphing wing mechanism of the bat flight apparatus. Our objective is twofold. Firstly, we have implemented a control architecture that allows an accurate and fast SMA actuation. This control makes use of the electrical resistance measurements of SMAs to adjust morphing wing motions. Secondly, the feasibility of using SMA actuation technology is evaluated for the application at hand. To this purpose, experiments are conducted to analyze the control performance in terms of nominal and overloaded operation modes of the SMAs. This analysis includes: (i) inertial forces regarding the stretchable wing membrane and aerodynamic loads, and (ii) uncertainties due to impact of airflow conditions over the resistance–motion relationship of SMAs. With the proposed control, morphing actuation speed can be increased up to 2.5 Hz, being sufficient to generate lift forces at a cruising speed of 5ms−1.
Bats are animals that posses high maneuvering capabilities. Their wings contain dozens of articulations that allow the animal to perform aggressive maneuvers by means of controlling the wing shape during flight (morphing-wings). There is no other flying creature in nature with this level of wing dexterity and there is biological evidence that the inertial forces produced by the wings have a key role in the attitude movements of the animal. This can inspire the design of highly articulated morphing-wing micro air vehicles (not necessarily bat-like) with a significant wing-to-body mass ratio. This thesis presents the development of a novel bat-like micro air vehicle (BaTboT) inspired by the morphing-wing mechanism of bats. BaTboT’s morphology is alike in proportion compared to its biological counterpart Cynopterus brachyotis, which provides the biological foundations for developing accurate mathematical models and methods that allow for mimicking bat flight. In nature bats can achieve an amazing level of maneuverability by combining flapping and morphing wingstrokes. Attempting to reproduce the biological wing actuation system that provides that kind of motion using an artificial counterpart requires the analysis of alternative actuation technologies more likely muscle fiber arrays instead of standard servomotor actuators. Thus, NiTinol Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) acting as artificial biceps and triceps muscles are used for mimicking the morphing wing mechanism of the bat flight apparatus. This antagonistic configuration of SMA-muscles response to an electrical heating power signal to operate. This heating power is regulated by a proper controller that allows for accurate and fast SMA actuation. Morphing-wings will enable to change wings geometry with the unique purpose of enhancing aerodynamics performance. During the downstroke phase of the wingbeat motion both wings are fully extended aimed at increasing the area surface to properly generate lift forces. Contrary during the upstroke phase of the wingbeat motion both wings are retracted to minimize the area and thus reducing drag forces. Morphing-wings do not only improve on aerodynamics but also on the inertial forces that are key to maneuver. Thus, a modeling framework is introduced for analyzing how BaTboT should maneuver by means of changing wing morphology. This allows the definition of requirements for achieving forward and turning flight according to the kinematics of the wing modulation. Motivated by the biological fact about the influence of wing inertia on the production of body accelerations, an attitude controller is proposed. The attitude control law incorporates wing inertia information to produce desired roll (φ) and pitch (θ) acceleration commands. This novel flight control approach is aimed at incrementing net body forces (Fnet) that generate propulsion. Mimicking the way how bats take advantage of inertial and aerodynamical forces produced by the wings in order to both increase lift and maneuver is a promising way to design more efficient flapping/morphing wings MAVs. The novel wing modulation strategy and attitude control methodology proposed in this thesis provide a totally new way of controlling flying robots, that eliminates the need of appendices such as flaps and rudders, and would allow performing more efficient maneuvers, especially useful in confined spaces. As a whole, the BaTboT project consists of five major stages of development: - Study and analysis of biological bat flight data reported in specialized literature aimed at defining design and control criteria. - Formulation of mathematical models for: i) wing kinematics, ii) dynamics, iii) aerodynamics, and iv) SMA muscle-like actuation. It is aimed at modeling the effects of modulating wing inertia into the production of net body forces for maneuvering. - Bio-inspired design and fabrication of: i) skeletal structure of wings and body, ii) SMA muscle-like mechanisms, iii) the wing-membrane, and iv) electronics onboard. It is aimed at developing the bat-like platform (BaTboT) that allows for testing the methods proposed. - The flight controller: i) control of SMA-muscles (morphing-wing modulation) and ii) flight control (attitude regulation). It is aimed at formulating the proper control methods that allow for the proper modulation of BaTboT’s wings. - Experiments: it is aimed at quantifying the effects of properly wing modulation into aerodynamics and inertial production for maneuvering. It is also aimed at demonstrating and validating the hypothesis of improving flight efficiency thanks to the novel control methods presented in this thesis. This thesis introduces the challenges and methods to address these stages. Windtunnel experiments will be oriented to discuss and demonstrate how the wings can considerably affect the dynamics/aerodynamics of flight and how to take advantage of wing inertia modulation that the morphing-wings enable to properly change wings’ geometry during flapping. Resumen: Los murciélagos son mamíferos con una alta capacidad de maniobra. Sus alas están conformadas por docenas de articulaciones que permiten al animal maniobrar gracias al cambio geométrico de las alas durante el vuelo. Esta característica es conocida como (alas mórficas). En la naturaleza, no existe ningún especimen volador con semejante grado de dexteridad de vuelo, y se ha demostrado, que las fuerzas inerciales producidas por el batir de las alas juega un papel fundamental en los movimientos que orientan al animal en vuelo. Estas características pueden inspirar el diseño de un micro vehículo aéreo compuesto por alas mórficas con redundantes grados de libertad, y cuya proporción entre la masa de sus alas y el cuerpo del robot sea significativa. Esta tesis doctoral presenta el desarrollo de un novedoso robot aéreo inspirado en el mecanismo de ala mórfica de los murciélagos. El robot, llamado BaTboT, ha sido diseñado con parámetros morfológicos muy similares a los descritos por su símil biológico Cynopterus brachyotis. El estudio biológico de este especimen ha permitido la definición de criterios de diseño y modelos matemáticos que representan el comportamiento del robot, con el objetivo de imitar lo mejor posible la biomecánica de vuelo de los murciélagos. La biomecánica de vuelo está definida por dos tipos de movimiento de las alas: aleteo y cambio de forma. Intentar imitar como los murciélagos cambian la forma de sus alas con un prototipo artificial, requiere el análisis de métodos alternativos de actuación que se asemejen a la biomecánica de los músculos que actúan las alas, y evitar el uso de sistemas convencionales de actuación como servomotores ó motores DC. En este sentido, las aleaciones con memoria de forma, ó por sus siglas en inglés (SMA), las cuales son fibras de NiTinol que se contraen y expanden ante estímulos térmicos, han sido usados en este proyecto como músculos artificiales que actúan como bíceps y tríceps de las alas, proporcionando la funcionalidad de ala mórfica previamente descrita. De esta manera, los músculos de SMA son mecánicamente posicionados en una configuración antagonista que permite la rotación de las articulaciones del robot. Los actuadores son accionados mediante una señal de potencia la cual es regulada por un sistema de control encargado que los músculos de SMA respondan con la precisión y velocidad deseada. Este sistema de control mórfico de las alas permitirá al robot cambiar la forma de las mismas con el único propósito de mejorar el desempeño aerodinámico. Durante la fase de bajada del aleteo, las alas deben estar extendidas para incrementar la producción de fuerzas de sustentación. Al contrario, durante el ciclo de subida del aleteo, las alas deben contraerse para minimizar el área y reducir las fuerzas de fricción aerodinámica. El control de alas mórficas no solo mejora el desempeño aerodinámico, también impacta la generación de fuerzas inerciales las cuales son esenciales para maniobrar durante el vuelo. Con el objetivo de analizar como el cambio de geometría de las alas influye en la definición de maniobras y su efecto en la producción de fuerzas netas, simulaciones y experimentos han sido llevados a cabo para medir cómo distintos patrones de modulación de las alas influyen en la producción de aceleraciones lineales y angulares. Gracias a estas mediciones, se propone un control de vuelo, ó control de actitud, el cual incorpora información inercial de las alas para la definición de referencias de aceleración angular. El objetivo de esta novedosa estrategia de control radica en el incremento de fuerzas netas para la adecuada generación de movimiento (Fnet). Imitar como los murciélagos ajustan sus alas con el propósito de incrementar las fuerzas de sustentación y mejorar la maniobra en vuelo es definitivamente un tópico de mucho interés para el diseño de robots aéros mas eficientes. La propuesta de control de vuelo definida en este trabajo de investigación podría dar paso a una nueva forma de control de vuelo de robots aéreos que no necesitan del uso de partes mecánicas tales como alerones, etc. Este control también permitiría el desarrollo de vehículos con mayor capacidad de maniobra. El desarrollo de esta investigación se centra en cinco etapas: - Estudiar y analizar el vuelo de los murciélagos con el propósito de definir criterios de diseño y control. - Formular modelos matemáticos que describan la: i) cinemática de las alas, ii) dinámica, iii) aerodinámica, y iv) actuación usando SMA. Estos modelos permiten estimar la influencia de modular las alas en la producción de fuerzas netas. - Diseño y fabricación de BaTboT: i) estructura de las alas y el cuerpo, ii) mecanismo de actuación mórfico basado en SMA, iii) membrana de las alas, y iv) electrónica abordo. - Contro de vuelo compuesto por: i) control de la SMA (modulación de las alas) y ii) regulación de maniobra (actitud). - Experimentos: están enfocados en poder cuantificar cuales son los efectos que ejercen distintos perfiles de modulación del ala en el comportamiento aerodinámico e inercial. El objetivo es demostrar y validar la hipótesis planteada al inicio de esta investigación: mejorar eficiencia de vuelo gracias al novedoso control de orientación (actitud) propuesto en este trabajo. A lo largo del desarrollo de cada una de las cinco etapas, se irán presentando los retos, problemáticas y soluciones a abordar. Los experimentos son realizados utilizando un túnel de viento con la instrumentación necesaria para llevar a cabo las mediciones de desempeño respectivas. En los resultados se discutirá y demostrará que la inercia producida por las alas juega un papel considerable en el comportamiento dinámico y aerodinámico del sistema y como poder tomar ventaja de dicha característica para regular patrones de modulación de las alas que conduzcan a mejorar la eficiencia del robot en futuros vuelos.
The appearance of new materials and smaller and more capable actuators enable the morphing controlled deformation of the aerodynamic shape of wing like type of structures. This contribution presents the applied aerodynamics studies of a morphing rudder for a commercial transport aircraft. The conventional rudder aerodynamics is CFD modeled and the results correlated to certification loads report. The morphing rudder CFD model predicts better aerodynamics efficiency in relation to the conventional one. This conclusion is the first step for future commercial aircraft Vertical Tail Plane weight reductions with morphing rudder implementation.
This article demonstrates the use of embedded fibre Bragg gratings as vector bending sensor to monitor two-dimensional shape deformation of a shape memory polymer plate. The shape memory polymer plate was made by using thermal-responsive epoxy-based shape memory polymer materials, and the two fibre Bragg grating sensors were orthogonally embedded, one on the top and the other on the bottom layer of the plate, in order to measure the strain distribution in both longitudinal and transverse directions separately and also with temperature reference. When the shape memory polymer plate was bent at different angles, the Bragg wavelengths of the embedded fibre Bragg gratings showed a red-shift of 50 pm/°caused by the bent-induced tensile strain on the plate surface. The finite element method was used to analyse the stress distribution for the whole shape recovery process. The strain transfer rate between the shape memory polymer and optical fibre was also calculated from the finite element method and determined by experimental results, which was around 0.25. During the experiment, the embedded fibre Bragg gratings showed very high temperature sensitivity due to the high thermal expansion coefficient of the shape memory polymer, which was around 108.24 pm/°C below the glass transition temperature (Tg) and 47.29 pm/°C above Tg. Therefore, the orthogonal arrangement of the two fibre Bragg grating sensors could provide a temperature compensation function, as one of the fibre Bragg gratings only measures the temperature while the other is subjected to the directional deformation. © The Author(s) 2013.