831 resultados para Minnesota State Training School for Boys


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Emergency departments (EDs) are often the first point of contact with an abused child. Despite legal mandate, the reporting of definite or suspected abusive injury to child safety authorities by ED clinicians varies due to a number of factors including training, access to child safety professionals, departmental culture and a fear of ‘getting it wrong’. This study examined the quality of documentation and coding of child abuse captured by ED based injury surveillance data and ED medical records in the state of Queensland and the concordance of these data with child welfare records. A retrospective medical record review was used to examine the clinical documentation of almost 1000 injured children included in the Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit database (QISU) from 10 hospitals in urban and rural centres. Independent experts re-coded the records based on their review of the notes. A data linkage methodology was then used to link these records with records in the state government’s child welfare database. Cases were sampled from three sub-groups according to the surveillance intent codes: Maltreatment by parent, Undetermined and Unintentional injury. Only 0.1% of cases coded as unintentional injury were recoded to maltreatment by parent, while 1.2% of cases coded as maltreatment by parent were reclassified as unintentional and 5% of cases where the intent was undetermined by the triage nurse were recoded as maltreatment by parent. Quality of documentation varied across type of hospital (tertiary referral centre, children’s, urban, regional and remote). Concordance of health data with child welfare data varied across patient subgroups. Outcomes from this research will guide initiatives to improve the quality of intentional child injury surveillance systems.


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The National Centre for Health Information Research & Training (formerly NCCH Brisbane) has been conducting an annual introductory ICD-10 coding program in Brisbane for seven years. In 2008, the Centre introduced a new initiative, inviting potential trainers to participate in a one week train the trainer workshop prior to the regular coder training. The new trainers are provided with the opportunity to practice their new skills with the support and assistance of the NCHIRT trainers during the subsequent introductory program. This paper will report on the results of a survey of participants of these programs about their experiences conducting training courses in their own countries. The train the trainer program as a means to create a cadre of trainers to support the implementation of ICD-11 will be explored.


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Objective To determine changes in ability to identify specific vegetables and fruits, and attitudes towards vegetables and fruit, associated with the introduction of a school-based food garden. Design A 12-month intervention trial using a historical control (control n 132, intervention n 120), class-based, self-administered questionnaires requiring one-word answers and 3-point Likert scale responses. Setting A state primary school (grades 4 to 7) in a low socio-economic area of Brisbane, Australia. Intervention The introduction of a school-based food garden, including the funding of a teacher coordinator for 11 h/week to facilitate integration of garden activities into the curriculum. Main outcome measures Ability to identify a series of vegetables and fruits, attitudes towards vegetables and fruit. Analysis Frequency distributions for each item were generated and χ2 analyses were used to determine statistical significance. Exploratory factor analysis was employed to detect major trends in data. Results The intervention led to enhanced ability to identify individual vegetables and fruits, greater attention to origins of produce (garden-grown and fresh), changes to perceived consumption of vegetables and fruits, and enhanced confidence in preparing fruit and vegetable snacks, but decreased interest in trying new fruits. Conclusions The introduction of this school-based food garden was associated with skill and attitudinal changes conducive to enhancing vegetable and fruit consumption. The ways in which such changes might impact on dietary behaviours and intake require further analysis.


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The collection consists of records of the administration of the school; records of a Lower East Side documentation project, including photographs; and letters from a project on the Men's and Women's Department of Der Tag. The collection is arranged in four series: Series I. Administration, Series II. Committee on Research, Series III. Der Tag Project, and Series IV. East Side Project.


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The study examines the personnel training and research activities carried out by the Organization and Methods Division of the Ministry of Finance and their becoming a part and parcel of the state administration in 1943-1971. The study is a combination of institutional and ideological historical research in recent history on adult education, using a constructionist approach. Material salient to the study comes from the files of the Organization and Methods Division in the National Archives, parliamentary documents, committee reports, and the magazines. The concentrated training and research activities arranged by the Organization and Methods Division, became a part and parcel of the state administration in the midst of controversial challenges and opportunities. They served to solve social problems which beset the state administration as well as contextual challenges besetting rationalization measures, and organizational challenges. The activities were also affected by a dependence on decision-makers, administrative units, and civil servants organizations, by different views on rationalization and the holistic nature of reforms, as well as by the formal theories that served as resources. It chose long-term projects which extended to the political decision-makers and administrative units turf, and which were intended to reform the structures of the state administration and to rationalize the practices of the administrative units. The crucial questions emerged in opposite pairs (a constitutional state vs. the ideology of an administratively governed state, a system of national boards vs. a system of government through ministries, efficiency of work vs. pleasantness of work, centralized vs. decentralized rationalization activities) which were not solvable problems but impossible questions with no ultimate answers. The aim and intent of the rationalization of the state administration (the reform of the central, provincial, and local governments) was to facilitate integrated management and to render a greater amount of work by approaching management procedures scientifically and by clarifying administrative instances and their respon-sibilities in regards to each other. The means resorted to were organizational studies and committee work. In the rationalization of office work and finance control, the idea was to effect savings in administrative costs and to pare down those costs as well as to rationalize and heighten those functions by developing the institution of work study practitioners in order to coordinate employer and employee relationships and benefits (the training of work study practitioners, work study, and a two-tier work study practitioner organization). A major part of the training meant teaching and implementing leadership skills in practice, which, in turn, meant that the learning environment was the genuine work community and efforts to change it. In office rationalization, the solution to regulate the relations between the employer and the employees was the co-existence of the technical and biological rationalization and the human resource administration and the accounting and planning systems at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. The former were based on the school of scientific management and human relations, the latter on system thinking, which was a combination of the former two. In the rationalization of the state administration, efforts were made to find solutions to stabilize management ideologies and to arrange the relationships of administrative systems in administrative science - among other things, in the Hoover Committee and the Simon decision making theory, and, in the 1960s, in system thinking. Despite the development-related vocabulary, the practical work was advanced rationalization. It was said that the practical activities of both the state administration and the administrative units depended on professional managers who saw to production results and human relations. The pedagogic experts hired to develop training came up with a training system, based on the training-technological model where the training was made a function of its own. The State Training Center was established and the training office of the Organization and Methods Division became the leader and coordinator of personnel training.


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A brief description is given of the culture methods used in the Sepang Today Aquaculture Centre, a private aquafarming training school in Malaysia, regarding American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and the soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx sinensis). Seed production, grow-out, marketing and future potential are discussed, referring to the school s training brochures for both culture methods.


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Wide transmission dips are observed in the through spectra in microring and racetrack channel drop filters by two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation. The transmission spectra, which reflect the coupling efficiency, are also calculated from the FDTD output as the pulse just travels one circle inside the resonator. The results indicate that the dips are caused by the dispersion of the coupling coefficient between the input waveguide and the resonator. In addition, a near-zero channel drop on resonance and a large channel drop off resonance are observed due to the near zero coupling coefficient and a large coupling coefficient, respectively. If the width of the input waveguide is different from that of the ring resonator, the oscillation of the coupling coefficient can be greatly suppressed.


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Los beneficios que aporta la musicoterapia en alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista, han sido demostrados profusamente por los distintos autores, si bien carecemos de literatura suficiente sobre su utilización en las Aulas Abiertas Especializadas en colegios ordinarios (Aulas TEA). En este sentido, el objetivo del trabajo, ha consistido en analizar qué mejoras aporta la musicoterapia al desarrollo de la comunicación en los alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista dentro de las Aulas Abiertas de los CEIPs de Castilla-La Mancha y la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Para ello, se ha realizado una amplia revisión documental de fuentes de referencia y se ha entrevistado a los docentes responsables de las Aulas Abiertas Especializadas que utilizan actividades de musicoterapia como recurso en el aula. Se concluye el artículo manifestando, en primer lugar, la escasa integración de la musicoterapia en las aulas TEA (menos del 20% de los centros). En aquellas aulas que sí se programa con actividades de musicoterapia, los beneficios que ésta aporta se ven reflejados en un incremento claro de la intención comunicativa en los alumnos. Además, a la hora de planificar las actividades se tiene muy en cuenta conocer las preferencias y la historia musical del niño. No obstante, existen factores que impiden el aprovechamiento total de las posibilidades terapéuticas de la musicoterapia debido, especialmente a: a) una escasa formación del profesorado y b) un espacio inadecuado para poner en práctica una sesión de musicoterapia.


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This is a critical qualitative inquiry into secondary school students' experiences of power relations within physical activity and physical education settings. More specifically the study examines the reproduction ofpower relations through the use of domination and subordination in physical activity and physical education. This study will attempt to understand power relations that take place between and among students and between teachers and students and how certain sports or activities reinforce power relationships within the gymnasium. Thirty eight first and second year university students completed a questionnaire which asked them to reflect upon their high school physical education experiences. Feedback fi*om the questionnaires described that highly skilled male students benefit the most fi-om high school physical education and receive more power and privilege when compared to lesser skilled students.


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L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi fou estudiar longitudinalment l'adquisició lectora (català i castellà), de 2n. a 5è. cursos d'Educació Primària, en una mostra de 214 alumnes (101 nenes i 113 nens) d'una escola pública catalana, a partir dels resultats obtinguts en les Proves Psicopedagògiques d'Aprenentatges Instrumentals (P.P.A.I.; Canals, Carbonell, Estaún i Añaños, 1988), aplicades a principi i final de cada curs. Les P.P.A.I. valoren la velocitat i exactitud de descodificació lectora a través de la lectura de textos diferents per a cada curs, i la comprensió lectora mitjançant exercicis diferents per a cada curs (ordenar frases, executar ordres escrites, respondre qüestions sobre el contingut d'un text...). Els resultats van ser: -La majoria de la mostra, escolaritzada en català, amb independència de la llengua més parlada a casa (català o castellà), van desenvolupar progressivament i de forma similar les habilitats lectores (català i castellà) iniciades en cursos anteriors, aconseguint a finals de 5è. l'automatització dels procés de descodificació lectora en ambdues llengües. -La velocitat lectora pràcticament es va triplicar, passant d'unes 40 paraules/minut inicials a unes 130 paraules /minut a finals de 5è. - L'exactitud lectora també va augmentar i, a finals de 5è., la majoria de la mostra llegien sense quasi errors d'exactitud. -La comprensió lectora cada cop fou més elaborada i la majoria es van afrontar progressivament, amb èxit, a activitats més complexes de comprensió lectora. -En general, el desenvolupament de les habilitats lectores va ser bastant similar en els dos sexes, però a finals de 5è. es van detectar més nens que nenes amb nivell baix (descodificació i/o comprensió) i més nenes que nens amb nivell alt (descodificació i/o comprensió). -Els subjectes que es van situar en un nivell mig (descodificació i/o comprensió) a 2n., van ser els que més es van mantenir en el mateix nivell fins a 5è. En canvi, els que a 2n. mostraven nivells extrems (alt o baix), van evolucionar de forma més variable. -Es va observar que les habilitats adequades de descodificació lectora no van implicar, necessàriament, haver desenvolupat un bon nivell de comprensió lectora. I al revés, un bon nivell de comprensió no sempre va correlacionar amb un nivell correcte de descodificació. -Després de classificar la mostra en tres subgrups (mig, alt i baix) a partir dels resultats en descodificació i comprensió en català de l'última valoració de 5è., es van observar evolucions bastant paral·leles entre els subgrups en velocitat i comprensió, mantenint-se cada subgrup en el nivell que els definia al llarg dels diferents cursos. Però un 6,54% de la mostra, amb dificultats de comprensió lectora en català a finals de 5è, va experimentar, respecte la mostra i el seu propi rendiment en la primera valoració de 5è., una important disminució de la comprensió lectora a finals de 5è.


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This paper discusses the effect of noise exposure on high school aged boys' hearing levels and how to measure the effects.


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Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar as peculiaridades dos cursos oferecidos pela Escola de Gestão Penitenciária do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para isso, foi utilizado como metodologia a analise documental a partir do documento coletado na própria sede da Escola. Busca-se analisar se existe ou não alguma particularidade nas aulas oferecidas para os servidores penitenciários, tendo em vista que os mesmos realizam um trabalho de extrema importância dentro do sistema carcerário. Em um primeiro momento foi exposta a bibliografia pertinente à temática que se encontra o presente trabalho. Em seguida, foi realizada uma exposição, com base nas próprias afirmações da Escola embasadas no documento, sobre os cursos que a mesma oferece. A partir da análise minuciosa a respeito das aulas oferecidas, foi elaborada uma investigação a fim de constatar se existe ou não uma ideologia carcerária por trás da pedagogia dos cursos.


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Pretendemos abordar os aspectos relacionados à Dança na Escola e pensarmos sobre uma formação continuada, a fim de discutir e refletir a elaboração de propostas de capacitação em Dança voltadas aos professores de Educação Física, principalmente no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Analisaremos a formação inicial dos professores, objetivos, conteúdos e possibilidades de aplicação da Dança no contexto educacional. Apesar do aumento das pesquisas em relação ao ensino da Dança na Escola, falta um espaço adequado e professores comprometidos com um trabalho sério, consciente e crítico, pois a hegemonia do esporte se encontra muito arraigada na cultura escolar. Uma forma de amenizar esse problema seriam cursos de capacitação, de forma permanente, voltados aos conteúdos de Dança, a fim de que esses professores possam ter vivências em práticas dançantes embasadas em uma fundamentação teórica para, assim, discutir, analisar e refletir a melhor maneira de trabalhar esta arte no âmbito escolar.