174 resultados para Minjiang Kou


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青藏高原东部分布着世界最高的林线,该区域也是由欧亚北温带物种形成的林线的南界。在大面积野外踏勘的基础上,选择青藏高原东部具有典型高山林线分布的三个地点(滇西北白马雪山、川西北鹧鸪山及岷江源地区)作为研究区,从种群的结构、生存特征、分布格局及分形特征等方面对青藏高原东缘高山林线乔木种群生态学特征进行了研究,并在此基础上探讨了人类活动对林线种群生态特征及林线格局的影响。结果表明,林线区乔木树种多以单种群形式存在,林线区群落结构简单,乔木层多为单一树种组成,其生长型较之郁闭林发生了急剧的变化:树木高度急剧下降,而发展多茎多分枝的生长型。生长型的转变是高山林线乔木对恶劣自然条件的形态适应。 研究发现,在青藏高原东缘,阴坡林线乔木主要是冷杉(Abies spp.),阳坡主要由圆柏(Sabina spp.)组成,少数地方还有云杉(Picea spp.)。阴坡乔木种群结构多表现为增长型,幼苗和幼树在种群中占较大比重,种群潜在自然更新能力较强,但幼龄个体死亡率非常高,存活曲线多接近Deevey-Ⅲ型;阳坡乔木种群幼苗个体数极少,幼树相对增加。野外调查表明,人为活动较频繁的阳坡林线区幼苗数量极少甚至缺失,而受人为活动干扰较小的样地中幼苗和幼树数量明显增多,从一个侧面说明放牧等人类活动可能对林线种群的更新带来较大影响,而对卡卡沟围栏内外的样地分析也进一步证明了这一结果。 所研究林线乔木种群各龄级的空间格局在不同尺度上表现为聚集、随机和均匀分布,以聚集分布为主;各龄级在不同尺度上表现出显著的相关性,幼苗通常与另外两个龄级的关联性较密切。各龄级间显著的相关性表明不同龄级个体在空间交错分布,有利于对各种资源的充分利用,对种群的生存和发展非常有利,反映了高山生态系统恶劣生境中种群的一种适应对策。 林线乔木种群各龄级分布格局的计盒维数有差别,林线种群的计盒维数总是小于郁闭林种群的计盒维数。另外,郁闭林各龄级计盒维数通常也高于林线各龄级,表明不同海拔或者不同群落类型中的乔木树种具有不同的水平空间占据能力。林线区种群分布格局的计盒维数都很低,占据现实水平空间的程度较低,具有相对较高的生态间隙维,其潜在占据空间的能力较高,群落还可提供给种群的最大空间限度较大,但实际上由于受群落中种内、种间的竞争及林线区恶劣的生态环境条件的限制,其潜在空间占据能力可能难以表现出来。 青藏高原东缘高海拔地带以季节性游牧为主要的资源利用和生产方式,阳坡森林郁闭度低于阴坡,灌丛数量和种类较阴坡少,融雪早且积雪时间短,所以阳坡包括高山林线区成为当地牧民游牧路线的必经之地。牲畜的践踏、啃食使得幼龄乔木树种个体数量大大减少,严重阻碍了林线乔木种群的自然更新,同时种群占据空间的能力也明显降低。因此可以认为,在青藏高原东部地区,山地游牧等人为干扰叠加于恶劣的自然条件,阳坡林线的自然更新潜力受到抑制,其生存状态较之阴坡林线显著恶化,并可使阳坡林线高度逐渐降低。高山林线区森林一旦破坏在短时间内很难有效更新和恢复,因此,对于处于恶劣高山生境中的乔木种群应加强保护,同时适度控制人为干扰强度和幅度以减少其直接和间接破坏,防止阳坡林线退化并促进高山生态系统的自然恢复。 Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau has the highest timberline of the world. On the basis of field surveys and literature reviews, three typical alpine timberlines were chosen for in-depth studies, i.e., Baima Snow Mountain in northwest Yunnan, Zhegu Mountain and the waterhead area of Minjiang River in west Sichuan. Using the methodologis of population ecology, we analyzed the population structure, survival characteristics, spatial point patterns and fractal dimensions of the timberline tree populations and discussed the impacts of grazing on the structure and spatial pattern of alpine timberline. Compared with closed forests, the community structure of timberline is simpler, usually with one or two species constituting the tree layer. Differences also exist in the growth forms: the trees were significantly shorter with more stems and branches, reflecting morphological adaptation of trees to the severe conditions at timberline. In the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Abies spp. often formed alpine timberline in the north-facing slope while Sabina spp. and sometimes Picea spp. in the south- facing slope. The population structures of north-facing slope showed an increasing trend, with numerous seedlings and saplings. However, the survival curves tend to follow Deevy-III because of high dead ratio of young individuals. There are only few seedlings in the south-facing slope with heavy grazing, demonstrating that human disturbance may prevent regeneration at alpine timberline, which was confirmed by comparisons between fenced enclosures and control plots in the Kaka Valley. Depending on the spatial scales on consideration, the individuals of different age-classes showed clumping, random or even distribution, but mostly with clumping distribution. At all scales, individuals in different age-classes were all significantly correlated with each other while the seedlings were usually more correlated to two other age classes. This high degree of correlation among different age classes indicates that individuals of different age classes are spatially interlocked with each other, which helps sufficient utilization of various resources and is conducive to the survival and development of population. It is another adaptation strategy for trees at the severe environment. The spatial patterns of different age classes had different box dimension. In general, the box dimensions of total individuals and each age class at timberline are always smaller than that of closed forests, suggesting that space occupation capacity is not the same for populations at different altitude or in different communities. Populations on both the south- and the north-facing slopes had a very low box dimensions (far away from the max., 2), however, the lower the box dimension, the bigger the potential space provided by community. In fact, because of inner- and inter- competition as well as the severe conditions at timberline, this kind of potential ability can hardly be realized. Mountain pastoralism is the major type of as well as the only most effective way of resource uses in the high elevation regions of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Due to lower canopy cover, less bushes and short snow-cover time, south-facing slopes became the favorite pastures. Damages from livestock through tramping, browsing and others have greatly reduced the number of young individuals. As a result, the potential of timberline trees to regenerate and their ability to occupy more space are greatly inhitibted. We conclude that human disturbances (mountain pastoralism) as well as harsh environmental conditions co-worked to inhibit the regeneration of tree populations in the south-facing slope and made south slopes more difficult than the north-facing slopes for trees to survive and develop, resulting a gradual retreat of timberline in the north-facing slopes. Forests at alpine timberline are susceptible to disturbance and difficult to regenerate and restore once damaged and controlling human disturbances is important for protecting the forest ecosystems at the timberline area.


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为了揭示不同类型植被下土壤有机碳及其活性组分季节动态变化及其特点,探讨不同的植被恢复模式对土壤有机碳组分的影响,分析影响土壤有机碳组分变化的因素,评估土壤有机活性有机碳组分参数在植被恢复过程中土壤质量监测的可靠性,为植被恢复及低效林改造技术提供理论依据。本研究选择岷江上游大沟流域的几种人工林(云杉林、油松林、华山松林、日本落叶松林)以及次生落叶阔叶灌丛下土壤,通过剖面机械分层取样,测定土壤总有机碳(TOC)和三种活性碳组分微生物碳(SMBC)、水溶性碳(WSOC)、易氧化碳(EOC)等来反映土壤变化特点。主要结果是: 1. 土壤有机碳含量平均在15.48~25.46 g kg-1之间在5月份时含量最低,随生长季的开始,有机碳含量逐渐增加,到9月份时含量达到最大值;由于新形成的凋落物不能被迅速分解利用补充土壤碳库,而原有碳库经历一个生长季的分解利用,因此,生长季末期即11月份的含量较小;土壤微生物碳含量平均在132.78~476.73mg kg-1之间,9月份和11月份含量都比较高;水溶性碳在生长季中逐步增大,含量在51.95~77.18 mg kg-1之间,到11月份时达到最大值;土壤易氧化碳平均含量在3.74~5.79g kg-1之间,含量最低值出现在5月份,但和其他碳组分不同的是其在7月份时含量较高。 2. 土壤有机碳及其活性碳组分大小关系为:TOC>EOC >SMBC>WSOC;比值约为300:70:5:1。 3. 土壤不同层次间比较,土壤碳指标都表现为随土壤深度增加而逐渐减小, 表层积聚作用明显。 4. 对土壤总有机碳量与活性碳组分以及活性碳之间进行了相关分析表明,土壤总有机碳含量与土壤微生物量碳、水溶性碳、易氧化碳之间的相关性均达到显著水平(P<0.05),有机碳总贮量很大程度上制约着土壤活性碳组分。土壤微生物量碳、水溶性碳、易氧化碳两两之间也都存在着显著相关关系(P<0.05),并随着不同植被类型或立地条件因子发生变化而变化。 5. 土壤有机碳及其活性组分与土壤养分状况之间的相关性分析发现,随着海拔、坡向或者植被类型的改变,其林下土壤有机碳及其活性组分与土壤养分的相关性也发生较大的变化。总体而言,岷江上游地区海拔、坡向、土壤自然含水量、植被盖度、凋落物厚度、土壤全N对次生林下土壤有机碳及其组分有重要影响。而AP、AK、C/N对土壤碳变化变化影响较小。 6. 通过不同海拔、坡向以及植被类型之间的综合比较分析发现,土壤微生物碳SMBC和水溶性碳WSOC比TOC和EOC更能敏感地反映出比较敏感的指示林下土壤质量的变化。 In order to reveal seasonal dynamics of soil labile organic carbon under different secondary vegetation, to analyze effect of different vegetation restoration pattern on soil organic carbon and its fractions, and to find the factors influencing changes in soil organic carbon and its fractions, further to estimate those parameters reliability for soil quality monitoring in the process of vegetation restoration. Soils were selected from several plantations, including Picea asperata Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus armandii and Larix kaempferi and secondary shrub in Dagou Watershed of the upper reach of Minjiang River. The measurement of TOC, SMBC,WSOC and EOC were made, because these parameters can reflect change of soil characteristics. The major results are: 1. There were the lowest soil organic carbon and its labile fractions contents in May. At the time of growth initiation, they increased gradually and reached maximum in September. After that the soil organic carbon content decreased. Because current litter couldn’t be rapidly decomposed, and supplemented into carbon pool, while intrinsic carbon pool experienced decomposition and utilization of growth season, Which led a decrease in soil organic carbon content in November. Average value was 15.48~25.46 g kg-1; average SMBC content was 132.78~476.73mg kg-1.There were higher SMBC content in September and November as compared with other times; Water soluble organic carbon content increased from 51.95 mg kg-1 in May to 77.18 mg kg-1 in November; EOC content was lowest in May y. Average value was 3.74~5.79g kg-1. Differeing from other parameters of carbon fractions, EOC content was higher in July. 2. The content of soil organic carbon and its labile carbon fractions ranked as follows:TOC>EOC >SMBC>WSO,and ratio was about 300:70:5:1. 3. Consider as soil different layers,all of the parameters decreased gradually with increasing soil depth, thus displayed a significant accumulation in the surface layer soil. 4. Correlations coefficient analysis revealed that, TOC significantly correlated with SMBC, WSOC and EOC indicating total storage of organic carbon limited soil labile carbon fractions in great extent. On the other hand, there were significant correlations between SMBC,WSOC and EOC. But these relationships changed with vegetation types and/or environmental conditions. 5. The relationships between soil organic carbon and its labile fractions and soil nutrient traits changed with altitude,slope aspect and vegetations. Therefore our results suggested that altitude,slope aspect,soil natural water content,vegetation coverage, litter thickness and soil total nitrogen play a important role change in soil organic carbon and its fractions in upper reaches of Minjiang River. While AP、AK、C/N slightly influenced soil carbon. 6. Our results, on the other hand suggested that SMBC and WSOC are more sensitive to the change of altitudes, slope aspects, vegetation types than TOC and EOC, thus two parameters may be good index reflecting change of soil quality. These results provide insights into theoretical and technological evidences for the vegetation regeneration restoration and improvement of low-quality and benefit forest in the upper reaches of Minjiang River regions.


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干旱胁迫是全球范围内影响植物生存、生长和分布的重要环境因子。岷江上游干旱河谷区,由于生态环境的脆弱性和长期人类活动的干扰和过度利用,导致植被严重退化,水土流失加剧,山地灾害频繁,干旱化和荒漠化趋势明显。这种趋势若不能遏制,将严重阻碍区域社会经济的快速协调发展,并且威胁成都平原地区的发展和长江中下游地区的生态安全。因而开展干旱河谷生态恢复研究成为解决这些问题的关键。水分匮乏是限制干旱河谷生态恢复的关键因子,在全球气候变化的背景下,干旱胁迫在区域尺度上可能会更加严重,并使干旱河谷的生态环境更加恶化。因此,深入研究干旱河谷乡土植物对干旱胁迫的响应和适应机理,具有非常重要的理论和实践意义。 本论文以岷江上游干旱河谷的三种乡土豆科灌木,白刺花(Sophora davidii)、小马鞍羊蹄甲(Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla)和小雀花(Campylotropics polyantha)理论和实践意义。为研究对象,在人工控制条件下设计了4-5个连续性干旱胁迫处理,系统地研究了灌木幼苗的生长、生物量积累和水分利用效率(WUE)、形态结构和生理过程等对干旱胁迫的反应,揭示了幼苗的干旱适应能力及种间差异。主要研究结论如下: 1) 灌木生长和繁殖对干旱胁迫的反应 在干旱胁迫下,幼苗生长速率显著减小,叶片衰老和脱落比率增大,这些变化随着胁迫强度的增加具有累积效应。叶片比茎对干旱胁迫的反应更敏感。在严重干旱胁迫下,幼苗的有性繁殖被限制,但在中等程度干旱胁迫下,幼苗的有性繁殖能力被提高。 2) 灌木生物量积累及其分配和WUE对干旱胁迫的反应 在干旱胁迫下,灌木各器官的生物量都显著减小,但是生物量的分配侧重于地下部分,使得根茎比在干旱条件下增大。幼苗的耗水量(WU)随着干旱胁迫的增加而显著减少。白刺花和小马鞍羊蹄甲WUE在干旱胁迫下降低;小雀花的WUE在中等干旱胁迫下升高。 3) 灌木叶片结构特征对干旱胁迫反应 白刺花叶片具有较为典型的旱生型结构,而小马鞍羊蹄甲和小雀花则为中生型结构。在1至2年的干旱胁迫下,灌木叶片结构组成未发生本质性的改变,主要是细胞大小的变化。在中等和严重干旱胁迫下,叶肉组织厚度明显减小;并且气孔和表皮细胞面积也显著减小,气孔和表皮细胞密度显著增大;叶肉细胞层数、P/S值、表皮厚度等无显著变化。 4) 灌木对干旱胁迫的生理响应 气体交换参数和叶片相对含水量(RWC)在中等干旱胁迫下发生了明显的改变,而叶绿素荧光参数和光合色素含量在严重干旱胁迫下才发生显著变化。在干旱胁迫下,净光合作用速率(Pn)、气孔导度(gs)和RWC呈下降趋势,而叶片温度(Tl)呈增加趋势,蒸腾速率(Tr)的变化不明显。除了日最大Pn减小以外,干旱胁迫对气体交换参数的日变化无显著影响,但是对光合-光响应曲线有显著的影响,使有效光合时间缩短。在严重干旱胁迫下光系统受到损害而代谢减弱,PSⅡ中心的内禀光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、量子产量(Yield)、光化学淬灭参数(qP)显著降低,而非光化学淬灭参数(NPQ)明显增加。气孔限制和非气孔限制对Pn的影响与干旱胁迫强度有关。在中度胁迫下,气孔限制起主导作用,在严重胁迫下非气孔限制起主导作用,40% FC水分条件可能是灌木由气孔限制向非气孔限制的转折点。 5) 灌木对干旱胁迫的适应能力及其种间差异 三种灌木对干旱胁迫具有较好的适应能力,即使在20% FC,幼苗未因干旱胁迫III而死亡;80% FC适宜于幼苗生长。白刺花生长速率慢,耗水量较少,具有较强的耐旱和耐贫瘠能力,并具有干旱忍受机制,能够在较干旱的环境中定居和生长。小马鞍羊蹄甲和小雀花,生长快,水分消耗量较大,尤其是小雀花,对干旱胁迫的忍受能力较弱,具有干旱回避机制,因而适宜于在较为湿润的生境中生长。综合分析表明,生长速率较慢的物种抗旱能力较强,其更适宜于作为干旱地区植被恢复物种。 Drought is often a key factor limiting plant establishment, growth and distribution inmany regions of the world. The harsh environmental conditions and long-termanthropogenic disturbance had resulted in habitat destruction in the dry valley ofMinjiang river, southwest China. Recently, it tended to be more severe on the vegetationdegradation, soil erosion and water loss, natural disaster, as well as desertification, whichimpact on regional booming economy and harmonious development, and would be verydangerous to the environmental security in the middle and lower reaches of Yangzi River.Therefore, ecological restoration in the dry valley is one of the vital tasks in China. Waterdeficit is known to affect adversely vegetation restoration in this place. Moreover, in thecontext of climate change, an increased frequency of drought stress might occur at aregional scale in the dry valleys of Minjiang River. The selection of appropriate plantingspecies for vegetation restoration in regard to regional conditions is an important issue atpresent and in further. The research on responses of indigenous species to drought stresscould provide insights into the improvement of the vegetation restoration in the dry valleys of Minjiang River. In this paper, the responses of three indigenous leguminous shrubs, Sophora davidii,Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla and Campylotropics polyantha, to various soil watersupplies were studied in order to assess drought tolerance of seedlings, and to compare interspecific differences in seedlings’ responses to drought stress. The results were as follows: 1 Growth and reproduction of shrubs in response to drought stress Seedling growth reduced significantly while leaf senescence accelerated underdrought stress, the cumulative responses to prolonged drought were found. The capacityfor reproduction was limited by severe drought stress, and improved by moderate droughtstress. Leaf responses were more sensitive than shoot to various water supplies. 2 WUE, biomass production and its partitioning of shrubs in response to drought stress Drought stress reduced significantly the total dry mass and their components ofseedlings, and altered more biomass allocation to root system, showing higher R/S ratiounder drought. Water use (WU) and water-use efficiency (WUE) of both S. davidii and B.faberi var. microphylla declined strongly with drought stress. The WU C. polyantha ofalso declined with drought stress, but WUE improved under moderate drought stress. 3 Anatomical characteristics and ultrastructures of leaves in response to drought stress There were xeromorphic for S. davidii leaves and mesomorphic for B. faberi var.microphylla and C. polyantha at the all water supplies. The foundational changes in leafstructures were not found with drought stress. However, mesophyll thickness, the areas ofstomatal and epidermis reduced slightly while the densities of stomatal and epidermisincreased under severe drought stress. Variations in these parameters could mainly be duoto cell size. Other structures did not displayed significant changes with drought stress. 4 Physiological responses of shrubs to drought stress The gas exchange parameters and leaf relative water content (RWC) were affectedby moderate stress, while chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content were onlyaffected by severe stress. Drought stress decreased net photosynthesis rate (Pn), stomatalconductance, light-use efficiency and RWC, and increased leaf temperature. Therespiration rates (Tr) were kept within a narrower range than Pn, resulting in aprogressively increased instantaneous water use effiecency (WUEi) under drought stress.Moreover, drought stress also affected the response curve of Pn to RAR, there was adepression light saturation point (Lsat) and maximum Pn (Pnmax) for moderate andsevere stressed seedling. However, diurnal changes of gas exchange parameters did notdiffer among water supplies although maximum daily Pn declined under severe stress.VISevere stress reduced Fv/Fm, Yield and qP while increased NPQ and chlorophyll content.Photosynthetic activity decreased during drought stress period due to stomatal andnon-stomatal limitations. The relative contribution of these limitations was associatedwith the severity of stress. The limitation to Pn was caused mainly by stomatal limitationunder moderate drought stress, and by the predominance of non-stomatal limitation undersevere stress. In this case, 40% FC water supply may be a non-stomatal limitation 5 Interspecific differences in drought tolerance of shrubs Three shrubs exhibited good performance throughout the experiment process, evenif at 20% FC treatment there were no any seedlings died, 80% FC water supply wassuitable for their establishment and growth. S. davidii minimized their water loss byreducing total leaf area and growth rate, as well as maintained higher RWC and Pncompared to the other two species under drought stress, thus they might be more tolerantto the drought stress than the other two species. On the contrary, it was found that C.polyantha and B. faberi var. microphylla had higher water loss because of their stomatalconductance and higher leaf area ratios. They reduced water loss with shedding theirleaves and changing leaf orientation under drought stress. Based on their responses, thestudied species could be categorized into two: (1) S. davidii with a tolerance mechanismin response to drought stress; (2) C. polyantha and B. faberi var. microphylla withdrought avoidance mechanism. These results indicated that slow-growing shrub speciesare better adapted to drought stress than intermediate or fast-growing species in present orpredicted drought conditions. Therefore, selecting rapid-growing species might leavethese seedlings relatively at a risk of extreme drought.


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作为复杂的生态过程之一,土壤侵蚀常常被空间景观异质性影响。深入地研究土壤侵蚀与植被景观的相关性对以减少水土流失为目的的河流中上游生态恢复工作来说十分重要。本文利用遥感和GIS 技术,对岷江源头区的植被景观和土壤侵蚀动态(1974年~2002 年)进行分析,并从景观生态学的角度,系统地研究了整体植被景观和不同的植被景观类型的景观特征与土壤侵蚀量、侵蚀模数以及土壤侵蚀强度的相关性,得出的结论主要有以下几个方面:1. 从植被景观特征与土壤侵蚀量和土壤侵蚀模数的相关性的角度出发,森林能最大限度地控制土壤侵蚀,草地对土壤侵蚀的控制能力不及森林,而且能在一定程度上增加土壤侵蚀。灌丛与土壤侵蚀量和土壤侵蚀模数的关系则比较复杂,还需要进一步地研究。农用地与森林、灌丛、草地等植被类型不同,它的增加将会明显地增加产沙量。随着各景观类型(灌丛除外)分布的镶嵌性的增强,土壤侵蚀量和侵蚀模数会减少。2. 从植被景观特征与土壤侵蚀强度的相关性的角度出发,在景观水平上,植被景观的景观多样性指数、景观破碎度指数、景观形状指数和景观聚集度指数均与土壤侵蚀强度有明显的相关性。在较轻侵蚀强度的区域中的植被景观具有更丰富的多样性和更低的破碎程度,景观的组分和结构都更加复杂,景观斑块的形状也比较复杂。同时,植被景观的空间异质性也较强。3. 从不同景观类型对土壤侵蚀强度的控制能力大小看:针叶林> 落叶阔叶林>针阔混交林> 灌丛> 草地> 农用地。同时,对于除农用地以外的其他植被景观类型来说,增加其平均斑块面积和形状的复杂性会在一定程度上减少土壤侵蚀强度。而对于农用地来说,斑块形状的简单化以及分布形式的均匀镶嵌化则是减少土壤侵蚀强度的有效手段。 As a complex ecological process, soil erosion is affected by the spatial landscape heterogeneity.The relation between soil erosion and landscape characteristic weights a lot in ecosystemrestoration that aim to control the soil erosion in watershed. By means of RS and GIStechniques, this study analyzed dynamic variations in landscape characteristic and soil erosionin the Minjiang headwater region over a period of 28 years to elucidate the interrelationshipsbetween landscape characteristics and soil erosion. The results are as follows:1. In terms of relation between landscape characteristics and soil erosion module, forest canmitigate the soil erosion much better than grass. The relation between shrub and soil erosionmodule is rather complicated that requests further more study to confirm how those two factorscorrelated with each other. Cultivated land differs from other landscape classes in creatingconditions most favorable for soil erosion. Moreover, the dispersion of all landscape classes,except for shrub, correlates with soil module negatively.II2. In terms of relation between landscape characteristics and soil erosion strength, the diversityindex, fragment index, shape index and contagion index of the vegetation in Minjiangheadwater region at landscape-level correlated with soil erosion clearly. Vegetation landscapein No and Slight erosion region is more diverse, fragmental and constructed in more complexway. The shape of those vegetation patches is also more complicated. The spatial heterogeneityof the vegetation landscape is much more evident than that located in moderate and strong erosion region too.3. At class-level, different landscape classes affected soil erosion strength in different ways.Taking the mitigating effect on erosion strength into consideration, landscape classes can bearranged in this turn: coniferous forest > Deciduous forest > Mixed forest > Shrub > Grassland > Cultivated land. At the same time, for most landscape classes, except for cultivated land,increase the mean patch size and complicate the shape of patch will help to relieve the erosionstrength. However, for cultivated land, simplifying the shape of patch and scattering thepatches have the same effect.


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岷江上游干旱河谷区水土流失强烈,地质灾害频繁,生态环境十分脆弱,而土壤条件恶劣(水分不足和养分缺乏)是阻碍该区植被恢复的关键因子,因此研究水分和乡土灌木生长对土壤的影响对该区的生态恢复具有指导意义。本文通过定点模拟实验,选取三种优势豆科灌木为研究对象,分别是白刺花(Sophora davidii)、小马鞍羊蹄甲(Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla)和小雀花(Campylotropics polyantha),设置5 个水分梯度,分别为100%、80%、60%、40%和20%田间持水量(FC),对栽种植物与不种植物下土壤理化性质和酶活性进行测定分析,系统比较和研究了不同水分条件和不同乡土灌木生长对干旱河谷区土壤结构、养分循环、酶活性以及微生物量的影响。主要结果如下:1. 无论生长植物与否,土壤的毛管持水量和毛管孔隙度都随着水分含量的减少而降低,最大持水量、总孔隙度和容重变化不大,相应地,土壤中的非毛管孔隙随含水量的减少而升高。各水分条件下,种植植物的毛管持水量和毛管孔隙度低于无植物生长的土壤,非毛管孔隙度相应地高于无植物土壤。土壤含水量在100%-40% FC 时,三种豆科灌木的毛管持水量和毛管孔隙度存在差异,而20% FC 条件下,三种豆科灌木土壤的物理性质基本相同。2. 水分胁迫影响土壤中养分的矿化和积累,主要表现在降低了水溶性碳和铵态氮的含量,中等程度胁迫时(60% FC)促进了有机碳和硝态氮的富集,对速效钾和有效磷没有明显作用。种植豆科灌木后各水分梯度上都增加了有机碳、铵态氮、速效钾和有效磷的积累。增加程度上三种豆科灌木间有一定差异,对于土壤有机碳总量,种植白刺花和小马鞍羊蹄甲明显高于小雀花,同样的情况还出现在铵态氮和速效钾上,但是对于有效磷,种植小雀花后的增加程度则明显高于白刺花和小马鞍羊蹄甲。种植豆科灌木不仅增加了土壤养分的相对含量,也改变了其在水分梯度上的变化趋势及其变化幅度,这种作用主要体现在碳元素和氮元素上。3. 无植物生长时脲酶活性随水分含量的减少而升高,水分胁迫对磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶的作用不显著,蔗糖酶也保持在相对较高的水平。种植植物后,蔗糖酶、磷酸酶活性与无植物时相比有较大幅度的提高,种植白刺花的脲酶活性也升高,其升高的程度在不同水分含量时不同。种植植物还降低了酶活性在水分梯度上的变幅,使之在水分梯度间的差异显著性降低。脲酶活性在指示土壤性质改变方面是较敏感的指标,其它三种酶在不同植物间的差异不明显。4. 在无植物生长时,中等程度的水分胁迫(60% FC)提高了土壤微生物量碳含量,过高或过低的土壤水分均不利于微生物碳的积累。种植小马鞍羊蹄甲后微生物量碳在水分梯度上的变化趋势与无植物生长时一致,而种植白刺花和小雀花后微生物量碳随着水分含量的减少而降低。不同种类植物的微生物量碳在水分梯度上的变化特征也不同,100% FC 条件下三种植物间没有差异,80%和60% FC 条件下小马鞍羊蹄甲显著高于白刺花和小雀花,40%和20% FC 条件下白刺花和小马鞍羊蹄甲也显著高于小雀花,说明不同种类植物随着干旱胁迫程度的加深微生物量碳的降低幅度不同,在极度干旱时,白刺花和小马鞍羊蹄甲土壤依然保持了较高的微生物活性,而小雀花土壤微生物量则明显下降。The dry valley of the upper reaches of the Minjiang River is seriously degradedmountain ecosystem. It was endangered by extremely soil lost and frequentlygeological disaster. Previous studies showed that short of water and nutrients in soilwas the principal limiting factors of vegetation restoration in this area. The typical soiland three dominant leguminous shrubs Sophora davidii, Bauhinia faberi var.microphylla and Campylotropics polyantha in upper reaches of arid Minjiang Rivervalley were considered as experimental material. Two-month old seedlings of eachspecies were exposed to five water supplies (100%, 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% waterfield capacity (FC)) in a temperature and light-controlled greenhouse. Afterthree-month water treatment, soil physiochemical variables and soil microbialactivities were determined by conventional methods. The main results showed that:1. Soil capillary capacity and capillary porosity decreased along water supplyregimes in all treatments, while saturated water capacity, total porosity and bulkdensity kept in a relatively stable level, as a result, the non-capillary porosity andcapacity increased with decrease of water supply. Compared to non-planted soil, theplant-soil systems had a higher non-capillary porosity and capacity, suggestingappropriate oxygen was present in soil to maintain the living of microorganism. Soilof three type shrub species shared the same capillary capacity and capillary porosityunder 20% FC.2. Water soluble carbon and NH4+-N decreased in response to water stress, whiletotal organic carbon and NO3--N promoted by moderate water stress and inhibited by 100% and 20% FC. Total organic carbon, NH4+-N, rapidly available K and availableP increased after the planting of leguminous shrubs in five water supply regimescompared to non-planted soil. For TOC, NH4+-N and rapidly available K, thepromotion effect was higher in S. davidii and B. faberi var. microphylla than C.polyantha planted soil, while available P displayed the opposite side. The planting ofshrubs also reduced the variance of observed traits along water supply gradients.3. Drought stress increased urease activity in non-planted soil, while insignificantdifferences were observed in phosphatase and catalase activity among five watersupply regimes. The planting of leguminous shrubs facilitated the β-glucosidase andphosphatase activity compared to the non-planted soil. It also reduced the variance ofenzyme activity along water supply gradients. Urease was more sensitive to waterstress than other three enzymes.4. Soil water content significantly affected microbial biomass carbon andCmic:Corg. S. davidii and B. faberi var. microphylla showed more drought toleranceability than C. polyantha, attributing not only to their relatively smaller variance ofmicrobial biomass carbon along soil water supply gradients, but also to the highlevel of microbial activity under severe water stress. S. davidii and B. faberi var.microphylla benefited reproduction of soil microorganism at 60%-80% FC, whilesevere drought limited it due to the competition of water and nutrients between plantand soil microorganism.


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横断山地区是一个十分自然的植物区系地区,在中国植物区系分区中是作为泛北极植物区中国-喜马拉雅亚区中的一个地区,其种子植物区系具有丰富的科、属、种,地理成分复杂,特有现象和替代现象明显。该地区作为植物区系和生物多样性的研究热点地区,长期以来极受中外植物学家关注。横断山脉东缘是中国-喜马拉雅和中国-日本植物区系的交汇过渡区域,北部的岷江流域以及南部的金沙江流域,孕育了该区丰富的物种资源和植被资源。而岷江干热河谷和金沙江干热河谷的相似性和相关性,更为该区的植物区系和生物多样性南北的对比研究提供了有利的条件。 本研究选择的九顶山西坡和龙肘山分别位于横断山区北部和南部,九顶山属岷江流域而龙肘山属金沙江流域。本研究结合植物区系研究和生物多样性研究,对该区的植物资源进行调查。通过样带调查和样线踏查结合,大量详实的野外样方调查和标本采集,进行传统的区系研究和生物多样性研究。研究该区物种多样性的海拔梯度格局及其潜在的影响影子,并利用新的区系评估质量方法对九顶山西坡的植物区系质量进行定量的研究,以期能更为深刻的理解该区的植物资源,为该区的资源保护和利用提供合理可行的建议。主要研究结论如下: 1)九顶山西坡植物区系的性质和特点 经鉴定和统计,九顶山西坡共有1707 种维管植物,分属617 属和140 科,其中种子植物1616 种,分属572 属117 科。就科的分布区成分构成而言,该区系的热带成分与温带成分相当,热带成分略占优势,表明九顶山西坡的植物区系与热带植物区系有较强的联系。但是,在九顶山西坡属的分布区类型所占的比例上,温带成分远远超过了热带成分,本区的种子植物分布表现出明显的温带性质。且温带分布类型的许多物种组成了九顶山西坡植被的建群种和优势种,是本区系最重要的成分,充分体现了本区系的温带性质。 2)九顶山西坡不同植被带的生物多样性海拔梯度格局 基于对土门-断头崖、茶山-九顶山、雁门沟-光光山三条垂直植被样带的调查,我们发现九顶山西坡的生物多样性沿海拔梯度的变化呈现出一定的规律性,不同样带之间有一定差异。就三条样带的物种组成相似性来看,虽然土门-断头崖样带属于涪江水系,而茶山-九顶山样带和雁门沟-光光山样带属于岷江水系,但不同水系对该区物种组成的影响并不明显。三条样带中,草本层物种丰富度均远远大于灌木层和乔木层,而以乔木层物种丰富度最低;α-多样性指数随着海拔梯度的变化在土门-断头崖样带中呈现单一下降趋势,在茶山-九顶山样带表现为双峰模型,而在雁门沟-光光山样带则表现为不显著波动变化;均匀度指数在土门-断头崖样带呈现出单一下降的趋势,在雁门沟-光光山样带表现为凹形曲线,而在茶山-九顶山样带却无明显的变化规律。β-多样性指数在土门-断头崖样带和茶山-九顶山样带呈现出明显的波动状态,植被类型替代现象明显;而在雁门沟-光光山样带却并未有十分显著的转折点,因其水平植被带受到干扰,同海拔替代现象不显著。 3)九顶山西坡维管植物丰富度的海拔梯度格局 我们考察了九顶山西坡和两条垂直样带(土门-断头崖和雁门沟-光光山样带)的不同分类等级(包括科、属、种)和不同生活型物种(乔木、灌木、禾草、蕨类和其它草本)的丰富度沿着海拔梯度的分布。结果发现,物种的丰富度海拔梯度格局具有不同的模式,单一下降和中间膨胀格局依然是其主流。不同生活型的物种具有不同的丰富度格局,但是对于环境需求相似的类型具有较相似的丰富度格局。不同的丰富度格局可能由多因素导致,包括:气候,海拔跨度,面积,人为干扰等等。 4)九顶山西坡区系质量评估 我们尝试使用传统的区系质量评估方法对九顶山西坡的区系质量进行评估,并尝试使用一种新的区系质量评估体系对该区的区系进行评价。在九顶山西坡随着海拔梯度的上升,平均保守性系数在各条植被带中均呈现出逐渐上升的趋势。区系质量指数随着海拔的升高都表现为双峰模型,在植被交错区区系质量指数相对较高,而在海拔的两极,区系质量指数都很低。大部分地区使用新方法计算所得的加权平均保守性系数和区系质量指数都比传统方法计算的平均保收性系数和区系质量指数要高,说明在九顶山西坡的三条样带中,大部分地区都是那些保守性系数较高的物种占据优势,同时也表明九顶山西坡具有很高质量的区系和自然植被。 5)龙肘山种子植物区系的性质和特点 龙肘山种子植物区系的物种较为丰富,共有154 科,544 属,1156 种。科的优势十分明显,单种属和寡种属数量众多,说明本区系植物成分较为复杂、起源古老、物种多样性指数较高。地理成分复杂,分布类型多样,其中热带成分在总数量上高于温带成分,但是许多温带成分的属是该区植被的重要建群类群和优势类群,表现出明显的亚热带性质。 6)龙肘山生物多样性的现状和特点 在海拔梯度上,龙肘山地区无论是科、属、种的数量,还是不同等级分类单元之间的数量比,均呈现先升后降的趋势,并在中海拔地区达到峰值。物种多样性指数从总体上来说变化幅度不大,略有先升后降的趋势,在中海拔梯度物种多样性最高。乔、灌、草三层的多样性指数表现出乔木层<灌木层<草本层的特征;乔木层均匀度的变化很大,而灌木层和草本层均匀度的变化较小;灌木层均匀度的波动又强于草本层。β-多样性指数呈现单峰模式,中海拔地区最高。就龙肘山东、西坡物种多样性相比较而言,两者虽然在数值上交替上升,但是却体现出了较为一致的趋势,但西坡因受到干热河谷气候的影响,其平均气温要高于东坡,导致了东坡植物群落和物种的分布比西坡要低。在区系成分构成上,低山区的相同海拔段,西坡的热带亚热带成分所占的比例要比东坡高,这是因为西坡的平均气温比东坡稍高,导致了热带、亚热带物种分布更多。而随着海拔的上升,东、西两坡的气候、土壤等条件趋于一致,其植物区系成分的构成格局也趋于一致。 The Hengduan Mountain region is a very natural floristic region; it belongs toChina-Himalaya sub-region of Holarctic region in floristic subarea of China. The flora in this areais rich in family, genus and species; has a very complex composition of geographical elements;especially with high richness of endemic species and obvious substitution phenomenon. Thisregion as a hot-spot area of floristic and biodiversity, has fascinated biologists in the world for along time. The eastern range of Hengduan Mountain is the transition zone of China – Himalayaforest sub-region and China-Japan forest sub-region in floristic. The water systems are quitedifferent, Minjiang River in the north and Jishajiang River in the south grow quit different but alsoabundant plant species and vegetation resources. The similarity and correlativity of Minjiang River dry valleys and Jinshajiang River dry valleys have provided advantageous condition tocontrast flora and biodiversity between north and south. In the present study, the Jiuding Mountainlies in the north of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Minjiang River, and the LongzhouMountain lies in the south of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Jinshajiang River. In our study, we combined the methods of floristic research and biodiversity investigation toexplore the resources of plant species and vegetations; sampled with transects along the altitudinalgradients and also with transverse straps with similar elevation; collected the vascular plant specimen with sampling plots of ecology. We explored the plant species richness patterns alongaltitudinal gradients and discussed the underlying factors aroused these patterns; and used a novelmethod to assess the quality of Jiuding Mountain’s flora. All for a deeper comprehension of the plant recourses of this region; and provided feasible and reasonable suggestion for the protectionof resources. The results were as follows: 1 The characteristic of the flora of the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We had collected 1707 species of vascular plants belonging to 617 genera in 140 families inthe west slope of Jiuding Mountain,in which included 1616 seed plant species belonging to 572genera and 117 families. As for the composition of the areal types of the Families of seed plants,tropic components and temperate components are well-balanced, and percentage of tropicscomponents is higher than that of temperate ones for a litter bit. This shows the flora in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain has strong relationship with the tropic flora. But for the composition ofthe areal types of genera, temperate components have far exceeded the tropics ones, indicated thewhole flora with a conspicuous temperate character. Temperate components possess maximumproportion in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain, and many of them belong to constructivespecies and dominant species in the vegetation, are most important components in JiudingMountain’s Flora, also have embodied the temperate character of this area sufficiently. 2 Biodiversity patterns along altitudinal gradients in different vegetation transects in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain Based on the investigation of three vegetation transects (including Tumen-Duantouya transect,Chashan-Jiudingshan transect and Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect) in the west slope ofJiuding Mountain, we found the change of biodiversity along the altitude gradients displayedcertain regularity, but have differences among different transects. The three transects belong todifferent water systems; the Tumen-Duantouya transect belongs to Fujiang River, and the othertwo belong to Minjiang River. From the similarity of species compositions of different transects,we found different water system didn’t show obvious impact on the species composition. In all thethree transects, the species richness of herb layer was remarkably higher than shrub and tree layer,and the species richness of tree layer was the lowest one. With the increasing of the altitude, theline of α-diversity was monotonically decreasing curve in Tumen-Duantouya transect, andbimodal curve in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect, but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transectshowed a wave-like curve although not very obvious. Species evenness showed monotonicallydecreasing trends in Tumen-Duantouya transect, and very low at mid-altitude in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect, but in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect changed irregularly. Changes inβ-diversity corresponded with the transition of vegetation in the Tumen-Duantouya transect andChashan-Jiudingshan transect, and the curve of β-diversity along altitude had obvious turningpoint; but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect had no obvious turning point, and thesubstitution phenomenon was not obvious, transverse vegetation straps distributed interlaced. 3 Richness patterns of vascular plant species along altitude in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain Direct gradient analysis and regression methods were used to describe the species richnesspatterns along the altitudinal for Mt. Jiuding, as well as separately for Tumen-Duantouya Transectand Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect. Altitudinal gradient of diversity of units at differenttaxonomic level (including Family, Genus and Species) and at different life form (including tree,shrub, pteridophyte, grass and other herb) were tested to find differences among the richnesspattern. We found altitudinal richness also shows different patterns, and both monotonicallydecreasing pattern and hump-shaped pattern can be founded in vascular species richness. Speciesin different life forms show different altitudinal patterns, but those species with similarrequirements to environmental conditions show similar richness patterns along altitudinalgradients. Different richness patterns can be aroused by different climate, different altitudinal span,area factor, anthropogenic factor and so on. 4 Floristic quality assessments in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We used both the conventional method broadly adopted in the USA and the new one toassess the floristic quality in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain. The Mean Coefficient ofConservatism (MC) had the trend of increment along the altitudinal gradients. The FloristicQuality Index (FQI) was a bimodal curve with increasing of elevation; FQI got maximum valuesin the transition zones of different vegetations in the middle altitude, and had very low values atthe two end of elevation. In most areas of the west slope of the Jiuding Mountain, the resultscalculated using the new methods were higher than those using the conventional method. Thisindicated the dominant species of the communities had very high coefficients of conservatism inmost areas of Jiuding Mountain, and the communities are relatively kept pristine and the habitats very integrative. 5 The characteristic of the flora of Longzhou Mountain The flora of Longzhou Mountain has very abundant in species composition; there are about1156 species of seed plants belonging to 544 genera in 154 families. In which, twelve families with more than 20 species include totally 232 genera and 532 species, and form the majority of itsflora. The origin of its flora is old, monospecific genera and oligotypic genera amounts to 510 innumber, which constitute 93.75% of total number of genera. The geographical components arevarious in Longzhou Mountain, the majority of flora are temperate and pantropic ones. The tropiccomponents overtopped temperate components on genera quantity, but many temperatecomponents belong to constructive species and dominant species in the vegetation, and the wholeflora shows an obvious subtropical character. 6 Current situation and characteristic of biodiversity in Longzhou Mountain With the increasing of altitude, the number of species, genus, family and the ratios ofdifferent taxonomic levels all displayed a trend of descending after rising first, and peaked atmiddle height area. The change of α-diversity was not very acutely, with the trend of descendingafter rising first in some degree, the middle height area had highest α-diversity. As studying thetree layer, shrub layer and herb layer respectively, the Shannon-Wiener index was in followingorder: tree layer < shrub layer < herb layer; the change of evenness was more complicatedly thanthat of diversity, the tree layer changed acutely, but the shrub layer and herb layer fluctuatedsmoothly. Changes in β-diversity also showed the trend of descending after rising first. TheJaccard index and Cody index all peaked at the middle height forest area. As for the comparison ofplant diversity and evenness between the west and east slope, the numerical values ascendedalternatively, but the trend of changing was similar. The distribution of similar plant communitiesand species in east slope were lower than the west slope for the influence of Jinsha River DryValley. As for the composition of different floristic components, in lower altitude area of westslope, the tropic and sub-tropic plants had higher ratio than east slope’s and even could be equal tothe temperate plants. With the increasing of elevation, the floristic composition become morelikely between the east and west slope and temperate plants dominated the flora.


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繁殖更新是植物生活史的重要阶段,在退化生态系统中,植物繁殖更新能力往往较差,是植被恢复的限制环节,因而也成为恢复研究重点和核心。本研究选择岷江干旱河谷广泛分布的三种蔷薇:多苞蔷薇(R. multibracteata)、黄蔷薇(R. hugonis)和川滇蔷薇(R. soulieana)为研究对象,通过野外调查,在查明其生长、繁殖更新状况的基础上,采用控制和模拟实验,对种子和幼苗阶段进行了深入研究,综合分析更新潜力,并提出相对应的促进更新和植被恢复措施。主要结论如下: 1)三种蔷薇在岷江干旱河谷广泛分布,生长和繁殖状况良好,结实量大。各生长指标:株高、基径和冠幅,繁殖指标:结实数量、重量和单果重量都具有显著的空间差异性。基径对多苞蔷薇结实量影响最大;而冠幅对黄蔷薇结实量影响最大。海拔和纬度是对蔷薇生长和繁殖影响最大的环境因素,随着海拔和纬度的升高,植株生长更高大,结实量增加;坡度和坡向对其生长和繁殖也有一定影响,随着坡度 和坡向增加,蔷薇生长和结实受到抑制。 2)三种蔷薇在岷江干旱河谷更新现状不佳, 但更新潜力大。活力种子比率低,动物取食以及两年生幼苗的大量死亡是蔷薇更新的主要限制因素。多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇的结实率低,川滇蔷薇较高。三种蔷薇种子产量大,但种子质量较差,更新具有充足的种源。三种蔷薇都能形成持久种子库,种子库中种子总量大,但有效种子少,黄蔷薇被动物啃食的比例很高,多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇也有一部分种子受到动物破坏。三种蔷薇幼苗库组成特征表现为,当年生幼苗所占比例很高,年龄较大幼苗所占比例小。 3)三种蔷薇都具有不同程度休眠,未经处理种子的发芽率极低。黄蔷薇休眠程度最深,为深度生理休眠;多苞蔷薇为中度生理休眠;川滇蔷薇为非深度生理休眠。三种蔷薇种子在形态上发育成熟,种皮具有透水性。蔷薇果果肉和瘦果中含有抑制物质,其浸泡液抑制了油菜种子萌发,果肉抑制作用更强,果肉和瘦果浸泡液的抑制程度分别为:川滇蔷薇>黄蔷薇>多苞蔷薇。切割和硫酸腐蚀提高了川滇蔷薇种子的发芽能力,而对多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇没有影响。完全去除瘦果果皮和种皮提高了多苞蔷薇种子发芽率,但对黄蔷薇没有影响。赤霉素和烟水对蔷薇种子萌发没有促进作用。三种蔷薇打破休眠所需低温层积时间分别为:黄蔷薇>多苞蔷薇>川滇蔷薇。对于多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇,层积前对种子进行硫酸腐蚀或暖温层积能缩短低温层积时间,提高发芽率。对于多苞蔷薇,变温层积中暖温层积和低温层积具有一定的负补性,即延长暖温层积可以缩短种子萌发对低温层积的需要。 4)多苞蔷薇种子形态特征和种子休眠与萌发在不同海拔梯度间存在较大差异。种子采集时间、采集季节和干藏影响多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇的种子休眠。多苞蔷薇果实大小、种子大小和千粒重、种皮厚度随海拔升高而增加,而种子饱满率和活力随海拔升高而降低,种子休眠程度也随海拔升高而增加。种皮厚度与种子大小、千粒重成正相关关系,硫酸腐蚀后的种子经过不同时间的低温层积后,种子发芽率与种皮厚度、种子大小、千粒重、海拔成正相关关系。2006 年采集川滇蔷薇和多苞蔷薇种子休眠程度较2005 年低。种子休眠随种子年龄增加而减弱。高温和干旱能减轻多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇种子休眠。 5)三种蔷薇的生长和生物量积累在干旱胁迫条件下受到抑制,而生物量分配、叶片形态特征和水分利用特征等都发生了变化。三种蔷薇的根、茎、叶各器官生物量以及总生物量等在干旱胁迫下明显减小,叶片脱落数量增加。在干旱胁迫条件下,较多的生物量分配到地下部分,从而这使R/S 明显增加。比叶面积(SLA)和冠层面积比(LAR)对干旱胁迫的反应不敏感,仅有部分物种在干旱胁迫条件下发生了变化,并且其变化特点在不同年龄幼苗之间有一定差异。干旱胁迫对WUE 的影响在不同物种间存在差异。多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇的WUE 随着干旱胁迫的增加而增大, 而川滇蔷薇的WUE 则随干旱胁迫增加而减小。在干旱胁迫条件下,多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇叶片脱落量和生物量减小幅度较川滇蔷薇大,表明其抗旱能力较强。在干旱胁迫条件,三种蔷薇两年生幼苗的生物量减小幅度较当年生幼苗小,表明两年生幼苗的抗旱能力更强。 6)两种植被恢复措施中,幼苗移栽比播种具有更好的植被恢复效果。播种后,蔷薇种子的发芽率较高,但出苗率都很低,即使出苗,幼苗也几乎在一月内全部死亡。 三种微生境条件下(灌木、半灌木和裸地),种子出苗和幼苗成活没有差异。移栽幼苗总体死亡率都比较低,小于20%。特别是两年生幼苗死亡率更低,小于2%。移栽后的幼苗生长状况良好,在整个生长季中,各生长指标不断增加。生境对幼苗的存活率没有显著影响,但对于幼苗的生长和生物量积累有一定影响,裸地更有利于幼苗生长和生物量积累。与当年生幼苗相比,两年生幼苗具有更高的成活率。总之,三种蔷薇在干旱河谷分布广泛、生长繁殖状况良好,结实量大,具有丰富种源,繁殖更新潜力大,但繁殖更新状况不佳;种子散布后动物对种子的取食、种子的深度休眠过程、种子出苗以及当年生幼苗的存活和定居是更新的主要限制环节。水分是影响结实、种子休眠解除和萌发,幼苗存活和定居的最主要的限制因素。在植被恢复中,应在种子成熟季节大量采集种子,在室内打破休眠后进行人工播种,培育两年生幼苗,通过幼苗移栽方式进行植被恢复。川滇蔷薇应栽种在相对湿润的过渡区,而多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇可以应用于核心区植被恢复。 Regeneration is an important phase in plant life cycle. It has been a key component of ecological restoration in degradation ecosystem in which plants commonly has poor regeneration. In this paper, we investigated the natural growth, propagation and regeneration status of native three rose species, Rosa multibracteata, R. hugonis and R. soulieana, and analysis the limitation in seed germination and seedling establishment stages. Advice on facilitating the use of these plants in restoration based on the results has been proposed. The results were as follows: 1) Three rose plants widely distributed in the dry valley of the Minjiang River, and made a good performance in growth and propagation. There were significant spatial differences in each growth parameter, such as ramet height, basal diameter, crown diameter and propagation parameters including hip number of a clump, hip mass of a clump and a hip mass. Basa diameter was the most important growth parameter influencing fruit number for R. multibracteata and crown diameter was for R. hugoni. Altitude and latitude had the greatest effect on the growth and propagation of rose plants among environmental conditions. Each parameter of growth and propagation increased with the increase of altitude and latitude. In addition, the increase of slope and aspect limited the growth and propagation. 2) Three rose plants had poor natural regeneration, but great regeneration potential. Low seed viability, predation and higher mortality of current year old seedlings were the limitation in regeneration. R. multibracteata and R. hugonis had higher fruiting rates than R. souliean. All three plants produced a great number of seeds, while their viability was poor. Three rose plants had persistent seed banks, with high total seed number but very low viable seed density. Predation was most severe in R. hugonis, and it also existed to some degree in R. multibracteata and R. soulieana. The seedling age-structure was characteristic of current-year seedlings predominating and few older seedlings were observed. 3) Three rose seeds were dormant and untreated seeds germinated with very low germination percentages. The rose seeds had morphological mature embryos, and achenes were permeable. Some inhabit substances existed in hips and achenes for the extracts of hips and achenes inhibited germination of Brassica campestris. The inhibition effect of the extracts of three rose hip and achenes was R. soulieana>R. hugonis>R. multibracteata. Mechanical and H2SO4 scarification increased R. soulieana germination but had no effect on germination of R. hugonis and R. multibracteata seeds. Full removal of pericarp and testa improved the germination of R. multibracteata but did not affect R. hugonis germination. GA3 and smoke water had no positive effect on rose seed germination. The periods of cold stratification required to released seed dormancy was R. hugonis > R. soulieana >R. multibracteata. H2SO4 scarification and warm stratification shortened cold stratification to release dormancy for R. soulieana and R. multibracteata. Warm stratification had complementary effect for cold stratification, i.e. the longer warm stratification seeds received, the shorter cold stratification were required to obtain the same germination percentage. Three rose seeds had different kinds of dormancy; R. hugonis has deep physiological dormancy, R. multibracteata with intermediate physiological dormancy and R. souliean non-deep physiological dormancy. 4)The seeds traits and dormancy of R. multibracteata showed significant difference across altitudes. Year and season of seed collection had significant effect on seed dormancy for both R. souliean and R. multibracteata. Hip size, seed size, seed weight, seed coat thickness and seed dormancy level increased with the increase of the altitude. There were positive relations between seed coat thickness with seed size and seed weight. Germination percentage of seeds treated with H2SO4 scarification following different periods of cold stratification showed positive relation with seed coat thickness, seed size, seed weight and altitude. Seeds of R. souliean and R. multibracteata collected in 2006 had low dormancy level than those collected in 2005. Seed dormancy decreased with increasing seeds age. High temperature and drought were associated with low dormancy level. 5) Seedling growth, the total dry mass and their components of seedlings were reduced, while leaf senescence accelerated under drought stress. More biomass allocation to root system resulted in higher R/S ratio under drought. Water-use efficiency (WUE) of R. multibracteata and R. hugonis increased, while it declined for R. soulieana under drought stress. R. soulieana seedlings had poor drought-resistance capacity it had more senescent leaves, and its reduction of biomass was stronger than two other rose plants under drought. The reduction degree of one year old seedlings under drought stress was slighter than that of current year seedlings. Therefore, one year old seedling was more drought-resistent compared to current year seedlings. 6)Planting seedlings may have better effect in comparison with direct seeding. Most seeds germinated after seeding, but seedling emergence was very low. More than 80 % seedlings from direct seeding died within a months after emergence. Seedling emergence and survival rate did not show difference among microhabitats. Mortality rates of seedlings artificially planted in microhabitats were general lower than 20 %, and the mortality rate of one year old seedlings was lower than 2 %. Each grow parameter including plant height, leaf number and branch number continually increased after planting. Microhabitat type had effect on the growth parameter and biomass production, but it did not influence the seedling survival. Bare land tended to facilitate seedling growth. One year old seedlings had higher survival rate than current year seedlings. In conculsion, the three rose had wide distribution in the dry valley of the Minjiang River. They produced many seeds and had tolerance to drought stress to some degree. But they had poor regeneration in habitats may be caused by predation, seed dormancy,and high mortality in current year seedlings. We recommend that rose plants should be utilized in restoration by planting two-year old seedlings in spring. A large quantity of seeds should be collected artificially in autumn, release seed dormancy in room, and then cultivate two-year old seedlings by seeding in particular container. R. soulieana seedling probably be planted in transition area, and R. multibracteata and R. hugonis can be used in core area of the dry valley of the Minjiang River.


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横断山区干旱河谷地区的土壤是制约植被恢复的一个关键要素,但干旱条件下土壤质量与动态演变状况并不清楚,本研究以岷江干旱河谷核心地段的土壤为对象,研究了阳坡褐土土壤的物理、化学以及生物学特征在海拔梯度(1800m、2000m、2200m)格局及其时间动态(2005-2007)变化,应用主成分分析综合评价了土壤质量及其时空差异性,明确了土壤质量的变化趋势。主要研究结论如下: 1) 海拔梯度上土壤物理性状的变化,2005 年和2007 年土壤物理性状综合质量随着海拔的升高均得到了优化,即海拔2200 m>海拔2000 m>海拔1800 m。 2) 海拔梯度上土壤化学性质的变化,土壤化学综合性质2005 年随海拔升高而趋于变得更优,而2007 年海拔2000 m 最优,海拔1800 m 则最差。 3) 海拔梯度上土壤生物学性质的变化,2005 年土壤生物学性质随海拔升高表现出趋于更好,2007 年海拔2000 m 最优而海拔1800 m 地段最差。 4) 从土壤物理、化学、生物学三方面出发,应用主成分分析,分别分析得出2005 年和2007 年不同海拔高度的土壤质量综合得分。根据综合得分得出土壤质量综合评价的排列顺序为:2005 海拔2200 m>2007 年海拔2000 m>2005 年海拔2000 m>2007 年海拔1800 m>2007 海拔2200 m>2005 年海拔1800 m。2005年土壤综合质量随海拔升高而趋好,2007 年则以海拔2000 m 最优,海拔1800 m和2200 m 差异不大。 5)排除人为干扰后,干旱河谷土壤物理性状在海拔1800 m 略有恢复,海拔2000 m 变化不明显,而海拔2200 m 仍有退化趋势;土壤化学性质在海拔1800 m和2000 m 地段得到恢复,而海拔2200 m 处仍有退化;土壤生物学性质在海拔2000 m 地段呈恢复趋势,而1800 m 和2200 m 仍处于退化状态。综合质量分析表明,与2005 年相比,2007 年海拔1800 m 和2000 m 地段土壤质量趋于变优而海拔2200 m 地段仍有退化迹象。 Soil is a key factor that affect the restoration of vegetation in the Hengduan Mountains dry valley area. But the dynamics and quality of soil is not knowed in dry area. In this study, soil physiochemical and biological characteristics ranging from 1800~2200m above sea level from a typical south-facing slope at the Minjiang River dry valley area had been studied, and characteristics of changes in soil quality along altitudinal gradients and time scales were also discussed. The principal component analysis was used to assess the soil quality. The main results were as follows: 1) Changes in soil physical properties along altitudes. Soil physical properties obtained the optimization along with the elevation in 2005 and 2007. 2) Changes in soil chemical properties. It was summarized that soil chemical properties increased with elevation in 2005, but the soil of 2000 m was the best in 2007. 3) Changes in soil biological characteristics. Soil biological properties increased with elevation in 2005, but the soil of 2000 m was the best and 1800 m was the worst in 2007. 4) Change tendency of soil quality. With the soil physics, chemistry and biology characteristics, we analysised the change tendency of soil quality in altitudes. The result indicated that soil quality increased with altituded in 2005, and soil quality of 2000 m was the best in 2007. 5) In brief, the soil quality is by physics, chemistry as well as the biology synthesizes the influence the final outcome. And the soil quality's change was manifested by soil physics, chemistry and the biology characteristics. All the results indicated soil quality still degenerated at 2200 m in in the dry valley of Minjiang River. And soil quality of 1800 m and 2000 m resumed slight.


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Oxyapatite NaY9Si6O26 was prepared by sol-gel method. By choosing the precursors, a single phase compound was obtained. This soft chemical method lowered the reaction temperature by 100degreesC compared with the solid state method. Its morphology was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Several rare earth ions (Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+) and Pb2+ ion were doped in this compound. The high resolution emission spectrum of Eu3+ showed that rare earth ions occupied two yttrium sites. In spite of the charge imbalance of Pb2+ with the cations in this compound, it was found that Pb2+ could emit in UV range and transfer its excitation energy to Dy3+ ion.


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Blends of a poly(ether sulfone) (PES) and a polycarbonate (PC) were prepared by melt-mixing and were studied by tensile tests, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, density measurements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The blends were found to be two-phase systems and an interfacial layer was presumed to be formed between two phases, which was verified by TEM. A synergism of elongation at break and tensile modulus was shown in PES/PC blends. The effects of the crosshead speed on the mechanical properties were discussed for blends with different PES/PC weight ratios.


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The blends of polyethersulfone and phenoxy were prepared by melt mixing in a Brabender-like apparatus. The specimens for measurements were made by compression molding and then were water-quenched at room temperature under pressure. The tensile strength, tensile modulus, elongation at break and yield, density, thermal analysis, and dynamic mechanical properties were each measured. The dependence of tensile strength, tensile modulus, elongation at break and yield, and density on composition was obtained. The relationship between tensile modulus and elongation at break and yield and speed of the crosshead at different weight ratios of the blends is shown. The effects of composition and miscibility on the mechanical properties are discussed. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A statistical thermodynamics theory of polydisperse polymer blends based on a lattice model description of a fluid is formulated. Characterization of a binary polydisperse polymer mixture requires a knowledge of the pure polymer system and the interaction energy. It is assumed that the intrinsic and interactive properties of polymer (for example, T*, P*, rho*, and epsilon(ij)*) are independent of molecular size. Thermodynamic properties of ternary and higher order mixtures are completely defined in terms of the pure fluid polymer parameters and the binary interaction energies. Thermodynamic stability criteria for the phase transitions of a binary mixture are shown. The binodal and spinodal of general binary systems and of special binary systems are discussed.


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A statistical thermodynamics theory of polydisperse polymer mixtures with strong interaction between dissimilar components based on a lattice fluid model is formulated. Expressions for the free energy, equation of state, phase stability and spinodal for a polydisperse, binary polymer mixture with strong interaction are derived.