978 resultados para Mineralogia, Cementi a base minerale, Cementi biomedici, XRD, Cambiamenti dimensionali
Il lavoro della tesi si basa su prove di reattivtà di etanolo su catalizzatori formati da ossidi misti contenenti vanadio, in particolare un ferro vanadato e un rame vanadato, allo scopo di determinare la possibilità di ottenere chemicals di interesse a partire da una materia rinnovabile in processi one-pot consumando in situ intermendi pericolosi ( es. acetaldeide). Le prove sono state effettuate in un reattore tubolare in vetro, in continuo e a letto fisso. Le analisi della miscela uscente dal reattore sono state eseguite online per gascromatografia. Le varie prove sono state eseguite variando la composizione della miscela reagente, in particolare aggiungendo alternativamente e simultaneamente acqua e ossigeno alla miscela di etanolo e azoto ( sempre presenti nell'alimentazione). Per ogni miscela sono state eseguite prove a varie temperature. I catalizzatori sono stati caratterizzati via spettroscopia Rama, IR, XRD prima e dopo le varie reattvità.
Le biomasse sono attualmente una promettente alternativa ai combustibili fossili per la produzione di sostanze chimiche e fuels. Nella trasformazione delle biomasse in prodotti chimici un ruolo importante è giocato dai derivati del furfurale; il 5-idrossimetil-2-furfurale (HMF), per esempio, è un precursore chiave per la sintesi di prodotti con applicazioni nell'industria dei polimeri e in campo farmaceutico. Può essere ossidato per ottenere l’acido 2,5-furandicarbossilico (FDCA), un monomero per la sintesi di una nuova classe di polimeri, alternativi a quelli ottenuti da acido tereftalico. Per la preparazione di FDCA da HMF sono stati utilizzati vari catalizzatori e differenti condizioni di reazione; il principale svantaggio è la necessità di sali metallici e solventi organici, che rendono il processo costoso e ad elevato impatto ambientale. Recentemente sono stati trovati catalizzatori di Au supportati, attivi nell’ossidazione del HMF a FDCA; tuttavia la stabilità del catalizzatore e la produttività del processo rimangono basse. Lo scopo del lavoro è stato lo studio di sistemi attivi e stabili nella reazione di ossidazione del HMF a FDCA. In particolare è stato approfondito l’effetto della morfologia del supporto di CeO2, utilizzato per la preparazione di catalizzatori a base di Au e l’influenza della fase attiva sul meccanismo di reazione in sistemi misti Pd/Au. Il lavoro svolto ha avuto come obiettivi: -La preparazione di catalizzatori Au-CeO2 mesoporoso, ottenuto mediante “hard template” e la loro caratterizzazione mediante analisi XRD, HRTEM, BET, XRF, TPR e porosimetriche. Confrontando questi sistemi con catalizzatori di Au-CeO2 commerciale è stato possibile osservare le differenze in termini di attività catalitica e di struttura. -La sintesi di nanoparticelle Pd/Au in lega o core-shell e la loro caratterizzazione mediante analisi DLS, XRF, XRD e HRTEM per comprendere come il tipo di fase attiva formata influisce sull’attività e sul meccanismo di reazione nell’ossidazione di HMF a FDCA.
Le biomasse sono attualmente la più promettente alternativa ai combustibili fossili per la produzione di sostanze chimiche e fuels. A causa di problematiche di natura etica la ricerca oggi si sta muovendo verso l'uso delle biomasse che sfruttano terreni non coltivabili e materie prime non commestibili, quali la lignocellulosa. Attualmente sono state identificate diverse molecole piattaforma derivanti da biomasse lignocellulosiche. Tra queste ha suscitato grande interesse la 2-furaldeide o furfurale (FU). Tale molecola può essere ottenuta mediante disidratazione di monosaccaridi pentosi e possiede elevate potenzialità; è infatti considerata un intermedio chiave per la sintesi di un’ampia varietà di combustibili alternativi come il metilfurano (MFU) e prodotti ad elevato valore aggiunto per l’industria polimerica e la chimica fine come l’alcol furfurilico (FAL). In letteratura tali prodotti vengono principalmente ottenuti in processi condotti in fase liquida mediante l’utilizzo di catalizzatori eterogenei a base di metalli nobili come: Ni-Co-Ru-Pd, Pt/C o Pt/Al2O3, NiMoB/γ-Al2O3, in presenza di idrogeno molecolare come agente riducente. La riduzione del gruppo carbonilico mediante l’utilizzo di alcoli come fonti di idrogeno e catalizzatori a base di metalli non nobili tramite la reazione di Meerwein–Ponndorf–Verley (MPV), rappresenta un approccio alternativo che limita il consumo di H2 e permette di utilizzare bio-alcoli come donatori di idrogeno. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di mettere a punto un processo continuo, in fase gas, di riduzione della FU a FAL e MFU, utilizzando metanolo come fonte di idrogeno tramite un meccanismo di H-transfer. In dettaglio il lavoro svolto può essere così riassunto: Sintesi dei sistemi catalitici MgO e Mg/Fe/O e loro caratterizzazione mediante analisi XRD, BET, TGA/DTA, spettroscopia RAMAN. Studio dell’attività catalitica dei catalizzatori preparati nella reazione di riduzione in fase gas di FU a FAL e MFU utilizzando metanolo come fonte di idrogeno.
I materiali fotocatalitici, se opportunamente irradiati con luce di una opportuna lunghezza d'onda, consentono un maggior abbattimento delle sostanze organiche e inorganiche nocive con le quali vengono a contatto. Essi sono in grado inoltre grazie alla loro spiccata idrofilia di conservare inalterato nel tempo il loro aspetto estetico. Il connubio ingegneria e chimica ha creato dunque materiali fotocatalitici contenenti al loro interno particelle di TiO2, il principale fotocatalizzatore in commercio, che, applicati in ambiti urbani ed edilizi come rivestimenti, pitture, rimescolato in pasta di malte o masselli autobloccanti, pitture o piastrelle antisettiche e vetri autopulenti, possono generare effetti positivi in termini sia di antinquinamento che di antibattericità. La tesi parte dalla descrizione delle reazioni chimiche che stanno alla base della fotocatalisi e prosegue descrivendo il fotocatalizzatore più attivo ed efficace fino ad ora scoperto, il TiO2. Nella seconda parte della tesi si citano le principali aziende italiane e mondiali che si sono impegnate nella produzione di materiali fotocatalitici, riportando le loro opere e i loro prodotti. Nella parte terza si vogliono invece fornire le informazioni generali attualmente conosciute sulla minaccia alla salute che può costituire l'utilizzo di materiali nanometrici come il TiO2. Nella parte quarta invece si risponde alle ancora frequenti domande riguardanti l'efficacia del TiO2 nelle applicazioni reali al variare del materiale di supporto, la sua efficacia nel lungo termine, il reale effetto autopulente nell'ambiente reale e nel suo impatto sull'ambiente. Si riportano i risultati di laboratorio riguardanti l'efficacia fotocatalitica in termini di degradazione di tinte e di angolo di contatto, direttamente applicati alla realtà delle costruzioni: su supporti diversi in termini di permeabilità e idrorepellenza, è stata applicata una sospensione acquosa fotocatalitica applicata sia a pennello che tramite getto spray HVLP. Alcuni campioni sono poi stati dilavati simulando l'azione atmosferica di weathering dell'area bolognese.
Volcanic ashes are raw materials from geological deposits with a range of chemical compositions. When combined with suitable alkali activators they can be converted to geopolymers cement at ambient temperature. In this work we have investigated the possibility of use bauxite and oyster shells as mineral admixture in volcanic ashes, to enhance the properties of geopolymers synthesized. Different methods of analyses such as Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used to assess the variation of setting time, linear shrinkage and 28 days compressive strength of geopolymers paste. The bauxite and the oyster shells were characterized using inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES), thermal analyses (DSC/ATG), FTIR and X-ray diffractometry. The results of these analyses has showed that bauxite and oyster shells are respectively source of Al2O3 and of CaO, and can compensate the deficiencies of these oxides in volcanic ashes. Adding mineral admixture dissolve slowly in high alkaline medium. Addition of about 20% of bauxite or 10% of oyster shells is seen to decrease the setting time respectively from 415 to 275 min and 195 min. Linear shrinkage decrease with percentage of bauxite or of oyster shells added. Efflorescence is reduced by adding 10% of bauxite. 28 days compressive strength of geopolymeric materials increase respectively for 4.77 and 7.52% for 10% of bauxite or 20% of oyster shells added. More than these percentage additive has a deleterious effect on compressive strength due to crystalized mineralogical phases of the admixture.
Natural dolomitic rock has been investigated in the transesterification of C and C triglycerides and olive oil with a view to determining its viability as a solid base catalyst for use in biodiesel synthesis. XRD reveals that the dolomitic rock comprised 77% dolomite and 23% magnesian calcite. The generation of basic sites requires calcination at 900 °C, which increases the surface area and transforms the mineral into MgO nanocrystallites dispersed over CaO particles. Calcined dolomitic rock exhibits high activity towards the liquid phase transesterification of glyceryl tributyrate and trioctanoate, and even olive oil, with methanol for biodiesel production. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008.
Novel macroporous solid bases have been developed as alternative clean technologies to existing commercial homogeneous catalysts for the production of biodiesel from triglycerides; the latter suffer process disadvantages including complex separation and associated saponification and engine corrosion, and are unsuitable for continuous operation. To this end, tuneable macroporous MgAl hydrotalcites have been prepared by an alkali-free route and characterised by TGA, XRD, SEM and XPS. The macropore architecture improves diffusion of bulky triglyceride molecules to the active base sites, increasing activity. Lamellar and macroporous hydrotalcites will be compared for the transesterification of both model and plant oil feedstocks, and structure-reactivity relations identified.
Ceramic pigments that own mainly the spinel structure AB2O4 are becoming a matter of great scientific and technological interest due to the ability of accommodate different cations in its structure, allowing different dopings and thus obtaining different colors. Studies on ceramic pigments currently are being directed to the development of stable and pigments obtained at low temperatures and with greater reproducibility. This work aims at the use of inorganic pigments for applications in ceramic tiles, investigating the influence of doping and calcination temperature on the coloring pigments and ceramic glazes. the based pigments of CoCr2O4, CoAl2O4, Co0,8Zn0,2Cr2O4 and Co0,8Zn0,2Al2O4 were synthesized by a chemical route using commercial gelatin as organic precursor. The materials were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in the UVVisible region and colorimetry. The results confirmed the feasibility of synthesis used, the route presented pigments crystal structures and the desired phases were obtained from 500 °C with increased crystallinity and the crystallite size. The pigments have hues ranging from green to violet according to their doping and calcination temperatures.
In recent years, solid carriers suitable oxygen have been developed for use in different chemical processes recirculation. The success of this technology is directly related to the chemical reactivity and the oxygen storage capacity of the carrier. Thus, research into the development of new materials that can be applied to the process becomes extremely important. Possible candidates are the carriers based on nickel and copper for presenting favorable thermodynamic properties. In this work, aluminates type MAl2O4 (M = Mg and Ca) and M0,9B0,1Al2O4 (B = Ni and Cu) that are used as supports were synthesized by combustion reactions assisted by microwave and calcined at 900°C/2h. Then, the carriers were impregnated with 10% (m/m) of nickel or copper, and subsequently calcined at 600°C/2h to obtain the solid oxygen carriers, which were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) Microscopy scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and temperature programmed reduction (TPR). Reactions simulating the combustion process by chemical recirculation were performed by cycles reduction/oxidation, in order to evaluate the reactivity of carriers. XRD analysis revealed diffraction peaks of the spinel type structures. In the doped substrates were verified the presence of secondary phases, suggesting that all the metal was incorporated into the spinel structure. In solid oxygen carriers, the NiO and CuO phases were observed after impregnation of active phases on different media. The results of evaluations of chemical cycles reduction/oxidation revealed that TSO's impregnated with nickel in various media were more active and are potential candidates for use in the chemical recirculation technology
Increasing energy demand is being met largely by fossil fuel reserves, which emit CO2, SOx gases and various other pollutants. So does the search for fuels that emit fewer pollutants and have the same energy efficiency. In this context, hydrogen (H2) has been increasingly recognized as a potential carrier of energy for the near future. This is because the H2 can be obtained by different routes and has a wide application area , in addition to having clean burning, generating only H2O as a product of combustion , and higher energy density per unit mass . The Chemical Looping Reforming process (CLR) has been extensively investigated in recent years, it is possible to regenerate the catalyst by applying cycles of reduction and oxidation. This work has as main objective to develop catalysts based on nickel and cobalt to study the reactivity of reform with chemical recycling process. The catalysts were prepared by three different methods: combustion assisted by microwave, wet impregnation and co-precipitation. All catalysts synthesized have the same amount by weight of the active phases (60% w / w). The other 40 % m/m consists in La2O3 (8% w / w), Al2O3 (30% w / w) and MgO (2%). Oxygen carriers have been named as follows: N or C, nickel or cobalt, followed by the number 3 or 6, meaning 30 to 60% of active phase in the oxide form and C, CI or CP, which means self-combustion assisted by microwave, self-combustion assisted by microwave followed by wet impregnation and co-precipitation. The oxygen carriers were then characterized by the techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), surface area (BET), temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The characterization results showed that the different synthesis methods have led to obtaining different morphologies and structures. Redox tests using CH4 as reducing agent and sintetic air as oxidant agent was done with N6C and C6C, N6CI and C6CI and N6CP and C6CP oxygen carriers. The tests revealed different behaviors, depending on active phase and on synthesis procedure. N6C oxygen carrier produced high levels of H2. The C6CI oxygen carrier produced CO2 and H2O without carbon deposits.
Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are hybrids materials, often crystalline, consisting of metal or metal clusters, connected by polytopic organic ligands repetitively, leading to structures, usually porous. In this work, MOFs based on lanthanide ions (La3+ and Gd3+) and dicarboxylate type of ligands (isophthalic and terephthalic acids), were synthesized by hydrothermal, solvothermal and hydro(solvo)thermal methods. The effects of the synthetic route as well as the type of heating, conventional or by microwave, on the structure and properties of MOFs were studied. The powder samples obtained were characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis and scanning electron microscopy. The results suggest that the addition of an organic or inorganic base is needed to promote the deprotonation of the ligand, since in the samples prepared by the hydrothermal method, without the use of a base, no formation of the metalorganic framework was observed. On the other hand, the presence of DMF as solvent or cosolvent, afforded the deprotonation of the ligand with the consequent formation of MOFs. At least two different crystalline structures were identified for the samples prepared with terephthalic acid. These samples are isostructural with those reported for phases Eu(1,3-BDC)DMF, Eu2(1,4-BDC)3 (DMF)2 and Tb(1,4-BDC)H2O. The presence of water in the reaction medium in the hydro(solvo)thermal method, provoked the growth of the structure different from that observed in the absence of water. This can be explained by the difference in the coordination mode of water and DMF to lanthanide ions. Although not identified by XRD, the samples prepared with isophthalic acid, also present metalorganic structures, which was confirmed by the presence of the characteristic displacement of the carbonyl group band in their infrared spectra, compared to the spectrum of the pure ligand. This shift was also observed in the samples prepared with terephthalic acid. Thermal analisys shows that the metal organic frameworks do not collapse occurs at a temperature below 430°C.The analysis of scanning electron microscopy suggests that the morphology of powders is highly dependent on the type of heating used, conventional or by microwave.
Lubricants and cutting middle distillates typically have large amounts of n-paraffins to increase its freezing point and fluidity. Accordingly, the removal of n-paraffins of long chain lubricants oils and diesel is essential to get a product with good cold flow properties. The development of new catalysts, which exhibit thermal stability and catalytic activity for the hydroisomerization reaction is still a challenge. Thus, silicoaluminophosphates (SAPO) were synthesized by different routes. Have been used also post-synthesis treatment for obtaining hybrid structures and others synthesis have been carried out with mesoporous template (soft and hard-template). Therefore, SAPO have been impregnated with H2PtCl6 solution by the incipient wetness method. Then assessments of catalytic activities in hydroisomerization and hydrocracking reactions of hexadecane have been held. Besides SAPO, niobium phosphate - NbP - were also impregnated with platinum and evaluated in the same reaction. After impregnation, these catalysts have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption, infrared spectroscopy with adsorbed pyridine (IV-PY), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and resonance nuclear magnetic 29Si (29Si-NMR). The characterization results by XRD have shown that it has been possible to obtain mesoporous SAPOs. However, for the syntheses with soft template there was collapse of the structure after removal of the organic template. Even so, these catalysts have been actives. It was possible to obtain hybrid materials through the synthesis of SAPO-11 made with hard templates and by means of post-synthesis treatments samples of SAPO-11. Moreover, NbP has shown characteristic XRD of amorphous materials, with high acidity and were active in the conversion of hexadecane.
Lubricants and cutting middle distillates typically have large amounts of n-paraffins to increase its freezing point and fluidity. Accordingly, the removal of n-paraffins of long chain lubricants oils and diesel is essential to get a product with good cold flow properties. The development of new catalysts, which exhibit thermal stability and catalytic activity for the hydroisomerization reaction is still a challenge. Thus, silicoaluminophosphates (SAPO) were synthesized by different routes. Have been used also post-synthesis treatment for obtaining hybrid structures and others synthesis have been carried out with mesoporous template (soft and hard-template). Therefore, SAPO have been impregnated with H2PtCl6 solution by the incipient wetness method. Then assessments of catalytic activities in hydroisomerization and hydrocracking reactions of hexadecane have been held. Besides SAPO, niobium phosphate - NbP - were also impregnated with platinum and evaluated in the same reaction. After impregnation, these catalysts have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption, infrared spectroscopy with adsorbed pyridine (IV-PY), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and resonance nuclear magnetic 29Si (29Si-NMR). The characterization results by XRD have shown that it has been possible to obtain mesoporous SAPOs. However, for the syntheses with soft template there was collapse of the structure after removal of the organic template. Even so, these catalysts have been actives. It was possible to obtain hybrid materials through the synthesis of SAPO-11 made with hard templates and by means of post-synthesis treatments samples of SAPO-11. Moreover, NbP has shown characteristic XRD of amorphous materials, with high acidity and were active in the conversion of hexadecane.
Inorganic pigment comprises a host lattice, which is part of the chromophore component (usually a transition metal cation) and possible components modifiers, which stabilize, add or restate the properties pigments. Among the materials with spinel, ferrites, and the chromite stand out, because they have broad technological importance in the area of materials, applicability, pigments, catalytic hydrogenation, thin film, ceramic tiles, among others. The present work, pigments containing CuFe2O4, CuCr2O4,e CuFeCrO4, were synthesized by a method that makes use of gelatin as organic precursor using their application to ceramic pigments. The pigments were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) spectroscopy in the UV-visible and Colorimetry. The results confirmed the feasibility of the synthetic route used, with respect to powders synthesized, there is the formation of spinel phase from 500°C, with an increase in crystallinity and the formation of other phases. The pigments were shown to be crystalline and the desired phases were obtained. The copper chromite have hues ranging from green to black according to the calcination temperature, while the copper chromite doped with iron had brownish. The ferrites showed copper color and darker brown to black, which may indicate an interesting factor because of the importance of black pigment