895 resultados para Mindfulness based stress reduction


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This project reviewed current research on mental health and Canadian children, and then examined the practice of mindfulness as a means of supporting well-being and circumventing the potential detrimental effects of mental health problems. By contextualizing these findings within the recently released educational vision of the Ontario Ministry of Education (2014), which identifies well-being as one of the core principles of education in Ontario, this project investigated how mindfulness-based practices can be brought into the primary grade classroom. The ultimate purpose of this project is the development of a handbook for Ontario teachers of students in grades 1 to 3 (ages 6 to 8). This resource was developed from a comprehensive literature review and provides educators with easy-to-follow activities to use in the classroom to encourage the development of resilience and emotional well-being through mindfulness. The handbook also includes additional information and resources regarding both mindfulness and mental health that may be helpful to teachers, students, and parents.


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L’annonce d’un diagnostic de cancer provoque souvent une forte réaction émotionnelle et un stress important tant chez les adultes que chez les adolescents et leurs parents. Certains d’entre eux cherchant à soulager cette détresse se tournent vers des méthodes alternatives positives de gestion de stress, dans le but d’atténuer les effets psychologiques indésirables du cancer. Les thérapies ciblant à la fois le corps et l’esprit gagnent en popularité dans ces populations. Une avenue prometteuse est la méditation de pleine conscience (MPC), inspirée de la philosophie bouddhiste et adaptée dans le cadre d’interventions thérapeutiques pour améliorer la qualité de vie des patients souffrant de maladies chroniques. À ce jour, des études dans le domaine de la santé ont suggéré que la MPC pouvait avoir des effets bénéfiques sur les symptômes et la gestion de plusieurs maladies chroniques dont le cancer, faisant d’elle une avenue thérapeutique intéressante dans le traitement des effets psychologiques indésirables liés à ces maladies. La recherche émergente en pédiatrie suggère des effets comparables chez les enfants et adolescents. L’objectif de la présente thèse a été de développer un essai clinique randomisé visant à évaluer les effets de la MPC sur la qualité de vie, le sommeil et l’humeur chez des adolescents atteints de cancer, en documentant les étapes d’implantation du projet, les embuches qui ont été rencontrées durant son implantation et les résultats obtenus. La thèse est présentée sous la forme de deux articles scientifiques. Le premier article présente la méthodologie qui avait été planifiée pour ce projet mais qui n’a pu être réalisée en raison d’embuches rencontrées dans la complétion de ce pilote. Ainsi, les étapes préliminaires du développement de ce projet de recherche, en accordant une place prépondérante au manuel d’intervention rédigé à cette fin. La mise en place et la structure de ce projet, nommément le devis méthodologique employé, la taille d’échantillon visée, les méthodes de recrutement mises en place et les stratégies de randomisation prévues, sont décrites en détail dans cet article. Pour les fins de ce projet, un manuel d’intervention de MPC a été rédigé. L’intervention en MPC, menée par deux instructeurs formés en MPC, s’est échelonnée sur une durée de huit semaines, à raison d’une séance d’une heure trente par semaine. Une description détaillée de chaque séance est incluse dans cet article, dans un but de dissémination du protocole de recherche. Des analyses intragroupe serviront à évaluer l’impact de l’intervention en méditation de pleine conscience sur la qualité de vie, le sommeil et l’humeur pré-à-post intervention et au suivi à six mois. Des analyses intergroupes prévues sont décrites afin de comparer les effets de l’intervention entre les participants du groupe contrôle et du groupe expérimental. Les limites potentielles de ce projet, notamment la participation volontaire, le risque d’attrition et la petite taille d’échantillon sont décrites en détail dans cet article. Le deuxième article présente, dans un premier temps, le déroulement du projet de recherche, en mettant en lumière les embuches rencontrées dans son implantation. Ainsi, les leçons à tirer de l’implantation d’un tel essai clinique en milieu hospitalier au Québec sont décrites selon trois axes : 1) les défis liés au recrutement et à la rétention des participants; 2) l’acceptabilité et la compréhensibilité de l’intervention en pleine conscience; et 3) le moment où l’intervention s’est déroulée (timing) et l’impact sur l’engagement requis des participants dans le projet. Durant une période de recrutement de neuf mois, 481 participants potentiels ont été filtrés. 418 (86,9 %) d’entre eux ont été exclus. 63 participants potentiels, vivant à moins d’une heure de Montréal, ont été approchés pour prendre part à ce projet. De ce nombre, seulement 7 participants (1,4%) ont accepté de participer aux rencontres de MPC et de compléter les mesures pré-post intervention. Un bassin d’éligibilité réduit, ainsi que des taux de refus élevés et des conflits d’horaire avec les activités scolaires ont eu un impact considérable sur la taille d’échantillon de ce projet et sur l’absentéisme des participants. Malgré l’intérêt manifeste des équipes médicales pour la recherche psychosociale, les ressources requises pour mener à terme de tels essais cliniques sont trop souvent sous- estimées. Les stratégies de recrutement et de rétention des participants méritent une attention spéciale des chercheurs dans ce domaine. Dans un deuxième temps, le deuxième article de cette thèse a pour objectif de présenter les résultats de l’intervention en MPC chez des jeunes ayant le cancer, en examinant spécifiquement l’impact de l’intervention sur la qualité de vie, le sommeil et l’humeur des jeunes pré-post intervention et lors du suivi à six mois. Faisant écho aux embuches décrites préalablement décrites, les analyses statistiques n’ont permis de déceler aucun effet statistiquement significatif de notre intervention. Aucune différence significative n’est notée entre les participants du groupe expérimental et les participants du groupe contrôle. Les difficultés rencontrées dans de la complétion des devoirs et de la pratique de techniques de méditation entre les séances, décrites en détail cet article, expliquent en partie ces résultats. Globalement, le contexte développemental spécifique à l’adolescence, ayant possiblement eu un impact sur l’adhérence des participants à la thérapie proposée et à leur motivation à prendre part aux rencontres, les scores sous-cliniques lors du premier temps de mesure, l’impact du soutien social inhérent au contexte de thérapie de groupe, ainsi que les caractéristiques personnelles des thérapeutes, pourraient avoir influencé les résultats de ce pilote. Les résultats de ce projet pilote nous laissent croire que la prudence est de mise dans la généralisation des bienfaits et de l’efficacité de la pleine conscience observés chez les adultes atteints de cancer dans son application aux adolescents en oncologie. En conclusion, la présente thèse contribue à enrichir la recherche dans le domaine de la MPC chez les jeunes en questionnant néanmoins la pertinence d’une telle intervention auprès d’une population d’adolescents souffrant de cancer. Ainsi, il convient d’analyser les résultats obtenus en tenant compte des limites méthodologiques de ce projet et de poser un regard critique sur la faisabilité et la reproductibilité d’un projet d’une telle envergure auprès d’une même population. Les leçons tirées de l’implantation d’un tel projet en milieu hospitalier pédiatrique se sont avérées d’une importance centrale dans sa complétion et feront partie intégrante de toute tentative de réplication. D’autres essais cliniques de cette nature seront inévitablement requis afin de statuer sur l’efficacité de la MPC chez des adolescents atteints cancer et sur la faisabilité de l’implantation de cette méthode d’intervention auprès d’une population pédiatrique hospitalière.


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La fibromialgia es un síndrome doloroso crónico de alta complejidad en su diagnóstico (que hasta la fecha es clínico) y en su manejo. Se caracteriza por la presencia simultánea de numerosos problemas psicológicos en los pacientes, de los cuales se reconoce su asociación con el síndrome pero no la direccionalidad de la asociación. En consecuencia, la atención de las personas que lo desarrollan requiere del despliegue de numerosos esfuerzos interdisciplinarios, con un alto fracaso terapéutico y una mayor cronificación de los síntomas. La Terapia Cognoscitivo Comportamental ha demostrado ser una valiosa herramienta para el abordaje eficaz de las necesidades afectivas, emocionales y comportamentales de esta población. En consecuencia, el presente trabajo de grado tuvo como objetivo realizar una revisión de la literatura hallada en las bases de datos especializadas, sobre la evidencia de las Terapias de Cognoscitivo Comportamentales de Tercera Generación en el manejo de la fibromialgia. Se seleccionaron tres de estas terapias, a saber: la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (TAC), la Terapia Cognoscitiva Basada en Mindfulness (TCBM) y la Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (PAF). En primer lugar se presenta un breve recorrido histórico de la Terapia Comportamental con el fin de apreciar las diferencias y las similitudes de la Terapia Comportamental en sus tres generaciones. Posteriormente se presenta cada una de las tres terapias seleccionadas, contextualizándolas en cuanto a sus objetivos y evidencia empírica en el campo de la Psicología de la Salud y en específico del dolor crónico y de la fibromialgia. Finalmente, se presentan algunas conclusiones generales y se discute sobre su eficacia y el papel del en estas, en especial para el manejo de la persona con fibromialgia.


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OBJECTIVES: The present literature review conceptualises landscape as a health resource that promotes physical, mental, and social well-being. Different health-promoting landscape characteristics are discussed. METHODS: This article is based on a scoping study which represents a special kind of qualitative literature review. Over 120 studies have been reviewed in a five-step-procedure, resulting in a heuristic device. RESULTS: A set of meaningful pathways that link landscape and health have been identified. Landscapes have the potential to promote mental well-being through attention restoration, stress reduction, and the evocation of positive emotions; physical well-being through the promotion of physical activity in daily life as well as leisure time and through walkable environments; and social well-being through social integration, social engagement and participation, and through social support and security. CONCLUSION: This scoping study allows us to systematically describe the potential of landscape as a resource for physical, mental and social well-being. A heuristic framework is presented that can be applied in future studies, facilitating systematic and focused research approaches and informing practical public health interventions.


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Patient comments and empirical studies suggest an influence of stress on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). We performed a quality assessment of previous studies on the effect of stress reduction on IBD in order to formulate recommendations for future studies and to evaluate their potential for improvement.


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During recent years, mindfulness-based approaches have been gaining relevance for treatment in clinical populations. Correspondingly, the empirical study of mindfulness has steadily grown; thus, the availability of valid measures of the construct is critically important. This paper gives an overview of the current status in the field of self-report assessment of mindfulness. All eight currently available and validated mindfulness scales (for adults) are evaluated, with a particular focus on their virtues and limitations and on differences among them. It will be argued that none of these scales may be a fully adequate measure of mindfulness, as each of them offers unique advantages but also disadvantages. In particular, none of them seems to provide a comprehensive assessment of all aspects of mindfulness in samples from the general population. Moreover, some scales may be particularly indicated in investigations focusing on specific populations such as clinical samples (Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale, Southampton Mindfulness Questionnaire) or meditators (Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory). Three main open issues are discussed: (1) the coverage of aspects of mindfulness in questionnaires; (2) the nature of the relationships between these aspects; and (3) the validity of self-report measures of mindfulness. These issues should be considered in future developments in the self-report assessment of mindfulness.


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Mutations in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), a large extracellular glycoprotein expressed in musculoskeletal tissues, cause two skeletal dysplasias, pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. These mutations lead to massive intracellular retention of COMP, chondrocyte death and loss of growth plate chondrocytes that are necessary for linear growth. In contrast, COMP null mice have only minor growth plate abnormalities, normal growth and longevity. This suggests that reducing mutant and wild-type COMP expression in chondrocytes may prevent the toxic cellular phenotype causing the skeletal dysplasias. We tested this hypothesis using RNA interference to reduce steady state levels of COMP mRNA. A panel of shRNAs directed against COMP was tested. One shRNA (3B) reduced endogenous and recombinant COMP mRNA dramatically, regardless of expression levels. The activity of the shRNA against COMP mRNA was maintained for up to 10 weeks. We also demonstrate that this treatment reduced ER stress. Moreover, we show that reducing steady state levels of COMP mRNA alleviates intracellular retention of other extracellular matrix proteins associated with the pseudoachondroplasia cellular pathology. These findings are a proof of principle and the foundation for the development of a therapeutic intervention based on reduction of COMP expression.


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Introduction: Measuring trait mindfulness and change in mindfulness may be a crucial prerequisite for the evaluation and further development of mindfulness based interventions for the treatment of mental disorders. This endeavour is nontrivial as current measures cover varying aspects and mindfulness and may have problems regarding validity. This presentation describes the development and validation of a questionnaire for the comprehensive assessment of mindfulness: the Comprehensive Inventory of Mindfulness Experiences (CHIME). Method: The factor structure, reliability, and validity of the CHIME were established in a community sample (N = 298) and a sample of MBSR group participants (N = 161). Results: Factor-analytical procedures supported an eight-factor structure. The structure was tested in a further confirmatory sample (N = 202). The questionnaire and its subscales exhibited good reliability (internal consistency and retest-reliability). Analysis of the measurement invariance of the single items over groups differing in age, gender, meditation experience, and symptom load pointed to the absence of systematic differences in the items' semantic understanding. Parameters reflecting construct validity, criterion validity, and incremental validity as well as change sensitivity were all at least satisfactory. Conclusions: The CHIME is a self-report measure with favorable psychometric properties based on all aspects of mindfulness that are included in current mindfulness scales. This scale may be helpful in the evaluation and further development of mindfulness based interventions.


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The present study assessed Community Prevention Intervention Unit clients participating in Healthy Relationships in December of 2005 to December of 2006. Healthy Relationships was formulated from Social Cognitive Theory-based HIV prevention. This 5-week intervention integrates skills building, self-efficacy, and positive expectations about new behaviors in addition to stress reduction and sexual risk reduction techniques to elicit a behavior change. The study was undertaken to evaluate differences in attitudes, beliefs and behaviors regarding one's HIV status and participation in Healthy Relationships. Gender differences among participants in Healthy Relationships were also measured. Subjects were evaluated utilizing pre- and post-questionnaires. Analyses revealed that there were significant differences in some risk behaviors, beliefs and attitudes. However, men and women did differ with regard to significant differences among disclosure. ^


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Anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO) was characterized in sediment cores from the Blake Ridge collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164. Three independent lines of evidence support the occurrence and scale of AMO at Sites 994 and 995. First, concentration depth profiles of methane from Hole 995B exhibit a region of upward concavity suggestive of methane consumption. Diagenetic modeling of the concentration profile indicates a 1.85-m-thick zone of AMO centered at 21.22 mbsf, with a peak rate of 12.4 nM/d. Second, subsurface maxima in tracer-based sulfate reduction rates from Holes 994B and 995B were observed at depths that coincide with the model-predicted AMO zone. The subsurface zone of sulfate reduction was 2 m thick and had a depth integrated rate that compared favorably to that of AMO (1.3 vs. 1.1 nmol/cm**2/d, respectively). These features suggest close coupling of AMO and sulfate reduction in the Blake Ridge sediments. Third, measured d13CH4 values are lightest at the point of peak model-predicted methane oxidation and become increasingly 13C-enriched with decreasing sediment depth, consistent with kinetic isotope fractionation during bacterially mediated methane oxidation. The isotopic data predict a somewhat (60 cm) shallower maximum depth of methane oxidation than do the model and sulfate reduction data.


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The relationship between the production of reactive oxygen species and the hypersensitive response (HR) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) toward an incompatible race of the Oomycete Phytophthora parasitica var nicotianae has been investigated. A new assay for superoxide radical (O2−) production based on reduction of the tetrazolium dye sodium,3′-(1-[phenylamino-carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium)-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene-sulfonic acid hydrate (XTT) has enabled the quantitative estimation of perhydroxyl/superoxide radical acid-base pair (HO2·/O2−) production during the resistant response. Tobacco suspension cells were inoculated with zoospores from compatible or incompatible races of the pathogen. Subsequent HO2·/O2− production was monitored by following the formation of XTT formazan. In the incompatible interaction only, HO2·/O2− was produced in a minor burst between 0 and 2 h and then in a major burst between 8 and 10 h postinoculation. During this second burst, rates of XTT reduction equivalent to a radical flux of 9.9 × 10−15 mol min−1 cell−1 were observed. The HO2·/O2− scavengers O2− dismutase and Mn(III)desferal each inhibited dye reduction. An HR was observed in challenged, resistant cells immediately following the second burst of radical production. Both scavengers inhibited the HR when added prior to the occurrence of either radical burst, indicating that O2− production is a necessary precursor to the HR.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-05


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Background There is evidence for an adaptive role of the omega -3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) during stress. Mechanisms of action may involve regulation of stress mediators, such as the catecholamines and proinflammatory cytokines. Prevention of stress-induced aggression and hostility were demonstrated in a series of clinical trials. This study investigates whether perceived stress is ameliorated by DHA in stressed university staff. Methods Subjects that scored ≥ 17 on the Perceived Stress Scale were randomised into a 6-week pilot intervention study. The diet reactive group was supplemented with 6 g of fish oil containing 1.5 g per day DHA, while the placebo group was supplemented with 6 g a day of olive oil. The groups were compared with each other and a wider cross sectional study population that did not receive either active or placebo intervention. Results There was a significant reduction in perceived stress in both the fish oil and the placebo group from baseline. There was also a significant between-group difference between the fish oil group and the no-treatment controls in the rate of stress reduction (p < 0.05). However, there was not a significant between-group difference between the fish oil and the placebo group, nor the placebo group and the control group. These results are discussed in the context of several methodological limitations. The significant stress reductions in both the fish oil and the placebo group are considered in view of statistical regression, an effect likely to have been exaggerated by the time course of the study, a large placebo effect and the possibility of an active effect from the placebo. Conclusion There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the fish oil group compared with no-treatment controls. This effect was not demonstrated in the placebo group. As a pilot study, it was not sufficiently powered to find the difference between the fish oil group and the placebo group significant. Further work needs to be undertaken to conclusively demonstrate these data trends. However, the findings from this research support the literature in finding a protective or 'adaptogenic' role for omega-3 fatty acids in stress.


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The notorious "dimensionality curse" is a well-known phenomenon for any multi-dimensional indexes attempting to scale up to high dimensions. One well-known approach to overcome degradation in performance with respect to increasing dimensions is to reduce the dimensionality of the original dataset before constructing the index. However, identifying the correlation among the dimensions and effectively reducing them are challenging tasks. In this paper, we present an adaptive Multi-level Mahalanobis-based Dimensionality Reduction (MMDR) technique for high-dimensional indexing. Our MMDR technique has four notable features compared to existing methods. First, it discovers elliptical clusters for more effective dimensionality reduction by using only the low-dimensional subspaces. Second, data points in the different axis systems are indexed using a single B+-tree. Third, our technique is highly scalable in terms of data size and dimension. Finally, it is also dynamic and adaptive to insertions. An extensive performance study was conducted using both real and synthetic datasets, and the results show that our technique not only achieves higher precision, but also enables queries to be processed efficiently. Copyright Springer-Verlag 2005


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the structure of jobs and burnout, and to assess to what extent, if any this relationship was moderated by individual coping methods. This study was supported by the Karasek's (1998) Job Demand-Control-Support theory of work stress as well as Maslach and Leiter's (1993) theory of burnout. Coping was examined as a moderator based on the conceptualization of Lazarus and Folkman (1984). ^ Two overall overarching questions framed this study: (a) what is the relationship between job structure, as operationalized by job title, and burnout across different occupations in support services in a large municipal school district? and (b) To what extent do individual differences in coping methods moderate this relationship? ^ This study was a cross-sectional study of county public school bus drivers, bus aides, mechanics, and clerical workers (N = 253) at three bus depot locations within the same district using validated survey instruments for data collection. Hypotheses were tested using simultaneous regression analyses. ^ Findings indicated that there were statistically significant and relevant relationships among the variables of interest; job demands, job control, burnout, and ways of coping. There was a relationship between job title and physical job demands. There was no evidence to support a relationship between job title and psychological demands. Furthermore, there was a relationship between physical demands, emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment; key indicators of burnout. ^ Results showed significant correlations between individual ways of coping as a moderator between job structure, operationalized by job title, and individual employee burnout adding empirical evidence to the occupational stress literature. Based on the findings, there are implications for theory, research, and practice. For theory and research, the findings suggest the importance of incorporating transactional models in the study of occupational stress. In the area of practice, the findings highlight the importance of enriching jobs, increasing job control, and providing individual-level training related to stress reduction.^