885 resultados para Methods for Multi-criteria Evaluation


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Como punto de partida para el desarrollo de la Tesis, se mantiene la hiptesis de que es posible establecer mtodos de evaluacin global sobre el grado de utilidad de los sistemas constructivos correspondientes a los cerramientos de la edificacin. Tales mtodos habran de posibilitar, de entre una serie finita de sistemas alternativos, cules de ellos son los objetivamente ms adecuados para su seleccin en un entorno de decisin concreto, y habran de permitir fundamentar la justificacin objetiva de tal decisin. Paralelamente a esta hiptesis de carcter general, se plante desde el inicio la necesidad de comprobacin de una hiptesis de partida particular segn la cual los sistemas constructivos basados en la utilizacin de componentes prefabricados, o procesos de puesta en obra con un alto grado de industrializacin arrojaran valores de utilidad mayores que los sistemas tradicionales basados en la albailera. Para la verificacin de estas dos hiptesis de partida se ha procedido inicialmente a la seleccin de un conjunto coherente de doce sistemas de cerramientos de la edificacin que pudiese servir como testigo de su diversidad potencial, para proceder a su valoracin comparativa. El mtodo de valoracin propuesto ha entrado a considerar una serie de factores de diversa ndole que no son reducibles a un nico parmetro o magnitud que permitiese una valoracin de tipo lineal sobre su idoneidad relativa, ni que permitiese establecer un grado de prelacin entre los distintos sistemas constructivos alternativos de manera absoluta. Para resolver este tour de force o desafo metodolgico se ha acudido a la aplicacin de metodologas de valoracin que nos permitiesen establecer de forma racional dicha comparativa. Nos referimos a una serie de metodologas provenientes en primera instancia de las ciencias exactas, que reciben la denominacin de mtodos de ayuda a la decisin multicriterio, y en concreto el denominado mtodo ELECTRE. Inicialmente, se ha planteado la aplicacin del mtodo de anlisis sobre doce sistemas constructivos seleccionados de tal forma que representasen de forma adecuada las tres categoras establecidas para caracterizar la totalidad de sistemas constructivos posibles; por peso, grado de prefabricacin y grado de ventilacin. Si bien la combinacin de las tres categoras bsicas anteriormente sealadas produce un total de 18 subcategoras conceptuales, tomamos finalmente doce subcategoras dado que consideramos que es un nmero operativo suficiente por extenso para el anlisis propuesto y elimina tipos no relevantes. Aplicado el mtodo propuesto, a estos doce sistemas constructivos testigo, se constata el mayor grado de utilidad de los sistemas prefabricados, pesados y no ventilados. Al hilo del anlisis realizado en la Parte II de la Tesis sobre los doce sistemas constructivos testigo, se ha realizado un volcado de los sistemas constructivos incluidos en el Catalogo de Elementos Constructivos del CTE (versin 2010) sobre las dieciocho subcategoras definidas en dicha Parte II para caracterizar los sistemas constructivos testigo. Posteriormente, se ha procedido a una parametrizacin de la totalidad de sistemas constructivos para cerramientos de fachadas incluidos en este Catlogo. La parametrizacin sistemtica realizada ha permitido establecer, mediante el clculo del valor medio que adoptan los parmetros de los sistemas pertenecientes a una misma familia de las establecidas por el Catlogo, una caracterizacin comparativa del grado de utilidad de dichas familias, tanto en lo relativo a cada uno de los parmetros como en una valoracin global de sus valores, de carcter indicativo. Una vez realizada una parametrizacin completa de la totalidad de sistemas constructivos incluidos en el Catlogo, se ha realizado una simulacin de aplicacin de la metodologa de validacin desarrollada en la Parte II de la presente Tesis, con el objeto de comprobar su adecuacin al caso. En conclusin, el desarrollo de una herramienta de apoyo a la decisin multicriterio aplicada al Catlogo de Elementos constructivos del CTE se ha demostrado tcnicamente viable y arroja resultados significativos. Se han diseado dos sistemas constructivos mediante la aplicacin de la herramienta desarrollada, uno de fachada no ventilada y otro de fachada ventilada. Comparados estos dos sistemas constructivos mejorados con otros sistemas constructivos analizados Se comprueba el alto grado de utilidad objetiva de los dos sistemas diseados en relacin con el resto. La realizacin de este ejercicio de diseo de un sistema constructivo especfico, que responde a los requerimientos de un decisor concreto viene a demostrar, as pues, la utilidad del algoritmo propuesto en su aplicacin a los procesos de diseo de los sistemas constructivos. La tesis incorpora dos innovaciones metodolgicas y tres innovaciones instrumentales. ABSTRACT The starting point for the thesis is the hypothesis that it is possible to devise suitability degree evaluation methods of building enclosure systems. Such methods should allow optimizing appraisal, given a specific domain of decision, among a finite number of alternative systems, and provide objective justification of such decision. Along with the above mentioned general assumption, a second hypothesis whereby constructive systems based on the use of prefabricated components, or high industrialization degree work processes, would throw efficiency values higher than traditional masonry systems needed to be tested. In order to validate these two hypothesis a coherent set of twelve enclosure systems that could serve as a reference sample of their potential diversity was selected and a comparative evaluation was carried out. The valuation method proposed has considered several different factors that are neither reducible to a single parameter or magnitude that would allow a linear evaluation of their relative suitability nor allow to establishing an absolute priority ranking between different alternative constructive systems. In order to resolve this tour de force or methodological challenge, valuation methodologies that enable use establishing rational assessments were used. We are referring to a number of methodologies taken from the exact sciences field, usually known as aid methods for multi-criteria decision, in particular the so-called ELECTRE method. Even though the combination of the mentioned three basic categories result in eighteen conceptual sub categories, we are finally considering just twelve since we deem it adequately extended for the our intended purpose and eliminates non relevant instances. The method of analysis was initially applied to the set of twelve selected constructive systems is a way that they could represent adequately the three previously established categories set out to characterize all possible enclosure systems, namely weight, prefabrication degree and ventilation degree. Once the proposed method is applied to the sample systems, the higher efficiency of the prefabricated, heavy and not ventilated systems was confirmed. In line with the analysis in Part II of the thesis on the twelve chosen enclosure systems, it has done an uploading data of construction systems listed in the Catalogue of constructive elements of the CTE (version 2010) according the eighteen subcategories used in this part II to characterize the construction systems taken as sample. Subsequently, a parameterization of all enclosure facade systems included in this catalog has been undertaken. The systematic parameterization has allowed to set, by means of calculating the average values of the parameters of the systems belonging to the same family of those established by the Catalog, a comparative characterization of the efficiency degree of these families, both in relation to each parameter as to an overall evaluation of its values, in a indicative way. After the parameterization of all enclosure systems included in the Catalog, a simulation of validation methodology application developed in Part II of this Thesis has been made, in order to assess its consistency to the referred case. In conclusion, the development of a multi-criteria decision aid tool, applied to the CTE Catalog of constructive elements, has proved to be technically feasible and yields significant results. Two building systems through the application of the developed tool, a non-ventilated faade and a ventilated faade have been designed. Comparing these two improved construction systems with other building systems analyzed, we were able to assess the high degree of objective efficiency of the two systems designed in relation to the rest. The exercise of designing a specific enclosure system that meets the requirements of a particular decision-maker hence shows the suitability of the proposed algorithm applied to the process of enclosure systems design. This Thesis includes two methodological innovations and three instrumental innovations.


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This paper explores the use of the optimization procedures in SAS/OR software with application to the contemporary logistics distribution network design using an integrated multiple criteria decision making approach. Unlike the traditional optimization techniques, the proposed approach, combining analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and goal programming (GP), considers both quantitative and qualitative factors. In the integrated approach, AHP is used to determine the relative importance weightings or priorities of alternative warehouses with respect to both deliverer oriented and customer oriented criteria. Then, a GP model incorporating the constraints of system, resource, and AHP priority is formulated to select the best set of warehouses without exceeding the limited available resources. To facilitate the use of integrated multiple criteria decision making approach by SAS users, an ORMCDM code was implemented in the SAS programming language. The SAS macro developed in this paper selects the chosen variables from a SAS data file and constructs sets of linear programming models based on the selected GP model. An example is given to illustrate how one could use the code to design the logistics distribution network.


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Three novel solar thermal collector concepts derived from the Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) are developed and evaluated through a multi-criteria decision-making methodology, comprising the following techniques: Quality Function Deployment (QFD), the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Pugh selection matrix. Criteria are specified by technical and customer requirements gathered from Gujarat, India. The concepts are compared to a standard LFR for reference, and as a result, a novel 'Elevation Linear Fresnel Reflector' (ELFR) concept using elevating mirrors is selected. A detailed version of this concept is proposed and compared against two standard LFR configurations, one using constant and the other using variable horizontal mirror spacing. Annual performance is analysed for a typical meteorological year. Financial assessment is made through the construction of a prototype. The novel LFR has an annual optical efficiency of 49% and increases exergy by 13-23%. Operational hours above a target temperature of 300 C are increased by 9-24%. A 17% reduction in land usage is also achievable. However, the ELFR suffers from additional complexity and a 16-28% increase in capital cost. It is concluded that this novel design is particularly promising for industrial applications and locations with restricted land availability or high land costs. The decision analysis methodology adopted is considered to have a wider potential for applications in the fields of renewable energy and sustainable design. 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Integrated supplier selection and order allocation is an important decision for both designing and operating supply chains. This decision is often influenced by the concerned stakeholders, suppliers, plant operators and customers in different tiers. As firms continue to seek competitive advantage through supply chain design and operations they aim to create optimized supply chains. This calls for on one hand consideration of multiple conflicting criteria and on the other hand consideration of uncertainties of demand and supply. Although there are studies on supplier selection using advanced mathematical models to cover a stochastic approach, multiple criteria decision making techniques and multiple stakeholder requirements separately, according to authors' knowledge there is no work that integrates these three aspects in a common framework. This paper proposes an integrated method for dealing with such problems using a combined Analytic Hierarchy Process-Quality Function Deployment (AHP-QFD) and chance constrained optimization algorithm approach that selects appropriate suppliers and allocates orders optimally between them. The effectiveness of the proposed decision support system has been demonstrated through application and validation in the bioenergy industry.


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The improvement in living standards and the development of telecommunications have led to a large increase in the number of Internet users in China. It has been reported by China National Network Information Center that the number of Internet users in China has reached 33.7 million in 2001, ranting the country third in the world. This figure also shows that more and more Chinese residents have accepted the Internet and use it to obtain information and compete their travel planning. Milne and Ateljevic stated that the integration of computing and telecommunications would create a global information network based mostly on the Internet. The Internet, especially the World Wide Web, has had a great impact on the hospitality and tourism industry in recent years. The WWW plays an important role in mediating between customers and hotel companies as a place to acquire information acquisition and transact business.


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The lack of flexibility in logistic systems currently on the market leads to the development of new innovative transportation systems. In order to find the optimal configuration of such a system depending on the current goal functions, for example minimization of transport times and maximization of the throughput, various mathematical methods of multi-criteria optimization are applicable. In this work, the concept of a complex transportation system is presented. Furthermore, the question of finding the optimal configuration of such a system through mathematical methods of optimization is considered.