960 resultados para Mental disabilities


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A new stress scale was devised based on issues raised by people with an intellectual disability and entitled the Lifestress Inventory. The Inventory was used in a number of studies in order to assess the impact of daily hassles and life events on their perceived stress levels and quality of life. Data suggests that they experience general worries, negative interpersonal relations with others, and frustration with their restricted coping skills as their principal areas of stress.


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The study assesses the quality and content of Individual Program Plans for 284 Victorian adults with profound intellectual disabilities living in one residential service. A checklist was developed for improving plan quality, and measurement difficulties with checklists discussed. Recommends that a quality improvement process be implemented.


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Substituted decisions about health and fertility of women deemed incompetent, because of a disability, expose the constitutive power of knowledge about the female, disabled body and its stereotypical place in social relations. This study addresses issues about the self of modern citizenship and feminist politics in a changing policy climate.


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The field and experimental studies for this thesis revealed that: the quality of documentation of 'disclosure' (initial) interviews with child abuse witnesses was poor; under optimal note-taking conditions, verbatim records of interview were still not provided, and considerable variability was observed in the quality of notes and strategies employed to document content and structure. The portfolio presents four case studies to illustrate similarities and/or differences between offence behaviour in child sex offenders with impairment, and the offence behaviours that characterise Canter et al.'s intimate, criminal-opportunistic and aggressive type offenders.


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The thesis aimed to identify and compare individual differences in anger related affective responses upon exposure to neutral, violent and sexually violent film. The findings revealed that both graphic and non-graphic sexually violent film content may have a stronger impact on viewers' anger levels than exposure to standard violent film. The portfolio examined in four case studies the utility of the Violence Risk Scale when seeking to identify factors associated with risk of violent recidivism and subsequent treatment targets for intellectually disabled offenders . Treatment indications must consider the impaired cognitive and adaptive abilities and the difficulties inherent in modifying the behavioural characteristics of intellectually disabled offenders.


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The study aimed to assess perceptions of the credibility of adolescent victims with intellectual disability. Results revealed that victim and participant characteristics influenced perceptions of the credibility of the victim and verdict responses. Findings related to the level of ID, type of offence, perceptions of competency, honesty, suggestibility, and gender of victim and participant.


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The guide is designed to focus around someone who may be facing a decision, either now or in the future. It provides information for supporters about how to assist those with a disability to make decisions.


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Hansen's disease, despite significant advances regarding the diagnosis, treatment and control still carries an immense burden of stigma as a result, mainly of its socio-historical marked by prejudice and isolation of patients, translated by suffering, abandonment and psychosocial problems. Thus, the study set out to rescue the life stories of former leprosy patients with a leprosarium history; recovering the life trajectory stories of these former patients and to identify common factors to these life stories. Exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach, using the Life History Research Methodology. The sample was composed by twelve former leprosy patients who lived while undergone treatment in the Colony Hospital St. Francisco de Assis, located in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The network was composed without considering sex and age limit, patients that lived in the Colony Hospital for at least six months and who agree to participate freely in the study. The subjects with special physical needs (hearing) or mental disabilities and those who do not agree to participate were excluded. A semi-structured interview was used to data collection, the interviews were recorded in the household context of individual, residents in neighborhoods Felipe Camarão, Km 6 and Jardim America, more precisely at Nova Vida village, all located in that district. The data collected were subjected to the technique of thematic content analysis. This study had obtained an appropriate consent of the UFRN Research Ethics Committee under the protocol No. 016/2010. After extensive and careful readings of life stories we identified three themes that guided the data analysis: behavioral stages, social exclusion and, stigma and prejudice. Thus, it is clear that the practice of compulsory confinement of patients in nursing homes and the mythical image of Hansen's disease as being ugly and deformed, contributed to solidifying the historical stigma surrounding the disease and its patients, raising in society and family attitudes and feelings of exclusion, prejudice and fear. Moreover, there are remarkable stories in the lives of these interviewed reporting suffering, denials, anger that reverberate to this day, affecting negatively the social and family reintegration of these individuals. As a result, we see the need for managers and local health professionals, especially nurses, rethink existing strategies for social rehabilitation of the patient and ex-leprosy patient aiming to suppression unjust and harmful stigma rooted in image and stories of these individuals


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Aim: To assess the DMFT (D = decayed; M = missing; F = filled) index of institutionalized patients with mild and moderate physical and mental disabilities and to correlate it with the Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) counts in the supragingival bacterial biofilm. Methods: Dental examination of 28 patients aged 15 to 25 years was conducted to determine the DMFT index (number of decayed, missing and filled teeth). Supragingival plaque samples were collected from the buccal surfaces of all teeth. The samples were inoculated in SB20 medium and incubated at 37 °C for 48 hours. Spearman's correlation test was applied (p = 0.05) to evaluate the correlation between the DMFT index and the amount of S. mutans. Results: The mean DMFT recorded was 7.68 and a large mean number of S. mutans colony-forming units (cfu > 10 6) was found. No statistically significant correlation was found between the DMFT index and the number of S. mutans. Conclusions: Under the conditions of this study, no correlation was found between the DMFT index and the number of S. mutans cfu in institutionalized patients with mental retardation and physical disabilities.


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The practice of regular physical activity has been considered a protective factor against the degenerative processes of the body, acting as a promoter of health, especially for risk groups such as obese and resistant groups exercise adherence as among the intellectually disabled (ID) . This study involved the administration of a training protocol and the physical parameters of longitudinal health in a subject about 43 years, intellectually deficient, hypertensive, obese and with a strong predisposition to develop diabetes and heart disease. The main objective of long-term program was to reduce body weight and normalize blood pressure (BP) after the student's physical activity and preferentially interfere with BP values at rest (ie before the daily schedule). The other objective was to improve general physical fitness. The protocol involved four meetings per week lasting one hour, in addition to participation in the program PROEFA (twice a week with sessions of one hour each), totaling 57 sessions spread over five months. The evaluation protocol included in each session the following tests: blood pressure measurements and heart rate, and amount of physical activity recorded via pedometer. Tests applied before and after the training included: anthropometric assessment, agility test, flexibility test, test drive through vertical and horizontal jumps and endurance to the test bench. The mass (kg) and BMI corresponded to the initial values of 127.7 kg and 42.05 kg m-2, and 5 months after 113.2 kg and 37.48 kg m-2, respectively. The waist-hip ratio was close to 1 after the intervention and this value corresponded to 0.98. For the test of agility (shuttle run) was not found improvement in performance. To test the values of the horizontal jump in pre-test were 52 cm and 56 cm post-test, vertical jump has been improved and...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This article analyses aspects related to a continuing education course about Inclusive and Special Education in the area of Mental Disabilities offered to 20 (twenty) groups of teachers by the Ministry of Education. The Distance Course was offered in different regions of Brazil with a 180 (a hundred and eighty) hours workload. The research included the profi le of the participants, an evaluation of the course by the participants and the analysis of the dropout causes. The aspects of the course under evaluation received a positive evaluation by most of the participants. The most frequent reason for the dropout rates include participants’ limitations in terms of meeting deadlines, personal reasons and diffi culties in using computers. It was concluded that Distance Education seems to be a relevant tool for the acquisition of knowledge about inclusive practice.


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The aim of this paper is to present an experience of inclusion of individuals with mental disabilities in a religious community in the city of Londrina, north Paraná state. Called here Special Catechesis this was an evangelizing held inside a Catholic Church with the mental disabilities people The project, which five years and five classes per year, allowed the development of a pedagogical action with goals of evangelization and catechesis, where all people were successful. It was also an action to raise the consciousness among parents of these children in order to allow their children could participate in the project. Special Catechesis was evaluated for us as significant experience because it allowed a relative and positive inclusion of the classes in religious and social activities of the local community.


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La salute orale dei soggetti affetti da patologie sistemiche responsabili di disabilità fisiche e/o psichiche, in particolare in età evolutiva, è un obiettivo da perseguire di primaria importanza al fine di migliorare la qualità della vita del bambino e garantirgli un buon inserimento nel contesto sociale. Ricerche sperimentali e cliniche hanno individuato i momenti eziopatogenetici delle diverse problematiche che si riscontrano a carico del cavo orale, con una frequenza superiore nei pazienti disabili rispetto alla restante popolazione, attribuendo ai batteri formanti la placca e a quelli con la capacità di indurre un danno parodontale un ruolo chiave. Diversi sono stati i protocolli di prevenzione e terapia proposti nel tempo, costruiti proprio in relazione all’età del soggetto ed alla tipologia della disabilità; tuttavia risulta di fondamentale importanza chiarire il complesso rapporto tra la popolazione microbica orale e l'ospite nello stato di malattia. In un contesto del genere, intento del lavoro di ricerca è proprio quello di portare a termine un progetto di bonifica dentaria su un gruppo di pazienti in età compresa tra i 2 e i 17 anni, affetti da patologie sistemiche e patologie del cavo orale, sulla base di un profilo microbiologico, a partire da tamponi salivari e prelievi parodontali. Stilando il profilo microbiologico del “gruppo campione” e confrontandolo con quello di un gruppo di pazienti di controllo, lo studio si propone di riuscire a delineare i miglioramenti, qualora ci fossero, post terapia odontostomatologica e di riuscire a trovare una base microbiologica alle patologie extra -orali annesse.


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Questa tesi riassume il lavoro di ricerca da me effettuato per studiare i meccanismi della relazione uomo - pianta su cui si basa l’orticoltura terapeutica, le sue modalità di attuazione e le risposte dei pazienti al lavoro in giardino. La ricerca si è svolta in due diversi giardini terapeutici con pazienti adulti con varie tipologie di disabilità fisica o psichica. Partendo dalla analisi delle basi teoriche su cui si fonda l’ortoterapia, l’obiettivo era di capire come creare le condizioni migliori per ottenere i massimi benefici dall’uso dell’orticoltura e del giardinaggio per il benessere delle persone. Due elementi sono apparsi fondamentali per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi terapeutici: il primo è lo stretto legame esistente tra la forma del giardino e delle piante e la sua funzione terapeutica; il secondo sta nella necessità di creare nel paziente una connessione profonda con il giardino e il lavoro con le piante è risultato essere un fattore determinante per farlo. Utilizzando questionari e osservazioni degli utenti, sono stati raccolti ed elaborati dati relativi al benessere dei pazienti durante e dopo le attività in giardino e si è cercato di trovare un indice, individuato poi nella variazione di percezione del pollice verde, che potesse essere utilizzato per esprimere la soddisfazione del paziente. Infine si è cercato di capire come potesse variare la capacità ristorativa del giardino, in funzione della frequenza di visita e dell’attività che vi si svolgeva, attraverso la somministrazione della versione italiana della scala PRS a chi era impegnato nelle attività di orticoltura e giardinaggio, a chi passeggiava nel parco e a chi invece non lo frequentava regolarmente ma lo conosceva bene: è risultato che le tre modalità di fruizione del giardino davano ai fruitori un potenziale rigenerativo diverso e significativamente più alto per chi metteva le mani nella terra.