783 resultados para Mega-sporting events
El Proyecto Fin de Carrera realizado aborda un estudio teórico acerca de la retransmisión de un Real Madrid – F.C. Barcelona. Con este proyecto se intenta que el lector consiga tener una idea acerca de todo lo que con lleva un partido de fútbol con estas dimensiones desde el punto de vista audiovisual y sea capaz de entender los pasos necesarios a dar para realizarlo. Cuando vemos la retransmisión de un evento deportivo y concretamente de un partido de fútbol de tal envergadura, es casi imposible pensar el despliegue que hay detrás de él. Por ello, se ha intentado explicar de una manera sencilla y breve la manera de realizar un evento de este tamaño, que podría servir como ejemplo para realizar otros eventos deportivos de gran escala. A lo largo de este proyecto, se realiza un estudio completo sobre los principales pasos a dar para hacer posible que la retransmisión llegue a los espectadores. La memoria de este proyecto está basada en 7 capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se expone una breve introducción sobre la retransmisión de partidos, para que el lector pueda hacerse una idea de lo que se va a realizar posteriormente y pueda tener una idea de lo que se explica en los capítulos restantes. En el segundo capítulo, se trata del primer paso para la retransmisión de un partido de fútbol, que puede aplicarse a otros eventos deportivos. Este apartado está centrado en la localización del lugar, en él se explican los primeros pasos a dar en los primeros días de montaje. Estos son fundamentales para que posteriormente el partido pueda salir de la mejor manera posible, equivocarse o cometer errores al inicio puede acarrear mayores gastos económicos y grandes demoras de tiempo posteriormente. El tercer capítulo se centra en el montaje y la producción del evento. En la primera parte, se explica cómo situar dentro del campo de fútbol los micrófonos y las cámaras. Además, se hace una descripción de cada uno de ellos. También se introducen conceptos básicos y parámetros de los principales micrófonos y cámaras que se usarán en el evento. La segunda parte del capítulo se centra en explicar las diferentes señales utilizadas, como se transmiten y la comunicación interna y externa. El capítulo cuarto sirve para conocer el material necesario para realizar el evento. Se explican: micrófonos, cámaras, EVS (Unidades de grabación), CCU (Camera Control Unit), mezclador y tipo de cableado indicando los modelos y marcas más relevantes que se usan en la actualidad. Además, se pueden ver diferentes figuras del material utilizado. En el quinto capítulo, se ven las principales funciones que realizan los empleados. Comienza con una amplia explicación de la realización del evento y continúa explicando las diferentes funciones de los operadores del material visto en el capítulo anterior. El capítulo sexto, sirve para explicar un presupuesto aproximado de lo que sería la realización y producción del evento y poder estudiar la viabilidad de este. Por último, en el capítulo séptimo se ven una serie de conclusiones a modo de resumen, las cuales han de ayudar a dejar completamente claros una serie de conceptos básicos acerca del proyecto. ABSTRACT. The Thesis made deals with a theoretical study of the broadcast of a Real Madrid - FC Barcelona. This project, tries that the reader gets has an idea of everything that has a football match with these dimensions from the visual point of view and be able to understand the steps to take. When we see the broadcast of a sport event and specifically a football match of this magnitude, it is almost impossible to think the deployment behind it. Therefore, we have tried to explain in a simple and concise way to hold an event of this size and it could serve for other large-scale sporting events. Throughout this project, a comprehensive study is done on the main steps to be taken to make the broadcast possible way to reach spectators. The memory of this project is based on seven chapters. In the first chapter, a brief introduction explains retransmission matches, so that the reader can get an idea about is explained in the next chapters. In the second chapter, the first step is performed to broadcast a football match and that can be applied to other sports events. This section focuses on the location of where it explains the first days of installation. This is important for later the match can be done of the best possible way and wrong or make mistakes at the beginning can lead to higher economic costs and long delays of time later. The third chapter focuses on the assembly and production of the event. The first part explains how to locate within the football field microphones and cameras. It also explains each one. Also, introduces basic concepts and parameters of the main microphones and cameras that will be used at the event. In the second part, the chapter focuses on explaining the different signals used as transmission and communication internally and externally. The fourth chapter serves to meet the necessary material for the event. It explains: microphones, cameras, EVS, CCU, mixer and cabling type indicating the most relevant models and brands that are used today. Also, you can see different figures on the material used. In the fifth chapter, the main functions are performed by employees. It begins with a thorough explanation of the event and goes on to explain the various functions of the operators of the material seen in the previous chapter. The sixth chapter, helps explain an estimate of what would be the creation and production of the event and to study the feasibility of this. Finally, in the seventh chapter are a number of conclusions in summary, which should help to make thoroughly clear a number of basic concepts about the project.
La propuesta de la ciudad de Sochi como sede de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno y de la 16° fecha del Gran Premio de Fórmula 1 de 2014, y como una de las sedes de la futura Copa Mundial de Futbol 2018, son una ratificación de la importancia estratégica que representa el Cáucaso para Rusia. Asimismo, el anclaje en el Cáucaso y en las costas del Mar Negro, con toda la inversión en infraestructura y en seguridad que representa la organización de eventos deportivos mundiales, implica la puesta en juego de una estrategia geopolítica que expresa la importancia de Rusia como potencia regional. En el calidoscopio de poder e intereses que se despliegan en la región caucásica, la sombra de Rusia se proyecta con fuerza. Abordar el rol que ejerce este país en el Cáucaso Sur, permitirá comprender las perspectivas actuales de la política exterior de Rusia en esta región, así como conocer de qué modo se despliega en el territorio el juego estratégico del poder a través de eventos deportivos que se observan desde todos los lugares del mundo.
In a communication to the Parliament and the Council entitled “Towards a modern, more European copyright framework” and dated 9 December 2015,1 the European Commission confirmed its intention to progressively remove the main obstacles to the functioning of the Digital Single Market for copyrighted works. The first step of this long-term plan, which was first announced in Juncker’s Political Guidelines2 and the Communication on “A Digital Single Market strategy for Europe”,3 is a proposal for a regulation aimed at ensuring the so-called ‘cross-border portability’ of online services giving access to content such as music, games, films and sporting events.4 In a nutshell, the proposed regulation seeks to enable consumers with legal access to such online content services in their country of residence to use the same services also when they are in another member state for a limited period of time. On the one hand, this legislative proposal has the full potential to resolve the (limited) issue of portability, which stems from the national dimension of copyright and the persisting territorial licensing and distribution of copyright content.5 On the other hand, as this commentary shows, the ambiguity of certain important provisions in the proposed regulation might affect its scope and effectiveness and contribute to the erosion of the principle of copyright territoriality.
Event Marketing represents a common promotional strategy that involves direct contact between brands and consumers at special events, namely concerts, festivals, sporting events and fairs. Brands have been investing in sponsorship as a means of associating themselves with particular events, essentially with the goal to enhance brand image and brand awareness. Interestingly, the response of consumers to event marketing has not yet been fully understood. This dissertation fills this gap. More specifically, it intends to determine the extent to which sponsoring brands at events favors brand awareness (recall and recognition) and how it relates to brand attitude. Based on three Portuguese music festivals, two studies were conducted to ascertain event sponsorship’s impact on consumer memory, notably Brand Recall and Brand Recognition, and correlation with attitudes towards the brands such as familiarity and liking. The key findings of these studies show that recognition is much higher for those respondents who attended the festivals, presenting a score of 73,9%, in comparison with recall, presenting a much lower score of 37,5%. Further, and surprisingly, it suggests that the ability to recall and recognize sponsoring brands is not associated to consumer attitudes towards the brands. Instead, it relates to the time consumers dedicated to these particular events, that is, the number of music festivals attended.
Background The tobacco industry has long sought affiliation with major sporting events, including the Olympic Games, for marketing, advertising and promotion purposes. Since 1988, each Olympic Games has adopted a tobacco-free policy. Limited study of the effectiveness of the smoke-free policy has been undertaken to date, with none examining the tobacco industry's involvement with the Olympics or use of the Olympic brand. Methods and Findings A comparison of the contents of Olympic tobacco-free policies from 1988 to 2014 was carried out by searching the websites of the IOC and host NOCs. The specific tobacco control measures adopted for each Games were compiled and compared with measures recommended by the WHO Tobacco Free Sports Initiative and Article 13 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). This was supported by semi-structured interviews of key informants involved with the adoption of tobacco-free policies for selected games. To understand the industry's interests in the Olympics, the Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu) was systematically searched between June 2013 and August 2014. Company websites, secondary sources and media reports were also searched to triangulate the above data sources. This paper finds that, while most direct associations between tobacco and the Olympics have been prohibited since 1988, a variety of indirect associations undermine the Olympic tobacco-free policy. This is due to variation in the scope of tobacco-free policies, limited jurisdiction and continued efforts by the industry to be associated with Olympic ideals. Conclusions The paper concludes that, compatible with the IOC's commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles, a comprehensive tobacco-free policy with standardized and binding measures should be adopted by the International Olympic Committee and all national Olympic committees.
Flertalet evenemang är idag beroende av funktionärer för att genomföras. Att ha funktionärer till hjälp är ekonomiskt bärkraftigt för organisationer som anordnar evenemang, då de inte behöver anställa betald personal. Vetenskapliga studier menar att organisationer bör upprätta tydliga planer eller strategier för hur de ska hantera funktionärer då konkurrensen om funktionärerna ökar. Eftersom det är kostsamt att rekrytera nya funktionärer bör det vara av stor vikt för organisationer att försöka behålla sina funktionärer inför framtiden. Syftet är att undersöka organisationer som arrangerar årligen återkommande idrottsevenemang för att få en djupare förståelse för hur de arbetar med sina funktionärer. För att undersöka detta har vi intervjuat tre av Sveriges största årligen återkommande idrottsevenemang som alla är beroende av funktionärer. Intervjuerna genomfördes personligen med respektive person i organisationen som hade det övergripande ansvaret för funktionärer. Undersökningen visar att väletablerade evenemang, som de i studien, har vissa likheter i hur de hanterar funktionärer som vetenskapliga studier förespråkar. Att följa en strikt plan för hur arbetet med funktionärer bör gå till visar sig inte vara nödvändigt. Det visade sig att samtliga organisationer delegerar ansvaret för funktionärer till projektledare eller huvudfunktionärer. Det som var viktigt vid rekryteringen var; synliggöra, intervjuer och utbildning. Det som utmärkte sig vid att försöka få funktionärerna att återkomma var; förmåner, kommunikation och relationen. Resultatet visade att arbetet med funktionärerna, trots att de kan vara många till antalet, inte behöver vara komplicerat.
O contínuo crescimento do espaço particular aberto ao público contribuiu para o aparecimento e desenvolvimento da segurança privada, aumentando a sua comercialização e o seu número de efetivos. Apesar dos espetáculos desportivos serem eventos privados, a lei prevê, em certos casos, a obrigatoriedade da requisição de policiamento, por parte dos promotores. Será adequada a presença das Forças de Segurança para assegurar um evento particular ou será tarefa para a segurança privada? Tendo em conta a atualidade do assunto, torna-se uma mais-valia o estudo e compreensão do regime de policiamento de espetáculos desportivos, de forma a mitigar os seus aspetos negativos. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral compreender de que forma o atual regime de policiamento se encontra adequado às exigências dos espetáculos desportivos. Para melhor orientar a investigação, foram definidos objetivos específicos, designadamente identificar as potencialidades do atual regime de policiamento na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos, identificar as vulnerabilidades do atual regime de policiamento na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos e compreender de que forma se podem mitigar as consequências negativas deste regime de policiamento na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos. A base lógica da presente investigação é o método dedutivo. Não temos como finalidade propor um novo regime de policiamento de espetáculos desportivos, mas sim analisar o regime já existente. Por conseguinte, a presente investigação desenvolveu-se através das seguintes fases: exploratória, analítica e conclusiva. De forma a sustentar as nossas conclusões, procedemos à análise documental, realização de entrevistas, observações qualitativas e, por último, à análise qualitativa do seu conteúdo. No decorrer da investigação, verificámos a existência de uma cultura de segurança que dificulta, à segurança privada, assumir a exclusividade da segurança dum evento desportivo. Nestas situações, a presença das Forças de Segurança é essencial, sendo ainda mais notória nos eventos desportivos realizados na via pública, onde a principal missão é garantir a segurança dos atletas e assegurar a fluidez e segurança do tráfego rodoviário. Não obstante, foi possível identificar algumas vulnerabilidades no presente regime de policiamento, pelo que propusemos um conjunto de medidas que podem ser implementadas, nomeadamente a gradual adaptação ao modelo de policiamento praticado no Reino Unido. Para tal, seria necessário aumentar o número de Assistentes de Recinto Desportivo, investindo mais na sua formação e atribuindo-lhes mais competências, contribuindo para a sua autoridade na presença dos adeptos.
We study market reaction to the announcements of the selected country hosting the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, the World Football Cup, the European Football Cup and World and Specialized Exhibitions. We generalize previous results analyzing a large number and different types of mega-events, evaluate the effects for winning and losing countries, investigate the determinants of the observed market reaction and control for the ex ante probability of a country being a successful bidder. Average abnormal returns measured at the announcement date and around the event are not significantly different from zero. Further, we find no evidence supporting that industries, that a priori were more likely to extract direct benefits from the event, observe positive significant effects. Yet, when we control for anticipation, the stock price reactions around the announcements are significant.
This volume explores sports mega-events, their social, political, and cultural characters, the value systems that they inscribe and draw on, the claims they make on us and the claims the organisers make for them, the spatial and ethical relationships they create, and the responses of civil societies to them. Our premise is that sports mega-events are not simply sporting or cultural phenomena. They are also political and economic events, characterised by the generation and projection of symbolic meanings – most obviously over the nature of statehood, economic power, and of collective cultural identity – and by social conflict, especially over land use, and over the extent and contours of public spending commitments. Because of their peculiar spatial and temporal organization, they raise questions about the relationships between global cultural and economic flows and particular local and national spaces. Because of their evolutionary characteristics, they ask us to consider not simply the time of the event but of the effects of the event on the long-term direction, implementation, and consequences of public policy.
A city’s image can serve as the basis upon which to develop a strong sense of community. This, in turn, fosters trust and cooperation which may attract tourists and investment, and drive regional economic growth. One strategy to enhance a city’s image is to host cultural mega-events. This study focuses on Guimarães, one of the European Capitals of Culture of 2012, and adopts a marketing communication perspective to explore issues of city image. The objective of the study reported was to understand whether images of Guimarães improved after it hosted the cultural mega-event. To attain this goal, we compare the perceptions of residents who participated in the event (engaged participants) and attendees. Several significant findings are reported and their implications for event managers and public policy administrators are presented, along with the limitations of the study.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics