606 resultados para Mead


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In a recent study, we reported that the accurate perception of beat structure in music ('perception of musical meter') accounted for over 40% of the variance in single word reading in children with and without dyslexia (Huss et al., 2011). Performance in the musical task was most strongly associated with the auditory processing of rise time, even though beat structure was varied by manipulating the duration of the musical notes.


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Rare mutations in AßPP, PSEN1, and PSEN2 cause uncommon early onset forms of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and common variants in MAPT are associated with risk of other neurodegenerative disorders. We sought to establish whether common genetic variation in these genes confer risk to the common form of AD which occurs later in life (>65 years). We therefore tested single-nucleotide polymorphisms at these loci for association with late-onset AD (LOAD) in a large case-control sample consisting of 3,940 cases and 13,373 controls. Single-marker analysis did not identify any variants that reached genome-wide significance, a result which is supported by other recent genome-wide association studies. However, we did observe a significant association at the MAPT locus using a gene-wide approach (p = 0.009). We also observed suggestive association between AD and the marker rs9468, which defines the H1 haplotype, an extended haplotype that spans the MAPT gene and has previously been implicated in other neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, and corticobasal degeneration. In summary common variants at AßPP, PSEN1, and PSEN2 and MAPT are unlikely to make strong contributions to susceptibility for LOAD. However, the gene-wide effect observed at MAPT indicates a possible contribution to disease risk which requires further study.


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The guideline group regarding the diagnosis and management of myelofibrosis was selected to be representative of UK-based medical experts, together with a contribution from a single expert from the USA. MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched systematically for publications in English from 1966 until August 2011 using a variety of key words. The writing group produced the draft guideline, which was subsequently revised by consensus of the members of the General Haematology and Haemato-oncology Task Forces of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH). The guideline was then reviewed by a sounding board of UK haematologists, the BCSH and the British Society for Haematology Committee and comments incorporated where appropriate. The criteria used to state levels and grades of evidence are as outlined in the Procedure for Guidelines commissioned by the BCSH; the 'GRADE' system was used to score strength and quality of evidence. The objective of this guideline is to provide healthcare professionals with clear guidance on the investigation and management of primary myelofibrosis, as well as post-polycythaemic myelofibrosis (post-PV MF) and post-thrombocythemic myelofibrosis (post-ET MF) in both adult and paediatric patients.


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We present optical spectra and light curves for three hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae followed by the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO). Time series spectroscopy from a fewdays aftermaximum light to 100 d later shows them to be fairly typical of this class, with spectra dominated by Ca II, MgII, FeII, and Si II, which evolve slowly over most of the post-peak photospheric phase. We determine bolometric light curves and apply simple fitting tools, based on the diffusion of energy input by magnetar spin-down, Ni-56 decay, and collision of the ejecta with an opaque circumstellar shell. We investigate how the heterogeneous light curves of our sample (combined with others from the literature) can help to constrain the possible mechanisms behind these events. We have followed these events to beyond 100-200 d after peak, to disentangle host galaxy light from fading supernova flux and to differentiate between the models, which predict diverse behaviour at this phase. Models powered by radioactivity require unrealistic parameters to reproduce the observed light curves, as found by previous studies. Both magnetar heating and circumstellar interaction still appear to be viable candidates. A large diversity is emerging in observed tail-phase luminosities, with magnetar models failing in some cases to predict the rapid drop in flux. This would suggest either that magnetars are not responsible, or that the X-ray flux from the magnetar wind is not fully trapped. The light curve of one object shows a distinct rebrightening at around 100 d after maximum light. We argue that this could result either from multiple shells of circumstellar material, or from a magnetar ionization front breaking out of the ejecta.


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The NOTCH pathway is an evolutionarily conserved signalling network, which is fundamental in regulating developmental processes in invertebrates and vertebrates (Gazave et al. in BMC Evol Biol 9:249, 2009). It regulates self-renewal (Butler et al. in Cell Stem Cell 6:251–264, 2010), differentiation (Auderset et al. in Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 360:115–134, 2012), proliferation (VanDussen et al. in Development 139:488–497, 2012) and apoptosis (Cao et al. in APMIS 120:441–450, 2012) of diverse cell types at various stages of their development. NOTCH signalling governs cell-cell interactions and the outcome of such responses is highly context specific. This makes it impossible to generalize about NOTCH functions as it stimulates survival and differentiation of certain cell types, whereas inhibiting these processes in others (Meier-Stiegen et al. in PLoS One 5:e11481, 2010). NOTCH was first identified in 1914 in Drosophila and was named after the indentations (notches) present in the wings of the mutant flies (Bigas et al. in Int J Dev Biol 54:1175–1188, 2010). Homologs of NOTCH in vertebrates were initially identified in Xenopus (Coffman et al. in Science 249:1438–1441, 1990) and in humans NOTCH was first identified in T-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (T-ALL) (Ellisen et al. in Cell 66:649–61, 1991). NOTCH signalling is integral in neurogenesis (Mead and Yutzey in Dev Dyn 241:376–389, 2012), myogenesis (Schuster-Gossler et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104:537–542, 2007), haematopoiesis (Bigas et al. in Int J Dev Biol 54:1175–1188, 2010), oogenesis (Xu and Gridley in Genet Res Int 2012:648207, 2012), differentiation of intestinal cells (Okamoto et al. in Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 296:G23–35, 2009) and pancreatic cells (Apelqvist et al. in Nature 400:877–881, 1999). The current review will focus on NOTCH signalling in normal and malignant blood cell production or haematopoiesis.


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O presente trabalho centra-se no estudo dos amplificadores de Raman em fibra ótica e suas aplicações em sistemas modernos de comunicações óticas. Abordaram-se tópicos específicos como a simulação espacial do amplificador de Raman, a equalização e alargamento do ganho, o uso de abordagens híbridas de amplificação através da associação de amplificadores de Raman em fibra ótica com amplificadores de fibra dopada com Érbio (EDFA) e os efeitos transitórios no ganho dos amplificadores. As actividades realizadas basearam-se em modelos teóricos, sendo os resultados validados experimentalmente. De entre as contribuições mais importantes desta tese, destaca-se (i) o desenvolvimento de um simulador eficiente para amplificadores de Raman que suporta arquitecturas de bombeamento contraprogantes e bidirecionais num contexto com multiplexagem no comprimento de onda (WDM); (ii) a implementação de um algoritmo de alocação de sinais de bombeamento usando a combinação do algoritmo genético com o método de Nelder- Mead; (iii) a apreciação de soluções de amplificação híbridas por associação dos amplificadores de Raman com EDFA em cenários de redes óticas passivas, nomeadamente WDM/TDM-PON com extensão a região espectral C+L; e (iv) a avaliação e caracterização de fenómenos transitórios em amplificadores para tráfego em rajadas/pacotes óticos e consequente desenvolvimento de soluções de mitigação baseadas em técnicas de clamping ótico.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal in the Village of Welland. Identified structures and features associated with the Canal include the towing path, the old canal, the aqueduct lock, the new aqueduct, the old aqueduct, Lock Tenders House, a waste weir, culvert, covered drain, drain, dam, flume, and the canal's New Line. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include bridges, roads, and streets (ex. Division Street and Main Street), Chippewa Creek, Mill Pond, Mill Race, Court House and Gaol, Seeley (Seely) and Dunlop Saw Mill, Seeley (Seely) and Dunlop (Burnt) Grist Mill, Montrose Grist Mill, M. Caferty (Cafferty) City Hotel, Welland House by Wilkerson, Eli Mead Wharf Lot, A. Sherwood Wharf Lot, D. P. Myers Store, M. Cook Grist Mill, A. H. Cosby Saw Mill, Betts Lumber Yard, T. Quinn Tavern, a Carding Mill, shed, several barns, a hotel, and several structures or properties belonging to: J. P Evans, W. A. Phillips, S. Hampton, M. Silverthorne, D. McEwing, W. B. Hendershott (Hendershot), T. Burgar, J. Brookfield, A. Hendershott, Joseph Burgar, C. Demrie, M. Cafferty, J. Spencer, Mrs. Curran, John Lemon, D. Cooper, H. A. Rose, J. Bridges, A. Chapman, and R. Morewood. A structure belonging to a D. McKelly or McKully, and a store belonging to a J. Fino or Finn are also present. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 247 and 248 of the Thorold Township, 5th Concession Lots 26 and 25 of the Crowland Township, Smith Shotwell, Eli Mead, D. P Myers, Donaldson, McFarland, Mrs. Silverthorne, Price, and Griffth. A County Court House Lot containing the Court House, Gaol and Gaol Yard is present.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the township of Crowland as well as the Village of Welland-Merritville. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Old Canal, old towing path, water way, bridge, culvert, covered drain, drain, and towing path. Surveyor measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks include E. Seeley's store, W.A. Bald's store, barn, and two ponds. Roads parallel to Canal include the old towing road, towing path, Canal Street, road to Welland_lle, and road to Junction. Roads perpendicular to Canal include Road Allowance between the 5th and 6th Concession, Division Street, Road to Narrows. Properties and property owners are noted as W.A. Bald, E. Seeley, John Price, Eli Mead, Jacob Griffith, John Hellems. Lots noted are: Lots Number 25, 26, 5th Concession.


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Black and white, 12 cm x 17 cm photograph, mounted on board, of Woodbourne in St. Davids. This was the home of Henry and Emma Osgood Woodruff. It is signed by Sarah Mead Woodbridge who says “It was here that I spent many happy vacations”.