990 resultados para Maximum distance profile (MDP) convolutional codes


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Future digital signal processing (DSP) systems must provide robustness on algorithm and application level to the presence of reliability issues that come along with corresponding implementations in modern semiconductor process technologies. In this paper, we address this issue by investigating the impact of unreliable memories on general DSP systems. In particular, we propose a novel framework to characterize the effects of unreliable memories, which enables us to devise novel methods to mitigate the associated performance loss. We propose to deploy specifically designed data representations, which have the capability of substantially improving the system reliability compared to that realized by conventional data representations used in digital integrated circuits, such as 2's-complement or sign-magnitude number formats. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework, we analyze the impact of unreliable memories on coded communication systems, and we show that the deployment of optimized data representations substantially improves the error-rate performance of such systems.


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We explored the relationships between perturbation-driven population decline and genetic/genotypic structure in the clonal seagrass Posidonia oceanica, subject to intensive meadow regression around four Mediterranean fish-farms, using seven specific microsatellites. Two meadows were randomly sampled (40 shoots) within 1,600 m2 at each site: the “impacted” station, 5–200 m from fish cages, and the “control” station, around 1,000 m downstream further away (considered a proxy of the pre-impact genetic structure at the site). Clonal richness (R), Simpson genotypic diversity (D*) and clonal sub-range (CR) were highly variable among sites. Nevertheless, the maximum distance at which clonal dispersal was detected, indicated by CR, was higher at impacted stations than at the respective control station (paired t-test: P < 0.05, N = 4). The mean number of alleles (Â) and the presence of rare alleles ( r) decreased at impacted stations (paired t-test: P < 0.05, and P < 0.02, respectively, N = 4). At a given perturbation level (quantified by the organic and nutrient loads), shoot mortality at the impacted stations significantly decreased with CR at control stations (R 2 = 0.86, P < 0.05). Seagrass mortality also increased with  (R 2 = 0.81, P < 0.10), R (R 2 = 0.96, P < 0.05) and D* (R 2 = 0.99, P < 0.01) at the control stations, probably because of the negative correlation between those parameters and CR. Therefore, the effects of clonal size structure on meadow resistance could play an important role on meadow survival. Large genotypes of P. oceanica meadows thus seem to resist better to fish farm-derived impacts than little ones. Clonal integration, foraging advantage or other size-related fitness traits could account for this effect.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Eletrónica e Telecomunicações


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The spatial limits of the active site in the benzylic hydroxylase enzyme of the fungus Mortierella isabellina were investigated. Several molecular probes were used in incubation experiments to determine the acceptability of each compound by this enzyme. The yields of benzylic alcohols provided information on the acceptability of the particular compound into the active site, and the enantiomeric excess values provided information on the "fit" of acceptable substrates. Measurements of the molecular models were made using Cambridge Scientific Computing Inc. CSC Chem 3D Plus modeling program. i The dimensional limits of the aromatic binding pocket of the benzylic hydroxylase were tested using suitably substituted ethyl benzenes. Both the depth (para substituted substrates) and width (ortho and meta substituted substrates) of this region were investigated, with results demonstrating absolute spatial limits in both directions in the plane of the aromatic ring of 7.3 Angstroms for the depth and 7.1 Angstroms for the width. A minimum requirement for the height of this region has also been established at 6.2 Angstroms. The region containing the active oxygen species was also investigated, using a series of alkylphenylmethanes and fused ring systems in indan, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene and benzocycloheptene substrates. A maximum distance of 6.9 Angstroms (including the 1.5 Angstroms from the phenyl substituent to the active center of the heme prosthetic group of the enzyme) has been established extending directly in ii front of the aromatic binding pocket. The other dimensions in this region of the benzylic hydroxylase active site will require further investigation to establish maximum allowable values. An explanation of the stereochemical distributions in the obtained products has also been put forth that correlates well with the experimental observations.


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Research into transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) diseases has become a high priority worldwide in recent years yet remarkably little is known about the behaviour of TSE infectivity in the environment. The resilience and stability of prion proteins could lead to soils becoming a potential reservoir of TSE infectivity as a result of contamination from activities such as infected carcass burial or the dispersion of effluents from slaughter houses, or by contamination of pastures by infected animals, (e.g. scrapie in sheep). Knowledge of the fate of prion proteins in soils, and associated physico-chemical conditions which favour migration, can be used to help prevent re-infection of animals through grazing, to protect watercourses and develop good management practices. In two consecutive experiments of 9 and 6 months, the migration of recombinant ovine PrP (recPrP) in soil columns was followed under contrasting levels of microbial activity (normal versus reduced), under varying regimes of soil water content and redox potential, and in two different soil types (loamy sand and clay loam). At each analysis time (1, 3, 6 or 9 months), in both soil types, full-length recPrP was detected in the original contaminated layer, indicating the resilience and stability of recPrP under varied soil conditions, even in the presence of active soil microbial populations. Evidence of protein migration was found in every soil column at the earliest analysis time (1 or 3 months), but was restricted to a maximum distance of 1 cm, indicative of limited initial mobility in soils followed by strong adsorption over the following days to weeks. The survival of recPrP in the soil over a period of at least 9 months was demonstrated. In this study, recPrP was used as an indicator for potential TSE infectivity, although infectivity tests should be carried out before conclusions can be drawn regarding the infection risk posed by prions in soil. However, it has been demonstrated that soil is likely to act as a significant barrier to the dispersion of contaminated material at storage or burial sites. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Knowledge of tropical raptor habitat use is limited and yet a thorough understanding is vital when trying to conserve endangered species. We used a well studied, reintroduced population of the vulnerable Mauritius Kestrel Falco punctatus to investigate habitat preferences in a modified landscape. We constructed a high resolution digital habitat map and radiotracked 13 juvenile Kestrels to quantify habitat preferences. We distinguished seven habitat types in our study area and tracked Kestrels from 71 to 130 days old during which they dispersed from their natal territory and settled within a home-range after reaching independence. Mean home-range size was 0.95 km(2) characterized by a bimodal pattern of intensity around the natal site and post-independence home-range. Compositional analysis showed that home-ranges were located non-randomly with respect to habitat but there was no evidence to suggest differential use of habitats within home-ranges. Native and semi-invaded forest and grassland were consistently preferred, whereas agriculture was used significantly less than other habitats. No difference was found between the available length of edge dividing native forest and grassland within a home-range when compared to that available within a 2.35-km buffer around their nest-site, based on the maximum distance a juvenile was found to disperse. Repeating the analysis in three dimensions gave very similar results. Our results suggest that Mauritius Kestrels are not obligate forest dwellers as was once thought but can also exploit open habitats such as grassland. Kestrels may be using isolated mature trees within grassland as vantage points for hunting in the same way as they use the natural stratified forest structure. We suggest that the avoidance of agriculture is partly due to a lack of such vantage points. The conservation importance of forest degradation and agricultural encroachment is highlighted and comparisons with the habitat preferences of other tropical falcons are discussed.


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Wide-ranging marine central place foragers often exhibit foraging site fidelity to oceanographic features over differing spatial scales (i.e., localized coastal upwellings and oceanic fronts). Few studies have tested how the degree of site fidelity to foraging areas varies in relation to the type of ocean features used. In order to determine how foraging site fidelity varied between continental shelf and oceanic foraging habitats, 31 lactating New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus australis forsteri1) were satellite tracked over consecutive foraging trips (14–108 d). Thirty-seven foraging trips were recorded from 11 females that foraged on the continental shelf, in a region associated with a coastal upwelling, while 65 foraging trips were recorded from 20 females that foraged in oceanic waters. There were no significant differences in the mean bearings (to maximum distance) of individual's consecutive foraging trips, suggesting individual fidelity to foraging areas. However, overlap in area and time spent in area varied considerably between continental shelf and oceanic foragers. Females that foraged on the continental shelf had significantly greater overlap in consecutive foraging trips when compared to females that foraged in oceanic waters (overlap in 5 × 5 km grid cells visited on consecutive trips 55.9%± 20.4% and 13.4%± 7.6%, respectively). Females that foraged on the continental shelf also spent significantly more time within the same grid cell than females that foraged in oceanic waters (maximum time spent in 5 × 5 km grid cells: 14%± 5% and 4%± 2%, respectively). This comparatively high foraging site fidelity may reflect the concentration of productivity associated with a coastal upwelling system, the Bonney Upwelling. Lower foraging site fidelity recorded by seals that foraged in oceanic waters implies a lower density/larger scale habitat, where prey are more dispersed or less predictable at fine scales, when compared to the continental shelf region.


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Seabird tracking has become an ever more popular tool to aid environmental procedures such as the designation of marine protected areas and environmental impact assessments. However, samples used are usually small and little consideration is given to experimental design and sampling protocol. European shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis were tracked using GPS technology over three breeding seasons and the following foraging trip characteristics: trip duration, trip distance, maximum distance travelled from the colony, size of area used and direction travelled from colony were determined for each foraging trip. The effect of sex, year of study, breeding site, number and age of chicks and the timing of tracking on foraging behaviour were investigated using a General Estimation Equation model. A range of sampling scenarios reflecting likely field sampling were also tested to compare how foraging behaviour differed depending on composition of the sample of birds tracked. Trip distance, trip duration, maximum distance travelled and size of area used were all significantly affected by the breeding site, and the number of chicks a tracked adult was raising. The effect of sex was also seen when examining trip distance, trip duration and the maximum distance travelled. The direction travelled on a foraging trip was also significantly affected by breeding site. This study highlights the importance of sampling regime and the influence that year, sex, age, number of chicks and breeding site can have on the foraging trip characteristics for this coastal feeding seabird. Given the logistical and financial constraints in tracking large numbers of individuals, this study identifies the need for researchers to consider the composition of their study sample to ensure any identified foraging areas are as representative as possible of the whole colony's foraging area.


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A escolha e o uso adequado de pontas de pulverização são essenciais para a correta aplicação de produtos fitossanitários, sendo, portanto, indispensável o conhecimento de suas características. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de caracterizar o perfil de distribuição e o diâmetro de gotas, oferecendo dados para otimizar o espaçamento entre bicos na barra de pulverização. Foram avaliados os perfis de distribuição da ponta de jato plano Teejet XR 110015 VS, a 0,50 m da altura da mesa de deposição, nas pressões de 200 e 300 kPa, e o diâmetro das gotas pelo método de difração de raios laser. As distâncias máximas foram de 0,85 m, calculadas para um coeficiente de variação (C.V.) aceitável para as pressões de 200 e 300 kPa , com os respectivos valores de 9,52 e 9,58%. A distância ótima foi de aproximadamente 0,70 m, para C.V. em torno de 5%. Comparando as pressões, houve diferença significativa para DV0,1 e DV0,5, não havendo diferença para o DV0,9. Embora o aumento da pressão tenha provocado diminuição do tamanho das gotas, não houve diferença significativa de uniformidade entre as duas pressões de trabalho avaliadas. Concluiu-se que o espaçamento máximo entre bicos na barra não deverá ser maior que 0,85 m e que o DV0,5 diminui com o aumento da pressão de 200 para 300 kPa, porém sem alteração significativa da uniformidade de diâmetro de gota.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A minimalist representation of protein structures using a Go- like potential for interactions is implemented to investigate the mechanisms of the domain swapping of p13suc1, a protein that exists in two native conformations: a monomer and a domain- swapped dimer formed by the exchange of a beta- strand. Inspired by experimental studies which showed a similarity of the transition states for folding of the monomer and the dimer, in this study we justify this similarity in molecular descriptions. When intermediates are populated in the simulations, formation of a domain- swapped dimer initiates from the ensemble of unfolded monomers, given by the fact that the dimer formation occurs at the folding/ unfolding temperature of the monomer ( T-f). It is also shown that transitions, leading to a dimer, involve the presence of two intermediates, one of them has a dimeric form and the other is monomeric; the latter is much more populated than the former. However, at temperatures lower than T-f, the population of intermediates decreases. It is argued that the two folded forms may coexist in absence of intermediates at a temperature much lower than T-f. Computational simulations enable us to find a mechanism, `` lock- and- dock'', for domain swapping of p13suc1. To explore the route toward dimer formation, the folding of unstructured monomers must be retarded by first locking one of the free ends of each chain. Then, the other free termini could follow and dock at particular regions, where most intrachain contacts are formed, and thus de. ne the transition states of the dimer. The simulations also showed that a decrease in the maximum distance between monomers increased their stability, which is explained based on confinement arguments. Although the simulations are based on models extracted from the native structure of the monomer and the dimer of p13suc1, the mechanism of the domain- swapping process could be general, not only for p13suc1.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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OBJECTIVE: To verify the use of maximal running distance performed on Hoff test to predict the anaerobic threshold speed (sAnT). METHODS: Ten young soccer players (age of 17 ± 1 years and body mass of 64.3 ± 2.1 kg) were subjects of the study. The subjects performed 12-min test, lactate minimum test to estimate the anaerobic threshold speed and a field test called Hoff. The purpose of Hoff test was to cover the maximum distance during a period of 10min moving a soccer ball through the track by dribbling. RESULTS: The distance covered during 12-min was 2673.2 ± 64.7 m, the sAnT was 11.6 ± 0.3 km.h-1 and distance covered during test Hoff test was 1458.7 ± 49.6 m. The distance covered during Hoff test was not significantly correlated with sAnT (r = -0.20; P > 0.05) and distance covered during 12-min test (r = -0.15; P > 0.05). The sAnT did not differ of speed correspondent 90% at 12-min speed and they were statistically correlated (r = 0.65). CONCLUSION: Thus, we concluded that maximal distance covered during Hoff test cannot provides a valid prediction of the anaerobic threshold speed.