981 resultados para Materiais - Testes


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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The need to preserve the environment has led to the search for new materials for efficient disposal of chemical compounds that alter the stability of our natural resources. Among these resources, stands in first place the water, as a precious commodity and scarce, leading to the proper use and reuse. As a result, the World Health Organization has established maximum permissible values in drinking water, such as: 50 mg/L, 0, 1 mg/L and 0, 5 mg/L to at-3, at-2, NH 4, respectively. For these reasons, assesses the implementation of new materials and water treatment processes aiming at the removal of these compounds, such as alumina, in the form of powder or as a support for a catalytic system using inorganic membranes capable of supporting more severe conditions of temperature and pressure by opening new possibilities for applications of membrane reactors; and also for electrochemical treatments with doped diamond bobo electrodes (BDD) as anode and copper as cathode. For such purpose, was conducted the study of adsorption of nitrate in different times to assess the time required to achieve equilibrium by employing three commercial alumina called: acidic, basic and neutral alumina, with subsequent treatment only in the acidic alumina impregnating metals (PdCu/Al2O3) for the catalytic reaction. The materials were previously characterized by XRD, SEM techniques and ABET. Aluminas presented a considerable adsortive capacity of nitrate in the first thirty minutes, equivalent to 50% of removal reaching equilibrium in that time. After treatment, using alumina as catalyst for the reaction in batch reactor (Pd-Cu/Al2O3), the results were more favourable, totalling 64% reduction of ion NO3-at the end of three hours. On the other hand, the results for the catalytic reaction using the catalytic support Pd-Cu/TiO2 in membrane reactor proved to be low. -if, in this way, improve the conditions of catalytic system to optimize the process. Already, for the electrochemical tests using DDB1 electrodes as anode, and Cu, as cathode, there was a fairly significant nitrate reduction, approximately 80% of ion removal during three hours and cost viable applications.


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O presente estudo aborda a utilização de carvão ativado comercial na remoção de ácidos húmicos em meio aquoso. O objetivo principal é desenvolver e caracterizar materiais carbonáceos visando aplicações de remoção de ácidos húmicos em meio aquoso por processos de adsorção e oxidação. Testes de remoção do poluente foram desenvolvidos com a utilização do carvão comercial, carvão modificado a partir de tratamentos ácidos e compósito confeccionado com a impregnação de ferro no carvão. Espumas de carbono com dispersões de carvão ativado e óxidos de ferro também foram desenvolvidas buscando aplicações de remoção do poluente através de processos eletroquímicos. Os resultados das caracterizações demonstraram ganho de área superficial a partir do tratamento ácido, a presença dispersa de ferro em todo carvão na forma de fase maghemita com a introdução do metal, e ganho de estabilidade eletroquímica na espuma, com a presença de dispersões de carvão ativados impregnados com ferro. O processo oxidativo Fenton, foto assistido por radiação UV, demonstrou maior eficiência para remoção do ácido húmico em água.


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Em diferentes áreas da medicina existem processos cirúrgicos que envolvem a furação de tecido ósseo, dependendo o seu sucesso da conjugação de diversos parâmetros. A previsão e o controlo dos parâmetros envolvidos são fundamentais para a redução do dano no tecido ósseo. Este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo avaliar o estado de tensão gerado durante o processo de furação utilizando materiais sólidos de espumas de poliuretano rígidas com características similares ao osso humano. Durante a furação dos materiais sólidos são utilizados métodos experimentais, baseados na extensometria e na termografia, para análise das deformações e da temperatura na broca. Os parâmetros envolvidos na furação são a velocidade de rotação e a geometria da broca constantes em diferentes testes, sendo variável a velocidade de avanço. Em simultâneo, foi desenvolvido um modelo numérico de formulação explícita, com recurso ao método de elementos finitos, através do programa LS-DYNA. Os resultados permitem obter o campo de tensões nos materiais sólidos em função dos diferentes parâmetros de furação. Para a mesma velocidade de rotação e geometria da broca, a diminuição na velocidade de avanço provoca o aumento do nível de tensão. Em relação à resistência mecânica da espuma de poliuretano rígida utilizada, e para a zona de medição instrumentada, não há registo de dano material. O dano é provocado na zona de furação pela remoção do material.


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Este trabalho consistiu no projeto e construção de um veleiro autónomo de pequena escala. No início do trabalho, é feito um estudo acerca dos diferentes tipos de veículos autónomos, dando mais enfase aos veleiros. Em seguida, é iniciado o projeto do casco do veleiro, aplicando conceitos básicos de Arquitetura Naval. A forma do casco é desenhada com recurso ao programa DELFT Ship Free, onde são realizados estudos hidrodinâmicos do mesmo. Posteriormente é retratado a construção do casco projetado, com recurso a materiais compósitos e impressão 3D de componentes do veleiro. São ainda descritos os sensores, controladores, atuadores e programação desenvolvida para o veleiro. É também realizado um estudo sumário da estimativa de consumos e autonomia do sistema. No final, encontram-se os resultados obtidos das provas de mar efetuadas ao veleiro.


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Scrotal circumference (SC) is a simple, non-invasive measurement commonly used to evaluate bull breeding potential although its validity as a predictor of fertility is questionable (Holroyd, 1998). SC is highly heritable but varies with breed and animal factors such as condition, live weight and age. As an indicator of fertility, recommended SC values range broadly from 30cm to 38cm (Miller, 1992). It is assumed that SC accurately reflects testes mass (TM) which may be related to direct measures of fertility such as spermatogenesis (Entwistle, 1992). The SC measurements made here test the assumption that SC, used to estimate testes volume (TV), is directly related to TM. Miller (1992) reported a value of 261mm as the SC threshold for puberty. We have studied serial SC measurements so as to devise a more accurate means of using SC to determine puberty.


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The relative concentrations of the major histones, namely, H1, TH1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are not significantly changed in the testes of the vitamin A-deficient rats, as compared to those in the normal controls. But the testis-specific protein, TP, which is synthesized at the mid-spermatid stage, is markedly reduced in the testes of the deficient rats. On supplementation of the deficient rats with retinyl acetate for 28 days, there was a 50% recovery in the relative concentration of the TP with respect to the total amounts of H1 and TH1.


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The cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme activity is decreased considerably at the mild stage of vitamin A deficiency in rat testes and ovaries and the decrease in activity becomes more pronounced with progress of deficiency. Supplementation of the deficient rats with retinyl acetate, but not retinoic acid, restores the enzyme activity to normal values. The cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme of adrenals is not affected by any of the above treatments.


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Histones H1a and H1t are two major linker histone variants present at the pachytene interval of mammalian spermatogenesis. The DNA- and chromatin-condensing properties of these two variants isolated from rat testes were studied and compared with those from rat liver. For this purpose, the histone H1 subtypes were purified from the respective tissues using bath acid and salt extraction procedures, Circular dichroism studies revealed that acid exposure during isolation affects the alpha-helical structure of both the globular domain (in the presence of 1 M NaCl) and the C-terminal lambda-tail (in the presence of 60% trifluoroethanol). The condensation of rat oligonucleosomal DNA, as measured by circular dichroism spectroscopy, by the salt-extracted histone H1 was at least 10 times more efficient than condensation by the acid-extracted histone H1. A site size of 16-20 base pairs was calculated for the salt-extracted histone H1. Among the different histone H1 subtypes, somatic histone H1bdec had the highest DNA-condensing property, followed by histone H1a and histone H1t. All the salt-extracted histones condensed rat oligonucleosomal DNA more efficiently than linear pBR-322 DNA, Histones H1bdec and H1a condensed histone H1-depleted chromatin, prepared from rat liver nuclei, with relatively equal efficiency. On the other hand, there was no condensation of histone H1-depleted chromatin with the testes specific histone H1t. A comparison of the amino acid sequences of histone H1d (rat) and histone H1t (rat) revealed several interesting differences in the occurrence of DNA-binding motifs at the C-terminus. A striking observation is the presence of a direct repeat of an octapeptide motif K(A)T(S)PKKA(S)K(T)K(A) in histone H1d that is absent in histone H1t.


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Histones H1a and H1t are two major linker histone variants present at the pachytene interval of mammalian spermatogenesis. The DNA- and chromatin-condensing properties of these two variants isolated from rat testes were studied and compared with those from rat liver. For this purpose, the histone H1 subtypes were purified from the respective tissues using bath acid and salt extraction procedures, Circular dichroism studies revealed that acid exposure during isolation affects the alpha-helical structure of both the globular domain (in the presence of 1 M NaCl) and the C-terminal lambda-tail (in the presence of 60% trifluoroethanol). The condensation of rat oligonucleosomal DNA, as measured by circular dichroism spectroscopy, by the salt-extracted histone H1 was at least 10 times more efficient than condensation by the acid-extracted histone H1. A site size of 16-20 base pairs was calculated for the salt-extracted histone H1. Among the different histone H1 subtypes, somatic histone H1bdec had the highest DNA-condensing property, followed by histone H1a and histone H1t. All the salt-extracted histones condensed rat oligonucleosomal DNA more efficiently than linear pBR-322 DNA, Histones H1bdec and H1a condensed histone H1-depleted chromatin, prepared from rat liver nuclei, with relatively equal efficiency. On the other hand, there was no condensation of histone H1-depleted chromatin with the testes specific histone H1t. A comparison of the amino acid sequences of histone H1d (rat) and histone H1t (rat) revealed several interesting differences in the occurrence of DNA-binding motifs at the C-terminus. A striking observation is the presence of a direct repeat of an octapeptide motif K(A)T(S)PKKA(S)K(T)K(A) in histone H1d that is absent in histone H1t.


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Analisa a limitação dos poderes das comissões parlamentares de inquérito e do fato determinado como garantidores do exercício dos direitos fundamentais no âmbito dessas mesmas comissões, a partir da doutrina sobre o assunto e da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal. O enorme espaço que as CPIs têm na sociedade, aliado ao "poder de investigação próprio de autoridades judiciais", conferido pela Constituição Federal, nem sempre é compreendido pela maioria dos seus membros, que, não hesitam em dar a ela poderes jurisdicionais, privativos do Judiciário, gerando, desta forma, a violência contra os direitos fundamentais das testemunhas e pessoas por ela investigadas.