995 resultados para Marcus, Emma


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This article assembles and examines the evidence for the poetic outputs of Marcus and Quintus Cicero related to Caesar’s invasion of Britain. Following the establishment of a relative chronology of the evidence for their work, it is argued that Quintus Cicero most likely produced a fabula praetexta (not an epic poem, as commonly assumed). His brother, in turn, wrote an epic, based on Quintus’ eye-witness reports. Careful analysis of the ancient discourse about this piece reveals insights in Cicero’s poetic workshop and the creation of ‘archival truth’ through narrativising historical events in epic poetry. Finally, a case is made for greater attention to financial affairs between Caesar and the Ciceros that happen to coincide with the drafting process of their respective literary works.


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Det huvudsakliga syftet med min uppsats var att utifrån originalverket Emma (1815) avJane Austen kunna bedöma vad två verk som inspirerats av romanen bör klassificeras som.De två verken var romanen Amanda (2006) av författaren Debra White Smith ochspelfilmen Clueless (1995) av regissören Amy Heckerling. Till min hjälp har jag lästaktuell forskning inom de två termerna adaption och fanfiction och utifrån detta gjort enjämförande analys på verken. Resultatet blev oväntat vagt, det visade sig att begreppen lågnärmre varandra än vad jag trott från början. Båda verken kan till viss del ses som enadaption på originalverket, på samma sätt som de även kan ses som fanfiction. Slutsatsenär dock att de båda verken passar bäst in under termen profic, som är en underkategoriinom fanfiction där författaren/regissören tjänar pengar på sin modifikation och intepublicerat verket i exempelvis ett obetalt nätforum som hobbyaktivitet.


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Ce travail sur l’infidélité dans le couple traite les différentes sources de l’ennui ainsi que leurs conséquences dans la vie du couple. Les différentes opinions de différents auteurs sur la cause de l’infidélité dans le couple sont vues en long et en large. L’éducation féminine du XIXème siècle éclaire sur le handicap qui a entrainé certaines filles dans le malheur car l’éducation de l’époque ne les avait pas bien préparées pour devenir de bonnes épouses. Ce mémoire montre l’image de la religion dans ces deux oeuvres : Madame Bovary et Traversée de la mangrove. La question est de voir comment ces auteurs peignent la religion dans ces oeuvres et pourquoi ils adoptent l’infidélité pour sauver la femme de son ennui. Enfin, la comparaison de ces ennuis est faite afin de voir que dans ces couples, malgré le fait qu’ils appartiennent à des époques différentes, l’ennui dans le couple est le même. Ces auteurs ont procédé aux mêmes stratégies pour sauver le couple de son ennui. La morale critique et religieuse a été utilisée pour aborder ce thème, lorsque nous avons fait une lecture biblique de ces deux oeuvres.


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Emma Garcia, Assistant Professor of Spanish reading The Guardians: A Novel by Ana Castillo (PS3553.A8135 G83 2007)


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This paper aims to give an initial presentation to physics students of the area of electron transfer, addressing its major aspects. The subject is then presented in an introductory way, highlighting and discussing the key points. Primarily, the problem is approached in a simplified manner through a two-state system, and aspects of calculating the matrix-element are discussed. Then, the electron transfer problem, influenced by nuclear reaction coordinates, is addressed and treated by the Marcus theory. Time scales and the concepts of adiabatic and nonadiabatic phenomena are discussed in the context of electron transfer. The classical, semi-classical and quantum formalisms of for the nuclear reactions coordinates are presented, and aspects of solvents are also discussed. Finally, we conclude by examining some recent examples of problems discussed in the literature.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é fazer uma análise da obra de Emma Perodi, “Le novelle della nonna”, relacionando-a a possíveis aspectos maravilhosos – quando estes se fizerem presentes. Busca-se encontrar o que torna essas histórias da vovó fantásticas, qual é o seu teor fantástico/maravilhoso em meio a seus enredos tradicionais, bastante ligados a cultura italiana da época, considerando, portanto, seus valores éticos, religiosos, populares – principalmente – entre outros. Além desse primeiro aspecto maravilhoso, busca-se expor as figuras recorrentes nas narrativas da vovó Regina e analisa-las, procurando desvendar o porquê de sua recorrência e qual é o seu significado dentro da estrutura narrativa em questão. Tratando da narrativa, esta terá um estudo a parte, uma vez que possui uma estrutura, no mínimo interessante, na qual se interpenetram o mundo real, onde se encontram os membros da família Marcucci, e o mundo fantástico tecido, delineado, inúmeras vezes pela figura matriarcal da avó. Esta figura matriarcal, possui suas características em particular, uma vez que desempenha muito bem o papel da narradora munida não de histórias de além mundo, como as possui um exímio viajante, mas as histórias que possui uma pessoa que muito sabe e experienciou em seu país, conhecendo, portanto, cada característica que possa descrevê-lo. Nesta obra vê-se de forma bastante clara a tradição italiana, principalmente ao trata-se da religiosidade, denominador comum em todas as histórias contadas pela vovó que trazem consigo um teor moralizante. Como se pode perceber, os aspectos desta obra são vários, mas todos culminam no ponto onde o Maravilhoso floresce e se faz notar


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A fair number of Cicero's letters reveal his concern for his daughter Tullia and his son Marcus. Recent scholarship has read these letters as evidence for a ‘natural’ emotional attachment of a father to his children, in reaction to Philippe Ariès's opposite claim. This chapter considers whether Cicero's letters can be analysed only as expressions of paternal affection. The fact that the pater familias Cicero occupies a political position simultaneously in his nuclear family, his domus, and the Senate, results in a concern for his prestige within the social field of the aristocracy. And this concern is necessarily conferred upon his support of the education and the social and political career of his children. The chapter traces the gender-specific differences between Cicero's treatment of Tullia and Marcus, shows the social construction of parental affection, and contributes to a further understanding of the different functions of daughters and sons in the social force field of family memory.