990 resultados para Malignant Myoepithelioma
Malignant gliomas are currently diagnosed based on morphological criteria and graded according to the World Health Organization classification of primary brain tumors. This algorithm of diagnosis and classification provides clinicians with an estimated prognosis of the natural course of the disease. It does not reflect the expected response to specific treatments beyond surgery (eg, radiotherapy or alkylating chemotherapy). Clinical experience has revealed that gliomas sharing similar histomorphological criteria might indeed have different clinical courses and exhibit highly heterogenous responses to treatments. This was very impressively demonstrated first for oligodendrogliomas. The presence or lack of combined deletions of the chromosomal segments 1p/19q was associated with different benefit from radiotherapy and chemotherapy. We review current molecular markers for malignant gliomas and discuss their current and future impact on clinical neuro-oncology.
The application of angiogenesis inhibitors in neurooncology is increasing. Initially, these drugs seemed to be very promising because of the surprisingly high neuroradiological response rates that were observed in first clinical trials. Meanwhile, this enthusiasm is waning, as the high response rates did not translate into substantial improvements in progression-free and overall survival. Tumor progression during or after antiangiogenic therapy is often associated with rapid clinical neurological deterioration and sometimes even with diffuse infiltrative gliomatosis-like neuroradiological phenotypes. Thus, the characterization and understanding of escape mechanisms are needed. The identification of criteria for defining the personalized use of angiogenesis inhibitors remains a challenge.
Purpose : Secondary malignancies (SM) are a known long-‐term problem in children surviving brain tumors. We report on two unusual cases of SM observed after treatment of ependymoma. Case reports : 1. The first case is a female survivor of a low-‐grade ependymoma (Grade II). She had been treated at the age of 3 months with surgery and chemotherapy. A relapse of the primary tumor happened two years later, which was completely removed and treated with local radiotherapy to the posterior fossa. Fifteen years after the first cancer, she developed a pontine glioma near the location of the previous radiotherapy. 2. The second case is a femal survivor of an ependymoma (Grade III) which was removed and irradiated when she was 4 years old. The child developed a pontine glioma near the location of the previous radiotherapy ten years after the diagnosis of the first cancer. Further extension of the disease showed after biopsy PNET-‐ like features. Both patients passed away. Discussion and Conclusion : Second malignant neoplasia is a rare phenomenon and this risk should not overshadow the great success in treating cancer of childhood. Among the studied risk factors, young age and radiotherapy are well established. The reported patients were followed annually to ensure their remission and both developed symptoms and an unusual unreported secondary cancer a few months after the annual monitoring that was considered as normal. This issue highlights the complexity of monitoring cancer survivors and raises the question of the best way for their long-‐term follow-‐up.
Objective: The pre-treatment of tumor neo-vessels by photodynamic therapy (PDT) was shown to improve the distribution of chemotherapy administered subsequently. However, the precise mechanism by which PDT modifies the tumor vasculature is unknown. We have recently shown that leukocyteendothelial cell interaction was essential for PDT induced drug delivery to normal tissue. Our purpose was to determine if PDT could enhance drug distribution in malignant mesothelioma and if a comparable role for leucocytes existed.Methods: We grew human mesothelioma xenografts (H-meso-1) in the dorsal skinfold chambers of nude mice (n = 28). The rolling, sticking and recruitment of leucocytes was assessed in tumor and normal vessels following PDT (Visudyne 0?4 mg/kg, fluence rate 200 mW/cm2, fluence 60 J/cm2) using intravital microscopy. In parallel, the distribution of a macromolecule (FITC dextran, 2000 kDa) administered after PDT was determined. We compared these variables in control (no PDT), PDT + IgG (non specific antibody) and PDT + pan-selectin antibody (monoclonal P-E-L selectin antibody).Results: PDT significantly enhanced the distribution of FITC dextran in mesothelioma xenografts compared to controls. Interestingly, PDT enhanced the leukocyte-endothelial interaction significantly (rolling and recruitment)in tumor and surrounding normal vessels compared to controls. Leukocyte recruitment was significantly down-regulated by pan-selectin antibodies in tumor tissues. However, the suppression of leucocyte recruitement did not affect the extravasation of FITC-dextran in tumor tissue.Conclusion:PDTpre-treatment of the mesothelioma vasculature can enhance the distribution of macromolecular drugs administered subsequently. However, unlike normal vessels, leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction is not required for PDT induced leakage.
Age and sex have been identified as predictors of outcome in malignant melanoma (MM). This aim of this multicentre, cross-sectional study was to analyse the role of age and sex as explanatory variables for the diagnosis of thin MM. A total of 2430 patients with MM were recruited. Cases of in situ-T1 MM were more frequent than T2-T4 MM (56.26% vs. 43.74%). Breslow thickness increased throughout decades of life (analysis of variance (ANOVA) p < 0.001), with a weak correlation between Breslow thickness and patient's age (r = 0.202, p < 0.001). Breslow thickness was significantly less in women (1.79 vs. 2.38 mm, p = 0.0001). Binary logistic regression showed a significant (p < 0.001) odds ratio for age 0-29 years (1.18), and 30-59 years (1.16), and for women (1.09). Age and sex explained 3.64% of the variation observed in Tis-T1 frequency (R2 = 0.0364). Age and sex appear to explain a low percentage of the variation in the early detection of MM.
AIMTo assess the double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) role in malignant small bowel tumors (MSBT). METHODS This is a retrospective descriptive study performed in a single center. All consecutive patients who underwent a DBE with final diagnosis of a malignant neoplasm from 2004 to 2014 in our referral center were included. Patient demographic and clinical pathological characteristics were recorded and reviewed. MSBT diagnosis was achieved either by DBE directed biopsy with multiple tissue sampling, endoscopic findings or histological analysis of surgical specimen. We have analyzed double-balloon enteroscopy impact in outcome and clinical course of these patients. RESULTS Of 627 patients, 28 (4.5%) (mean age = 60 ± 17.3 years) underwent 30 procedures (25 anterograde, 5 retrograde) and were diagnosed of a malignant tumor. Patients presented with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (n = 19, 67.9%), occlusion syndrome (n = 7, 25%) and diarrhea (n = 1, 3.6%). They were diagnosed by DBE biopsy (n = 18, 64.3%), histological analysis of surgical specimen (n = 7, 25%) and unequivocal endoscopic findings (n = 2, 7.1%). Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (n = 8, 28.6%), adenocarcinoma (n = 7, 25%), lymphoma (n = 4, 14.3%), neuroendocrine tumor (n = 4, 14.3%), metastatic (n = 3, 10.7%) and Kaposi sarcoma (n = 1, 3.6%) were identified. DBE modified outcome in 7 cases (25%), delaying or avoiding emergency surgery (n = 3), modifying surgery approach (n = 2) and indicating emergency SB partial resection instead of elective approach (n = 2). CONCLUSION DBE may be critical in the management of MSBT providing additional information that may be decisive in the clinical course of these patients.
A pituitary tumor was diagnosed in a prepubertal 13-yr-old girl, who had elevated plasma LH (58 mIU/ml) and PRL (93 ng/ml) levels; decreased GH, ACTH, and FSH secretion; and diabetes insipidus. After surgery, plasma LH and PRL declined, but not to normal levels. Conventional external radiotherapy to the pituitary was immediately followed by a decrease in LH to prepubertal values (0.7 mIU/ml), while PRL levels became normal only after a long course of bromocriptine therapy. The pituitary tumor was composed of two distinct cell types: small polygonal cells, which were PRL positive by immunohistochemistry, and clusters of pleomorphic large frequently mitotic polynucleated cells, which were LH positive, some of them also being positive for the alpha-subunit or beta LH but not for beta FSH. Four years after surgery and radiotherapy, the patient deteriorated neurologically. Computed tomographic scan showed widespread frontal and periventricular tumor, which had the histological features of a poorly differentiated carcinoma. No PRL, LH, or alpha- or beta-subunits were detectable on immunocytochemistry. While the PRL-positive cells of the pituitary tumor displayed the histological and clinical features of PRL adenomas, the morphological characteristics of LH cells and the sharp decline of plasma LH levels after radiotherapy were suggestive of malignant transformation. In this context, the later brain tumor could have been the result of subependymal spread of the pituitary tumor after it lost its hormone-secreting capacity.
RESUME : Objectif: Le glioblastome multiforme (GBM) est la tumeur cérébrale maligne la plus agressive qui conduit au décès de la majorité des patients moins d'une année après le diagnostic. La plupart des agents chimiothérapeutiques actuellement disponibles ne traversent pas la barrière hémato¬encéphalique et ne peuvent par conséquent pas être utilisés pour ce type de tumeur. Le Temozolomide (TMZ) est un nouvel agent alkylant récemment développé pour le traitement des gliomes malins. A ce jour, très peu d'informations sont disponibles sur la pénétration intra-cérébrale de cet agent. Au cours d'une étude pilote de phase II menée auprès de 64 patients atteints de GBM, l'administration précoce de TMZ combinée à une radiothérapie standard (RT) afin d'intervenir au plus tôt dans l'évolution de la maladie, a permis de prolonger la survie de ces patients, résultat qui pu être confirmé par la suite lors de l'étude randomisée de phase III. L'objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer les paramètres pharmacocinétique du TMZ dans le plasma et le liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR), d'évaluer l'influence de certains facteurs individuels (âge, sexe, surface corporelle, fonction rénale/hépatique, co-médications, RT concomitante) sur ces différents paramètres, et enfin d'explorer la relation existant entre l'exposition au TMZ et certains marqueurs cliniques d'efficacité et de toxicité. Matériel et Méthode: Les concentrations de TMZ ont été mesurées par chromatographie liquide à haute performance (HPLC) dans le plasma et le LCR de 35 patients atteints de GBM nouvellement diagnostiqués (étude pilote) ou de gliomes malins en récidive (étude récidive). L'analyse pharmacocinétique de population a été réalisée à l'aide du programme NONMEM. L'exposition systémique et cérébrale, définie par les AUC (Area Under the time-concentration Curve) dans le plasma et le LCR, a été estimée pour chaque patient et corrélée à la toxicité, la survie ainsi que la survie sans progression tumorale. Résultats: Un modèle à 1 compartiment avec une cinétique d'absorption et de transfert Kplasma -> LCR de ordre a été retenu afin de décrire le profil pharmacocinétique du TMZ. Les valeurs moyennes de population ont été de 10 L/h pour la clairance, de 30.3 L pour le volume de distribution, de 2.1 h pour la 1/2 vie d'élimination, de 5.78 hE-1 pour la constante d'absorption, de 7.2 10E4 hE-1 pour Kplasma->LCR et de 0.76 hE-1 pour KLCR plasma. La surface corporelle a montré une influence significative sur la clairance et le volume de distribution, alors que le sexe influence la clairance uniquement. L'AUC mesurée dans le LCR représente ~20% de celle du plasma et une augmentation de 15% de Kplasma->LCR a été observée lors du traitement concomitant de radiochimiothérapie. Conclusions: Cette étude est la première analyse pharmacocinétique effectuée chez l'homme permettant de quantifier la pénétration intra-cérébrale du TMZ. Le rapport AUC LCR/AUC Plasma a été de 20%. Le degré d'exposition systémique et cérébral au TMZ ne semble pas être un meilleur facteur prédictif de la survie ou de la tolérance au produit que ne l'est la dose cumulée seule. ABSTRACT Purpose: Scarce information is available on the brain penetration of temozolomide (TMZ), although this novel methylating agent is mainly used for the treatment of ma¬lignant brain tumors. The purpose was to assess TNIZ phar¬macokinetics in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) along with its inter-individual variability, to characterize covari¬ates and to explore relationships between systemic or cere¬bral drug exposure and clinical outcomes. Experimental Design: TMZ levels were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in plasma and CSF samples from 35 patients with newly diagnosed or recurrent malignant gliomas. The population pharmacoki¬netic analysis was performed with nonlinear mixed-effect modeling software. Drug exposure, defined by the area un¬der the concentration-time curve (AUC) in plasma and CSF, was estimated for each patient and correlated with toxicity, survival, and progression-free survival. Results: A three-compartment model with first-order absorption and transfer rates between plasma and CSF described the data appropriately. Oral clearance was 10 liter/h; volume of distribution (VD), 30.3 liters; absorption constant rate, 5.8 hE-1; elimination half-time, 2.1 h; transfer rate from plasma to CSF (Kplasma->CSF), 7.2 x 10E-4hE-1 and the backwards rate, 0.76hE-1. Body surface area signifi¬cantly influenced both clearance and VD, and clearance was sex dependent. The AU CSF corresponded to 20% of the AUCplasma. A trend toward an increased K plasma->CSF of 15% was observed in case of concomitant radiochemo-therapy. No significant correlations between AUC in plasma or CSF and toxicity, survival, or progression-free survival were apparent after deduction of dose-effect. Conclusions: This is the first human pharmacokinetic study on TMZ to quantify CSF penetration. The AUC CSF/ AUC plasma ratio was 20%. Systemic or cerebral exposures are not better predictors than the cumulative dose alone for both efficacy and safety.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To systematically review and meta-analyze published data about the diagnostic accuracy of fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) and PET/computed tomography (CT) in the differential diagnosis between malignant and benign pleural lesions. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A comprehensive literature search of studies published through June 2013 regarding the diagnostic performance of (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT in the differential diagnosis of pleural lesions was carried out. All retrieved studies were reviewed and qualitatively analyzed. Pooled sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratio (LR+ and LR-) and diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) of (18)F-FDG-PET or PET/CT in the differential diagnosis of pleural lesions on a per-patient-based analysis were calculated. The area under the summary receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was calculated to measure the accuracy of these methods. Subanalyses considering device used (PET or PET/CT) were performed. RESULTS: Sixteen studies including 745 patients were included in the systematic review. The meta-analysis of 11 selected studies provided the following results: sensitivity 95% (95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 92-97%), specificity 82% (95%CI: 76-88%), LR+ 5.3 (95%CI: 2.4-11.8), LR- 0.09 (95%CI: 0.05-0.14), DOR 74 (95%CI: 34-161). The AUC was 0.95. No significant improvement of the diagnostic accuracy considering PET/CT studies only was found. CONCLUSIONS: (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT demonstrated to be accurate diagnostic imaging methods in the differential diagnosis between malignant and benign pleural lesions; nevertheless, possible sources of false-negative and false-positive results should be kept in mind.
The O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene is located at chromosome 10q26 and codes for a DNA repair enzyme that--if active--can counteract the effects of alkylating chemotherapy. Malignant gliomas often have the MGMT gene inactivated due to aberrant methylation of its promoter region. The assessment of the MGMT promoter methylation status has become of clinical relevance as a molecular marker associated with response to alkylating chemotherapy and prolonged survival of glioblastoma patients. MGMT promoter methylation testing is also on the merge of being used as a marker for patient selection within clinical trials, e.g., the current CENTRIC trial that is specifically focusing on patients with MGMT promoter-methylated glioblastomas. In anaplastic gliomas, MGMT promoter methylation is a favorable prognostic marker independent of the type of therapy, i.e., radio- or chemotherapy. This occurrence might be associated with the high incidence of other prognostically favorable molecular markers in these tumors, such as IDH1 mutation, 1p/19q deletion or yet to be identified novel aberrations. A variety of different methods are being used to assess MGMT promoter methylation in clinical samples, which may give rise to inter-laboratory variations in test results. Immunohistochemical determination of MGMT protein expression has not proven reliable for diagnostic purposes. This brief review article aims to summarize the main aspects of MGMT promoter methylation testing in contemporary neuro-oncology, in particular its value as a clinically useful molecular marker, putting it into the context of other molecular markers of clinical use in gliomas of adult patients.
Activated CD 3+ enriched human peripheral blood T cells exhibited potent capacity for transendothelial migration through HUVEC layers in the absence of T cell ***. In contrast, malignant human T cell lines *** no or negligible ability of transendothelial migration in the absence of chemoattractants. Time lapse studies of transendothelial migration of activated CD 3+ enriched peripheral blood T cells through a HUVEC layer showed that the first T cells were detected in the lower compartment of a tissue culture insert after 1 hour and that migration increased to reach a maximum of 25 x 10(4) T cells/hr after 24 hours. Adhesion assays of human T cell lines demonstrated that all T cell lines were capable of adhesion to HUVEC and that adhesion of T cells to HUVECs was primarily mediated by CD11a/CD18 and ICAM-1 interactions. Furthermore, transendothelial migration of CD 3+ enriched human peripheral blood T cells was inhibited by pretreating the T cells with anti-CD 18 monoclonal antibodies. The inability of malignant T cells to migrate through HUVEC layers in the absence of chemoattractants was not due to poor motility per se, since both normal and malignant T cells migrated well on extracellular matrix components as determined by using Boyden chambers. Crosslinking of alpha 1 beta 2 and alpha 4 beta 1 with immobilized monoclonal antibodies induced motile behaviour in activated CD 3 enriched human peripheral blood T cells but not in malignant T cell lines. In conclusion, the differences in the ability of transendothelial migration between normal and malignant human T cells in the absence of chemoattractants is primarily due to the differences in the capacity of alpha 1 beta 2 and alpha 4 beta 1 to trigger motile behaviour in the separate cell types.
PURPOSE: To assess the inter/intraobserver variability of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements in treated hepatic lesions and to compare ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in the area with the most restricted diffusion (MRDA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with treated malignant liver lesions were examined on a 3.0T machine. After agreeing on the best ADC image, two readers independently measured the ADC values in the whole lesion and in the MRDA. These measurements were repeated 1 month later. The Bland-Altman method, Spearman correlation coefficients, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the measurements. RESULTS: Interobserver variability for ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in the MRDA was 0.17 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s [-0.17, +0.17] and 0.43 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s [-0.45, +0.41], respectively. Intraobserver limits of agreement could be as low as [-0.10, +0.12] 10(-3) mm(2)/s and [-0.20, +0.33] 10(-3) mm(2)/s for measurements in the whole lesion and in the MRDA, respectively. CONCLUSION: A limited variability in ADC measurements does exist, and it should be considered when interpreting ADC values of hepatic malignancies. This is especially true for the measurements of the minimal ADC.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on malignant hyperthermia with operating room nurses. METHOD A quasi-experimental study, aimed at an educational intervention of short duration with the nursing staff in the operating room of the institution hosting the research in the city of São Paulo, with the participation of 96 professionals. Pre-intervention tests and post-intervention tests were applied, which consisted of a lecture followed by simulation. RESULTS Considering the overall results of the intervention, there was a statistically significant difference (p<0.00). After the educational intervention, there was an increase of the minimum and maximum scores, and average growth of 2.64 points in the knowledge of professionals when compared to the previous step. CONCLUSION The educational intervention strategy favors the concept of the content developed by everyone involved and qualifies professionals to work safely.
The 26S proteasome constitutes an essential degradation apparatus involved in the consistent recycling of misfolded and damaged proteins inside cells. The aberrant activation of the proteasome has been widely observed in various types of cancers and implicated in the development and progression of carcinogenesis. In the era of targeted therapies, the clinical use of proteasome inhibitors necessitates a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cell death responsible for their cytotoxic action, which are reviewed here in the context of sensitization of malignant gliomas, a tumor type particularly refractory to conventional treatments.