Liv. 1-3
n.s. no.29(1994)
v.20-21 (1897) plates
Mediante buceo y exploraciones al intermareal y submareal de la región Áncash (9°58’08’’S 78°38’34’’W y 10°34’06’’S 77°54’30’’W) entre el 2003 y el 2010 se colectaron, identificaron y fotografiaron 135 especies de invertebrados que corresponden a los grupos Cnidaria (6 especies), Annelida (11 especies), Brachiopoda (1 especie), Mollusca (70 especies), Arthropoda (34 especies), Echinodermata (10 especies), Sipunculida (1 especie) y Chordata (2 especies). Del total de especies, se considera que Sipunculus (Austrosiphon) mundanus representa un nuevo registro para el Perú, que cuatro ampliaron su distribución hacia el norte y nueve hacia el sur. Cada especie se ubica taxonómicamente y se proporciona información de nombre común, diagnosis, hábitat, profundidad, aspectos bioecológicos, distribución geográfica, localidades en la región Áncash, otras localidades en el Perú, comentarios y referencias.
Los volúmenes de plancton superficial fluctuaron entre 0,06 y 11,14 mL.m-3 localizados frente a Pisco y Paita, respectivamente, registrando un promedio general de 1,34 mL.m-3. El fitoplancton en superficie predominó en el 31% del área evaluada. El microplancton estuvo caracterizado por diatomeas pequeñas de afloramiento (Chaetoceros sociales, Ch. compressus, Ch. lorenzianus, Skeletonema costatum) y por especies de la fase intermedia de la sucesión (Coscinodiscus perforatus, C. centralis, Thalassionema frauenfeldii, Lithodesmium undulatum). La presencia de especies termófilas también fue representativa encontrándose cerca y lejos de la costa, destacando por su abundancia las diatomeas Planktoniella sol, Proboscia alata f. gracillima y Thalasiothrix longissima. La correlación significativa entre la biomasa planctónica y oxígeno (r=>0,5) sugirió una mayor actividad autotrófica en las zonas norte y sur. El indicador de ACF, Protoperidinium obtusum, presentó una distribución costera con una amplitud máxima hasta las 120 mn al sur de Chicama y Atico y C. praelongum indicador de ASS sólo fue registrado a 70 mn frente a Pucusana.
Temporal variability was studied in the common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus through the analysis of the genetic composition of three yearly cohorts sampled over two consecutive springs in a locality in northwestern Mediterranean. Individuals were aged using growth ring patterns observed in tests and samples were genotyped for five microsatellite loci. No reduction of genetic diversity was observed relative to a sample of the adult population from the same location or within cohorts across years. FST and amova results indicated that the differentiation between cohorts is rather shallow and not significant, as most variability is found within cohorts and within individuals. This mild differentiation translated into estimates of effective population size of 90100 individuals. When the observed excess of homozygotes was taken into account, the estimate of the average number of breeders increased to c. 300 individuals. Given our restricted sampling area and the known small-scale heterogeneity in recruitment in this species, our results suggest that at stretches of a few kilometres of shoreline, large numbers of progenitors are likely to contribute to the larval pool at each reproduction event. Intercohort variation in our samples is six times smaller than spatial variation between adults of four localities in the western Mediterranean. Our results indicate that, notwithstanding the stochastic events that take place during the long planktonic phase and during the settlement and recruitment processes, reproductive success in this species is high enough to produce cohorts genetically diverse and with little differentiation between them. Further research is needed before the link between genetic structure and underlying physical and biological processes can be well established.
Thirty two microsatellites were optimized from 454 pyrosequencing libraries for three Atlanto-Mediterranean echinoderms: Coscinasterias tenuispina, Echinaster sepositus and Arbacia lixula. We observed different frequency of microsatellite types (di-, tri-, tetra- and pentanucleotide) throughout the genome of the species, but no significant differences were observed in allele richness among different microsatellite repeats. No loci showed linkage disequilibrium. Heterozygosity deficit and departure from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium were observed for some loci, in two species, probably due to high levels of inbreeding. Heterozygosity excess observed in C. tenuispina could be explained by selection against homozygotes and/or outcrossing.
Thirty two microsatellites were optimized from 454 pyrosequencing libraries for three Atlanto-Mediterranean echinoderms: Coscinasterias tenuispina, Echinaster sepositus and Arbacia lixula. We observed different frequency of microsatellite types (di-, tri-, tetra- and pentanucleotide) throughout the genome of the species, but no significant differences were observed in allele richness among different microsatellite repeats. No loci showed linkage disequilibrium. Heterozygosity deficit and departure from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium were observed for some loci, in two species, probably due to high levels of inbreeding. Heterozygosity excess observed in C. tenuispina could be explained by selection against homozygotes and/or outcrossing.
(O gênero Siphanthera Pohl ex DC. (Melastomataceae) no estado de Minas Gerais). O gênero Siphanthera está representado no Brasil por treze espécies, que ocorrem nos campos rupestres e nas áreas de campo úmido associadas aos cerrados. Em Minas Gerais ocorrem seis espécies: S. arenaria (DC.) Cogn., S. cordata Pohl ex DC., S. dawsonii Wurdack, S. foliosa (Naudin) Wurdack, S. gracillima (Naudin) Wurdack e S. paludosa (DC.) Cogn. A elaboração do presente trabalho foi baseada no estudo de exsicatas depositadas em vários herbários e em observações de campo. É acrescentado um novo registro para Minas Gerais, S. dawsonii, e duas novas citações na literatura, S. gracillima e S. foliosa. São apresentadas chave para as espécies, descrições, ilustrações, distribuição geográfica e discussão de seus problemas taxonômicos.