258 resultados para MFM capacitors


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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Uma nova tecnologia, os EDLC, também denominados por supercondensadores, tem-se tornado numa importante e aliciante área de interesse. Estes regem-se pelos mesmos princípios fundamentais dos condensadores clássicos, no entanto possibilitam receber capacidades superiores, devido a uma maior área de superfície e a um dielétrico menos espesso. Esta particularidade permite obter uma maior densidade energética, comparativamente com os condensadores clássicos e uma maior densidade de potência, comparativamente com as baterias. Consequentemente a utilização de supercondensadores tem aumentado, representando já uma alternativa fiável, segura e amiga do ambiente, em detrimento das baterias comuns. Assim, este projeto tem como principais objetivos, identificar os diferentes tipos de supercondensadores, apresentar as vantagens de cada tipo e explorar a sua resposta, quer no domínio das frequências quer no domínio dos tempos, e por fim modelá-los recorrendo a componentes elétricos clássicos, nomeadamente resistências e condensadores. A modelação foi realizada recorrendo ao MALTAB, através da função de minimização fminunc e foram construídos quatro modelos equivalentes, com o objetivo de modelar a resposta dos vários EDLC analisados. Por escassez de tempo o principal foco de análise recaiu sobre o EDLC de 0,022 F.


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The paper presents a RFDSCA automated synthesis procedure. This algorithm determines several RFDSCA circuits from the top-level system specifications all with the same maximum performance. The genetic synthesis tool optimizes a fitness function proportional to the RFDSCA quality factor and uses the epsiv-concept and maximin sorting scheme to achieve a set of solutions well distributed along a non-dominated front. To confirm the results of the algorithm, three RFDSCAs were simulated in SpectreRF and one of them was implemented and tested. The design used a 0.25 mum BiCMOS process. All the results (synthesized, simulated and measured) are very close, which indicate that the genetic synthesis method is a very useful tool to design optimum performance RFDSCAs.


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In the traditional paradigm, the large power plants supply the reactive power required at a transmission level and the capacitors and transformer tap changer were also used at a distribution level. However, in a near future will be necessary to schedule both active and reactive power at a distribution level, due to the high number of resources connected in distribution levels. This paper proposes a new multi-objective methodology to deal with the optimal resource scheduling considering the distributed generation, electric vehicles and capacitor banks for the joint active and reactive power scheduling. The proposed methodology considers the minimization of the cost (economic perspective) of all distributed resources, and the minimization of the voltage magnitude difference (technical perspective) in all buses. The Pareto front is determined and a fuzzy-based mechanism is applied to present the best compromise solution. The proposed methodology has been tested in the 33-bus distribution network. The case study shows the results of three different scenarios for the economic, technical, and multi-objective perspectives, and the results demonstrated the importance of incorporating the reactive scheduling in the distribution network using the multi-objective perspective to obtain the best compromise solution for the economic and technical perspectives.


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This study proposes a new methodology to increase the power delivered to any load point in a radial distribution network, through the identification of new investments in order to improve the repair time. This research work is innovative and consists in proposing a full optimisation model based on mixed-integer non-linear programming considering the Pareto front technique. The goal is to achieve a reduction in repair times of the distribution networks components, while minimising the costs of that reduction as well as non-supplied energy costs. The optimisation model considers the distribution network technical constraints, the substation transformer taps, and it is able to choose the capacitor banks size. A case study based on a 33-bus distribution network is presented in order to illustrate in detail the application of the proposed methodology.


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O consumo de energia de forma irracional acarreta desvantagens a nível económico para o consumidor e problemas ambientais para toda a sociedade, como a escassez de recursos naturais e o aumento da poluição. Neste contexto, a otimização energética na indústria, e em particular no setor das borrachas, é indispensável de forma a utilizar racionalmente a energia e assim contribuir para a viabilidade das empresas. Este trabalho, efetuado na Flexocol - Fábrica de Artefactos de Borracha, Lda., teve como principal objetivo efetuar um levantamento energético à unidade fabril e propor alternativas que permitissem a redução do consumo de energia elétrica. Foi ainda realizado um estudo sobre a possibilidade de substituir o n-hexano, solvente utilizado na limpeza dos moldes, por um solvente mais adequado. O levantamento energético efetuado permitiu identificar o consumo das utilidades existentes na Flexocol. Esta empresa consome gasóleo e energia elétrica, sendo esta última, a forma de energia mais consumida correspondendo a 96%. O consumo global de energia é cerca 151 tep anuais, inferior a 500 tep/ano, ou seja é considerada uma empresa não consumidora intensiva de energia. Com base neste levantamento determinou-se os indicadores de consumo específico de energia e da intensidade carbónica, 2,73 tep/ ton e 1684,5 kg CO2/tep. A análise do consumo de energia elétrica dos diferentes equipamentos permitiu verificar que o setor que mais consome energia elétrica é a Vulcanização com 45,8%, seguido do setor da Mistura e Serralharia com 27,5% e 26,7%, respetivamente. O sistema de iluminação nos vários setores foi também alvo de estudo e permitiu identificar a Vulcanização como o setor com mais consumo e o da Mistura como o que menos consome. O estudo das variáveis anteriormente referidas permitiu apresentar algumas propostas de melhoria. Uma das propostas analisada foi implementação de condensadores no quadro parcial de forma a diminuir a energia reativa. Com esta medida prevê-se uma poupança de 5631 €/ano e um retorno de investimento de 0,045 anos. Foi também analisada relativamente à iluminação a possibilidade de instalação de balastros eletrónicos que conduziria a uma poupança na energia elétrica de cerca 7072 kWh/ano, mas com um retorno de investimento desfavorável. Por último estudou-se o solvente alternativo ao n-hexano. A acetona foi o solvente proposto uma vez que tem as propriedades indicadas para o fim a que se destina.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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An energy harvesting system requires an energy storing device to store the energy retrieved from the surrounding environment. This can either be a rechargeable battery or a supercapcitor. Due to the limited lifetime of rechargeable batteries, they need to be periodically replaced. Therefore, a supercapacitor, which has ideally a limitless number of charge/discharge cycles can be used to store the energy; however, a voltage regulator is required to obtain a constant output voltage as the supercapacitor discharges. This can be implemented by a Switched-Capacitor DC-DC converter which allows a complete integration in CMOS technology, although it requires several topologies in order to obtain a high efficiency. This thesis presents the complete analysis of four different topologies in order to determine expressions that allow to design and determine the optimum input voltage ranges for each topology. To better understand the parasitic effects, the implementation of the capacitors and the non-ideal effect of the switches, in 130 nm technology, were carefully studied. With these two analysis a multi-ratio SC DC-DC converter was designed with an output power of 2 mW, maximum efficiency of 77%, and a maximum output ripple, in the steady state, of 23 mV; for an input voltage swing of 2.3 V to 0.85 V. This proposed converter has four operation states that perform the conversion ratios of 1/2, 2/3, 1/1 and 3/2 and its clock frequency is automatically adjusted to produce a stable output voltage of 1 V. These features are implemented through two distinct controller circuits that use asynchronous time machines (ASM) to dynamically adjust the clock frequency and to select the active state of the converter. All the theoretical expressions as well as the behaviour of the whole system was verified using electrical simulations.


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Scientific and technological advancements in the area of fibrous and textile materials have greatly enhanced their application potential in several high-end technical and industrial sectors including construction, transportation, medical, sports, aerospace engineering, electronics and so on. Excellent performance accompanied by light-weight, mechanical flexibility, tailor-ability, design flexibility, easy fabrication and relatively lower cost are the driving forces towards wide applications of these materials. Cost-effective fabrication of various advanced and functional materials for structural parts, medical devices, sensors, energy harvesting devices, capacitors, batteries, and many others has been possible using fibrous and textile materials. Structural membranes are one of the innovative applications of textile structures and these novel building skins are becoming very popular due to flexible design aesthetics, durability, lightweight and cost benefits. Current demand on high performance and multi-functional materials in structural applications has motivated to go beyond the basic textile structures used for structural membranes and to use innovative textile materials. Structural membranes with self-cleaning, thermoregulation and energy harvesting capability (using solar cells) are examples of such recently developed multi-functional membranes. Besides these, there exist enormous opportunities to develop wide varieties of multi-functional membranes using functional textile materials. Additionally, it is also possible to further enhance the performance and functionalities of structural membranes using advanced fibrous architectures such as 2D, 3D, hybrid, multi-layer and so on. In this context, the present paper gives an overview of various advanced and functional fibrous and textile materials which have enormous application potential in structural membranes.


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This paper deals with a computing simulation for an offshore wind energy system taking into account the influence of the marine waves action throughout the floating platform. The wind energy system has a variable-speed turbine equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator and a full-power five level converter, injecting energy into the electric grid through a high voltage alternate current link. A reduction on the unbalance of the voltage in the DC-link capacitors of the five-level converter is proposed by a strategic selection of the output voltage vectors. The model for the drive train of the wind energy system is a two mass model, including the dynamics of the floating platform. A case study is presented and the assessment of the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid is discussed.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e de Computadores


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En els últims anys printed electronics està aixecant un gran interès entre la indústria electrònica. Aquest tipus de procés consisteix en imprimir circuits amb tècniques d'impressió convencionals utilitzant tintes conductores, resistives, dielèctriques o semiconductores sobre substrats flexibles de baix cost com paper o plàstic. Fer servir aquestes tècniques s'espera que suposi una reducció dels costos de producció degut a que és un procés totalment additiu el que fa que sigui més senzill i es redueixi la quantitat de material emprat. El disseny de dispositius bàsics com resistències, condensadors i bobines per posteriorment veure la relació entre simulacions i valors obtinguts ha ocupat la primera part del projecte. La segona s’ha centrat en fer prototips d’antenes per a RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) amb la tecnologia que es disposa a CEPHIS (Centre de Prototips i Solucions Hardwre-Software). Tot això ha servit per caracteritzar la tecnologia de la que es disposa i saber en quins apartats s’ha de seguir treballant per aconseguir millors prestacions.