979 resultados para MATERIAL PARAMETERS


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O transporte de gás e derivados de petróleo é realizado pelo uso de tubulações, denominadas de oleodutos ou gasodutos, que necessitam de elevados níveis de resistência mecânica e corrosão, aliadas a uma boa tenacidade à fratura e resistência à fadiga. A adição de elementos de liga nesses aços, Ti, V e Nb entre outros, é realizada para o atendimento destes níveis de resistência após o processamento termomecânico das chapas para fabricação destes dutos, utilizando-se a norma API 5L do American Petroleum Institute, API, para a classificação destes aços. A adição de elementos de liga em associação com o processamento termomecânico visa o refino de grão da microestrutura austenítica, o qual é transferido para a estrutura ferrítica resultante. O Brasil é o detentor das maiores reservas mundiais de nióbio, que tem sido apresentado como refinador da microestrutura mais eficiente que outros elementos, como o V e Ti. Neste trabalho dois aços, denominados Normal e Alto Nb foram estudados. A norma API propõe que a soma das concentrações de Nióbio, Vanádio e Titânio devem ser menores que 0,15% no aço. As concentrações no aço contendo mais alto Nb é de 0,107%, contra 0,082% do aço de composição normal, ou seja, ambos atendem o valor especificado pela norma API. Entretanto, os aços são destinados ao uso em dutovias pela PETROBRÁS que impõe limites nos elementos microligantes para os aços aplicados em dutovias. Deste modo estudos foram desenvolvidos para verificar se os parâmetros de resistência à tração, ductilidade, tenacidade ao impacto e resistência à propagação de trinca por fadiga, estariam em acordo com a norma API 5L grau X70 e com os resultados que outros pesquisadores têm encontrado para aços dessa classe. Ainda, como para a formação de uma dutovia os tubos são unidos uns aos outros por processo de soldagem (circunferencial), o estudo de fadiga foi estendido para as regiões da solda e zona termicamente afetada (ZTA). Como conclusão final observa-se que o aço API 5L X70 com Nb modificado, produzido conforme processo desenvolvido pela ArcelorMittal - Tubarão, apresenta os parâmetros de resistência e ductilidade em tração, resistência ao impacto e resistência a propagação de trinca em fadiga (PTF) similar aos aços API 5L X70 com teores de Nb = 0,06 % peso e aqueles da literatura com teores de Nb+Ti+V < 0,15% peso. O metal base, metal de solda e zona termicamente afetada apresentaram curvas da/dN x ΔK similares, com os parâmetros do material C e m, da equação de Paris, respectivamente na faixa de 3,3 - 4,2 e 1.3x10-10 - 5.0x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m].


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The present understanding of the initiation of boudinage and folding structures is based on viscosity contrasts and stress exponents, considering an intrinsically unstable state of the layer. The criterion of localization is believed to be prescribed by geometry-material interactions, which are often encountered in natural structures. An alternative localization phenomenon has been established for ductile materials, in which instability emerges for critical material parameters and loading rates from homogeneous conditions. In this thesis, conditions are sought under which this type of instability prevails and whether localization in geological materials necessarily requires a trigger by geometric imperfections. The relevance of critical deformation conditions, material parameters and the spatial configuration of instabilities are discussed in a geological context. In order to analyze boudinage geometries, a numerical eigenmode analysis is introduced. This method allows determining natural frequencies and wavelengths of a structure and inducing perturbations on these frequencies. In the subsequent coupled thermo-mechanical simulations, using a grain size evolution and end-member flow laws, localization emerges when material softening through grain size sensitive viscous creep sets in. Pinch-and-swell structures evolve along slip lines through a positive feedback between the matrix response and material bifurcations inside the layer, independent from the mesh-discretization length scale. Since boudinage and folding are considered to express the same general instability, both structures should arise independently of the sign of the loading conditions and for identical material parameters. To this end, the link between material to energy instabilities is approached by means of bifurcation analyses of the field equations and finite element simulations of the coupled system of equations. Boudinage and folding structures develop at the same critical energy threshold, where dissipative work by temperature-sensitive creep overcomes the diffusive capacity of the layer. This finding provides basis for a unified theory for strain localization in layered ductile materials. The numerical simulations are compared to natural pinch-and-swell microstructures, tracing the adaption of grain sizes, textures and creep mechanisms in calcite veins. The switch from dislocation to diffusion creep relates to strain-rate weakening, which is induced by dissipated heat from grain size reduction, and marks the onset of continuous necking. The time-dependent sequence uncovers multiple steady states at different time intervals. Microstructurally and mechanically stable conditions are finally expressed in the pinch-and-swell end members. The major outcome of this study is that boudinage and folding can be described as the same coupled energy-mechanical bifurcation, or as one critical energy attractor. This finding allows the derivation of critical deformation conditions and fundamental material parameters directly from localized structures in the field.


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The influence of three dimensional effects on isochromatic birefringence is evaluated for planar flows by means of numerical simulation. Two fluid models are investigated in channel and abrupt contraction geometries. In practice, the flows are confined by viewing windows, which alter the stresses along the optical path. The observed optical properties differ therefore from their counterpart in an ideal two-dimensional flow. To investigate the influence of these effects, the stress optical rule and the differential propagation Mueller matrix are used. The material parameters are selected so that a retardation of multiple orders is achieved, as is typical for highly birefringent melts. Errors due to three dimensional effects are mainly found on the symmetry plane, and increase significantly with the flow rate. Increasing the geometric aspect ratio improve the accuracy provided that the error on the retardation is less than one order. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The depths of cracks in desiccating plastic concrete are estimated by considering the effects of the suction (negative pore pressure) associated with desiccation and applying five failure models derived from fracture, theories combined with theories drawn from geotechnical engineering under the assumption that plastic concrete is a frictional particulate material. The estimated crack depths vary with the depth of desiccation, the suction profile, and a small number of material parameters that depend on the model adopted and are comparatively easy to estimate accurately. Four of the models predict excessively large crack depths. The fifth, however, predicts shallower crack depths that increase with the age of the concrete and are consistent with those of analogous desiccation cracks in coal mine tailings. It thus offers a relatively robust method of estimating the depth of desiccation cracks. Confirmation of this with data for plastic concrete is clearly desirable but not possible at present.


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Ordered mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBGs) with different compositions were prepared by using nonionic block copolymer surfactants as structure-directing agents through an evaporation-induced self-assembly process. Their in-vitro bioactivities were studied in detail by electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic emission spectroscopy. The ICP element analysis results were further calculated in terms of the total consumption of Ca and P, Delta[Ca]/Delta[P] ratios, and ionic activity product (IP) of hydroxyapatite. Through the above analysis, it is clear that MBGs show a different structure-bioactivity correlation compared to conventional sol-gel-derivcd BGs. The in vitro bioactivity of MBGs is dependent on the Si/Ca ratio in the network when the other material parameters such as the mesostructure and texture properties (pore size, pore volume) are controlled. MBG 80S15C with relatively lower calcium content exhibits the best in vitro bioactivity, in contrast to conventional sol-gel-derived BGs where usually higher calcium percentage BGs (e.g. 60S35C) show better bioactivity. Calcination temperature is another important factor that influences the in vitro bioactivity. According to our results, MBGs calcined at 973 K may possess the best in vitro bioactivity. The influences of the composition and calcination temperature upon bioactivity are explained in terms of the unique structures of MBGs. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new numerical model which incorporates Brillouin shift frequency variations arising from fibre inhomogeneities has been developed for stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fibres. This enables simulations of backscattered and transmitted power as functions of input power based only on known physical and material parameters as well as the polarisation factor and the measured Brillouin gain linewidth for the fibre. Agreement between modelled and experimental power characteristics for a CW input is excellent.


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2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65C05


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Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte d’une optimisation industrielle et économique des éléments de structure en BFUP permettant d’en garantir la ductilité au niveau structural, tout en ajustant la quantité de fibres et en optimisant le mode de fabrication. Le modèle développé décrit explicitement la participation du renfort fibré en traction au niveau local, en enchaînant une phase de comportement écrouissante suivie d’une phase adoucissante. La loi de comportement est fonction de la densité, de l’orientation des fibres vis-à-vis des directions principales de traction, de leur élancement et d’autres paramètres matériaux usuels liés aux fibres, à la matrice cimentaire et à leur interaction. L’orientation des fibres est prise en compte à partir d’une loi de probabilité normale à une ou deux variables permettant de reproduire n’importe quelle orientation obtenue à partir d’un calcul représentatif de la mise en oeuvre du BFUP frais ou renseignée par analyse expérimentale sur prototype. Enfin, le modèle reproduit la fissuration des BFUP sur le principe des modèles de fissures diffuses et tournantes. La loi de comportement est intégrée au sein d’un logiciel de calcul de structure par éléments finis, permettant de l’utiliser comme un outil prédictif de la fiabilité et de la ductilité globale d’éléments en BFUP. Deux campagnes expérimentales ont été effectuées, une à l’Université Laval de Québec et l’autre à l’Ifsttar, Marne-la-Vallée. La première permet de valider la capacité du modèle reproduire le comportement global sous des sollicitations typiques de traction et de flexion dans des éléments structurels simples pour lesquels l’orientation préférentielle des fibres a été renseignée par tomographie. La seconde campagne expérimentale démontre les capacités du modèle dans une démarche d’optimisation, pour la fabrication de plaques nervurées relativement complexes et présentant un intérêt industriel potentiel pour lesquels différentes modalités de fabrication et des BFUP plus ou moins fibrés ont été envisagés. Le contrôle de la répartition et de l’orientation des fibres a été réalisé à partir d’essais mécaniques sur prélèvements. Les prévisions du modèle ont été confrontées au comportement structurel global et à la ductilité mis en évidence expérimentalement. Le modèle a ainsi pu être qualifié vis-à-vis des méthodes analytiques usuelles de l’ingénierie, en prenant en compte la variabilité statistique. Des pistes d’amélioration et de complément de développement ont été identifiées.


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Photothermal imaging allows to inspect the structure of composite materials by means of nondestructive tests. The surface of a medium is heated at a number of locations. The resulting temperature field is recorded on the same surface. Thermal waves are strongly damped. Robust schemes are needed to reconstruct the structure of the medium from the decaying time dependent temperature field. The inverse problem is formulated as a weighted optimization problem with a time dependent constraint. The inclusions buried in the medium and their material constants are the design variables. We propose an approximation scheme in two steps. First, Laplace transforms are used to generate an approximate optimization problem with a small number of stationary constraints. Then, we implement a descent strategy alternating topological derivative techniques to reconstruct the geometry of inclusions with gradient methods to identify their material parameters. Numerical simulations assess the effectivity of the technique.


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Existing bridges built in the last 50 years face challenges due to states far different than those envisaged when they were designed, due to increased loads, ageing of materials, and poor maintenance. For post-tensioned bridges, the need emerged for reliable engineering tools for the evaluation of their capacity in case of steel corrosion due to lack of mortar injection. This can lead to sudden brittle collapses, highlighting the need for proper maintenance and monitoring. This thesis proposes a peak strength model for corroded strands, introducing a “group coefficient” that aims at considering corrosion variability in the wires constituting the strands. The application of the introduced model in a deterministic approach leads to the proposal of strength curves for corroded strands, which represent useful engineering tools for estimating their maximum strength considering both geometry of the corrosion and steel material parameters. Together with the proposed ultimate displacement curves, constitutive laws of the steel material reduced by the effects of corrosion can be obtained. The effects of corroded strands on post-tensioned beams can be evaluated through the reduced bending moment-curvature diagram accounting for these reduced stress-strain relationships. The application of the introduced model in a probabilistic approach allows to estimate peak strength probability functions and consecutive design-oriented safety factors to consider corrosion effects in safety assessment verifications. Both approaches consider two procedures that are based on the knowledge level of the corrosion in the strands. On the sidelines of this main research line, this thesis also presents a study of a seismic upgrading intervention of a case-study bridge through HDRB isolators providing a simplified procedure for the identification of the correct device. The study also investigates the effects due to the variability of the shear modulus of the rubber material of the HDRB isolators on the structural response of the isolated bridge.


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The microstructure of 6XXX aluminum alloys deeply affects mechanical, crash, corrosion and aesthetic properties of extruded profiles. Unfortunately, grain structure evolution during manufacturing processes is a complex phenomenon because several process and material parameters such as alloy chemical composition, temperature, extrusion speed, tools geometries, quenching and thermal treatment parameters affect the grain evolution during the manufacturing process. The aim of the present PhD thesis was the analysis of the recrystallization kinetics during the hot extrusion of 6XXX aluminum alloys and the development of reliable recrystallization models to be used in FEM codes for the microstructure prediction at a die design stage. Experimental activities have been carried out in order to acquire data for the recrystallization models development, validation and also to investigate the effect of process parameters and die design on the microstructure of the final component. The experimental campaign reported in this thesis involved the extrusion of AA6063, AA6060 and AA6082 profiles with different process parameters in order to provide a reliable amount of data for the models validation. A particular focus was made to investigate the PCG defect evolution during the extrusion of medium-strength alloys such as AA6082. Several die designs and process conditions were analysed in order to understand the influence of each of them on the recrystallization behaviour of the investigated alloy. From the numerical point of view, innovative models for the microstructure prediction were developed and validated over the extrusion of industrial-scale profiles with complex geometries, showing a good matching in terms of the grain size and surface recrystallization prediction. The achieved results suggest the reliability of the developed models and their application in the industrial field for process and material properties optimization at a die-design stage.