78 resultados para MANET(mobileadhocnetwork)


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Questa tesi si propone di presentare e classificare per caratteristiche simili i protocolli di routing che ad oggi sono utilizzati nelle Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks. Pertanto dapprima nel Capitolo 1 si introdurranno le radio cognitive con i concetti che sono alla base di questa tecnologia e le principali motivazioni che hanno portato alla loro nascita e poi al loro sviluppo. Nel Capitolo 2 si parlerà delle cognitive networks o meglio delle cognitive radio networks, e delle loro peculiarità. Nel terzo e nel quarto capitolo si affronteranno le CRAHNs e in particolare quali sono le sfide a cui devono far fronte i protocolli di routing che operano su di essa, partendo dall'esaminare quali sono le differenze che distinguono questa tipologia di rete da una classica rete wireless ad hoc con nodi in grado di muoversi nello spazio (una MANET). Infine nell'ultimo capitolo si cercherà di classificare i protocolli in base ad alcune loro caratteristiche, vedendo poi più nel dettaglio alcuni tra i protocolli più usati.


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Nell'elaborato si analizzano aspetti della teoria dei giochi e della multi-criteria decision-making. La riflessione serve a proporre le basi per un nuovo modello di protocollo di routing in ambito Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Questo prototipo mira a generare una rete che riesca a gestirsi in maniera ottimale grazie ad un'acuta tecnica di clusterizzazione. Allo stesso tempo si propone come obiettivo il risparmio energetico e la partecipazione collaborativa di tutti i componenti.


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Nell'elaborato sono analizzati diversi tipi di algoritmi di routing per reti VANET. Nel secondo capitolo verrà fornita una panoramica delle reti MANET e VANET. Nel terzo capitolo sono viste le caratteristiche delle reti VANET. Nel quarto verranno esposte le peculiarità di classificazione dei protocolli di routing routing e nel quinto capitolo saranno analizzati diversi protocolli di routing proposti fino ad ora nella letteratura.


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This article describes the Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Interoperability and Cooperation (MANIAC) Challenge, a competition in MANETs. The primary objective of the competition was to assess the trade-offs between network-wide connectivity and resource utilization in a MANET comprising autonomous self-interested nodes. The competition attracted participants from academic institutions in the United States, Europe, and Africa. The data collected provide a better understanding of link stability, route effectiveness, cooperation, and competition in an autonomously deployed MANET.


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Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been attracting increasing attention for decades due to their broad civilian and military applications. Basically, a MANET or WSN is a network of nodes connected by wireless communication links. Due to the limited transmission range of the radio, many pairs of nodes in MANETs or WSNs may not be able to communicate directly, hence they need other intermediate nodes to forward packets for them. Routing in such types of networks is an important issue and it poses great challenges due to the dynamic nature of MANETs or WSNs. On the one hand, the open-air nature of wireless environments brings many difficulties when an efficient routing solution is required. The wireless channel is unreliable due to fading and interferences, which makes it impossible to maintain a quality path from a source node to a destination node. Additionally, node mobility aggravates network dynamics, which causes frequent topology changes and brings significant overheads for maintaining and recalculating paths. Furthermore, mobile devices and sensors are usually constrained by battery capacity, computing and communication resources, which impose limitations on the functionalities of routing protocols. On the other hand, the wireless medium possesses inherent unique characteristics, which can be exploited to enhance transmission reliability and routing performance. Opportunistic routing (OR) is one promising technique that takes advantage of the spatial diversity and broadcast nature of the wireless medium to improve packet forwarding reliability in multihop wireless communication. OR combats the unreliable wireless links by involving multiple neighboring nodes (forwarding candidates) to choose packet forwarders. In opportunistic routing, a source node does not require an end-to-end path to transmit packets. The packet forwarding decision is made hop-by-hop in a fully distributed fashion. Motivated by the deficiencies of existing opportunistic routing protocols in dynamic environments such as mobile ad-hoc networks or wireless sensor networks, this thesis proposes a novel context-aware adaptive opportunistic routing scheme. Our proposal selects packet forwarders by simultaneously exploiting multiple types of cross-layer context information of nodes and environments. Our approach significantly outperforms other routing protocols that rely solely on a single metric. The adaptivity feature of our proposal enables network nodes to adjust their behaviors at run-time according to network conditions. To accommodate the strict energy constraints in WSNs, this thesis integrates adaptive duty-cycling mechanism to opportunistic routing for wireless sensor nodes. Our approach dynamically adjusts the sleeping intervals of sensor nodes according to the monitored traffic load and the estimated energy consumption rate. Through the integration of duty cycling of sensor nodes and opportunistic routing, our protocol is able to provide a satisfactory balance between good routing performance and energy efficiency for WSNs.


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Providing QoS in the context of Ad Hoc networks includes a very wide field of application from the perspective of every level of the architecture in the network. Saying It in another way, It is possible to speak about QoS when a network is capable of guaranteeing a trustworthy communication in both extremes, between any couple of the network nodes by means of an efficient Management and administration of the resources that allows a suitable differentiation of services in agreement with the characteristics and demands of every single application.The principal objective of this article is the analysis of the quality parameters of service that protocols of routering reagents such as AODV and DSR give in the Ad Hoc mobile Networks; all of this is supported by the simulator ns-2. Here were going to analyze the behavior of some other parameters like effective channel, loss of packages and latency in the protocols of routering. Were going to show you which protocol presents better characteristics of Quality of Service (QoS) in the MANET networks.


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A mobile ad hoc network MANET is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that can dynamically configure a network without a fixed infrastructure or centralized administration. This makes it ideal for emergency and rescue scenarios where information sharing is essential and should occur as soon as possible. This article discusses which of the routing strategies for mobile ad hoc networks: proactive, reactive and hierarchical, have a better performance in such scenarios. Using a real urban area being set for the emergency and rescue scenario, we calculate the density of nodes and the mobility model needed for validation. The NS2 simulator has been used in our study. We also show that the hierarchical routing strategies are beffer suited for this type of scenarios.


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A mobile Ad Hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that can dynamically configure a network without a fixed infrastructure or central administration. This makes it ideal for emergency and rescue scenarios, where sharing information is essential and should occur as soon as possible. This article discusses which of the routing strategies for mobile MANETs: proactive, reactive or hierarchical, has a better performance in such scenarios. By selecting a real urban area for the emergency and rescue scenario, we calculated the density of nodes and the mobility model needed for the validation study of AODV, DSDV and CBRP in the routing model. The NS2 simulator has been used for our study. We also show that the hierarchical routing strategies are better suited for this type of scenarios.


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Édouard Manet; oil on canvas


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Édouard Manet; 2 ft. 5 7/8 in.x 5 ft. 23/64 in.; oil on canvas


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Hermann Schlittgen, Erinnerung an Wilhelm Leibl.--Eine autobiographische note Adolf Menzels.--Max Liebermann, Zwei Holzschnitte von Manet.--Alfred Sisley; über landschaftsmalerei.--Jozef Israels, Rembrandt.--E.G. Craig, Über Bühnenausstatung.--Max Liebermann: Erinnerungen an Karl Steffeck.--Maurice Denis: Aristide Maillol.--Aubrey Beardsley über Turner.--Anselm Feuerbach: Drei Briefe.--MacNeill Whistler: Der rote Lappen.--MacNeill Whistler: Wann ein Kunstwerk vollendet ist.--Francisco de Goya: Drei Briefe.--Christian Morgenstern: C.H. Andersens Silhouetten; des Märchendichters scheer.--Franz Krüger, Briefe an Karl Steffeck.--Karl Hagemeister: Karl Schuch.--Émile Zola: Édouard Manet.--F.G. Waldmüller, Aus seinen hinterlassenen Schriften.--Hans von Marés: Briefe.


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Issued in gray paper covers; front cover design by Jespers, printed in black and blue.


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In May of 1864, Maximilian of Austria reached the Mexican coast, being this journey his last, ending three years later with his execution. Much has been written about the reasons that prompted his acceptance of the crown of Mexico, a country so distant in every sense of his cultural environment. However, years ago Maximilian had traveled to Spain and Brazil (to Spain twice) and these experiences, although not determinant, greatly influenced the decision of the Archduke, who saw the chance to realize a dream he had conceived on his trip to Spain and that was consolidated during his stay in Brazil, as we can extract from his travel memoirs.