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There are many limitations to image acquisition, using conventional radiography, of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region. The Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a better option, due to its higher accuracy, for purposes of diagnosis, surgical planning and treatment of bone injuries. The aim of the present study was to analyze two protocols of cone beam computed tomography for the evaluation of simulated mandibular condyle bone lesions. Spherical lesions were simulated in 30 dry mandibular condyles, using dentist drills and drill bits sizes 1, 3 and 6. Each of the mandibular condyles was submitted to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) using two protocols: 1) axial, coronal and sagittal multiplanar reconstruction (MPR); and 2) sagittal plus coronal slices throughout the longitudinal axis of the mandibular condyles. For these protocols, 2 observers analyzed the CBCT images independently, regarding the presence or not of injuries. Only one of the observers, however, performed on 2 different occasions. The results were compared to the gold standard, evaluating the percentage of agreement, degree of accuracy of CBCT protocols and observers' examination. The z test was used for the statistical analysis. The results showed there were no statistically significant differences between the 2 protocols. There was greater difficulty in the assessment of small-size simulated lesions (drill # 1). From the results of this study, it can be concluded that CBCT is an accurate tool for analyzing mandibular condyle bone lesions, with the MPR protocol showing slightly better results than the sagittal plus coronal slices throughout the longitudinal axis.


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PURPOSE: This clinical study evaluated the periodontal status of patients with bonded retainers as compared to a non-treated control group. METHODS: Forty dental students were included in the sample and divided into the following two groups: 1) a test group of 20 subjects that, after orthodontic treatment, have been bonded retainer users for at least 2 years and 2) a control group of 20 patients that never experienced orthodontic treatment nor used any bonded retainer. The region associated with the retainer in the test group and the lower canine-to-canine region in the control group were examined according to the following clinical parameters: plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), gingival recession (GR), clinical attachment level (CAL) and probing depth (PD). RESULTS: No differences were observed for GR or BOP (P>0.05). In contrast, the test group showed higher values of CAL and PD at proximal sites when compared to controls (P<0.05). In addition, IP was significantly increased at buccal and lingual sites (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: The placement of orthodontic bonded retainers negatively affected periodontal health, resulting in increased PI, PD and CAL.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a existência de correlação entre a proporção da altura do ramo mandibular (AR) com a altura dentoalveolar posterior total (ADAPT) e a inclinação do plano mandibular (PM). MÉTODOS: dois examinadores avaliaram 81 telerradiografias laterais de pacientes, com idades a partir de 18 anos, do arquivo do curso de especialização em Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia da UFBA. As radiografias foram digitalizadas, os pontos marcados e as medidas obtidas através do programa Radiocef 1.0. Mediu-se a inclinação do plano mandibular para caracterizar o padrão vertical da face e dividir as radiografias em três grupos: grupo de face normal (GN), de 22º a 28º, de face curta (GC), menor que 22º, e de face longa (GL), maior que 28º. A inclinação do plano palatino serviu como critério de exclusão, sendo que valores abaixo de -2,5° ou acima de 3,5º foram excluídos. Desta forma, 46 telerradiografias laterais totalizaram a amostra. RESULTADOS: a AR diferiu entre GC e GL, porém não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para as alturas dentoalveolares posteriores. Houve baixa correlação entre a AR e a ADAPT nos grupos, no entanto, a correlação da proporção entre essas alturas com a inclinação do PM mostrou-se estatisticamente significante e negativa. CONCLUSÃO: este é um fator a ser levado em consideração na avaliação do PM, quando do diagnóstico e tratamento das displasias verticais dentofaciais.


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OBJETIVO: identificar alterações dimensionais nos arcos dentários superior e inferior na má oclusão Classe II, divisão 1, com deficiência mandibular (Padrão esquelético II). MÉTODOS: 48 pacientes com má oclusão Classe II, igualmente divididos quanto ao gênero, foram comparados com 51 indivíduos com oclusão normal, sendo 22 do gênero masculino e 29 do gênero feminino. Todos os 99 indivíduos estavam no estágio de dentadura permanente, com os segundos molares permanentes irrompidos ou em irrupção, com idade média de 12 anos e 5 meses (desvio-padrão de 1 ano e 3 meses), numa faixa etária oscilando entre 11 anos e 4 meses e 20 anos. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados permitem concluir que, na má oclusão Classe II, divisão 1 com deficiência mandibular, o arco dentário superior encontra-se alterado, mostrando-se atrésico e mais longo, enquanto o arco dentário inferior é pouco influenciado pela discrepância sagital de Classe II.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution in the cervical region of a sound upper central incisor in two clinical situations, standard and maximum masticatory forces, by means of a 3D model with the highest possible level of fidelity to the anatomic dimensions. Two models with 331,887 linear tetrahedral elements that represent a sound upper central incisor with periodontal ligament, cortical and trabecular bones were loaded at 45º in relation to the tooth's long axis. All structures were considered to be homogeneous and isotropic, with the exception of the enamel (anisotropic). A standard masticatory force (100 N) was simulated on one of the models, while on the other one a maximum masticatory force was simulated (235.9 N). The software used were: PATRAN for pre- and post-processing and Nastran for processing. In the cementoenamel junction area, tensile forces reached 14.7 MPa in the 100 N model, and 40.2 MPa in the 235.9 N model, exceeding the enamel's tensile strength (16.7 MPa). The fact that the stress concentration in the amelodentinal junction exceeded the enamel's tensile strength under simulated conditions of maximum masticatory force suggests the possibility of the occurrence of non-carious cervical lesions such as abfractions.


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We present the first spin alignment measurements for the K*(0)(892) and phi(1020) vector mesons produced at midrapidity with transverse momenta up to 5 GeV/c at root s(NN) = 200 GeV at RHIC. The diagonal spin-density matrix elements with respect to the reaction plane in Au+Au collisions are rho(00) = 0.32 +/- 0.04 (stat) +/- 0.09 (syst) for the K*(0) (0.8 < p(T) < 5.0 GeV/c) and rho(00) = 0.34 +/- 0.02 (stat) +/- 0.03 (syst) for the phi (0.4 < p(T) < 5.0 GeV/c) and are constant with transverse momentum and collision centrality. The data are consistent with the unpolarized expectation of 1/3 and thus no evidence is found for the transfer of the orbital angular momentum of the colliding system to the vector-meson spins. Spin alignments for K(*0) and phi in Au+Au collisions were also measured with respect to the particle's production plane. The phi result, rho(00) = 0.41 +/- 0.02 (stat) +/- 0.04 (syst), is consistent with that in p+p collisions, rho(00) = 0.39 +/- 0.03 (stat) +/- 0.06 (syst), also measured in this work. The measurements thus constrain the possible size of polarization phenomena in the production dynamics of vector mesons.


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The mandible has a mixed embryological origin, and its growth is associated with the secondary cartilage of the condyle process (CP). In this area, growth depends on an array of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence protein metabolism. In the present study, we used an adolescent rat model to evaluate the growth and development of the CP under conditions of pre- and postnatal protein deficiency, combined with or without the stress of severe burn injury (BI). We found that protein deficiency severely undermined the growth of the CP, by altering the thickness of its constituent layers. BI is also capable of affecting CP growth, although the effect is less severe than protein deficiency. Interestingly, the summed effect of protein deficiency and BI on the CP is less severe than protein deficiency alone. A possible explanation is that the increased carbohydrates in a hypoproteic diet stimulate the production of endogenous insulin and protein synthesis, which partially compensates for the loss of lean body mass caused by BI.


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Objective: Postural assessment through photography is a simple method that allows the acquisition of quantitative values to define the alignment of body segments. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively assess the postural alignment of several body segments in standing through anterior, posterior, and lateral views. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 122 subjects were initially evaluated. Seven subjects were excluded from the study after cluster analysis. The final sample had 115 subjects, 75% women with a mean age of 26 + 7 years. Photographs were taken from anterior, posterior, and lateral views after placement of markers on specific anatomical points. Photographs were analyzed using free Postural Analysis Software/Software of Postural Analysis (PAS/SAPO). Quantitative values for postural analysis variables were ascertained for head, upper and lower limbs, and trunk, along with the frequency of inclinations to the left and to the right. Results: Regarding the head, 88% of the sample presented some inclination, 67% of which was to the right. There was a predominance of right inclination of the shoulder and pelvis in 68% and 43% of study subjects, respectively. Lower limbs presented mean alignment of 178 in the anterior view, and the trunk showed predominant right inclination in 66% of participants. Conclusion: Small asymmetries were observed in anterior and posterior views. This study suggests that there is no symmetry in postural alignment and that small asymmetries represent the normative standard for posture in standing. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011;34:371-380)


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Study design: Radiographic analysis of sagittal spinal alignment of paraplegics in a standing position under surface neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Objectives: Describing the radiographic parameters of the sagittal spinal alignment of paraplegics going through a rehabilitation program with NMES. Setting: The University Hospital`s Ambulatory (UNICAMP), Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Panoramic X-ray images in profile were taken for 10 paraplegics. All patients participated in the rehabilitation program and were able to perform gait through NMES of the femoral quadriceps muscles. The radiographic parameters used for the analysis were the same as those described in the literature for healthy people. The results were didactically organized into three groups: anatomical shape of the spine, morphology and kinetics of the pelvis and spinopelvic alignment. Results: The physiological curvature of the spine in paraplegics showed average values similar to those described in the literature for healthy patients. The inversion of the pelvic tilt and the increase in the sacral slope were defined by the anterior backward rotation of the pelvis. The existing theoretical mathematical formulas that define lumbar lordosis, pelvic incidence and pelvic tilt showed normal values, despite the anterior intense sagittal imbalance. Conclusions: The adaptive posture of the spine in paraplegics standing through the stimulation of the femoral quadriceps does not allow for a neutral sagittal alignment. This novel radiographic detailed description of the various segments of the spine can be of assistance toward the understanding of the global postural control for such subjects. Spinal Cord (2010) 48, 251-256; doi: 10.1038/sc.2009.123; published online 29 September 2009


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A gap has been identified in the literature on the diagnosis and monitoring of the degree of strategic alignment. The main objective of this article is to diagnose and analyze the strategic alignment profile using the alignment diagnostic profile (ADP) tool, which enables organizations to show visually their degree of strategic alignment. The methodological approach adopted is multiple-case studies, which were conducted at five organizations in the medical diagnostics sector. The results indicate that the ADP enables organizations to understand the steps required to improve their level of alignment and to identify and locate gaps and conflicts.


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This study forms part of a larger anthropological investigation of the Ngaraangbal Aboriginal Tribe's ancestral burial ground at Broadbeach, Australia. It examines the dentition, records the associated pathology in a noninvasive manner, and relates this to the likely subsistence diet of the tribe. The Broadbeach osteological collection was returned for reburial in 1985; however, radiographic and photographic records of 36 adult males were available. These form the basis of our study. The pathology noted in the study sample was compared with a representative sample (n = 38) of pre-European Aboriginal remains from throughout Queensland for verification purposes only. Rates of dental pathology and injury were calculated from the radiographic and photographic records. There was a significant rate of tooth-wear related intra-bony pathology (4.0%), moderate to severe alveolar bone loss, and heavy dental attrition, of which the mandibular posterior teeth were the most severely affected. Caries prevalence (0.8%) was low for hunter-gatherer populations. A large number of molar pulp chambers had a distinctive cruciate morphology resulting from the formation of secondary dentine and pulp stones. Injuries and abnormalities included upper central incisor avulsion (58.3%) and taurodontism. These results support the proposal that the Ngaraangbal tribe was a hunter-gatherer population subsisting on an abrasive diet that included marine foods. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Conventionally, protein structure prediction via threading relies on some nonoptimal method to align a protein sequence to each member of a library of known structures. We show how a score function (force field) can be modified so as to allow the direct application of a dynamic programming algorithm to the problem. This involves an approximation whose damage can be minimized by an optimization process during score function parameter determination. The method is compared to sequence to structure alignments using a more conventional pair-wise score function and the frozen approximation. The new method produces results comparable to the frozen approximation, but is faster and has fewer adjustable parameters. It is also free of memory of the template's original amino acid sequence, and does not suffer from a problem of nonconvergence, which can be shown to occur with the frozen approximation. Alignments generated by the simplified score function can then be ranked using a second score function with the approximations removed. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Enamel-producing cells (ameloblasts) pass through several phenotypic and functional stages during enamel formation. In the transition between secretory and maturation stages, about one quarter of the ameloblasts suddenly undergo apoptosis. We have studied this phenomenon using the continuously erupting rat incisor model. A special feature of this model is that all stages of ameloblast differentiation are presented within a single longitudinal section of the developing tooth. This permits investigation of the temporal sequence of gene and growth factor receptor expression during ameloblast differentiation and apoptosis. We describe the light and electron microscopic morphology of ameloblast apoptosis and the pattern of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression by ameloblasts in the continuously erupting rat incisor model. In the developing rat incisor, ameloblast apoptosis is associated with downregulated expression of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that ameloblasts are hard wired for apoptosis and that insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression is required to block the default apoptotic pathway. Possible mechanisms of insulin-like growth factor-1 inhibition of ameloblast apoptosis are presented. The rat incisor model may be useful in studies of physiological apoptosis as it presents apoptosis in a predictable pattern in adult tissues.


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We illustrate the flow behaviour of fluids with isotropic and anisotropic microstructure (internal length, layering with bending stiffness) by means of numerical simulations of silo discharge and flow alignment in simple shear. The Cosserat theory is used to provide an internal length in the constitutive model through bending stiffness to describe isotropic microstructure and this theory is coupled to a director theory to add specific orientation of grains to describe anisotropic microstructure. The numerical solution is based on an implicit form of the Material Point Method developed by Moresi et al. [1].