416 resultados para Log4J,Log4Shell,QRadar,IBM
[Conceptual Sketches], untitled. Brown ink sketches on tracing paper, initialed, 12x26 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
"January 1961."
This accessible, practice-oriented and compact text provides a hands-on introduction to the principles of market research. Using the market research process as a framework, the authors explain how to collect and describe the necessary data and present the most important and frequently used quantitative analysis techniques, such as ANOVA, regression analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis. An explanation is provided of the theoretical choices a market researcher has to make with regard to each technique, as well as how these are translated into actions in IBM SPSS Statistics. This includes a discussion of what the outputs mean and how they should be interpreted from a market research perspective. Each chapter concludes with a case study that illustrates the process based on real-world data. A comprehensive web appendix includes additional analysis techniques, datasets, video files and case studies. Several mobile tags in the text allow readers to quickly browse related web content using a mobile device.
The Property and Equipment Department has a central supply of automotive parts, tools, and maintenance supplies. This central supply is used to supply the repair shop and also to supply parts to the various field garages and all departments of the Commission. The old procedure involved keeping track manually of all of the parts, which involved some 22,000 items. All records, billings, arid re-order points were kept manually. Mani times the re-order points were located by reaching into a bin and finding nothing there. Desiring to improve this situation, an inventory control system was established for use on the computer. A complete record of the supplies that are stored in the central warehouse was prepared and this information was used to make a catalog. Each time an item is issued or received, it is processed through the inventory program. When the re-order point is reached, a notice is given to reorder. The procedure for taking inventory has been improved. A voucher invoice is now prepared by the computer for all issues to departments. These are some of the many benefits that have been de rived from this system.
The Communication System was developed for the Iowa State Highway Commission Materials Department to unitize the computer terminal system to speed up transmission of the various material test reports that flow between the central office and the six district offices. Letters may be sent from one corner of the state to the other and received in seconds instead of days going by mail.
El caso muestra cómo los presidentes Louis Gerstner y Samuel Palmesano lograron influir en un cambio positivo de las personas, sus valores y conocimientos, para que IBM recuperara el liderazgo en el mercado. IBM empieza a generar conocimiento y logra ser una de las empresas que más patentes ha registrado en los Estados Unidos durante la última década. El caso también plantea dilemas donde se cuestiona si la investigación y el conocimiento adquirido por las empresas ha servido o no para mejorar la vida de las personas.
Trabajo realizado en la empresa ULMA Embedded Solutions
Num contexto empresarial globalizado, a gestão de recursos humanos assume importância crescente. A valorização do capital humano e a preocupação com o compromisso e produtividade das pessoas revelam-se imperativos para a gestão de recursos humanos na contemporaneidade. As políticas e práticas de recursos humanos revelam-se a forma mais eficaz de comprometer as pessoas e, consequentemente, melhorar a performance organizacional. Este trabalho final de mestrado resultou de um estágio realizado num agrupamento complementar de empresa da IBM. Além das actividades desenvolvidas em contexto organizacional, efectuou-se urna descrição de todo o processo de gestão de recursos humanos e analisou-se a relação entre as políticas e práticas de recursos humanos e o compromisso organizacional, nas suas diferentes dimensões. Os resultados deste diagnóstico revelam que os colaboradores apresentam índices elevados de compromisso organizacional para com o ACE. Este compromisso materializa-se no alinhamento dos objectivos de negócio com os objectivos dos colaboradores. A principal causa destes índices elevados de compromisso são as políticas e práticas de recursos humanos. ABSTRACT: ln a globalized business environment, HRM assumes increasing importance. The human capital and concern for the commitment and productivity of people tum out to be imperative for the contemporary human resource management. Policies and practices of human resources prove to be the most effective way to engage people and thus improve organizational performance. This scientific work resulted from one stage held in a complementary group of the IBM Company. Besides the activities in organizations, took place a description of the whole process of resource management and examined the relationship of policies and practices in human resources with organizational commitment, in its various levels. The results of this diagnosis show that employees have high levels of organizational commitment towards the ACE. This commitment is materialized in the alignment of business goals with employee objectives. The main cause of these high levels of commitment are the policies and practices of human resources.
I notevoli sviluppi tecnologici che hanno caratterizzato l’ultimo decennio hanno portato con sé alcune minacce alla sicurezza. In questa tesi, completamento di un progetto di tirocinio svolto presso il CINECA, ci si concentra sulla realizzazione di una baseline dinamica in grado di apprendere il comportamento degli utenti. Grazie ad essa e con l’aiuto di uno script Python, è possibile rilevare i comportamenti anomali e segnalarli agli interessati. Il focus principale del progetto riguarda il possibile esaurimento di sessioni in applicazioni web e la conseguente negazione del servizio. La raccolta dei dati dai vari applicativi è stata possibile utilizzando il SIEM QRadar di IBM, le funzionalità in esso presenti e le API che hanno consentito un agevole interfacciamento con gli script esterni.
Mentre si svolgono operazioni su dei qubit, possono avvenire vari errori, modificando così l’informazione da essi contenuta. La Quantum Error Correction costruisce algoritmi che permettono di tollerare questi errori e proteggere l’informazione che si sta elaborando. Questa tesi si focalizza sui codici a 3 qubit, che possono correggere un errore di tipo bit-flip o un errore di tipo phase-flip. Più precisamente, all’interno di questi algoritmi, l’attenzione è posta sulla procedura di encoding, che punta a proteggere meglio dagli errori l’informazione contenuta da un qubit, e la syndrome measurement, che specifica su quale qubit è avvenuto un errore senza alterare lo stato del sistema. Inoltre, sfruttando la procedura della syndrome measurement, è stata stimata la probabilità di errore di tipo bit-flip e phase-flip su un qubit attraverso l’utilizzo della IBM quantum experience.