992 resultados para Local error bounds


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The nonforgetting restarting automaton is a generalization of the restarting automaton that, when executing a restart operation, changes its internal state based on the current state and the actual contents of its read/write window instead of resetting it to the initial state. Another generalization of the restarting automaton is the cooperating distributed system (CD-system) of restarting automata. Here a finite system of restarting automata works together in analyzing a given sentence, where they interact based on a given mode of operation. As it turned out, CD-systems of restarting automata of some type X working in mode =1 are just as expressive as nonforgetting restarting automata of the same type X. Further, various types of determinism have been introduced for CD-systems of restarting automata called strict determinism, global determinism, and local determinism, and it has been shown that globally deterministic CD-systems working in mode =1 correspond to deterministic nonforgetting restarting automata. Here we derive some lower bound results for some types of nonforgetting restarting automata and for some types of CD-systems of restarting automata. In this way we establish separations between the corresponding language classes, thus providing detailed technical proofs for some of the separation results announced in the literature.


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In this paper we focus on the problem of estimating a bounded density using a finite combination of densities from a given class. We consider the Maximum Likelihood Procedure (MLE) and the greedy procedure described by Li and Barron. Approximation and estimation bounds are given for the above methods. We extend and improve upon the estimation results of Li and Barron, and in particular prove an $O(\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{n}})$ bound on the estimation error which does not depend on the number of densities in the estimated combination.


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Obtener una visión general del panorama musical salmantino a comienzos del S.XX., a través de la prensa local, aportar un nuevo enfoque científico a contextos ya tratados en diversos ámbitos fuera del marco de la investigación así como marcar un punto de partida para lo que podría convertirse en un estudio mucho más amplio de la música en todo el S. XX. salmantino. Se encuentran recopilados, catalogados y analizados desde cafés y salones de esparcimiento con participación musical, hasta bandas, agrupaciones vocales, salones de baile, etc., pasando por todo tipo de asociaciones de diversa índole con contexto en lo musical como centro. Mención aparte precisan tres capítulos en el presente estudio: El referente a la recopilación y estudio de casi 50 músicos prácticamente desconocidos hasta el momento por la comunidad científica, el trabajo llevado a cabo con la incipiente Sociedad Filarmónica Salmantina, centro y pilar en el trabajo doctoral, y la catalogación y documentación de las más de 30 compañías de teatro lírico de paso por la ciudad de 1900 a 1910.La base de datos general, donde están registradas y catalogadas todas las reseñas periodísticas recogidas de estos años, en los dos principales periódicos locales (y gran parte del resto), es, sin duda, el documento informático central, de mayor relevancia, para su elaboración, se ha utilizado una aplicación de tratamiento de datos denominada OmniOutliner Pro, bajo plataforma Apple. Para la transcripción, también ha sido utilizada la última versión (10.2), de una aplicación, aún en desarrollo, denominada Dragon naturally speaking, a través de la cual, se puede dictar cualquier contenido textual, al propio ordenador (sobre cualquier aplicación de tratamiento de texto) que, en tipo real procede a su copia, con una relación de texto escrito-error, realmente baja. El grado de innovación y relevancia de los diferentes apartados, no ha sido el mismo a lo largo de todo el proyecto, dado el amplio espectro de circunstancias y contextos a tratar. De esta forma, se pueden encontrar partes, que prácticamente no apartan datos nuevos al panorama musical del momento, justificándose su existencia en el estudio, únicamente, como herramienta contextual, que ayude a insertar nuevos contenidos.


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The author studies the error and complexity of the discrete random walk Monte Carlo technique for radiosity, using both the shooting and gathering methods. The author shows that the shooting method exhibits a lower complexity than the gathering one, and under some constraints, it has a linear complexity. This is an improvement over a previous result that pointed to an O(n log n) complexity. The author gives and compares three unbiased estimators for each method, and obtains closed forms and bounds for their variances. The author also bounds the expected value of the mean square error (MSE). Some of the results obtained are also shown


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A comparision of the local effects of the basis set superposition error (BSSE) on the electron densities and energy components of three representative H-bonded complexes was carried out. The electron densities were obtained with Hartee-Fock and density functional theory versions of the chemical Hamiltonian approach (CHA) methodology. It was shown that the effects of the BSSE were common for all complexes studied. The electron density difference maps and the chemical energy component analysis (CECA) analysis confirmed that the local effects of the BSSE were different when diffuse functions were present in the calculations


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L'aportació principal d'aquesta tesi és l'anàlisi de la gestió turística i les estratègies que els municipis del litoral català han desenvolupat per fer front a la crisi (o a la sensació de crisi) del model turístic tradicional que es va manifestar a principis dels anys noranta del segle passat. També proposa una nova visió de l'estructura territorial del litoral i aporta noves dades sobre l'evolució de l'oferta d'allotjament turístic a nivell municipal de tota la costa mediterrània espanyola entre els anys 1981 i 2001. El cos de la tesi s'estructura en tres parts: un marc teòric on es fa una anàlisi sistemàtica de les principals interpretacions sobre l'evolució de les destinacions madures, un capítol dedicat al models territorials litorals que, a més de l'anàlisi estadística descriptiva de les dades fa una anàlisi de conglomerats jeràrquics per definir els clusters territorials turístics, i finalment, una classificació de les estratègies que han desenvolupat els municipis litorals per adaptar-se a les noves formes de la demanda turística. Per a aquest darrer capítol s'ha entrevistat a 150 persones relacionades amb la gestió turística local i territorial dels municipis litorals catalans, a més d'estudiar els plans urbanístics i els documents d'estratègia turística. Això ha permès constatar que és principalment de l'àmbit local d'on parteixen les estratègies per adaptar-se a les noves formes de la demanda, i que aquestes respostes són diverses per què depenen del context (l'habitus habermasià) de cada municipi. Malgrat la diversitat, s'han pogut classificar les estratègies en cinc grups: les que intenten recrear l'espai turístic per convertir-lo en una autèntica ciutat per viure-hi tot l'any, les que es basen en la sostenibilitat, les que aposten per la hiperealitat, les que desenvolupen esdeveniments efímers i les que impulsen la millora de la qualitat del producte turístic tradicional. Generalment aquests canvis es desenvolupen per assaig-error, per intuïció, sense que responguin a un model preestablert. Una de les principals conclusions d'aquest apartat ens indica que hi ha pocs municipis que puguin explicitar el fons i la forma de la seva política turística. Per això es desenvolupen estratègies que es superposen, es barregen i, a vegades es contradiuen, fent que la política turística del municipi es reinventi contínuament. De fet, com dedueix una altra de les altres conclusions, el model turístic actual es basa en la innovació constant. Pel que fa al capítol teòric s'identifiquen les principals interpretacions sobre el canvi de model turístic i es classifiquen en cinc grups: les teories evolucionistes (Butler, Doxey, Miossec, Gormsen, Holder) que estableixen que les destinacions turístiques han de passar necessàriament per determinades fases, les teories que pronostiquen el col·lapse del sistema per superació de la capacitat de càrrega, les interpretacions que es basen en el canvi de l'escala, que parteixen de la idea que el turisme ha deixat de ser una activitat regional a un fenomen global, les que atribueixen als avenços tecnològics el canvi en el model i les que emmarquen els canvis turístics en un canvi més ampli que afecta a una societat que passa a ser postmoderna. De l'estudi teòric es desprèn que hi ha consens sobre la idea de crisi del model turístic però no hi ha unanimitat sobre les causes d'aquesta crisi ni sobre el nou model turístic que ha de sorgir. L'estudi empíric de les variables de l'oferta turística litoral, que és l'aportació principal del capítol dos, ha permès treure moltes conclusions, tant per l'estudi descriptiu de les dades com per l'anàlisi de conglomerats jeràrquics. En aquest breu resum només destacarem dues idees. La primera d'elles contempla que el litoral no és homogeni sinó que està constituït per cinc tipus diferents de municipis que formen unitats orgàniques que es repeteixen per tota la costa. Entre aquests tipus de municipis hi ha el que hem anomenat ociurbs, que concentren gran part de l'oferta turística, els nuclis turístics que tenen un nombre important de població resident i aporten mà d'obra i serveis, i les ciutats perifèriques que tot i estar a la costa viuen al marge del negoci turístic. L'altra idea a destacar és que en vint anys la distribució de l'oferta turística en el territori ha canviat poc: als lloc on hi havia una gran concentració de places al 1981, l'any 2001 encara són els llocs que ofereixen més serveis d'allotjament. S'observa però un important canvi en la tipologia dels allotjaments: en els 20 anys estudiats els habitatges turístics s'han consolidat com la modalitat d'allotjament emergent, a molta distància dels càmpings i l'oferta hotelera.


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Models of the dynamics of nitrogen in soil (soil-N) can be used to aid the fertilizer management of a crop. The predictions of soil-N models can be validated by comparison with observed data. Validation generally involves calculating non-spatial statistics of the observations and predictions, such as their means, their mean squared-difference, and their correlation. However, when the model predictions are spatially distributed across a landscape the model requires validation with spatial statistics. There are three reasons for this: (i) the model may be more or less successful at reproducing the variance of the observations at different spatial scales; (ii) the correlation of the predictions with the observations may be different at different spatial scales; (iii) the spatial pattern of model error may be informative. In this study we used a model, parameterized with spatially variable input information about the soil, to predict the mineral-N content of soil in an arable field, and compared the results with observed data. We validated the performance of the N model spatially with a linear mixed model of the observations and model predictions, estimated by residual maximum likelihood. This novel approach allowed us to describe the joint variation of the observations and predictions as: (i) independent random variation that occurred at a fine spatial scale; (ii) correlated random variation that occurred at a coarse spatial scale; (iii) systematic variation associated with a spatial trend. The linear mixed model revealed that, in general, the performance of the N model changed depending on the spatial scale of interest. At the scales associated with random variation, the N model underestimated the variance of the observations, and the predictions were correlated poorly with the observations. At the scale of the trend, the predictions and observations shared a common surface. The spatial pattern of the error of the N model suggested that the observations were affected by the local soil condition, but this was not accounted for by the N model. In summary, the N model would be well-suited to field-scale management of soil nitrogen, but suited poorly to management at finer spatial scales. This information was not apparent with a non-spatial validation. (c),2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In 1997, the UK implemented the worlds first commercial digital terrestrial television system. Under the ETS 300 744 standard, the chosen modulation method, COFDM, is assumed to be multipath resilient. Previous work has shown that this is not necessarily the case. It has been shown that the local oscillator required for demodulation from intermediate-frequency to baseband must be very accurate. This paper shows that under multipath conditions, standard methods for obtaining local oscillator phase lock may not be adequate. This paper demonstrates a set of algorithms designed for use with a simple local oscillator circuit which will allow correction for local oscillator phase offset to maintain a low bit error rate with multipath present.


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Under multipath conditions, standard Video Intermediate Frequency (VIF) detectors generate a local oscillator phase error and consequently produce a dispersed non-ideal detected video signal due to the presence of additional IF carriers. The dispersed video causes problems when attempting to identify and remove the multipath interference, or ghosts, by the use of Digital Signal Processing and digital filtering. A digital phase lock system is presented which derives the correct phase for synchronous detection in the presence of multipath by using correlation information that has already been calculated as part of the deghosting process. As a result, the video deghoster system is made simpler, faster and more economical.


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A 24-member ensemble of 1-h high-resolution forecasts over the Southern United Kingdom is used to study short-range forecast error statistics. The initial conditions are found from perturbations from an ensemble transform Kalman filter. Forecasts from this system are assumed to lie within the bounds of forecast error of an operational forecast system. Although noisy, this system is capable of producing physically reasonable statistics which are analysed and compared to statistics implied from a variational assimilation system. The variances for temperature errors for instance show structures that reflect convective activity. Some variables, notably potential temperature and specific humidity perturbations, have autocorrelation functions that deviate from 3-D isotropy at the convective-scale (horizontal scales less than 10 km). Other variables, notably the velocity potential for horizontal divergence perturbations, maintain 3-D isotropy at all scales. Geostrophic and hydrostatic balances are studied by examining correlations between terms in the divergence and vertical momentum equations respectively. Both balances are found to decay as the horizontal scale decreases. It is estimated that geostrophic balance becomes less important at scales smaller than 75 km, and hydrostatic balance becomes less important at scales smaller than 35 km, although more work is required to validate these findings. The implications of these results for high-resolution data assimilation are discussed.


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In this paper we study generalised prime systems for which the integer counting function NP(x) is asymptotically well behaved, in the sense that NP(x)=ρx+O(xβ), where ρ is a positive constant and . For such systems, the associated zeta function ζP(s) is holomorphic for . We prove that for , for any ε>0, and also for ε=0 for all such σ except possibly one value. The Dirichlet divisor problem for generalised integers concerns the size of the error term in NkP(x)−Ress=1(ζPk(s)xs/s), which is O(xθ) for some θ<1. Letting αk denote the infimum of such θ, we show that .


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In this paper, we extend to the time-harmonic Maxwell equations the p-version analysis technique developed in [R. Hiptmair, A. Moiola and I. Perugia, Plane wave discontinuous Galerkin methods for the 2D Helmholtz equation: analysis of the p-version, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 49 (2011), 264-284] for Trefftz-discontinuous Galerkin approximations of the Helmholtz problem. While error estimates in a mesh-skeleton norm are derived parallel to the Helmholtz case, the derivation of estimates in a mesh-independent norm requires new twists in the duality argument. The particular case where the local Trefftz approximation spaces are built of vector-valued plane wave functions is considered, and convergence rates are derived.


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Imagery registration is a fundamental step, which greatly affects later processes in image mosaic, multi-spectral image fusion, digital surface modelling, etc., where the final solution needs blending of pixel information from more than one images. It is highly desired to find a way to identify registration regions among input stereo image pairs with high accuracy, particularly in remote sensing applications in which ground control points (GCPs) are not always available, such as in selecting a landing zone on an outer space planet. In this paper, a framework for localization in image registration is developed. It strengthened the local registration accuracy from two aspects: less reprojection error and better feature point distribution. Affine scale-invariant feature transform (ASIFT) was used for acquiring feature points and correspondences on the input images. Then, a homography matrix was estimated as the transformation model by an improved random sample consensus (IM-RANSAC) algorithm. In order to identify a registration region with a better spatial distribution of feature points, the Euclidean distance between the feature points is applied (named the S criterion). Finally, the parameters of the homography matrix were optimized by the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm with selective feature points from the chosen registration region. In the experiment section, the Chang’E-2 satellite remote sensing imagery was used for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. The experiment result demonstrates that the proposed method can automatically locate a specific region with high registration accuracy between input images by achieving lower root mean square error (RMSE) and better distribution of feature points.


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To improve the quantity and impact of observations used in data assimilation it is necessary to take into account the full, potentially correlated, observation error statistics. A number of methods for estimating correlated observation errors exist, but a popular method is a diagnostic that makes use of statistical averages of observation-minus-background and observation-minus-analysis residuals. The accuracy of the results it yields is unknown as the diagnostic is sensitive to the difference between the exact background and exact observation error covariances and those that are chosen for use within the assimilation. It has often been stated in the literature that the results using this diagnostic are only valid when the background and observation error correlation length scales are well separated. Here we develop new theory relating to the diagnostic. For observations on a 1D periodic domain we are able to the show the effect of changes in the assumed error statistics used in the assimilation on the estimated observation error covariance matrix. We also provide bounds for the estimated observation error variance and eigenvalues of the estimated observation error correlation matrix. We demonstrate that it is still possible to obtain useful results from the diagnostic when the background and observation error length scales are similar. In general, our results suggest that when correlated observation errors are treated as uncorrelated in the assimilation, the diagnostic will underestimate the correlation length scale. We support our theoretical results with simple illustrative examples. These results have potential use for interpreting the derived covariances estimated using an operational system.