933 resultados para Local environment


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Absorption and luminescence spectra and optical amplification in bismuth-doped germanate silicate glass were investigated. Two kinds of bismuth ion valence states could exist in the glass. One is Bi2+, which has shown red luminescence, another might be Bi+, which is the active center for infrared luminescence. The infrared luminescence excited at 700, 800, and 980 nm should be ascribed to the electronic transition P-3(1) --> P-3(0) of Bi+ ions in three distinct sites. The shifting, broadening, and multiple configuration of the luminescence could be due to the randomly disorder of local environment and multiple sites of the active centers. In this glass, obvious optical amplification was realized at 1300 nm wavelength when excited at 808 and 980 nm, respectively.


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Ao longo dos 32 anos de vigência da Política Nacional de Meio Ambiente, a repartição de competências para a proteção do meio ambiente tem sido um grande desafio para o Federalismo Cooperativo no Brasil. Em função disso, uma enorme gama de atividades que apresentam potencial de impacto menor, de âmbito local, permanecem em grande parte, fora do controle. Tal situação configura-se como um entrave para a garantia da Cidade Sustentável, direito garantido em nosso ordenamento jurídico. A inclusão do ente municipal no rol de entes competentes para defender e preservar o meio ambiente, indica uma tendência do legislador à aplicação do Princípio da Subsidiariedade como forma de solução para o problema. O presente estudo, propõe-se a analisar essa problemática, a partir do sistema federalista cooperativo de distribuição de competências, em especial a partir do advento da Lei Complementar 140 de 8 de dezembro de 2011, com ênfase especial na política de descentralização adotada pelo Estado do Rio de Janeiro desde 2007.


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Particle flux in the ocean reflects ongoing biological and geological processes operating under the influence of the local environment. Estimation of this particle flux through sediment trap deployment is constrained by sampler accuracy, particle preservation, and swimmer distortion. Interpretation of specific particle flux is further constrained by indeterminate particle dispersion and the absence of a clear understanding of the sedimentary consequences of ecosystem activity. Nevertheless, the continuous and integrative properties of the particle trap measure, along with the logistic advantage of a long-term moored sampler, provide a set of strategic advantages that appear analogous to those underlying conventional oceanographic survey programs. Emboldened by this perception, several stations along the coast of Southern California and Mexico have been targeted as coastal ocean flux sites (COFS).


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We analyzed n-mers (n=3-8) in the local environment of 8,249,446 human SNPs and compared their distribution with that in the genome reference sequences. The results revealed that the short sequences, which contained at least one CpG dinucleotide, occurred


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A genome-wide view of sequence mutability in mice is still limited, although biologists usually assume the same scenario for mice as for humans. In this study, we examined the sequence context in the local environment of 482,528 mouse single nucleotide po


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In order to examine the role of environmental factors affecting foliar morphology, we performed a case study of leaf morphological variation of Ranunculus natans found in the arid zone of northwest China. We found that foliar phenotypic variation differed significantly between populations. We described substantial positive correlations between altitude and leaf area (LA) as well as leaf perimeter (LP), and also between longitude and number of teeth, along with dissection index (DI). The pH, conductivity, and salinity of the environment caused a significant decrease in both LA and LP. Ranked in terms of their impacts on leaf morphology, the six selected factors were: altitude > pH > conductivity > salinity > longitude > latitude. We found that foliar morphological variations are functional responses to water-quantity factors (e.g., altitude and longitude at regional scales) and water-availability relation factors (e.g., pH, conductivity, and salinity at local scales), rather than to temperature-relation factors (latitude). Therefore, altitude and longitude, along with pH, conductivity, and salinity, are the main factors that significantly influence foliar morphology in the arid zone of China. We found that main factors played major roles in plant phenotypic plasticity in a complex ecosystem, although different combinations and interactions of environmental and geographical factors in each local environment may obscure the general trends in trait changes along environmental gradients.


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Samples of groundwater, river water, river sediment, paddy soil, rice seeds, hen eggs, fish, umbilical cord blood, and newborn meconium were collected from October 2002 to October 2003 near a large site in China used for the disassembly of obsolete transformers and other electronic or electrical waste. Six indicator PCB congeners, three non-ortho dioxin-like PCB congeners, and six organochlorine pesticides were determined in the samples by GC with electron capture detector. The results demonstrated that the local environment and edible foods had been seriously polluted by toxic PCBs and organochlorine pesticides. The actual daily intakes (ADIs) of these pollutants were estimated for local residents living in the area. The intake data showed that the contents of PCBs in these local residents were substantial, as the ADI estimates greatly exceed the reference doses set by the World Health Organization and the United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. The presence of the indicator PCB congeners in the cord blood and the meconium samples, as well as significant correlations (r(2) > 0.80, p < 0.05) between these levels, suggests a potential biotransfer of these indicators from mothers to their newborns. This preliminary study showed that obsolete transformers and other electronic or electrical waste can be an important source for the emission of persistent organic pollutants into the local environment, such as through leakage, evaporation, runoff, and leaching. Contamination from this source appears to have reached the level considered to be a serious threat to environmental and human health around the disassembly site.


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Er-Si-O (Er2SiO5) crystalline films are fabricated by the spin-coating and subsequent annealing process. The fraction of erbium is estimated to be 21.5 at% based on Rutherford backscattering measurement. X-ray diffraction pattern indicates that the Er-Si-O films are similar to Er2SiO5 compound in the crystal structure. The fine structure of room-temperature photoluminescence of Er3+-related transitions suggests that Er has a local environment similar to the Er-O-6 octahedron. Our preliminary results show that the intensity of 1.53 mu m emission is enhanced by a factor of seven after nitrogen plasma treatment by NH3 gas with subsequent post-annealing. The full-width at half-maximum of 1.53 pm emission peak increases from 7.5 to 12.9 nm compared with that of the untreated one. Nitrogen plasma treatment is assumed to tailor Er3+ local environment, increasing the oscillator strength of transitions and thus the excitation/emission cross-section. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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人类向大气中排放的大量氮氧化合物和氟氯烃类化合物(CFC’s)引起臭氧分子的分解,导致到达地球表面的紫外辐射增加,特别是UV-B辐射增强。本项目以青杨组杨树为模式植物,从形态和生理方面研究了来自不同UV-B背景下的康定杨与青杨在增强UV-B下的反应及其反应差异,并探讨了干旱、施肥对它们抗UV-B能力的影响。杨树具有分布广、适应性强、在生态环境治理和解决木材短缺方面均占有重要位置,研究成果可为生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果有以下: 1. 在温室中经过增强UV-B处理,杨树的外部形态及生理活动受到了一定程度的影响。增强UV-B导致康定杨、青杨的生物量、叶面积及节间长度降低,叶片增厚,SOD活性升高,膜伤害增加,而对叶片数目、R/S、叶绿素A、叶绿素B及整个叶绿素含量没有影响。两种杨树对UV-B胁迫的响应存在差异:在增强UV-B条件下,青杨的植株高度、生物量、叶面积、脯氨酸含量、长期用水效率受到的影响大于康定杨,相比而言,康定杨在比叶面积、叶片厚度、可溶性糖含量、UV-B吸收物质的含量及SOD和GPX活性方面增加的程度大于青杨。这些区别说明,来自于高海拔的康定杨比来自于低海拔的青杨对增强UV-B 具有更强的耐性。我们认为二者在叶片厚度、比叶面积、UV-B吸收物质含量及SOD、GPX活性差异是导致对增强UV-B耐性不同的原因。 2. 干旱与增强UV-B对杨树的生长和生理特性均产生了影响,而且两种胁迫共同作用时干旱表现减弱或加剧了UV-B对杨树某些形态和生理特性的影响。 据试验结果,干旱显著地降低了杨树的株高、叶片数目、叶面积,增加了叶片厚度,促进ABA的积累,提高了CAT活性。对于干旱,两种杨树之间也表现出了一定的差异性。可溶性蛋白质和脯氨酸在青杨叶片中得到显著积累,而在康定杨中没有变化。此外,CAT、长期用水效率在康定杨中受到的影响更加明显。长期用水效率的不同变化趋势说明两种杨树对水分胁迫采用了不同的用水策略,康定杨采用的是节水用水策略,提高用水效率,而青杨采用的是耗水的用水策略。根据干旱对叶面积、脯氨酸、ABA含量、CAT活性及长期用水效率等方面的影响,我们认为来自高海拔地区的康定杨比来自低海拔的青杨有更大的耐旱性,这是对生长环境长期适应的结果。在高海拔地区,因霜冻常带来土壤水分不可利用,降低了根系对水分的吸收,树木容易受到的生理性干旱。另外,高海拔的地区低的气温使植株对严寒有较强的耐性,减少了水分的需要。 生长于增强UV-B下的康定杨和青杨植株表现为高度降低,叶面积缩小,比叶面积增加;叶片栅栏组织、海绵组织均受到增强UV-B的影响,其厚度的增加导致整个叶片变厚。增强UV-B还显著提高了杨树的APX活性、UV-B吸收物质含量,而对叶片数目、ABA、可溶性蛋白质含量及CAT活性没有产生影响。试验中也观察到了两种杨树对增强UV-B响应的差异:与康定杨相比,在增强UV-B下青杨株高、叶面积降低的程度更大一些,SOD活性显著提高。另外UV-B吸收物质受到的影响不同。根据这些差别,高海拔的康定杨(3500 m)比来自低海拔的青杨(1500 m)增强UV-B有较强的耐性。 与水分充足情况下UV-B对植株的影响相比,干旱对杨树抗增强UV-B产生了一定的影响,表现为加剧或减弱UV-B对植物的影响,但这种影响与形态、生理指标有关。当干旱与增强UV-B共同作用时,杨树植株的株高、叶面积进一步降低、叶片进一步增厚。就脯氨酸的积累的而言,在没有水分胁迫时,增强UV-B促使它显著增加,而在干旱处理下这种效果变得不明显。干旱对增强UV-B的影响还与杨树的种类有一定的关系。在康定杨中,干旱减弱了增强UV-B对栅栏组织与海绵组织的影响,且在植株高度、叶面积上表现出累加效应,而在CAT上交互作用显著;但在青杨中干旱则加剧增强UV-B对栅栏组织与海绵组织的影响,在植株高度、叶面积及比叶面积上表现出显著的交互作用。据碳同素分析,在水分充足的条件下,无论是康定杨,还是青杨,增强UV-B均导致其长期用水效率的提高,然而当两种胁迫共同作用时,长期用水效率则表现出差异,在青杨中,长期用水效率得到进一步增高,而康定杨中干旱的效应被增强UV-B所减轻。 3. 田间试验表明,杨树的生长、生理特征都受到养分和增强UV-B的影响。施肥对杨树的影响表现为:提高了叶面积、生物量及SOD的活性,降低了抗坏血酸含量。对于施肥作用,两种杨树的反应也有区别:在康定杨中施肥显著增加了的叶片长度、宽度及光合色素的含量,降低了净光合速率、气孔导度及胞间CO2浓度;在青杨中,则SOD、GPX、APX活性表现增加。从试验看出,施肥对来自于高海拔地区的康定杨(3500 m)的影响较大,对来自低海拔的青杨(1500 m)影响较小,这与它们对原产地的生境适应有一定关系。在康定杨生长的高海拔地区,低温度和湿度不能为地上凋落物或土壤中的根分解提供理想的条件,造成当地土壤的低养分状况,所以当肥料施用以后,效果显著。 经过增强UV-B处理,杨树叶片中UV-B吸收物质含量、GPX的活性得到提高,而脯氨酸、丙二醛、可溶性蛋白质、叶绿素及类胡萝卜素含量没有受到影响。对于增强UV-B两种杨树受到的影响也有所不同:在青杨中增强UV-B导致叶面积缩小,生物量、净光合速率降低,APX的活性及长期用水效率的提高,而对康定杨的这些指标没有产生显著影响,相反抗氧化酶的活性明显高于青杨。这些差异性是由于两种杨树对原产地不同UV-B背景的长期适应结果。康定杨长期生长在较高UV-B环境中,对UV-B有较强的耐性。而青杨适应于较低的UV-B环境,对增强UV-B较为敏感。 试验中施肥也影响了植株对增强UV-B的反应,不过这种影响与杨树的种类及测定指标有一定的相关性。例如,在缺肥的情况下,青杨的长期用水效率和康定杨的叶绿素含量都受到增强UV-B的显著影响,而施肥以后这种影响变得不显著。在缺肥的条件下,GPX、APX在青杨中的活性、GPX在康定杨中的活性对增加UV-B反应不敏感;而施肥以后则变化显著,同样胞间CO2浓度在康定杨也有类似的变化。 For past decades, Ultraviolet radiation, especially UV-B reaching the Earth’s surface increased because of depletion of ozone layer resulted from emission of NxO and CFC’s from human activities. In this experiment, different species of Populus section Tacamahaca Spach from different UV-B background were selected as a model plant to assess the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation. Morphological and physiological traits induced by enhanced UV-B were observed and the different responses between P. kangdingensis and P. cathayana were discussed, furthermore the influences of drought and fertilizer on responses induced by enhanced UV-B were studied. Since poplars play an important role in lumber supply, and are important component of ecosystems due to their fast growth and wide adaptation, the study could provide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation, and rehabilitation of ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. The experiment conducted in a greenhouse indicated that morphological and physiological traits of two poplars were affected by enhanced UV-B radiation. Enhanced UV-B radiation not only reduced biomass, leave area and internode length, but also increased leaf thickness and SOD activity as well as MDA concentration and electrolyte rate. However, no significant changes in leaf numbers, root shoot ratio, and total chlorophyll and chlorophyll component were observed. There were different responses to enhanced UV-B radiation between two species. Compared with P. kangdingensis, cuttings of P. cathayana, exhibited lower height increment and smaller leaf area. In addition, there were significant differences in free proline, soluble protein, and UV-B absorbing compounds, and the activity of SOD and GPX, long-term WUE between them. Differences in plant height, biomass, leaf area, free proline concentration, and long-termed WUE showed that P. cathayana were more affected by enhanced UV-B radiation than P. kangdingensis. In contrast, more increase of specific leaf mass, leaf thickness, and soluble sugar, and UV-B absorbing compounds, and activity of SOD and GPX were observed in P. kangdingensis. According to these results, we suggested that P. kangdingensis from high elevation, which adapted to higher UV-B environments, had more tolerance to enhanced UV-B than P. cathayana from low elevation, which adapted to lower UV-B environment. We believe it was the difference of leaf thickness, specific leaf mass, and UV-B absorbing compounds as well as the activity of SOD and GPX resulted in lower adaptation of P. cathayana to enhanced UV-B radiation. 2. Growth and physiological traits of two poplars were affected by both drought and enhanced UV-B radiation. Moreover, it was observed that when two stresses applied together drought could exacerbate UV-B effects or decrease sensitivity to UV-B. In the experiment, drought significantly decreased plant height, leaf numbers, leaf area, and increased leaf thickness, and ABA, and CAT activity of two poplars. There were significant interspecific differences to drought stress. Exposed to drought, soluble protein and proline concentration were increased in P. cathayana but not in P. kangdingensis. However, more changes in CAT and long-term WUE were observed in kangdingensis. Different change in long-term WUE suggests that two poplars adapted different water-use strategies. P. kangdingensis employ a conservative water-use strategy, whereas P. cathayana employ a prodigal water-use strategy. Based on the differences in leaf area, accumulation of free proline and ABA, CAT activity as well as long-term WUE, we believed that P. kangdingensis from high elevation had a greater tolerance to drought than P. cathayana from low elevation,which is the result of adaptation to local environment. In high elevation area, trees are prone to suffer from physiological drought because of un-movable water caused by frost. Besides lower temperature enable the plants had greater adaptability to frost as a results the requirement of water is reduced Enhanced UV-B radiation decreased shoots height, leaf area, and increased specific leaf mass and thickness of palisade and sponge layer as well as APX activity and UV-B absorbing compounds in both species. Whereas, leaf numbers, ABA content, soluble protein and CAT activity showed no differences to enhanced UV-B radiation. Interspecific differences were also observed. Compared with P. kangdingensis, P. cathayana showed lower shoot height and smaller leaf area, higher SOD activity. Besides, variation in UV-B absorbing compounds was found. These differences suggested that P. kangdingensis from high elevation (3500 m) was more tolerant to enhanced UV-B radiation than P. cathayana from low elevation (1500 m). Compared with morphological and physiological changes induced by enhanced UV-B radiation under well-watered conditions, drought exacerbated or decreased these changes. However, these effects vary with parameters measured. When two stresses applied together, shoot height and leaf area further decreased while leaf thickness further increased. Under well-watered conditions, enhanced UV-B radiation significantly increased proline content, but such effect was not observed under drought conditions. The effect of drought on enhanced UV-B radiation was related to species. For example, drought reduced the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on palisade parenchyma and sponge mesophyll in P. kangdingensis, and additive effects in shoot height and leaf area and interactive effect CAT activity were observed. In contrast, for P. cathayana drought significantly exacerbated the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on palisade parenchyma and sponge mesophyll; there were noticeable interaction in shoot height, leaf area and specific leaf mass. As far as long-term WUE is concerned, it was increased by enhanced UV-B radiation under well-watered conditions in both species. While different effect was observed between two species in combination of two stresses. Long-term water use efficiency was further increased in P. cathayana whereas the effect was less significant in P. kangdingensis. 3. The field experiment showed that growth and physiological traits of poplars were affected by nutrition and enhanced UV-B radiation. Fertilization significantly increased leaf area, biomass and SOD activity, reduced Ascorbic acid concentration. There was interspecific difference in response to fertilization. For P. kangdingensis, fertilization significantly increased leaf width, leaf length and photosynthetic pigments content while net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration were significantly decreased. However, for P. cathayana, these parameters were unaffected except the increase of SOD, GPX and APX activity. From above, it could concluded that P. kangdingensis from high elevation was more affected by fertilization than P. cathayana, This difference was due to adaptation to local environment., The low temperature and moisture where P. kangdingensis was collected can not provided optimum to decompose roots and litter fall as a result the nutrition in soil was poor. Exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation, for both species UV-B absorbing compounds and GPX activity were significantly increased while proline, MDA, soluble protein, chlorophyll, carotenoids were not affected. Different responses were also observed between the two species. Enhanced UV-B radiation caused significant decreases in leaf area, biomass, net photosynthetic rate and increase in APX activity and long-term WUE in P. cathayana but not in P. kangdingensis. In addition, activity in antioxidant enzymes was much higher in P. kangdingensis than in P. cathayana. In the experiment fertilization affected responses of cuttings to enhanced UV-B radiation, but it concern species and parameters measured. Long-term WUE in P. cathayana and chlorophyll in P. kangdingensis were significantly increased by enhanced UV-B radiation under non-fertilization treatments while the increase was not found under fertilization treatment. In contrast, under no fertilization treatment enhanced UV-B radiation did not affected GPX and APX activity in P. cathayana and GPX in P. kangdingensis while significant increase appeared after application of fertilization. Similar effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on intercellular CO2 concentration in P. kangdingensis was observed.


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In this article, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of different concentrations of brilliant green (13G) on Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs) has been investigated. The results indicate that only 10(-12) M BG can be detected on AgNPs while as low as 10(-11) M BG can be detected upon the activation of AgNPs by chloride ions. The additional improvement of the detection of BG mainly derives from the increase of the electromagnetic field around AgNPs and partially from the reorientation of BG on AgNPs induced by chloride ions, which was proved by the different spectra feature in the two systems. Adsorption of BG on AgNPs has also been demonstrated in applications of living cells as optical probes based on SERS, indicating that dye-AgNPs can probe the local environment in the living cells. The related cytotoxicity measurements demonstrated that BG-AgNPs produced little cytotoxicity to the cells, which shows great potential in biornedical applications of BG labeled-AgNPs for SERS nanosensors in cells as optical probes. Meanwhile, SERS spectra of BG on AgNPs in the presence chloride ions are expected to be used in living cells as more sensitive optical probes.


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In this article, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of different concentrations of brilliant green (13G) on Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs) has been investigated. The results indicate that only 10(-12) M BG can be detected on AgNPs while as low as 10(-11) M BG can be detected upon the activation of AgNPs by chloride ions. The additional improvement of the detection of BG mainly derives from the increase of the electromagnetic field around AgNPs and partially from the reorientation of BG on AgNPs induced by chloride ions, which was proved by the different spectra feature in the two systems. Adsorption of BG on AgNPs has also been demonstrated in applications of living cells as optical probes based on SERS, indicating that dye-AgNPs can probe the local environment in the living cells. The related cytotoxicity measurements demonstrated that BG-AgNPs produced little cytotoxicity to the cells, which shows great potential in biornedical applications of BG labeled-AgNPs for SERS nanosensors in cells as optical probes. Meanwhile, SERS spectra of BG on AgNPs in the presence chloride ions are expected to be used in living cells as more sensitive optical probes.


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Because of the extremely sensitivity to the local environment of the D-5(0) --> F-7(2) transition of Eu3+ ion, the fluorescence of Eu3+ ions was Studied by introducing Eu3+ ions to TiO2 gel by the sol-gel method, from which the structural changes of TiO2 gel were characterized. The results showed that the intensity of D-5(0) --> F-7(2) transition increased with the increasement of heat treatment temperature, which indicated the evaporation of molecular water and the completeness of the condensation reaction. Because of the quenching of the fluorescence induced by the cluster of Eu3+ ions, the addition of Al3+ ions greatly enhanced the emission intensity of Eu3+ ion.


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本文基于栅格地图和滚动视窗的控制方法 ,提出了一种提取机器人局部障碍物群环境特征的数据融合新方法 .该方法在多个级别对原始数据进行不同程度的抽象和压缩 ,减少机器人内部模块之间或机器人之间、机器人与控制中心进行通讯的数据量 ,提高系统的动态性能 .同时 ,该方法对复杂环境具有良好的自适应性和实时性 .本文分别列举了仿真实验和物理实验结果 ,表明了机器人采用障碍物群的环境特征提取方法可以成功地完成躲避障碍物和路径规划的任务


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W części wprowadzającej artykułu pokrótce przedstawiono koncepcję i typologię klastrów, a także cechy wspólne i różnice między klastrami a organizacjami sieciowymi. Prezentowane w drugiej części artykułu zagadnienia dotyczą szeroko rozumianego zarządzania: strategii powstawania klastra, barier rozwoju, czynników decydujących o powodzeniu projektu i korzyści wynikających z jego funkcjonowania w otoczeniu lokalnym. W części końcowej zaprezentowano przykłady współdziałania uczestników klastra wyzwalające efekt synergii.


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Background: Childhood obesity is a global epidemic posing a significant threat to the health and wellbeing of children. To reverse this epidemic, it is essential that we gain a deeper understanding of the complex array of driving factors at an individual, family and wider ecological level. Using a social-ecological framework, this thesis investigates the direction, magnitude and contribution of risk factors for childhood overweight and obesity at multiple levels of influence, with a particular focus on diet and physical activity. Methods: A systematic review was conducted to describe recent trends (from 2002-2012) in childhood overweight and obesity prevalence in Irish school children from the Republic of Ireland. Two datasets (Cork Children’s Lifestyle [CCLaS] Study and the Growing Up in Ireland [GUI] Study) were used to explore determinants of childhood overweight and obesity. Individual lifestyle factors examined were diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour. The determinants of physical activity were also explored. Family factors examined were parental weight status and household socio-economic status. The impact of food access in the local area on diet quality and body mass index (BMI) was investigated as an environmental level risk factor. Results: Between 2002 and 2012, the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity in Ireland remained stable. There was some evidence to suggest that childhood obesity rates may have decreased slightly though one in four Irish children remained either overweight or obese. In the CCLaS study, overweight and obese children consumed more unhealthy foods than normal weight children. A diet quality score was constructed based on a previously validated adult diet score. Each one unit increase in diet quality was significantly associated with a decreased risk of childhood overweight and obesity. Individual level factors (including gender, being a member of a sports team, weight status) were more strongly associated with physical activity levels than family or environmental factors. Overweight and obese children were more sedentary and less active than normal weight children. There was a dose response relationship between time spent at moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and the risk of childhood obesity independent of sedentary time. In contrast, total sedentary time was not associated with the risk of childhood obesity independent of MVPA though screen time was associated with childhood overweight and obesity. In the GUI Study, only one in five children had 2 normal weight parents (or one normal weight parent in the case of single parent families). Having overweight and obese parents was a significant risk factor for overweight and obesity regardless of socio-economic characteristics of the household. Family income was not associated with the odds of childhood obesity but social class and parental education were important risk factors for childhood obesity. Access to food stores in the local environment did not impact dietary quality or the BMI of Irish children. However, there was some evidence to suggest that the economic resources of the family influenced diet and BMI. Discussion: Though childhood overweight and obesity rates appear to have stabilised over the previous decade, prevalence rates are unacceptably high. As expected, overweight and obesity were associated with a high energy intake and poor dietary quality. The findings also highlight strong associations between physical inactivity and the risk of overweight and obesity, with effect sizes greater than what have been typically found in adults. Important family level determinants of childhood overweight and obesity were also identified. The findings highlight the need for a multifaceted approach, targeting a range of modifiable determinants to tackle the problem. In particular, policies and interventions at the shared family environment or community level may be an effective mean of tackling this current epidemic.