994 resultados para Local density of states - (LDOS)


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We have studied low-temperature properties of interacting electrons in a one-dimensional quantum wire (Luttinger liquid) side-hybridized with a single-level impurity. The hybridization induces a backscattering of electrons in the wire which strongly affects its low-energy properties. Using a one-loop renormalization group approach valid for a weak electron-electron interaction, we have calculated a transmission coefficient through the wire, T(epsilon), and a local density of states, nu(epsilon) at low energies epsilon. In particular, we have found that the antiresonance in T(epsilon) has a generalized Breit-Wigner shape with the effective width Gamma(epsilon) which diverges at the Fermi level.


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The optimal entanglement manipulation for a single copy of mixed states of two qubits is to transform it to a Bell diagonal state. In this paper we derive an explicit form of the local operation that can realize such a transformation. The result obtained is universal for arbitrary entangled two-qubit states and it discloses that the corresponding local filter is not unique for density matrices with rank n = 2 and can be exclusively determined for that with n = 3 and 4. As illustrations, a four-parameter family of mixed states are explored, the local filter as well as the transformation probability are given explicitly, which verify the validity of the general result.


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It is well known that shape corrections have to be applied to the local-density (LDA) and generalized gradient (GGA) approximations to the Kohn-Sham exchange-correlation potential in order to obtain reliable response properties in time dependent density functional theory calculations. Here we demonstrate that it is an oversimplified view that these shape corrections concern primarily the asymptotic part of the potential, and that they affect only Rydberg type transitions. The performance is assessed of two shape-corrected Kohn-Sham potentials, the gradient-regulated asymptotic connection procedure applied to the Becke-Perdew potential (BP-GRAC) and the statistical averaging of (model) orbital potentials (SAOP), versus LDA and GGA potentials, in molecular response calculations of the static average polarizability alpha, the Cauchy coefficient S-4, and the static average hyperpolarizability beta. The nature of the distortions of the LDA/GGA potentials is highlighted and it is shown that they introduce many spurious excited states at too low energy which may mix with valence excited states, resulting in wrong excited state compositions. They also lead to wrong oscillator strengths and thus to a wrong spectral structure of properties like the polarizability. LDA, Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr (BLYP), and Becke-Perdew (BP) characteristically underestimate contributions to alpha and S-4 from bound Rydberg-type states and overestimate those from the continuum. Cancellation of the errors in these contributions occasionally produces fortuitously good results. The distortions of the LDA, BLYP, and BP spectra are related to the deficiencies of the LDA/GGA potentials in both the bulk and outer molecular regions. In contrast, both SAOP and BP-GRAC potentials produce high quality polarizabilities for 21 molecules and also reliable Cauchy moments and hyperpolarizabilities for the selected molecules. The analysis for the N-2 molecule shows, that both SAOP and BP-GRAC yield reliable energies omega(i) and oscillator strengths f(i) of individual excitations, so that they reproduce well the spectral structure of alpha and S-4.(C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We report on charge transport and density of trap states (trap DOS) in ambipolar diketopyrrolopyrrole-benzothiadiazole copolymer thin-film transistors. This semiconductor possesses high electron and hole field-effect mobilities of up to 0.6 cm 2/V-s. Temperature and gate-bias dependent field-effect mobility measurements are employed to extract the activation energies and trap DOS to understand its unique high mobility balanced ambipolar charge transport properties. The symmetry between the electron and hole transport characteristics, parameters and activation energies is remarkable. We believe that our work is the first charge transport study of an ambipolar organic/polymer based field-effect transistor with room temperature mobility higher than 0.1 cm 2/V-s in both electrons and holes.


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We have investigated the local electronic properties and the spatially resolved magnetoresistance of a nanostructured film of a colossal magnetoresistive (CMR) material by local conductance mapping (LCMAP) using a variable temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) operating in a magnetic field. The nanostructured thin films (thickness ≈500nm) of the CMR material La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) on quartz substrates were prepared using chemical solution deposition (CSD) process. The CSD grown films were imaged by both STM and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Due to the presence of a large number of grain boundaries (GB's), these films show low field magnetoresistance (LFMR) which increases at lower temperatures. The measurement of spatially resolved electronic properties reveal the extent of variation of the density of states (DOS) at and close to the Fermi level (EF) across the grain boundaries and its role in the electrical resistance of the GB. Measurement of the local conductance maps (LCMAP) as a function of magnetic field as well as temperature reveals that the LFMR occurs at the GB. While it was known that LFMR in CMR films originates from the GB, this is the first investigation that maps the local electronic properties at a GB in a magnetic field and traces the origin of LFMR at the GB.


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Hydrogen rearrangements at the H*2 complex are used as a model of low energy, local transitions in the two-hydrogen density of states of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). These are used to account for the low activation energy motion of H observed by nuclear magnetic resonance, the low energy defect annealing of defects formed by bias stress in thin film transistors, and the elimination of hydrogen from the growth zone during the low temperature plasma deposition of a-Si:H. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We calculate the density of photon states (DOS) of the normal modes in dye-doped chiral nematic liquid crystal (LC) cells in the presence of various loss mechanisms. Losses and gain are incorporated into the transmission characteristics through the introduction of a small imaginary part in the dielectric constant perpendicular and along the director, for which we assume no frequency dispersion. Theoretical results are presented on the DOS in the region of the photonic band gap for a range of values of the loss coefficient and different values of the optical anisotropy. The obtained values of the DOS at the photonic band gap edges predict a reversal of the dominant modes in the structure. Our results are found to be in good agreement with the experimentally obtained excitation thresholds in chiral nematic LC lasers. The behavior of the DOS is also discussed for amplifying LC cells providing additional insight to the lasing mechanism of these structures. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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We calculate the density of photon states (DOS) of the normal modes in dye-doped chiral nematic liquid crystal (LC) cells in the presence of various loss mechanisms. Losses and gain are incorporated into the transmission characteristics through the introduction of a small imaginary part in the dielectric constant perpendicular and along the director, for which we assume no frequency dispersion. Theoretical results are presented on the DOS in the region of the photonic band gap for a range of values of the loss coefficient and different values of the optical anisotropy. The obtained values of the DOS at the photonic band gap edges predict a reversal of the dominant modes in the structure. Our results are found to be in good agreement with the experimentally obtained excitation thresholds in chiral nematic LC lasers. The behavior of the DOS is also discussed for amplifying LC cells providing additional insight to the lasing mechanism of these structures.


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We provide a general, necessary, and sufficient condition for the possibility of transforming a mixed bipartite Gaussian state with arbitrarily many modes to another one under arbitrary local Gaussian channels, which do not include classical communication. Moreover, by means of this condition we present a necessary criterion that can be used to check the possibility of a state transformation between two mixed Gaussian states. At the same time, we prove that our criterion can be reduced to the Eisert-Plenio criterion when the mode number is chosen as 1 per side.


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We present the normal form of the covariance matrix for three-mode tripartite Gaussian states. By means of this result, the general form of a necessary and sufficient criterion for the possibility of a state transformation from one tripartite entangled Gaussian state to another with three modes is found. Moreover, we show that the conditions presented include not only inequalities but equalities as well.


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Time-dependent density-functional theory is a rather accurate and efficient way to compute electronic excitations for finite systems. However, in the macroscopic limit (systems of increasing size), for the usual adiabatic random-phase, local-density, or generalized-gradient approximations, one recovers the Kohn-Sham independent-particle picture, and thus the incorrect band gap. To clarify this trend, we investigate the macroscopic limit of the exchange-correlation kernel in such approximations by means of an algebraical analysis complemented with numerical studies of a one-dimensional tight-binding model. We link the failure to shift the Kohn-Sham spectrum of these approximate kernels to the fact that the corresponding operators in the transition space act only on a finite subspace.


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Ab initio total energy calculations within the Density Functional Theory framework were carried out for Pt(111), Pt(111)-p(2x2)-CO, Pt(111)-p(2x2)-O, and Pt(111)-p(2x2)-(CO+O) to provide an insight into the interaction between CO and O on metal surfaces, an important issue in CO oxidation, and also in promotion and poisoning effects of catalysis. The geometrical structures of these systems were optimized with respect to the total energy, the results of which agree with existing experimental values very well. It is found that (i) the local structures of Pt(111)-p(2x2)-(CO+O), such as the bond lengths of C-O, C-Pt, and O-Pt (chemisorbed O atom with Pt), are almost the same as that in Pt(111)-p(2x2)-CO and Pt(111)-p(2x2)-O, respectively, (ii) the total valence charge density distributions in Pt(111)-p(2x2)-(CO+O) are very similar to that in Pt(111)-p(2x2)-CO, except in the region of the chemisorbed oxygen atom, and also nearly identical to that in Pt(111)-p(2x2)-O, apart from in the region of the chemisorbed CO, and (iii) the chemisorption energy of CO on a precovered Pt(111)-p(2x2)-O and the chemisorption energy of O on a precovered Pt(111)-p(2x2)CO are almost equal to that in Pt(111)-p(2x2)-CO and Pt(111)-p(2x2)-O, respectively. These results indicate that the interaction between CO and chemisorbed oxygen on a metal surface is mainly shore range in nature. The discussions of Pt-CO and Pt-O bonding and the interaction between CO and the chemisorbed oxygen atom on Pt(111) are augmented by local densities of states and real space distributions of quantum states.


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Geometric parameters of binary (1:1) PdZn and PtZn alloys with CuAu-L10 structure were calculated with a density functional method. Based on the total energies, the alloys are predicted to feature equal formation energies. Calculated surface energies of PdZn and PtZn alloys show that (111) and (100) surfaces exposing stoichiometric layers are more stable than (001) and (110) surfaces comprising alternating Pd (Pt) and Zn layers. The surface energy values of alloys lie between the surface energies of the individual components, but they differ from their composition weighted averages. Compared with the pure metals, the valence d-band widths and the Pd or Pt partial densities of states at the Fermi level are dramatically reduced in PdZn and PtZn alloys. The local valence d-band density of states of Pd and Pt in the alloys resemble that of metallic Cu, suggesting that a similar catalytic performance of these systems can be related to this similarity in the local electronic structures.


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The contributions of the correlated and uncorrelated components of the electron-pair density to atomic and molecular intracule I(r) and extracule E(R) densities and its Laplacian functions ∇2I(r) and ∇2E(R) are analyzed at the Hartree-Fock (HF) and configuration interaction (CI) levels of theory. The topologies of the uncorrelated components of these functions can be rationalized in terms of the corresponding one-electron densities. In contrast, by analyzing the correlated components of I(r) and E(R), namely, IC(r) and EC(R), the effect of electron Fermi and Coulomb correlation can be assessed at the HF and CI levels of theory. Moreover, the contribution of Coulomb correlation can be isolated by means of difference maps between IC(r) and EC(R) distributions calculated at the two levels of theory. As application examples, the He, Ne, and Ar atomic series, the C2-2, N2, O2+2 molecular series, and the C2H4 molecule have been investigated. For these atoms and molecules, it is found that Fermi correlation accounts for the main characteristics of IC(r) and EC(R), with Coulomb correlation increasing slightly the locality of these functions at the CI level of theory. Furthermore, IC(r), EC(R), and the associated Laplacian functions, reveal the short-ranged nature and high isotropy of Fermi and Coulomb correlation in atoms and molecules


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Some of the characteristics of high overtone spectra observed in the near infrared are discussed, particularly in relation to local mode effects, the increasing density of states, and the effect of inter-state resonances and intramolecular vibrational redistribution.