938 resultados para Linear Attention,Conditional Language Model,Natural Language Generation,FLAX,Rare diseases
Privacy issues and data scarcity in PET field call for efficient methods to expand datasets via synthetic generation of new data that cannot be traced back to real patients and that are also realistic. In this thesis, machine learning techniques were applied to 1001 amyloid-beta PET images, which had undergone a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: the evaluations were 540 positive, 457 negative and 4 unknown. Isomap algorithm was used as a manifold learning method to reduce the dimensions of the PET dataset; a numerical scale-free interpolation method was applied to invert the dimensionality reduction map. The interpolant was tested on the PET images via LOOCV, where the removed images were compared with the reconstructed ones with the mean SSIM index (MSSIM = 0.76 ± 0.06). The effectiveness of this measure is questioned, since it indicated slightly higher performance for a method of comparison using PCA (MSSIM = 0.79 ± 0.06), which gave clearly poor quality reconstructed images with respect to those recovered by the numerical inverse mapping. Ten synthetic PET images were generated and, after having been mixed with ten originals, were sent to a team of clinicians for the visual assessment of their realism; no significant agreements were found either between clinicians and the true image labels or among the clinicians, meaning that original and synthetic images were indistinguishable. The future perspective of this thesis points to the improvement of the amyloid-beta PET research field by increasing available data, overcoming the constraints of data acquisition and privacy issues. Potential improvements can be achieved via refinements of the manifold learning and the inverse mapping stages during the PET image analysis, by exploring different combinations in the choice of algorithm parameters and by applying other non-linear dimensionality reduction algorithms. A final prospect of this work is the search for new methods to assess image reconstruction quality.
The Neonatal Screening for Inborn Errors of Metabolism of the Association of Parents and Friends of Special Needs Individuals (APAE) - Bauru, Brazil, was implanted and accredited by the Brazilian Ministry of Health in 1998. It covers about 286 cities of the Bauru region and 420 collection spots. Their activities include screening, diagnosis, treatment and assistance to congenital hypothyroidism (CH) and phenylketonuria (PKU), among others. In 2005, a partnership was established with the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Bauru, seeking to characterize and to follow, by means of research studies, the development of the communicative abilities of children with CH and PKU. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe communicative and psycholinguistic abilities in children with CH and PKU. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-eight children (25 children aged 1 to 120 months with PKU and 43 children aged 1 to 60 months with CH) participated in the study. The handbooks were analyzed and different instruments were applied (Observation of Communication Behavior, Early Language Milestone Scale, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Gesell & Amatruda's Behavioral Development Scale, Portage Operation Inventory, Language Development Evaluation Scale, Denver Developmental Screening Test, ABFW Child Language Test-phonology and Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities), according to the children's age group and developmental level. RESULTS: It was observed that the children with PKU and CH at risk for alterations in their developmental abilities (motor, cognitive, linguistic, adaptive and personal-social), mainly in the first years of life. Alterations in the psycholinguistic abilities were also found, mainly after the preschool age. Attention deficits, language and cognitive alterations were more often observed in children with CH, while attention deficits with hyperactivity and alterations in the personal-social, language and motor adaptive abilities were more frequent in children with PKU. CONCLUSION: CH and PKU can cause communicative and psycholinguistic alterations that compromise the communication and affect the social integration and learning of these individuals, proving the need of having these abilities assisted by a speech and language pathologist.
We consider the problem of interaction neighborhood estimation from the partial observation of a finite number of realizations of a random field. We introduce a model selection rule to choose estimators of conditional probabilities among natural candidates. Our main result is an oracle inequality satisfied by the resulting estimator. We use then this selection rule in a two-step procedure to evaluate the interacting neighborhoods. The selection rule selects a small prior set of possible interacting points and a cutting step remove from this prior set the irrelevant points. We also prove that the Ising models satisfy the assumptions of the main theorems, without restrictions on the temperature, on the structure of the interacting graph or on the range of the interactions. It provides therefore a large class of applications for our results. We give a computationally efficient procedure in these models. We finally show the practical efficiency of our approach in a simulation study.
The importance of the rate of change of the pollution stock in determining the damage to the environment has been an issue of increasing concern in the literature. This paper uses a three-sector (economy, population and environment), non-linear, discrete time, calibrated model to examine pollution control. The model explicitly links economic growth to the health of the environment. The stock of natural resources is affected by the rate of pollution flows, through their impact on the regenerative capacity of the natural resource stock. This can shed useful insights into pollution control strategies, particularly in developing countries where environmental resources are crucial for production in many sectors of the economy. Simulation exercises suggested that, under plausible assumptions, it is possible to reverse undesirable transient dynamics through pollution control expenditure, but this is dependent upon the strategies used for control. The best strategy is to spend money fostering the development of production technologies that reduce pollution rather than spending money dealing with the effects of the pollution flow into the environment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a coordination approach to maximize the total profit of wind power systems coordinated with concentrated solar power systems, having molten-salt thermal energy storage. Both systems are effectively handled by mixed-integer linear programming in the approach, allowing enhancement on the operational during non-insolation periods. Transmission grid constraints and technical operating constraints on both systems are modeled to enable a true management support for the integration of renewable energy sources in day-ahead electricity markets. A representative case study based on real systems is considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.
Neste trabalho, começamos por focar a nossa atenção nas perturbações da linguagem. Assim, fazemos uma abordagem à literatura existente sobre estas perturbações, analisando os conceitos de comunicação, linguagem e fala. Com base neste enquadramento teórico, consideramos importante conhecer que impacto poderá ter a utilização de software educativo nos alunos com perturbações da linguagem, assim como determinar que fatores favorecem e condicionam essa utilização. A proposta para o uso de software educativo, numa perspetiva de aprendizagem, desenvolve-se a partir da utilização das Tecnologias da Comunicação e Informação (TIC) ao nível do ensino e em particular da Educação Especial (EE), considerando questões como: adequação dos conteúdos à realidade do educando, aplicação de novas metodologias que incentivem a participação ativa do aluno no processo de aprendizagem e redefinição dos objetivos a fim de ampliar o desenvolvimento do indivíduo para a sua inserção na sociedade moderna. É assim nossa intenção perceber se o uso das TIC, nomeadamente de softwares educativos, poderá apresentar resultados significativos no processo de construção de conhecimento, proporcionando condições para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, visando a motivação, a autonomia e a especificidade de cada aluno. Para tal, criamos uma plataforma interativa passível de ser utilizada por professores, profissionais e até mesmo pais de crianças com estas perturbações. Assim, este projeto parte de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, investigando, através do estudo de caso, se a utilização do software educativo “Talky – A Destrava Língua” será um instrumento capaz de minimizar ou até mesmo colmatar as dificuldades inerentes às crianças portadoras destas perturbações.
Two-part tariffs, when used at the retail level, increase efficiency by lowering the price of marginal units. The same potential for higher efficiency exists for two-part tariffs at wholesale level for a given market structure, but the fixed part of the wholesale tariff can negatively affect the latter. In a simulated competition model of next-generation telecommunications access networks that has been calibrated with engineering cost data, we show that the latter effects strongly outweigh the former. That is, substituting a cost-based linear wholesale access tariff with revenue-equivalent two-part tariffs reduces the number of access seekers and therefore leads to higher prices and lower welfare and consumer surplus.
Publicado em "Information control in manufacturing 1998 : (INCOM'98) : advances in industrial engineering : a proceedings volume from the 9th IFAC Symposium, Nancy-Metz, France, 24-26 June 1998. Vol. 2"
In this work we introduce and analyze a linear size-structured population model with infinite states-at-birth. We model the dynamics of a population in which individuals have two distinct life-stages: an “active” phase when individuals grow, reproduce and die and a second “resting” phase when individuals only grow. Transition between these two phases depends on individuals’ size. First we show that the problem is governed by a positive quasicontractive semigroup on the biologically relevant state space. Then we investigate, in the framework of the spectral theory of linear operators, the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the model. We prove that the associated semigroup has, under biologically plausible assumptions, the property of asynchronous exponential growth.
El Laboratori Virtual de Psicologia Bàsica (LVPB) és una eina que pretén aprofitar les noves tecnologies per donar un nou enfocament al procés d’aprenentatge dels processos psicològics bàsics. Amb el LVPB s’acompanya a l’estudiant en un recorregut a través d’experiments que s’han convertit en clàssics de la Psicologia Cognitiva amb l’objectiu d’assolir coneixements relacionats amb els processos cognitius a partir de la pròpia experiència. La plataforma conté experiments provinents de l’estudi de l’atenció, l’emoció, el llenguatge, la memòria, la motivació, el pensament i la percepció.
El Laboratori Virtual de Psicologia Bàsica (LVPB) és una eina que acompanya a l’estudiant en un recorregut a través d’experiments que s’han convertit en clàssics de la Psicologia Cognitiva. La plataforma reprodueix experiments provinents de l’estudi de l’atenció, l’emoció, el llenguatge, la memòria, la motivació, el pensament i la percepció. En cada experiment, el LVPB presenta un text introductori amb alguns articles de referència on es van proposar per primera vegada aquests experiments. El LVPB es basa en la plataforma d’e-learning Moodle, el que permet que cada estudiant tingui el seu propi espai en el qual guardar les dades, els resultats i les anàlisis que hagi realitzat. Tota la interacció amb el sistema queda enregistrada i pot ésser consultada tant per l’estudiant com pel seu professor en qualsevol moment. Això permet que el LVPB pugui ser utilitzat també com a eina d’avaluació per part del professor. La plataforma es troba disponible en la següent adreça: http://psicovirtual.uab.es/lvpb
The t(8;21) chromosomal translocation activates aberrant expression of the AML1-ETO (AE) fusion protein and is commonly associated with core binding factor acute myeloid leukaemia (CBF AML). Combining a conditional mouse model that closely resembles the slow evolution and the mosaic AE expression pattern of human t(8;21) CBF AML with global transcriptome sequencing, we find that disease progression was characterized by two principal pathogenic mechanisms. Initially, AE expression modified the lineage potential of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), resulting in the selective expansion of the myeloid compartment at the expense of normal erythro- and lymphopoiesis. This lineage skewing was followed by a second substantial rewiring of transcriptional networks occurring in the trajectory to manifest leukaemia. We also find that both HSC and lineage-restricted granulocyte macrophage progenitors (GMPs) acquired leukaemic stem cell (LSC) potential being capable of initiating and maintaining the disease. Finally, our data demonstrate that long-term expression of AE induces an indolent myeloproliferative disease (MPD)-like myeloid leukaemia phenotype with complete penetrance and that acute inactivation of AE function is a potential novel therapeutic option.
In this paper we develop a new linear approach to identify the parameters of a moving average (MA) model from the statistics of the output. First, we show that, under some constraints, the impulse response of the system can be expressed as a linear combination of cumulant slices. Then, thisresult is used to obtain a new well-conditioned linear methodto estimate the MA parameters of a non-Gaussian process. Theproposed method presents several important differences withexisting linear approaches. The linear combination of slices usedto compute the MA parameters can be constructed from dif-ferent sets of cumulants of different orders, providing a generalframework where all the statistics can be combined. Further-more, it is not necessary to use second-order statistics (the autocorrelation slice), and therefore the proposed algorithm stillprovides consistent estimates in the presence of colored Gaussian noise. Another advantage of the method is that while mostlinear methods developed so far give totally erroneous estimates if the order is overestimated, the proposed approach doesnot require a previous estimation of the filter order. The simulation results confirm the good numerical conditioning of thealgorithm and the improvement in performance with respect to existing methods.
Music is a highly complex and versatile stimulus for the brain that engages many temporal, frontal, parietal, cerebellar, and subcortical areas involved in auditory, cognitive, emotional, and motor processing. Regular musical activities have been shown to effectively enhance the structure and function of many brain areas, making music a potential tool also in neurological rehabilitation. In our previous randomized controlled study, we found that listening to music on a daily basis can improve cognitive recovery and improve mood after an acute middle cerebral artery stroke. Extending this study, a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis utilizing cost function masking was performed on the acute and 6-month post-stroke stage structural magnetic resonance imaging data of the patients (n = 49) who either listened to their favorite music [music group (MG), n = 16] or verbal material [audio book group (ABG), n = 18] or did not receive any listening material [control group (CG), n = 15] during the 6-month recovery period. Although all groups showed significant gray matter volume (GMV) increases from the acute to the 6-month stage, there was a specific network of frontal areas [left and right superior frontal gyrus (SFG), right medial SFG] and limbic areas [left ventral/subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (SACC) and right ventral striatum (VS)] in patients with left hemisphere damage in which the GMV increases were larger in the MG than in the ABG and in the CG. Moreover, the GM reorganization in the frontal areas correlated with enhanced recovery of verbal memory, focused attention, and language skills, whereas the GM reorganization in the SACC correlated with reduced negative mood. This study adds on previous results, showing that music listening after stroke not only enhances behavioral recovery, but also induces fine-grained neuroanatomical changes in the recovering brain.
Salmonella is distributed worldwide and is a pathogen of economic and public health importance. As a multi-host pathogen with a long environmental persistence, it is a suitable model for the study of wildlife-livestock interactions. In this work, we aim to explore the spill-over of Salmonella between free-ranging wild boar and livestock in a protected natural area in NE Spain and the presence of antimicrobial resistance. Salmonella prevalence, serotypes and diversity were compared between wild boars, sympatric cattle and wild boars from cattle-free areas. The effect of age, sex, cattle presence and cattle herd size on Salmonella probability of infection in wild boars was explored by means of Generalized Linear Models and a model selection based on the Akaike’s Information Criterion. Prevalence was higher in wild boars co-habiting with cattle (35.67%, CI 95% 28.19–43.70) than in wild boar from cattle-free areas (17.54%, CI 95% 8.74–29.91). Probability of a wild boar being a Salmonella carrier increased with cattle herd size but decreased with the host age. Serotypes Meleagridis, Anatum and Othmarschen were isolated concurrently from cattle and sympatric wild boars. Apart from serotypes shared with cattle, wild boars appear to have their own serotypes, which are also found in wild boars from cattle-free areas (Enteritidis, Mikawasima, 4:b:- and 35:r:z35). Serotype richness (diversity) was higher in wild boars co-habiting with cattle, but evenness was not altered by the introduction of serotypes from cattle. The finding of a S. Mbandaka strain resistant to sulfamethoxazole, streptomycin and chloramphenicol and a S. Enteritidis strain resistant to ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid in wild boars is cause for public health concern.