988 resultados para Line flow


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In this paper, knowledge-based approach using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are used for estimating the coordinated zonal settings of a distance relay. The approach depends on the detailed simulation studies of apparent impedance loci as seen by distance relay during disturbance, considering various operating conditions including fault resistance. In a distance relay, the impedance loci given at the relay location is obtained from extensive transient stability studies. SVMs are used as a pattern classifier for obtaining distance relay co-ordination. The scheme utilizes the apparent impedance values observed during a fault as inputs. An improved performance with the use of SVMs, keeping the reach when faced with different fault conditions as well as system power flow changes, are illustrated with an equivalent 265 bus system of a practical Indian Western Grid.


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It has been observed that a majority of glaciers in the Himalayas have been retreating. In this paper, we show that there are two major factors which control the advance/retreat of the Himalayan glaciers. They are the slope of the glacier and changes in the equilibrium line altitude. While it is well known, that these factors are important, we propose a new way of combining them and use it to predict retreat. The functional form of this model has been derived from numerical simulations using an ice-flow code. The model has been successfully applied to the movement of eight Himalayan glaciers during the past 25 years. It explains why the Gangotri glacier is retreating while Zemu of nearly the same length is stationary, even if they are subject to similar environmental changes. The model has also been applied to a larger set of glaciers in the Parbati basin, for which retreat based on satellite data is available, though over a shorter time period.


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Abrus precatorius is highly regarded as a universal panacea in the herbal medicine with diverse pharmacological activity spectra. This experimental study on the mechanism of the anticancer activity of A. precatorius leaf extracts, may offer new evidence for A. precatorius in the treatment of breast cancer in clinical practice. Cell death was determined by using MTT assay. Further analyses were carried out by doing DNA laddering, PARP cleavage, FACS, semi-quantitative RT-PCR and detection of cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) by DCFDA assay. A. precatorius showed very striking inhibition on MDA-MB-231 cells. MTT assay showed more than 75 % inhibition of the cells and treated cells indicated visible laddering pattern with thick compact band. PARP cleavage produced 89 kDa cleavage product which was associated with apoptosis. Flow cytometer exhibited a sub-G0/G1 peak as an indicative of apoptosis. mRNA expression level of apoptosis-related genes p21 and p53 was markedly increased in cells treated with the extract as compared to control. The up-regulation of p21 and p53 may be the molecular mechanisms by which A. precatorius extract which induces apoptosis. An increase in the concentration of A. precatorius extract does not generate ROS, instead it reduces ROS formation in MDA-MB-231 cells, as evident from the shift in fluorescence below untreated control. This is the first report showing that A. precatorius leaf extract exhibits a growth inhibitory effect by induction of apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 cells. Our results contribute towards validation of the A. precatorius extract as a potentially effective chemopreventive or therapeutic agent against breast cancer.


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A droplet introduced in an external convective flow field exhibits significant multimodal shape oscillations depending upon the intensity of the aerodynamic forcing. In this paper, a theoretical model describing the temporal evolution of normal modes of the droplet shape is developed. The fluid is assumed to be weakly viscous and Newtonian. The convective flow velocity, which is assumed to be incompressible and inviscid, is incorporated in the model through the normal stress condition at the droplet surface and the equation of motion governing the dynamics of each mode is derived. The coupling between the external flow and the droplet is approximated to be a one-way process, i.e., the external flow perturbations effect the droplet shape oscillations and the droplet oscillation itself does not influence the external flow characteristics. The shape oscillations of the droplet with different fluid properties under different unsteady flow fields were simulated. For a pulsatile external flow, the frequency spectra of the normal modes of the droplet revealed a dominant response at the resonant frequency, in addition to the driving frequency and the corresponding harmonics. At driving frequencies sufficiently different from the resonant frequency of the prolate-oblate oscillation mode of the droplet, the oscillations are stable. But at resonance the oscillation amplitude grows in time leading to breakup depending upon the fluid viscosity. A line vortex advecting past the droplet, simulated as an isotropic jump in the far field velocity, leads to the resonant excitation of the droplet shape modes if and only if the time taken by the vortex to cross the droplet is less than the resonant period of the P-2 mode of the droplet. A train of two vortices interacting with the droplet is also analysed. It shows clearly that the time instant of introduction of the second vortex with respect to the droplet shape oscillation cycle is crucial in determining the amplitude of oscillation. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The controlled equations defined in a physical plane are changed into those in a computational plane with coordinate transformations suitable for different Mach number M(infinity). The computational area is limited in the body surface and in the vicinities of detached shock wave and sonic line. Thus the area can be greatly cut down when the shock wave moves away from the body surface as M(infinity) --> 1. Highly accurate, total variation diminishing (TVD) finite-difference schemes are used to calculate the low supersonic flowfield around a sphere. The stand-off distance, location of sonic line, etc. are well comparable with experimental data. The long pending problem concerning a flow passing a sphere at 1.3 greater-than-or-equal-to M(infinity) > 1 has been settled, and some new results on M(infinity) = 1.05 have been presented.


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Our recent progress in numerical studies of bluff body flow structures and a new method for the numerical analysis of near wake flow field for high Reynolds number flow are introduced. The paper consists of three parts. In part one, the evolution of wake vortex structure and variation of forces on a flat plate in harmonic oscillatory flows and in in-line steady-harmonic combined flows are presented by an improved discrete vortex method, as the Keulegan-Carpenter number (KC) varies from 2 to 40 and ratios of U-m to U-0 are of O(10(-1)), O(10) and O(10), respectively. In part 2, a domain decomposition hybrid method, combining the finite-difference and vortex methods for numerical simulation of unsteady viscous separated flow around a bluff body, is introduced. By the new method, some high resolution numerical visualization on near wake evolution behind a circular cylinder at Re = 10(2), 10(3) and 3 x 10(3) are shown. In part 3, the mechanism and the dynamic process for the three-dimensional evolution of the Karman vortex and vortex filaments in braid regions as well as the early features of turbulent structure in the wake behind a circular cylinder are presented numerically by the vortex dynamics method.


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In this paper we discuss coupling processes between a magnetic field and an unsteady plasma motion, and analyze the features of energy storage and conversions in active region. It is pointed out that the static force-free field is insufficient for a discussion of storage processes, and also the pure unsteady plasma rotation is not a perfect approach. In order to analyze the energy storage, we must consider the addition of poloidal plasma motion. The paper shows that because the unsteady poloidal flow is added and coupling occurs between the magnetic field and both the toroidal and the poloidal plasma flows, an unsteady process is maintained which changes the force-free factor with time. Hence, the energy in the lower levels can be transferred to the upper levels, and a considerable energy can be stored in the active region. Finally, another storage process is given which is due to the pure poloidal flow. The article shows that even if there is no twisted magnetic line of force, the energy in the lower levels may still be transferred to the upper levels and stored there.


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In this paper an analysis of the kinetic theory of the continuous-wave flow chemical lasers(CWFCL) is presented with emphasis being laid on the effects of inhomogeneous broadeningon CWFCL's performance. The results obtained are applicable to the case where laser fre-quency is either coincident or incoincident with that of the eenter of the line shape. This rela-tion has been,compared with that of the rate model in common use. These two models are almostidentical as the broadening parameter η is larger than 1. The smaller the value of η, thegreater the difference between the results of these two models will be. For fixed η, the dif-ferences between fhe results of the two models increase with the increase of the frequencyshift parameter ξ. When η is about less than 0.2. the kinetic model can predict exactly the in-homogeneous broadening effects,while the rate model cannot.


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DNS of spatiotemporal evolution of a wake-type flow is performed. In the incoming flow, a local spanwise nonuniformity in momentum defect is initially imposed. Results show that the spanwise nonuniformity leads to a series of symmetric twist vortex dislocation in downstream of the flow. Vortex line variations and substantial transition of vorticity from spanwise to the streamwise and vertical directions clearly feature the generation of a vortex dislocation and the real vortex linking in the dislocation. Dynamical process and the mechanism responsible for the vortex dislocation are described.


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The environment temperature has inevitable effects on property of the convect ion-based tilt sensors. It not only redefines the application, but also prevents the improvement of the sensor performance. Numerical simulation of the fluid flow in the chamber of a sensor was performed and the influence of the environment temperature was studied in this paper. At zero tilt angle, the temperature distribution along the perpendicular line cross the heat source at various environment temperatures was presented. It was found that the flow varied dramatically at different environment temperatures, which would cause the output signal vary accordingly, even when the tilt angle was kept at a constant, because this device works by sensing the change of flow. At the same condition, we present the numerical results when the temperature difference across the heat source and the environment was kept at the same, in those results, it was found that the temperature difference at every point along the perpendicular line cross the heat source keep the same, this result confirms the similarity principle of nature convection. Second, A method of eliminating environment temperature infect on property of convect ion-based tilt sensor, which is based on the theory of flow similarity, is proposed. It was found that a thermal transistance can be piped on the circuit of heat source to compensate the temperature of the heat source. A compensative circuit was specially designed which can keep flow similarity by changing heat source temperature in order to eliminate the influence of environment temperature. The experiment results show that above 70% temperature drift can be eliminated by this compensative circuit.


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The dynamics of long slender cylinders undergoing vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) is studied in this work. Long slender cylinders such as risers or tension legs are widely used in the field of ocean engineering. When the sea current flows past a cylinder, it will be excited due to vortex shedding. A three-dimensional time domain model is formulated to describe the response of the cylinder, in which the in-line (IL) and cross-flow (CF) deflections are coupled. The wake dynamics, including in-line and cross-flow vibrations, is represented using a pair of non-linear oscillators distributed along the cylinder. The wake oscillators are coupled to the dynamics of the long cylinder with the acceleration coupling term. A non-linear fluid force model is accounted for to reflect the relative motion of cylinder to current. The model is validated against the published data from a tank experiment with the free span riser. The comparisons show that some aspects due to VIV of long flexible cylinders can be reproduced by the proposed model, such as vibrating frequency, dominant mode number, occurrence and transition of the standing or traveling waves. In the case study, the simulations show that the IL curvature is not smaller than CF curvature, which indicates that both IL and CF vibrations are important for the structural fatigue damage.


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Abstract—Burst-and-coast is the most common locomotion type in freely routine swimming of koi carps (Cyprinus carpio koi), which consists of a burst phase and a coast phase in each cycle and mostly leads to a straight-line trajectory. Combining with the tracking experiment, the flow physics of koi carp’s burst-andcoast swimming is investigated using a novel integrated CFD method solving the body-fluid interaction problem. The dynamical equations of a deforming body are formulated. Following that, the loose-coupled equations of the body dynamics and the fluid dynamics are numerically solved with the integrated method. The two burst modes, MT (Multiple Tail-beat) and HT (Half Tail-beat), which have been reported by the experiments, are investigated by numerical simulations in this paper. The body kinematics is predicted and the flow physics is visualized, which are in good agreement with the corresponding experiments. Furthermore, the optimization on the energy cost and several critical control mechanisms in burst-and-coast swimming of koi carps are explored, by varying the parameters in its selfpropelled swimming. In this paper, energetics is measured by the two mechanical quantities, total output power CP and Froude efficiency Fr. Results and discussion show that from the standpoint of mechanical energy, burst-and-coast swimming does not actually save energy comparing with steady swimming at the same average speed, in that frequently changing of speed leads to decrease of efficiency.


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An approximate theory for steady irrotational flow through a cascade of thin cambered airfoils is developed. Isolated thin airfoils have only slight camber is most applications, and the well known methods that replace the source and vorticity distributions of the curved camber line by similar distributions on the straight chord line are adequate. In cascades, however, the camber is usually appreciable, and significant errors are introduced if the vorticity and source distributions on the camber line are approximated by the same distribution on the chord line.

The calculation of the flow field becomes very clumsy in practice if the vorticity and source distributions are not confined to a straight line. A new method is proposed and investigated; in this method, at each point on the camber line, the vorticity and sources are assumed to be distributed along a straight line tangent to the camber line at that point, and corrections are determined to account for the deviation of the actual camber line from the tangent line. Hence, the basic calculation for the cambered airfoils is reduced to the simpler calculation of the straight line airfoils, with the equivalent straight line airfoils changing from point to point.

The results of the approximate method are compared with numerical solutions for cambers as high as 25 per cent of the chord. The leaving angles of flow are predicted quite well, even at this high value of the camber. The present method also gives the functional relationship between the exit angle and the other parameters such as airfoil shape and cascade geometry.


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Mean velocity profiles were measured in the 5” x 60” wind channel of the turbulence laboratory at the GALCIT, by the use of a hot-wire anemometer. The repeatability of results was established, and the accuracy of the instrumentation estimated. Scatter of experimental results is a little, if any, beyond this limit, although some effects might be expected to arise from variations in atmospheric humidity, no account of this factor having been taken in the present work. Also, slight unsteadiness in flow conditions will be responsible for some scatter.

Irregularities of a hot-wire in close proximity to a solid boundary at low speeds were observed, as have already been found by others.

That Kármán’s logarithmic law holds reasonably well over the main part of a fully developed turbulent flow was checked, the equation u/ut = 6.0 + 6.25 log10 yut/v being obtained, and, as has been previously the case, the experimental points do not quite form one straight line in the region where viscosity effects are small. The values of the constants for this law for the best over-all agreement were determined and compared with those obtained by others.

The range of Reynolds numbers used (based on half-width of channel) was from 20,000 to 60,000.